The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 112 There is still a hurdle to go back home

Zhang Chen returned home. He saw the lights in the office were on. Looking through the open door, he saw Gu Shufang sitting there, seemingly reading a book.

Zhang Chen took a shower by himself, sat in the room and smoked a cigarette, then walked out of the room and saw Gu Shufang still sitting there.

Zhang Chen walked into the office and sat down at his desk. Gu Shufang didn't even look back. Zhang Chen saw that what she was reading was still the "Stories of the Sahara" and felt strange that it was so thin. Do you need to read a book for so long, or do you need to memorize it?

For those books on decoration, Gu Shufang used a pair of blue iron bookcases to stand between their two desks. Zhang Chen took out the "Decoration Engineering Construction Manual" from the bookshelf and opened it. Regarding the civil construction part, I took out my notebook from the drawer and started jotting it down.

Zhang Chen had never done civil engineering systematically before, so he had to start by learning the proportions of various concretes, the markings of rebar and wire rods, and the uses and differences of each marking.

Gu Shufang was sitting across from her. It was impossible for Zhang Chen not to pay attention to her. He discovered a problem, that is, Gu Shufang rarely turned the pages of the book. After turning a page, she stopped turning it for five, six or ten minutes. She Although her eyes were still on the book, Zhang Chen felt that she couldn't be reading.

For such a long time, those words are just numbers, and I can count them several times.

Zhang Chen felt that this book was more like a prop, covering up her meditation or reverie. Zhang Chen couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

"Sent out?"

A voice suddenly rang out. The office was too quiet. Zhang Chen was startled, and then he realized that it was Gu Shufang who was talking. Was she talking to herself?

Zhang Chen looked at Gu Shufang, who was still reading the book. Zhang Chen wondered if it was just his hallucination? He lowered his head and read again. Gu Shufang asked again:

"Sent out?"

"What?" Zhang Chen asked puzzledly.

"Didn't you go to send money today?" Gu Shufang didn't look up and just continued to ask. Only then did Zhang Chen understand that she also knew what happened today.

Zhang Chen said "hmm" and said he would send it out.

Gu Shufang sneered: "These people make so much money."

Zhang Chen almost laughed out loud, "It's so damn difficult for you to make money?" I hide in this house every day, existing like a ghost, while I work hard outside to make money for you.

Gu Shufang opened the drawer, took out a payment form, and pushed it over: "Fill it out."

Zhang Chen looked at her in confusion and did not go to get the payment form. Gu Shufang raised her head and said to Zhang Chen coldly: "The internal account needs to be used, and you don't want the project to end. I have a sum of money here." Are you confused?"

Zhang Chen thought to himself that there was some truth in this. He took the payment form and filled in his name, amount and date. The bottom column of the payment form was the purpose. Zhang Chen asked:

"Do I need to write down the purpose?"

Gu Shufang said sarcastically: "Can the dog-beating buns come back? Do you think the money will come back? If you don't write down the purpose, the money will always be on your head."

Zhang Chen nodded and cursed in his mind, damn, why can't you say nice things properly? In the purpose column, he wrote "Send to Mr. Qin, the First Construction of the City."

After filling out the payment form, Zhang Chen was about to give it to Gu Shufang when he thought of something. He asked: "Have you known about sending money for a long time?"

"The money is coming from me, do you think I won't know?"

Zhang Chen was a little annoyed. He thought, it turns out that you all have known for a long time. Just like those contracts, you only need me when you have to sign it. You don't want to tell me this until you give it away.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Do you think I should tell you? Or do you think that whether or not this money should be sent, and how much should be sent, should be obtained from you first?" Gu Shufang hit a nail in the coffin for Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen was at a loss for words, and Gu Shufang sneered: "Then you should talk to him, not me. You should tell him that you are the only one who has the right to make decisions in this company, and all the money coming in and out should be yours." A pen checks everything.”

Gu Shufang said as she closed the book, stood up, pushed the chair under the table, straightened it, turned around and walked out.

Zhang Chen looked at her back and felt that he could see her sneering all the time.

