The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1225 Come on, let’s summarize

Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen Xiaozhao, four people were sitting in Zhang Chen's office. Zhang Chen remembered the topic in Sanya. There seemed to be few such exchanges between them. They all talked about things and what they encountered. Just talk about things. It's rare to talk about business management without focusing on a specific thing.

This sounds a bit metaphysical, but as soon as Zhang Chen said it, the other three people became interested.

Seeing that this year is coming to an end, in this country, from top to bottom, from the media to outside the media, everyone seems to be in a kind of excitement of summarizing and looking forward. Units and units need to sum up, individuals and individuals need to sum up, the country, the country, It seems to be also summarizing. Although the words "review" and "inventory" are used, the meaning is summary.

On a day when even the air is filled with the smell of summary, it seems particularly appropriate to talk like this.

What's more, outside the window, snowflakes began to float one by one. When these snowflakes fell to the ground, they dived into the ground. When they fell on the canal, they submerged into the water. Only when they were floating in the air did they become tangible. He looked very happy.

It was freezing outside, and the air conditioner in the office was blowing hot air. On days like this, everyone moved around less. Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen went to the office, but nothing happened. It was snowing in Hangzhou and raining in Shanghai. Snow, it's snowing in Ningbo, it's snowing in Nanjing...

It is snowing everywhere, and all construction sites are stopped. Once the construction sites are stopped, in a real estate company like theirs, everyone rushes to wherever they can to keep warm, and most things are reduced. Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen, even if they arrive at the office , also closed the door and sat down to chat. Why not just have a good chat here with Zhang Chen.

The conversation ended with several steaming casseroles and steaming rice wine with shredded ginger and eggs. They had even booked a private room at the "Huijuan Local Vegetable Restaurant".

The four of them held cups and sat down on the sofa. Zhang Chen brought up the topic, and Tan Shuzhen immediately picked it up.

She said, don't tell me, we are all in Hangzhou, and everyone is under her nose. Zhang Chen, I don't seem to feel anything about the problem you mentioned. Anyway, the soldiers will cover up the water and the earth, and if anything happens, we will deal with it. , I can’t make any trouble, I don’t feel how difficult this business management is, it’s just about handling things and doing things.

But when there are more branches and people are scattered, I feel a little overwhelmed and beyond my reach. Especially when people call here and there, and things like this happen everywhere, people go crazy. It feels like they are everywhere. There was a fire, and I only had a basin of water in my hand, and I didn’t know where to splash it.

"I didn't feel this way. Something happened to me. I got excited and ran over. You are right about the fire. When I flew like this in Xiamen and Wuhan today, I did feel like a fire captain, but I I still enjoy it a lot," Liu Ligan said.

"You are crazy." Tan Shuzhen scolded.

Xiao Zhao is right, Sister Shuzhen is right, I feel the same way. Compared with you, we are relatively simple. I mainly take care of the stores and branches in Shanghai and Beijing. As long as the time is long, although , you can also talk on the phone at any time, and chat online every day, but as long as it goes on for a long time, it feels like things are being explained on the phone and you can’t explain them clearly.

I must fly to, say, Beijing. In fact, there isn’t much going on when I fly. We just chat and eat together. But after flying there, I feel like everything is going well and I can feel at ease. This person It seems that face-to-face communication is still needed with people.

I haven't been to Shanghai and Beijing for a long time. Xiaomi and Xiaoli seem to be the same way. They always say they feel panicked. But when I go, they get better. Do you think it's strange?

"You are here to represent the organization, to make them feel that they are still part of the organization, that the organization is still there, that they are not fighting alone, and that if anything happens, they will have someone to rely on, so they will be emboldened." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

Xiao Zhao nodded and said, it seems a bit.

"Anyway, I feel that I didn't study enough." Tan Shuzhen said, "Fortunately, I took the self-study exam and passed it. Otherwise, let me tell you, with the little culture I learned in the theater class, really, I can't even read a newspaper, and I don't know what GDP is. We learned to read a few words in the theater troupe.

