The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1181 Our People

After Xu Qiaoxin and the others came back from Guangzhou, Zhang Chen felt that both Xu Qiaoxin and the salesmen below had matured a lot.

It seems that the Canton Fair is like the Olympic Games for a foreign trade person. For an athlete, the important thing is to participate. Even if you don't achieve results, as long as you have stood in that arena and competed with people from all over the world. After competing and communicating face-to-face with other players, your horizons will be broadened and your mind will mature quickly.

It turns out that each of them faces the computer every day and always feels at a loss. They don’t know what they want to do today, what they can do, and how to start. But now, everyone has so many business cards in their hands, and one business card is One customer, each person has so many customers to contact.

When you open your mailbox and see one email after another, click on it, and compare it with the business card, the person's face will vaguely appear in your mind, and the voice talking to him or her will appear, and the screen in front of you will no longer be empty. You are no longer facing an unknown person, and you are no longer sitting there in a daze.

When you feel that the other party's email is not very clear, you can even look at the time and estimate that the other party has already gone to work. Pick up the phone on the table and look at the business card to dial. The other party will know who you are when they receive the call, and the same is true. You won't feel at a loss.

The basis for exchange and communication between the two parties is there.

Every day there are so many inquiries to be calculated, so many emails to be answered, and so many phone calls to be made. I feel like there is not enough time. Wherever I have time to be at a loss, I can just sit there if I have a little leisure time. Look at Xu Qiaoxin, look at other people, and listen to how they communicate with customers. I understand. It turns out that language must be organized in this way, and you can do it yourself.

Busy business and work will make a person mature quickly.

Holding a lot of customer business cards will make people more confident. The more confident they are, the more confident they will be in communicating with customers. They will no longer be so timid and will no longer treat each other as gods.

Instead, I have so many customers in your country. If I can't do it here, I will contact other people. I will no longer worry about the gains and losses of one customer, worrying about whether the connection between the two people will be inexplicably interrupted, and worrying about myself. Did what you just said offend the other party?

Zhang Chen looked at Xu Qiaoxin and found that she said "I don't know either" less and less often, and instead said "ok", "no", "can't", "Tell the other party that the price cannot be lower than this" , or simply say to her subordinates, "You dial the phone, I will communicate with him" more and more often. Zhang Chen feels very relieved and feels that she has truly matured.

The office building on the upper floor is still in progress. The four QCs here have also been recruited. Two of them are quality inspectors hired directly from the Sanbao factory. They have been given simple English training so that they can After they became familiar with the quality requirements of customer orders, they were able to take up their posts. One was sent to Shentu Hongyan, and the other was sent to Lao Tang.

Xu Qiaoxin, who was sent to Lao Tang, asked Lin Shuwan to watch from the side to see if the QC was up to standard, while those sent to Sanbao and Qiaosi factories were two newly recruited QCs.

The reason why Xu Qiaoxin sent the two newcomers to the factory was that she was very confident about Liangfen and "working class", the quality inspection supervisors of these two factories, so she put the new QC in the factory. There, the intention is to let them take the lead. Even if they fail to do something right, there will be no mistakes in the product.

The number of documents has also increased. The original dormitory used as an office is not enough. There are several dormitories. First, the new arrivals have to be arranged to move in. Second, Zhang Chen wants to keep them. He doesn’t know that Hagen and the others , when will they move here?

Zhang Chen moved a space in the fabric warehouse to temporarily serve as an office for QC. Anyway, it only lasted for more than a month, and their time in the company was not as much as in the factory.

Zhang Chen and Xu Qiaoxin said that after the second floor is renovated, the entire second floor will be used as the office of their foreign trade company.

Xu Qiaoxin nodded her head. This time she was not confused, but happy. She was already planning to recruit new salesmen, and was planning to divide the sales staff into different departments according to different businesses.

When Xu Qiaoxin was at the Canton Fair, she secretly visited the booths of major domestic foreign trade companies. She found that they were all in a large space, divided into different areas according to different products, and each area was not only There are salesmen from the company, people sent from the factory, and even the boss of the factory.

This not only enables accurate quotations to be given to customers on the spot, but most importantly, Xu Qiaoxin feels that the stall fees for these stalls are shared among the various factories. The foreign trade company does not have to pay a penny for the stall fees. Xu Qiaoxin feels that this This is really a good idea. I can do this in the future whether it is domestic or foreign exhibitions.

Although the two largest factories below are owned by themselves, it does not make much sense to do so, but their business is expanding. Who said they only make clothing and wedding dresses? The products their company makes will definitely become more and more popular. The more there are, the more and more factories there will be.

Xu Qiaoxin did not tell Zhang Chen this, but this was her own plan.

Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang discussed whether they could add an embroidery workshop to the new factory. Whether it was their cotton and linen clothing or wedding dresses, they required too many embroidery pieces. With the addition of Hangzhou style women's clothing, everyone has gone crazy in the past few years. I like to use embroidery. During the peak period of spring and summer, embroidery factories are overwhelmed, which often affects their work schedule.

