The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1268 You can eat, drink, and sing (Thank you, the evergreen Emperor Yan!)

After the opening of the Tuxiangyuan Hotel, business was indeed very good. As Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said, there was no decent hotel in such a large Xiasha Development Zone. Everyone who had guests had to take them to the city to eat. It takes an hour and a half just to go back.

The opening of Tuxiangyuan Hotel has been greatly welcomed by the enterprises in the park. In addition, the location of their hotel is at the entrance of the development zone. The hotel is still being renovated, so many enterprises have moved in to take a look or come. If you sign an agreement with Huijuan, you can not only enjoy discounts with the agreed unit, but most importantly, you can sign the order. This is a very honorable thing in front of customers.

Whether they are Taiwanese-funded, Japanese-funded, Korean-funded, or American-funded companies, after staying in the development zone for a long time, everyone will do as the locals do, and they have become a kind of enterprise. The style of all enterprises is getting closer and closer to domestic enterprises, especially It is a welcome and drop-off. Even American-funded companies will not say that they will send the guests away with a few burgers and a cup of coffee. They will still have a feast and eat and drink.

It can be said that Tuxiangyuan Hotel opened with everyone's eager anticipation, and it was out of control as soon as it started.

Huijuan soon discovered that there are two different groups of guests who come to eat, lunch and dinner. Lunch is mainly served by each unit, and more customers are invited. Take guests from the airport or urban area to Xiasha. There is a hotel like this , they don’t have to go to the city for lunch and rush back to Xiasha after lunch, they all choose to eat here.

Few companies would treat them to dinner. Since the guests all live in the urban area, it is a treat in the evening. They usually go to the city to treat them. But during dinner, another group of guests appeared, that is, among colleagues. They often treat each other to dinner.

The majority of companies in Xiasha Development Zone are Taiwanese and Japanese-funded companies. The Taiwanese cadres and managers in these companies are all high-income people. After get off work at night, there is no other place to go. Those small hotels on No. 1 Road, they I thought the conditions were too simple, so I went to their place, treated each other to dinner, and sang karaoke.

There are also some single live-in teachers in the university town. They can always find various excuses to treat anyone to them. In those small restaurants on No. 1 Road, a group of teachers are eating. , from time to time one of his students would sit next to him and come over to say hello, which was somewhat embarrassing.

Especially for some young male teachers, when they have a party, there are always two or three female students in the middle, which makes it even more inconvenient to eat there. This is just right, and with the teachers in colleges and universities nowadays, there are many ways to make money in their spare time. Now, the treat becomes more frequent.

The appearance of these people just made up for the gap in official banquets during dinner. During lunch, few people used the karaoke in the private rooms. Everyone was talking about business seriously. At dinner, almost every private room was occupied. The singing is loud and clear.

According to the characteristics of hotel guests, Huijuan extended the time to get off work in the evening, leaving enough chefs and private room service staff on duty in the kitchen. Later, naturally, two meals became three meals, and many guests sang and sang. Then, we sang until midnight, and we needed to order food again.

There are many more, but they didn’t come until ten or eleven o’clock, just for the late night snack here.

Late night snacks have finally become an official business period for them.

This made their turnover better than they originally expected, but the deployment of personnel also became difficult, and the chefs and waiters had to work overtime in batches.

Fortunately, everyone's income has also increased, and there are not many complaints.

Huijuan calculated that it would be more cost-effective to pay employees more overtime wages and bonuses than to recruit new employees, so she had no plans to increase the number of employees.

Compared with employees, Huijuan herself suffers the most. Employees can work overtime in batches, but she must be present every day. Hotel management is basically on-site management, and she cannot escape from it for a moment. She almost starts from morning every day. At ten o'clock, I work until about twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, sometimes even until one or two o'clock.

I felt sleepy in the middle, so the most I could do was go back to the office and take a nap. I didn't even dare to lie down on the sofa. I was afraid that someone would push the door open and see something indecent, so I could only sit there and squint my eyes.

But Huijuan felt happy when she saw the business was booming and the customers kept coming every day. She felt that her efforts were worth it, so she didn't feel bitter.

Zhang Chen didn't know about this situation at first. He thought that this hotel would be like other hotels, only serving lunch and dinner, and finishing at eight or nine o'clock in the evening.

