Although she was wearing two pairs of pants, the terrazzo stairs below her buttocks were still bitingly cold. Huijuan wanted to stand up, but she felt that if she stood up, she might become unstable and roll down the stairs.

Huijuan herself had forgotten how long she had not had a good meal or a good sleep.

The time and frequency of her meals were not fixed every day, either twice or once a day. Huijuan would never think of eating until she was so hungry that she couldn't even hold a horse spoon. meal.

For several days in a row, she lived on instant noodles. She felt like vomiting after eating instant noodles, and then she remembered to turn on the stove and cook something for herself. The fire on the stove was burning brightly. She took the horse spoon and Standing there, he was at a loss. Only then did he realize that his restaurant had nothing but oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

The refrigerator was also empty. In order to save electricity, she had unplugged the refrigerator.

Huijuan turned off the stove and went back to eating instant noodles. However, when the boiling water was poured down and the rich and exciting taste of instant noodles rushed up, Huijuan suddenly felt like her stomach was churning and she was about to vomit again.

Huijuan could only go out, lock the door, go to the market, buy three handfuls of vegetables, six eggs and two tubes of noodles. When she returned to the store, she cooked herself a bowl of egg and vegetable noodles and looked at the food in the bowl. Noodles, Huijuan was in a daze again. She couldn't figure out why it was the same noodles. Instant noodles made her want to vomit, but these noodles gave her an appetite to eat them.

While eating the noodles, Huijuan thought, now that the weather is cold, the vegetables will not go bad for several days if left there, and the same goes for the eggs. She thought that she would not rely on instant noodles every day, but make these delicious noodles by herself. , Huijuan suddenly felt a plump feeling that she had not seen for a long time, and she even smiled.

As long as there is still food, this shop can continue to open and continue to wait every day for the results of their village discussions.

Every night, Huijuan went to bed, feeling very sleepy. She turned off the lights and lay there, but she couldn't fall asleep. It wasn't that she couldn't fall asleep because she was thinking about something over and over, but that her mind was empty and she couldn't sleep. She couldn't sleep without thinking. She felt that she didn't even have the ability to think. Her fate was in other people's hands. You can do whatever you want?

Huijuan felt like there was a piece of wood in her head. This piece of wood was stuffed there, making it impossible for her to think about anything. The piece of wood seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, supporting her, making it impossible for her to close her eyes. She wanted to She felt better after sitting up, and Huijuan sat up in the darkness.

But it was cold. In Hangzhou in early March, it was still bitingly cold at night. The cold wind knocked on the windows, and then like those gangsters, it sneaked in through the window cracks, making her shiver. I had to lie down and fell on the pillow, with only one head exposed outside the quilt, and then I felt better.

Huijuan stared at the ceiling above her head in the darkness. Slowly, she could see the ceiling out of the darkness.

In the dark, Huijuan listened to the sound of the landlord playing mahjong downstairs. Huijuan thought to herself, how happy these locals are. They hardly have to do anything every day. Anyway, there are people like Huijuan, everyone The rent will be paid to them every month.

They rent out storefronts, houses, and all places where people can live are rented anyway. They themselves don’t have to do anything. They live every day just to eat and play mahjong at night. Playing mahjong is the most important thing in their day. thing.

Huijuan thought to herself that these people who can play carefree every day are probably the happiest people in the world.

No, no, there are even happier things. They don't even have to worry about demolition. They don't have to worry about whether they can get this or that money. They will definitely not be short of anything. What they want is just more, Huijuan listens. I went to my landlord and the landlord next door. The two were settling accounts. As they were calculating, they started laughing. Why were they laughing? They were laughing at how rich they were.

But when the people from the village came to the door, they all looked fierce and said that they had taken too little. You all got enough to make yourself laugh, but you still think it is too little? What about me?

Huijuan felt that she couldn't think about herself. Whenever she thought about herself, the piece of wood in her brain began to grow and grow out of her brain. She felt that her brain would explode with a "bang" at any time.

Huijuan didn't think about herself. She was in the dark, staring blankly at the ceiling above her head, and her ears listened to the sound of the landlord playing mahjong downstairs. The sound became clearer and clearer, and Huijuan could clearly distinguish it. Although she still couldn't understand Hangcheng dialect, she felt that she could distinguish every word they said.

She even knew which people from next door were playing mahjong with the landlord. If the people changed one night, she would know immediately. It was like they were playing mahjong beside her bed. Huijuan could only listen. Watching them play mahjong without thinking about herself would make her feel better.

One night, it seemed that it was not too late, Huijuan was lying here, and she could still hear the sounds from the Sanbao lock, the whistle of the ship and the chug of the ship, and the loudspeaker on the lock. Call the ship number of a ship and direct them to pass through the lock and sail from the canal to the Qiantang River, or vice versa, from the Qiantang River to the canal.

Every night, the Sanbao lock begins to get lively at ten o'clock. Before ten o'clock, the boats park there quietly and queue up. At ten o'clock, the lock starts to become lively, with all kinds of things happening. The sounds would come one after another, becoming the background sounds of the landlord and his friends playing mahjong.

The sounds on the lock did not begin to fade until two or three o'clock in the morning, and the sounds of the landlord and the others playing mahjong became increasingly clear.

That night, the ship lock was still busy. The landlord and the others seemed to stand up suddenly. Huijuan heard the sound of several chairs moving together. They were about to finish. Huijuan almost shouted, don't finish, you won't I got beaten, what should I do?