The most important thing is that many of their embroidery patterns were stolen by others in the embroidery factory. Their clothes have not yet been put on the market. Those who stole their patterns were on the market first, and customers did not know it. In turn, they thought they were imitations. Edition, those who stole their patterns have become genuine, otherwise how could they be ahead of you?

How did they know that people who steal copies are now using all kinds of tricks and using their brains? There was a period of time in Zhang Chen's factory and they discovered that there was a so-called Hangzhou-style women's clothing brand. Their styles often differed from They went public at the same time and did exactly the same thing as them. Some of them were even earlier than them, but the ones that were late were only a day or two later.

Zhang Chen, Zhao Zhigang, and Ge Ling all felt incredible. You must know that they have no stall in the market now. If you want to steal their edition, you have to go to their specialty store. And in their specialty store in Hangzhou, any new style is intentionally The launch was delayed for about a week until the general agents from various places arrived. The purpose was to prevent piracy from impacting the market.

As a result, these styles, even before they were put on the shelves at their Yan'an Road store, had already appeared in the brand's stall at the Four Seasons Green Hangpai Women's Clothing City in Hangzhou, and had begun to be wholesaled.

Zhang Chen and others calculated that even if they bought it from their general agent out of town, the time would be impossible. It would take two days to get from Hangzhou to the nearest general agent in Zhengzhou, even if their goods arrived. It was taken to Zhengzhou, and it took two days to send it back from Zhengzhou. Then the imitation and production started, which took a week in total.

How did the other party do it and launch it almost at the same time as them?

Zhang Chen's first suspicion was that there was a problem when shipping in Hangzhou, but their goods were shipped by Wei Wenfang and Wu Zhaohui. After Wei Wenfang checked it, he told Zhang Chen that it was definitely not our place that had the problem. , Mr. Zhang, there should be a problem in your company.

Wei Wenfang's words reminded Zhang Chen that they conducted an internal investigation within the company and finally discovered that it was a pattern maker from the design center who copied their patterns directly in the design center and then stole them out, sometimes stealing the designs. The designer gave him the design draft for typesetting, took it out when he got off work, and brought it back the next day.

Zhang Chen's paper version is really lagging behind that brand. It is the first version there. Back to Zhang Chen and his company, it is already the second version. This is the reason why the other party is so fast.

Zhang Chen thought this guy was just doing this to make extra money, but later he found out that this guy's brother was the boss of that brand, and the reason why he applied for a job with Zhang Chen and the others was to steal copies.

The final solution to this matter was to fire this person.

Even the police station doesn't care about this matter. They think that it's just copying the appearance of clothing, and it doesn't take away even a piece of your actual paper. It can't be counted as theft. There are too many people and things that copy the appearance of Sijiqing's clothing. There are too many things. If it's considered theft, how can we handle it?

Even if he takes away your paper version, how much is it worth for a few pieces of paper? The value is too low to constitute a crime.

Moreover, they couldn't even deduct wages. The labor inspection told them that because there were no prohibitive clauses in their labor contracts, this could not be regarded as stealing company secrets.

Can’t the clothing styles of our clothing company be considered company secrets? Zhao Zhigang asked.

The other party said yes, as long as no prohibitive clauses or confidentiality clauses were signed, this would not count.

This made Zhang Chen and the others dumbfounded.

Zhang Chen said that he wanted to set up an embroidery workshop. Zhao Zhigang and Zhao Zhilong certainly agreed. This embroidery workshop is not like a printing factory. It requires a long printing platen that is 1.6 meters wide and dozens of meters long. It takes up a lot of space. The value generated is not high. Besides, their current two printing factories only accept work from one of them, so there is no problem that the patterns are easily stolen.

The computer embroidery workshop does not take up much space and has few workers, but the production efficiency is very high and the value generated is not small. Especially for embroidery of a large area like a wedding dress, it is more cost-effective to do it yourself.

In particular, sequin embroidery, tape embroidery, zigzag embroidery and roll embroidery required for wedding dresses are all made by hand by fixing various ropes, straps and objects to the embroidery pieces to embroider various patterns. , time-consuming and labor-intensive, and very inefficient. This is also a no-brainer, because there is not a single ring-stitching and rolling embroidery machine in the entire Hangzhou.

With this machine, Zhang Chen could even consider transplanting this process to their cotton and linen clothing, which would make their clothing look a whole new level.

Zhang Chen ordered a Japanese Tajima multi-head flat embroidery machine, a tapered multi-head embroidery machine and three single-head embroidery machines.

"Awesome, we are the most powerful embroidery factory in Hangzhou, no one can compare with us!"

After knowing that Zhang Chen had ordered these computer embroidery machines, Zhao Zhigang said proudly.

Thank you for the reward for the third fish from top to bottom and the two fish from top to bottom! Thank you 644048335 for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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