"Now, whether it's newspapers, television or the Internet, there are so many new words and so many new things coming out every day. If you don't read books, read newspapers and study, you can't keep up."

"Me too." Xiao Zhao nodded and said, "I never thought that one day I would be in charge of finance and have to read so many statements every day. If I didn't take the self-examination and study, I wouldn't even be able to understand the statements. Needless to say, I did it.”

"Anyway, if there is another opportunity to study, I will definitely learn it." Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan said, "By the way, I will make it clear to you now. I will definitely not care about you then."

Xiao Zhao looked at Zhang Chen and smiled and said, "Should I make it clear to you? I don't care about you. If there is such an opportunity, I will go with Sister Shuzhen."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Okay, you are all good and motivated young people. You can go ahead. You don't need to take care of the children now anyway. Just take care of yourselves."

Tan Shuzhen and Xiao Zhao were laughing.

Liu Ligan said: "Why do I feel that I don't need to study anymore? I have learned enough and can cope with it. Zhang Chen, do you feel like this?"

Zhang Chen shook his head and said, It seems not yet.

Tan Shuzhen scolded, "two people who don't know how to make progress."

Zhang Chen shouted: "Tan Shuzhen, what you said is wrong. I think this learning is not just in the classroom and in books. Learning is actually everywhere. The key is not the students, but the attitude of learning. I feel that I The reason why you don't fall behind is that you have a learning attitude and your knowledge is accumulated every day.

"For example, when I watch TV and it talks about the Strait of Hormuz, I will look for a map and find out the Strait of Hormuz. You don't know where it is, but I know it. I see it in the newspapers. Regarding the World Trade Organization, I will go online to find out the World Trade Organization and understand clearly what kind of organization it is, what it does, and why China must join the WTO.

"After finding this, I saw some negative list for WTO accession, and then I went to find out what the negative list was for WTO accession. That's it. I followed the clues little by little and figured out every new thing. I figured it out. I think that's it. My learning ability makes me improve every day.

“I have not gone to college, but I am very confident that even if a college professor is in front of me, he may not necessarily know more than me.

"It really doesn't matter who you are or what your academic qualifications are. If you don't have a good attitude towards learning, are not curious about the world, and are stuck in your ways, that's all nonsense. Even a university professor will soon be reduced to being almost an illiterate."

"Awesome!" Liu Ligan shouted, "However, I think Zhang Chen is right. You women pay too much attention to form. It is true. I feel that when I was sweeping buildings in Haicheng, I learned At that time, I felt that my whole body was open and I was learning in every aspect, and I absorbed it very quickly.

"Indeed, the attitude towards learning is more important than learning. Zhang Chen summed it up very well. He is worthy of being from Zhejiang University."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "No matter where you are, you from Zhejiang University are not bad either."

Tan Shuzhen and Xiao Zhao said: "Look at these two shameless people, they are flattering each other and are complacent. Zhang Chen, what you said makes sense, but I feel that learning like you said is piecemeal. , not professional enough, you have to learn professional skills, or you have to be honest and study according to the textbook."

"That's right." Xiao Zhao said, "As I said before, if I didn't learn it professionally, it would be difficult for me to understand the report, let alone do it."

"Yes." Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen said, "I'll get you a blank report. Just follow the method you said. Do you want to try it? How many days will it take you to complete the report?"

Zhang Chen said: "There are specialties in the art industry. If you ask Einstein to make a report, he can't do it. Just bring it and I will let Zhao Jingjing do it. I only need to be able to lead Zhao Jingjing."

Liu Ligan laughed and said, I have another question. I am very confused. Masters, can you give me some advice?

