The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1255 Opening and closing eyes

After Lao Ding and his investigation team returned to Beijing, Li Yong thought about it. He really didn't understand the situation of Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan's company. This lack of understanding was actually a deliberate avoidance on his part, and he seemed to be protecting himself subconsciously. I feel that as long as I don't know anything, their affairs have nothing to do with me. How is that possible?

Just like Zhang Chen said that day, if something happened to him, he couldn't care less. In fact, he had already been taking care of it. Ever since he learned that he was transferred to Beijing, wasn't the way he called him to show that he was taking care of it?

One day, if something happens to them, can Li Yong really turn a blind eye? Is it okay to just ignore it? Looking at it now, it is obviously impossible.

People don't live in a vacuum. You can't abstract yourself from real life and become just a job title tag on the office door: "Deputy Mayor", or something on the conference table during a meeting. That famous brand: "Leadership", you can't live behind just these two famous brands.

Li Yong thought that after arriving in Hangzhou, he seemed to want to shrink himself behind these two famous brands and protect himself wisely. He went to and from get off work every day and made countless calls, but he never made any calls to Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan. .

They seemed to know something. Although they failed to break off diplomatic relations last time, they also felt that the relationship between them and themselves was no longer the upstairs-downstairs relationship they had when they were in Haicheng, nor was it the relationship they had when they were in Guizhou. , when they arrive, you can rely on them and let them provide money.

There was already an invisible gap between them, and because of this, they never called themselves.

The friends who originally talked about everything and wished they could hang out with each other every day were closer in space, but the actual distance was already far away. Li Yong lived a very lonely life in this city, with no family or friends. When he had nothing to do at night, he would rather ride his bicycle and wander around the street alone than go to Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan's place.

Although he knew that it was easy to find them, just a phone call away, but since the night of the Lantern Festival, after he, Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan, and many others had dinner together, they had never been together again. , and never made a call.

In fact, the relationship between them has become less equal. There is no friendship between the mayor and the citizens. They are all lies. Otherwise, there would be no need for armed police on duty at the gate of the city hall. There is no need to move the petition office, which has the most contact with citizens, to the outside of the compound and completely isolate it from the compound.

Without exception, almost all government agencies at all levels in the country have agreed that the doors of the petition office should be opened outside the courtyard gate. This is the most practical relationship.

Zhang Chen and Liu Lizhan are both sensible people. They know that if they call Li Yong again, they will be disturbing. From Li Yong's side, isn't he shrinking back and protecting himself wisely? It wasn't until Lao Ding came this time that Li Yong realized that he actually couldn't shrink down. The love of brotherhood cannot be blocked by those two famous brands.

Lao Ding's words also reminded Li Yong. Lao Ding said that he cleared mines for himself to avoid being taken into the pit. Li Yong thought, why can Lao Ding do this but he can't? Why can't he? Clear minefields for yourself and get to know more about Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan. If they weren't mines, would you still be afraid that they would explode on you?

Even if you do this, you still protect yourself wisely, but objectively you also protect them. They don't often walk by the river, so how can their shoes not get wet? Instead, they swim in the water all year round, and they have already been wet. As a friend, do you have the responsibility to remind them to be careful not to drown?

Li Yong is not worried about Zhang Chen. What Zhang Chen does is relatively simple. Whether it is a factory, a foreign trade company, a sporting goods market, or a lakeside oil painting gallery, there is not so much between him and power. The intersection and blending.

Nowadays, if a businessman drowns, if it is not a problem of funds, in nine cases out of ten, it is because he has not properly dealt with the issue of blending the interests of people like himself in the public sector.

Li Yong is not too worried about Zhang Chen. First, Zhang Chen himself does not like to deal with the outside world. He likes to live in his own world. It seems that only in his own world is his comfortable living area.

Secondly, what he does is not the kind of thing that can only survive and grow by being parasitic and attached to power. His relationship with relevant departments is, at most, sending cigarettes and alcohol during holidays, so Courtesy intercourse.

This kind of relationship can be explained clearly and there is nothing dangerous about it.

And when he reaches his current scale, the minions in the yamen no longer dare to provoke him, and the heads of each department will maintain a respectful attitude towards him. After all, he is doing well there, and he is giving himself a premium. It's a matter of fact, and he really doesn't need to rely on himself. His company and business really can't be helped even if you want to.

Can you send a document to the whole world and order them to place orders for Half Acre Field, or can you call on all consumers to buy Half Acre Field clothing?

What Li Yong is more worried about is Liu Ligan. Although land has basically been auctioned, auctioned and listed in various places now, and the land itself has become less tricky, there are still huge interests attached to the land. Li Yong can do it himself. After this, even if this area is not in his charge, he will understand it at a glance.