Zhang Chen was stunned. He felt that there was an unknown fire that he couldn't release, and he didn't know who to direct it at.

As the general manager, he really has to decide everything by himself. He feels that it is difficult to do anything. Apart from other things, it is really impossible to do the road closure today based on his own ability. Everything that Mr. Fu decides , there is nothing wrong with it, and it is indeed implemented by oneself.

Including Gu Shufang, although she looked down on herself from the bottom of her heart, all her actions never exceeded the boundaries. Isn't this what she asked her to do?

But why the fuck are all these things put together so uncomfortable?

Zhang Chen felt that this book could not be read any longer. Although he was very full, he decided to go to Liu Ligan and eat salted fish and eggplant stew and garlic water spinach. He grabbed Liu Ligan. After a while, Liu Ligan Li Zhan called back, and Zhang Chen asked him where he was?

"It's a small shop, where the hell could I be? The dog meat was half eaten in front of me, so the chief called two Dingdongs to come over and eat together. I used the restroom and escaped back," Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen laughed loudly. He said that I came over for a late-night snack and asked for eggplant stew and water spinach. Liu Ligan said, "Why, are you shocked?"

Zhang Chen asked curiously: "How do you know?"

"I'm not shocked. You just ate a meal worth several thousand yuan, and here you are eating shitty water spinach." Liu Ligan scolded, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Zhang Chen said it again, but it seems to be very complicated.

Liu Ligan said yes, then I won’t go home and will light up first.

Zhang Chen went downstairs and walked out of the alley. A "Pengpeng Car" happened to pass by. Zhang Chen quickly stopped him. He didn't bother to go to Wanghailou to pick up the motorcycle and directly asked the "Pengpeng Car" to take him to Binya Village.

Zhang Chen arrived at the food stall and saw Liu Ligan already eating alone. Liu Ligan said, "If you didn't call me, I would come here to eat, and I wasn't even full for dinner."

Zhang Chen laughed to death, knowing what kind of drama Liu Ligan was.

"Don't laugh, tell your story." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen told Liu Ligan exactly what happened today, including his phone call to Jin Lili. Liu Ligan said, "Pass Jin Lili, what she said is right. Just listen to her." Well, as for what this old witch did, I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing for you.

"Oh, why do you say that?" Zhang Chen asked.

"This old witch, it's better to carry it cleanly than to make a confused account. Do you think that when the project starts, how much money will be put in and out every day? If she can check it, won't it save you a lot of work? Although, she is subjective for herself. , being objective to others.”

"How to say?"

"She is not only guarding against you, she is also guarding against Fu. To her, the most terrifying thing is that you and Fu wear the same pants, keep her in the dark, shift things around, and finally transfer all her money. She is gone, so she must be awake at all times. She is not telling you anything now because she is testing you."

"Test me? Test what? What the hell do I have to test?" Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"To test whether you have told her the truth, you are right. She has been observing you to see if you are someone she can win over. To her, you are harmless and what she really wants to guard against. , still with the surname Fu.”

“People are a family.”

"Do you think they are still a family?" Liu Ligan looked at Zhang Chen and asked.

Zhang Chen feels that this question is difficult to answer. From Gu Shufang's attitude towards Mr. Fu, it can be described as "a stranger", but who knows the real situation? They didn't seem to speak much to each other, but if they had nothing to say, how could Mr. Fu ask Gu Shufang to prepare the 100,000 yuan and convince her that the 100,000 yuan must be given away?

One hundred thousand is not a small number. From Gu Shufang's point of view, she is definitely not willing to pay this amount.

“There is a natural gap between Hainanese and mainlanders.

"I can guarantee that their daughter must have been this old witch who insisted not to let her come to Hainan. I can also guarantee that when she heard that you were from Zhejiang and not just another Hainanese, she recognized it from the bottom of her heart. I can also guarantee that as long as you continue like this, act a little stupid in front of her, and make her let down her guard, you will be in the same trench."

"You promise, you promise, are you the fucking tapeworm in her stomach?" Zhang Chen cursed. He looked up at the shop and saw that the ghost who was singing and playing billiards was not here today.

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