"What's the problem?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Now that the company is getting bigger and bigger, why do I feel poorer and poorer? I did the math that day and was shocked. Oh my God, I still owe Miss Cai and the others so much money. I even put the pen in the pen holder on my desk. Even if I find all the coins and collect them together, it's not enough to return them to her, why am I so poor?" Liu Ligan shouted.

"Idiot, you only count money, not assets. We have so much land and houses, why don't you count them?" Tan Shuzhen scolded.

"I do the math, but I still feel poor. There seems to be no end to the land purchase. Once I buy one piece, I have to buy more. The little money I have is all in the ground. Are we burying the money in the ground? But if you don’t do this, it seems that you won’t be able to do it, and you will be eliminated.

"I feel like it's not as good as when I was working on 'Splendid Home'. At that time, I felt that the money was really easy to make, and I was really rich. Every day I felt like I couldn't spend all the money. How could I be like now?" , why do I feel like I never have enough money to spend?" Liu Ligan said.

"Me too." Xiao Zhao said, "I also feel that we in Sijiqing were the richest when we first started doing wholesale. At that time, I liked to go to the ATM machine of the bank outside the door to swipe my card.

"Boom, boom, this customer has called in 10,000 yuan. Boom, there are 5,000 more dollars on the card. The money seems to be falling from the sky. It feels like the money is getting more and more every day. Now look at the money on the account. , there were so many at the beginning of the year, and at the end of the year, there were still so many. Why hasn’t it increased after one year of doing this?”

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen both laughed. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said, "Of course. At that time, all your belongings were in the car. Not only was the business license and tax registration certificate in the car, but also..."

Zhang Chen almost blurted out, even Wenwen and Qianqian were in the car. When the words came to his lips, he quickly changed his words:

"Almost everyone in your company is on the bus, so what expenses do you have? The money in your wallet is enough to pay the salaries of all the company's staff. What about you now, how much do you need to pay in a month? Anyway, I pay it a month , the salary alone is more than 5 million, Xiao Zhao, when you were at Sijiqing, did you ever think that we could earn 5 million a year, let alone the monthly salary."

"Oh, I know, but it's still different. At that time, our clothes were still made in Zhao Zhigang's tailor shop. With such high wages, we still earned forty or fifty for one piece. Moreover, it was over after we sold it. The money was my own.

"Now, the money doesn't seem to be my own. I can earn twenty or thirty yuan from a piece of clothing. Then, when I return the return, it's gone and it becomes more than ten yuan. I feel that the money is just for temporary safekeeping, including Taji. Special, although they did not return the goods, I have calculated that the net profit from one piece of clothing is only about seven yuan. Now that they have to adjust the price, it is estimated that there will only be four or five yuan left.

"You do the math. At that time, we were making one piece, but now we have to make ten. So, there will be more workers. What we earned with a hundred workers at the beginning, now we need a thousand workers."

As Xiao Zhao said, Zhang Chen felt that her algorithm seemed to be correct. Over the years, he had only grown in scale and had not generated more profits. The factory had done a good job, but the profit created by a single piece of clothing was It's also getting lower and lower.

"Listening to what you are saying, should we go back?" Tan Shuzhen asked, "We will never go out to acquire land again, and you will also go back to the stage of twenty or thirty workers?"

"We can't go back." Zhang Chen said, "That era has passed. At that time, twenty or thirty workers could really make money. Now, with twenty or thirty workers, you can't even find a factory. Near Hangzhou, Farmers are no longer allowed to run workshops in rental houses. If you rent a large factory, you can't even afford the rent.

"Just like you, the earliest ones dared to do real estate with 100,000 yuan. Now, even if they give 10 million yuan, you can't even hope to get a piece of land in Hangzhou." Zhang Chen said, "Think about it this way , we are lucky, we have experienced that era, and we have also made money. If we start again now, are you sure that the pole can be so big?"

Thank you for reading the book every day, and for the reward of two fishes at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you to Bu’s Thread, [Potato], and Book Friends 20200908225529788 for your monthly votes! Thank you for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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