Fortunately, they were just hungry and got up to eat midnight snack. After finishing the midnight snack, the sound of mahjong started again, and Huijuan let out a long sigh.

Every night, Huijuan was like this. Only by listening to the sound of the landlord and the others playing mahjong, would she fall asleep unconsciously, but she seemed to be woken up by the alarm clock again immediately. In fact, there was a gap of several hours, but Huijuan felt that Immediately, she was woken up just as she fell asleep.

Huijuan was lying there, really not wanting to get up, she really wanted to sleep a little longer, but no, she had to get up, she had to open a shop, although today was definitely the same as yesterday, the day before yesterday, the day before yesterday, the day before yesterday, the day before yesterday... there was still no business, that is Even if one or two customers come to the door, they will be scared away by the scene in the store.

But Huijuan still needs to open a shop. What if the village has discussed it today? What if the village comes to inform her to sign an agreement and get money today, but she is not here, what will happen?

Huijuan was sitting on the stairs. She was about to cry again. She looked at the notice in her hand. She was waiting for it every day, but what she was waiting for was not it at all.

Huijuan was at a loss. She didn't know what to do next. You had to wait for the notice to come, but you had no notice to wait for. Huijuan didn't know if she could get out of bed every morning.

Upstairs, the corridor behind him was quiet, but downstairs was very lively, with various sounds coming up from downstairs and reaching his ears.

Huijuan heard local voices shouting. These were village cadres and local villagers. Although they were also noisy, it could be heard that they were happy in their hearts.

There was also a hearty laugh and a strong Mandarin. She spoke as if she was giving a report. Huijuan knew that these were people from relevant departments. There would definitely be a car belonging to them parked at the gate outside. The voice quickly mixed with the local accent. It was the meeting of the two armies.

There is also a kind of Mandarin that is not very standard. Huijuan knows that this is the business households on the street or the owners of clothing processing factories in Sanbao Village. They work hard to make their Mandarin closer to the strong Mandarin. , but obviously lack of confidence. This lack of confidence makes the local dialect that drives them become very confident.

Go, go, go! Get out, get out! Stop being so nagging!

Huijuan even heard the voice of the shoe store owner on the street saying goodbye to the clerk. Like Huijuan, he also rented a house in the village. He came to sign an agreement. Huijuan didn't know that he signed such an agreement. Agreement, what else is there to be happy about? Goodbye, bye.

What should I do if I refund the rent plus 800 yuan and get a loan of 50,000 yuan?

Thinking of the loan of 50,000 yuan, Huijuan felt as if she had a little strength. No, no, if she couldn't get the money, her parents would not be able to repay the loan of 50,000 yuan. Will the credit union evict her parents from their home? Drive him out?

Huijuan thought that if that were the case, her parents would be forced to death.

No, no, Huijuan stood up. She felt that if that was the case, her parents would be forced to death by herself. If she died, she would die by herself. How could it be her parents?

Huijuan stood up. She wiped her eyes with her hands to wipe away her tears, but found that her tears seemed to have dried up long ago.

Huijuan walked downstairs. When she got downstairs, the scene downstairs was indeed different from upstairs. People were coming and going in the corridors and offices, and everyone walked in a hurry. , they all knew where they came from, where they were going and what they were going to do next. Only Huijuan stood at the top of the stairs, suddenly in a trance again, not knowing what she should do next.

She stood there, holding the notice in her hand. The place where her fingers were holding it seemed to be broken, and her hands were trembling.

Huijuan bit her lip tightly, trying hard to calm herself down and keep her hands from shaking.

She took a deep breath, looked at both sides of the corridor, and then decided to walk towards the director's office.

Huijuan walked to the door of the director's office. The director was answering the phone. He looked up at her, his face turned cold, then he brightened up again and said into the phone:

"Okay, Mr. Tan, I understand. At 6:30 in the evening, Tianxiang Tower's "Wushan Tianfeng", okay, Mr. Tan, see you there."

The director put down the phone and stood up. Huijuan thought the director would let her in. She was still standing at the door, waiting for the director to call her in. The director walked towards her with a cold face. When she was drinking before, She just liked the person who hugged her waist and touched her butt. He didn't seem to recognize her today. He walked away from her without looking at her.

Huijuan stood there, staring blankly at his back. She watched him go further and further, and from here to the stairs. At the stairs, she met a man who spoke Mandarin, shook hands with him, and let go. , each other also patted each other on the shoulders.

Then he continued walking towards the corridor over there, and Huijuan saw him reaching the end of the corridor and turning into the secretary's office.

Huijuan knew that was the secretary's office. She had been there before. When she stood at the door, the people inside would come over with a smile, hold her hand, and pull her in, instead of like today -

She stood at Accountant Ge's door. Accountant Ge didn't seem to recognize her.

She stood at the director's door. The director didn't seem to recognize her.

If she stood at the door of the secretary, Huijuan knew that the secretary would definitely not recognize her.

Although these people used to like to hold her waist and touch her butt when eating and drinking.

But they had already discussed it today, and they decided not to recognize her and ignore her.

Thank you for the rewards of “I don’t know anyone who asks,” “Doll Tin Soldier,” and “Reading Books Every Day!” Thank you Qianqian’s dad, pcm600812, and Zebei Cangsheng edison for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the reading and votes! I wish you all good health!

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