The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1246 One or two things

There were no seats in the restaurant. Cao Minfang and the three of them ate in Fatty Fu's office, while Fatty Fu was busy in the kitchen.

Xiao Ding seemed to be accustomed to this, and he didn't need to order anything. Fatty Fu knew what dishes to serve when he saw Xiao Ding coming, and he didn't need to order anything.

Cao Minfang introduced Huijuan to Xiao Ding. Xiao Ding said, she is indeed a beauty. All of Mr. Zhang’s men are beauties. Look at the last time the hotel opened, there were so many beauties.

Cao Minfang smiled and said, "You can't pull it out when you see it in your eyes, right?"

"Don't dare, don't dare have any wrong thoughts." Xiao Ding said.

"Are you afraid that Brother Tan will kick you?" Cao Minfang asked.

"Big brother doesn't care about the love between a man and a woman. It's because I know myself. No beautiful woman would like me, a black coal that can't be found in the coals." Xiao Ding said, Cao Minfang and Huijuan are older. laugh.

Cao Minfang looked at him and said, "Actually, among Hainanese, you are already considered white."

"Those who have been working in offices for the past few years have been bleached." Xiao Ding said, "Tell me, beauty, what are your orders?"

Cao Minfang told Xiao Ding that she wanted to attend more meetings to increase the room occupancy rate. Xiao Ding thought for a while and said:

"This is a very good idea. Tourists in Sanya are very seasonal. On days like this, not many travel agencies will come to Sanya. The hotel cannot just pick up tourists. It really needs other sources of customers. "

"What's the use of having a good idea? Where can I find so many meetings?" Cao Minfang sighed and said.

"In this way, starting from tomorrow, I will take you to the city government and run to each department one by one." Xiao Ding said.

"They have a meeting?" Cao Minfang asked.

Xiao Ding shook his head and said no, they had stupid meetings, and now all the money has been spent on environmental improvement. Every unit is just like our town, so poor that they can't afford to hold meetings, they just have to Just open it in your own shabby conference room.

"Then what are we going to do?" Cao Minfang asked.

"Although the unit is poor, it represents a system. From this line, you can go to the province, to Beijing, and every year there are always some national conferences and trainings for the entire system to be held. Let them help connect and pull this over.”

Cao Minfang understood and asked, "Will they be willing to help?"

"Of course I will."

Xiao Ding said: "They don't have to pay for this kind of meeting and training. The higher-ups will pay for it. They just send a few people to help with the meeting. And the biggest advantage of this kind of meeting is that this system has a nationwide The biggest ones usually fly over during the opening.

"For these unscrupulous directors here in Sanya, they don't have to pay for it themselves, and they can still meet the leaders and take the opportunity to flatter them. Why not?"

Cao Minfang laughed and said, this is true.

"Bring the information about your hotel and come with me. For this kind of thing, you can usually ask their office director. He will be in contact with the general office of the Seven and Eight Departments in Beijing. This kind of thing is usually handled by their office. The office is in charge."

Cao Minfang said quickly: "Okay, okay."

"Don't tell me, our Sanya is so good. It's really the best for meetings and studies. Even the Asia Forum is held in our Hainan. Are you right? Our Sanya is even better. You can avoid the cold in the winter and the heat in the summer." .”

As Xiao Ding spoke, Huijuan almost laughed. She said, "Sanya is so hot, how can we escape the heat?"

"Of course it can. No matter how hot it is in Sanya, it will reach 30 degrees in June. If you are not under the sun, it will be cold when the wind blows. My comrades who have transferred to other jobs, those in Zhejiang and Jiangsu, they It’s scary to say that in summer the temperature will reach thirty-eight or nine degrees, or even forty degrees, dear, isn’t that a high fever?”

Xiao Ding said, Huijuan thinks about it, this is really the case. In the summer in Hangzhou, it is so hot that people have nowhere to hide. Even if they are in the shade and do nothing, the sweat will continue to leak out. .

When the food arrived, Cao Minfang drank deer turtle wine with Xiao Ding. Xiao Ding wanted to pour it for Huijuan and told her that this was a good thing, nourishing yin and strengthening yang. Huijuan quickly waved her hand and said, I'm going to the kitchen, brother Ding. You drink slowly.

Cao Minfang said, "I'm here to study, and I want to drink with you?" This is the time when there is the most to learn.

She turned to Huijuan and said, "You should have some food first before going. Once you enter the kitchen, you don't know when you can stop."

Huijuan said yes, hurriedly ate a bowl of rice and went to the kitchen.

Xiao Ding said regretfully: "Oh, a beautiful woman left, and the taste of this dish was suddenly reduced by half."

Huijuan smiled at him and walked out. Cao Minfang cursed: "I'm going to die, if Fatty Fu hears this, he will chop you up."

Xiao Ding laughed.

Starting from the next day, Xiaoding took Cao Minfang to visit departments one by one. Cao Minfang invited the office directors to visit the hotel one by one and invited them to dinner. They also gave them face. When talking about this hotel, everyone knew it and said It was the hotel where so-and-so came to cut the ribbon, and it really helped Cao Minfang contact the counterpart unit in Beijing.