For example, although all land is subject to bidding, auction, and listing, what everyone pays in the early stage is only a deposit. The subsequent payment of the land transfer fee is flexible. There is no clear regulation on how long you must pay after the auction. Even if there is such a provision to pay the entire land payment, various reasons can still be created for late payment or payment in batches.

Even if there is no reason to create, the relevant departments can still choose to open or close the eyes, and the time to close the eyes can also be decided artificially. The difference between opening the eyes and closing the eyes is huge. The benefits are even greater.

For a real estate company, if you only have 200 million in capital, and based on the current land price, you can only buy a piece of land. If there is prior reconciliation, the relevant people will choose to close their eyes by default, and you can boldly These 200 million were divided into ten parts and turned into deposits for ten pieces of land to acquire ten pieces of land.

As for the subsequent land transfer money, as long as you have land in hand, you have various possibilities for realizing it. If you have a bank relationship, you can directly mortgage the land to the bank. You only need to raise the transfer fee for a piece of land and mortgage it piece by piece. Turning over sesame seeds again.

According to the current real estate situation, you can still transfer three or four pieces of land at a premium without giving you the land certificate. At this time, it becomes an advantage. You don't even need short-term funds for a U-turn, and you can directly change the registration. The money from selling the land was used to directly pay the land transfer fee owed.

Or simply, you can directly start the pre-sale of the property, collect the money and then pay the land transfer fee. All this depends on the relevant personnel of the relevant departments, whether they close their eyes slightly, narrow them to a crack, or close them completely. Eyes, sleeping soundly, opening and closing your eyes is delivering benefits several times or dozens of times.

When we get to the planning department, the floor area ratio, if the big one is too obvious, what about the small one? What about the number after the decimal point? The floor area ratio is 3.1 and 3.2. The difference is not big, right? It’s not eye-catching, and it’s not easy to be held accountable, right? But the 0.1 gap, converted into the amount of real estate, is a huge number, and it all happens in the blink of an eye.

When you arrive at the construction department, you can close your eyes and ask you to enter the site immediately to start construction, or you can open your eyes and ask you to complete all the procedures before entering the site. The same is true for completion acceptance. You can go for acceptance immediately, or you can delay going. Acceptance, if you can't arrange the time, you can be delayed for a month. Haven't you seen so many projects that need to be accepted?

The criteria for acceptance are the same. If you close your eyes, you will pass. If you open your eyes, you will not be able to pass.

It can be said that the entire real estate industry is dependent and parasitic on the power of various relevant departments. These relevant departments can make your life easy or make you miserable. No matter how big the project or investment is, no matter how big the project is, no matter how big the investment is, If you are stuck at the level of firefighting, even with a rectification notice, you still have to stop.

Be good, don’t have too many things that can hold you back.

Li Yong understands the ropes, so he is still worried about Liu Ligan. It is not an easy industry to get mixed up in. If your boss wants to keep himself clean, just like that mountaineering and gliding boss who likes to show off, he is said to have never If you don't pay bribes, huh, that's leaving the dirty work to the people below.

Li Yong felt that Liu Ligan was more reliable than this pretentious boss, and what worried him most was that Liu Ligan was the kind of guy who would rather do the dirty work himself than let his subordinates take the blame.

Although Lao Ding and Li Yong said that there was no problem with Liu Ligan's company, it was only in the items they investigated. How could he know if there were others? Li Yong decided that he still had to go closer and implement it. Man-to-man defense is the way to make friends.

Li Yong picked up the phone on his desk and called Zhang Chen. Li Yong said, "Zhang Chen, will you eat your food tonight this weekend?"

"Okay, what do you want to eat?" Zhang Chen said.

When it came to eating, Li Yong hesitated again, feeling that it would be bad if he was always hanging out in the hotel. Li Yong thought for a while and said:

"It's more convenient. Just ask the canteen to deliver some dishes to your office. By the way, will the canteen in your dynamic zone cook dinner?"

"Let's do it. This market of mine is open until 9:30 in the evening." Zhang Chen said, "In this case, I will ask the pole to get off work and bring back some seafood. Let's make a side stove."

"Okay." Li Yong said.

Zhang Chen seemed to know what Li Yong was worried about, and said one more thing to him: "There is no one else, just me and the pole, and Xiao Zhao and Tan Shuzhen."

"Okay." Li Yong said quickly, feeling that his thoughts seemed to have been peeked by Zhang Chen, and his face felt a little feverish.

Thank you Lao Chentang and RiRi Fanshu for the reward! Thank you to Xifeng, Qianqian Dad, Girl Killer VIP, Lao Chentang, No Future, Just Remember the Original Intention for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you a nice weekend!

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