When I was on the phone, I also emphasized to the other party that this hotel was good and newly opened. When it opened, so-and-so came to cut the ribbon.

Just after the New Year, when various departments were arranging their work for this year, there were invitations from subordinate departments and hotels in Sanya. These departments were really interested. Immediately, several departments said that they would definitely consider it. Among them The State Administration of Taxation immediately decided to give them the rotational training of county-level tax chiefs from April to May.

There are more than 2,000 counties in the country plus county-level municipal districts. This makes Cao Minfang very happy.

There is also the State Oceanic Administration, which has decided to hold next month’s national meeting of directors in Sanya. Although the number of people is not large, it is a beginning.

Cao Minfang feels that she is on the right track by focusing her hotel work on conferences and training receptions.

Cao Minfang took Huijuan to see the nursery and told her her concerns. She said that our nursery is now the largest in Sanya and the business is not bad, but it is difficult to say whether we can maintain this business in the future. No matter Whether it is the municipal government or relevant units, when buying flowers and trees, they only buy them once or twice a year or even every few years. How can they buy them every day or every month?

Huijuan nodded.

The two people walked around the nursery, and when they came out, Huijuan said, Sister Cao, I have an idea for your reference.

"you say."

"Do you know where the tableware, bowls, chopsticks and cups come from in a small restaurant like ours?" Huijuan asked.

"Why did you come here? Didn't you buy it?"

"No, they are rented. There is a company that rents them out. They package them in sets and rent them to us. We decide how many sets we need every day. After using them, we don't need to clean them. We just put them in the basket. When they bring packed tableware every day, they take away the dirty ones. Each restaurant pays them monthly rent based on the quantity used.

"Of course, if it breaks, we need to compensate according to the price. This is very cost-effective for us. We almost spent half a month's salary of a waiter to pay the rent, but I saved some money. You don’t have to spend money to buy tableware, they rely on this to collect rent every month, and there will be no shortage of tableware anyway.”

Huijuan said, looking at Cao Minfang, Cao Minfang seemed to understand a little, she asked: "You mean..."

Huijuan nodded, pointed to the nursery behind her, and said to Cao Minfang:

"Yes, that's my idea. Can the flowers and trees here be rented out? Look, there must be thousands of pots of flowers and trees here. It would be a pity to leave them here. If you can rent them out, the money will be less, but If you rent a lot of units, the total amount will be quite large.

"Besides, if you rent them out, there will be no loss for you. The flowers and trees are still there, but they are not placed here, but somewhere else. If someone really wants to buy them, you can take them back. Just change a batch and it will be fine, and it won’t affect your sales.”

Cao Minfang became excited when she was told that she was right. Moreover, if this is the case, does it mean that the entire Sanya is our nursery, and my scale has suddenly expanded a lot?

"Yes, you can send people to each tenant regularly to maintain it so that it doesn't die. It's also very cost-effective for the tenant. After a while, you can replace it with a new batch. He will continue to see new batches. You don’t have to take care of the flowers and trees yourself,” Huijuan said.

Cao Minfang also thought of a problem. If this is the case, it will be a long-term flow. For companies engaged in this business, the threshold will be raised. You must have a certain level of strength and have enough flowers and trees from the beginning. Otherwise, you will It cannot meet the needs of tenants.

In this way, those small companies will feel that the investment is too much and will not dare to come in. But as Huijuan said, she already has such strength.

"Great!" Cao Minfang patted Huijuan and shouted.

"Do you want to call and ask Brother Ding?"

Huijuan joked that after meeting her once, she was sensitively aware that the relationship between Xiao Ding and Cao Minfang was actually unusual. Cao Minfang seemed to be accustomed to listening to Xiao Ding's opinion whenever something happened.

Cao Minfang blushed slightly and looked at Huijuan. Huijuan shook her head and smiled maliciously. Cao Minfang couldn't help but punch her, and both of them laughed.

Cao Minfang said: "No matter what, this matter is too big, I really have to call and ask."

Cao Minfang called Xiao Ding and told him Huijuan's idea. Xiao Ding said, this is a good idea. Cao Minfang, please start it right away. The demand will be great.

"Really?" Cao Minfang asked.

"Of course, in this case, our town will all be your customers." Xiao Ding said, "Think about it, if we want to buy a batch of flowers and trees, we need to make a special report and apply for a special fund from the finance. If it is The rent costs a few hundred yuan a month. The leader of any unit only needs to sign and spend it from office expenses.

"Governments, enterprises, institutions, hospitals, schools, airports, stations, military units, shopping malls, including hotels, are all your potential customers. There are rentals, but everyone is too lazy to grow them themselves and buy them. Do you think this business is big? big?"

"Big!" On the other end of the phone, Cao Minfang nodded excitedly.

As soon as he said it, Cao Minfang mobilized all the people in the hotel's public relations department and divided the whole of Sanya into several slices, letting everyone talk about it one by one.

This business was indeed very popular. By the time Huijuan finished her studies in Sanya and was about to return to Hangzhou, Cao Minfang and the others were already doing a prosperous business in renting out flowers and trees.

Thank you for the reward for being third from top to bottom, and having two fishes one above the other at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you Guo Lichen for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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