Until one day, the factory was rushing goods, and Zhang Chen stayed in the factory office until about 11 o'clock in the evening. Zhao Zhigang repeatedly assured Zhang Chen that the goods would definitely be loaded and shipped before three o'clock, and the ship would not be delayed. Later, Zhang Chen took Xu Qiaoxin back to the company.

Zhang Chen was escorted by Xu Qiaoxin today. In the afternoon, Xu Qiaoxin came to his office and told him that although the quantity of this batch of goods was not large, the customer was a very important customer and should have great potential. He was from Germany. The company itself is very big. Every week, it ships more than ten containers of goods purchased from China.

This batch of goods has just started making wedding dresses, and it is a trial order. It will ship at noon tomorrow, but it needs to be consolidated at the dock, so it must be sent out tonight.

Mr. Zhang, that damn Zhao Zhigang, why am I always worried about him? He told me three days ago that there is no problem, no problem, but it has not been completed yet.

Zhang Chen looked at Xu Qiaoxin and knew what she wanted to do. Zhang Chen said, do you want me to help you go to the factory and keep an eye on her?

Xu Qiaoxin laughed and said, Mr. Zhang, I know you are the best. I am not asking you to help me, but to be my backer. If your boss is gone, that Zhao Zhigang will be honest.

Zhang Chen stood up and said, okay, let's go.

Here it comes.

When he arrived at the factory, Zhang Chen discovered that the batch of goods was still in the parking space, and there were only a dozen workers working on it. According to this progress, it would not be completed tomorrow night, let alone tonight. Only then did Zhang Chen realize the seriousness of the matter. He scolded Zhao Zhigang and asked him to immediately adjust personnel to rush the goods.

Zhao Zhigang was scolded and felt unconvinced. He said that in their foreign trade company, every order was said to be very important and could not be postponed. The goods in my store here also had to be rushed. Besides, this was not a big order, but it was delayed for a few days. Shipping within 1 day, what’s so great about it.

Zhang Chen scolded: "When it comes to you, an order is an order. Even one piece is an order. It must be delivered on time. It doesn't matter whether the customer is important or not. It's not you who has the final say. Qiaoxin and his foreign trade company know best. How do you know?" Can’t small customers become big customers in the future? We ourselves still changed from a small factory.”

Xu Qiaoxin stood on the edge, giving Zhang Chen a thumbs up and shaking his head proudly at Zhao Zhigang. Zhao Zhigang said, "Okay, okay, I will kill it today."

When she went out, she glared at Xu Qiaoxin. Xu Qiaoxin laughed. She said to Zhang Chen, Boss, did you see that if you don't come today, you will be dead? I'm right.

Zhang Chen couldn't laugh or cry.

In the workshop, they saw more than a hundred workers coming to the parking space to rush this batch of goods. They followed them to the parking space to finish the work and went to the back road. Zhang Chen calculated the time by himself and found that there should be no problem. He also received Zhao Zhigang's assurance that, The two people just left the factory.

Zhang Chen drove his car and just passed the original "Huijuan Local Food Restaurant" when he saw the Tuxiangyuan Hotel in front of him, which was brightly lit. Not only did the neon lights on the roof of the building shine brightly, but the lobby of the hotel was also bright. Every door The lights in the box windows were all on, and through the glass, you could still see the figures moving inside.

"I'll go, what happened to Tuxiangyuan today? There are still guests?" Zhang Chen said doubtfully.

"No, every time I leave the factory so late, it's always like this here." Xu Qiaoxin said.

"Oh, what are you doing?" Like this every day? Zhang Chen was even more surprised.

"I don't know either." Xu Qiaoxin said.

Zhang Chen drove to the big roundabout. Instead of turning right directly, he bypassed the big roundabout and continued to drive to the opposite No. 1 Road. He drove to the bridge and turned right into the hotel.

Zhang Chen and Xu Qiaoxin walked into the hotel door and saw Huijuan standing at the bar in the lobby, with her back to the door, talking to the cashier inside.

The cashier saw Zhang Chen and the others coming in and said to Huijuan, "Mr. Xu, Mr. Zhang is here."

Huijuan turned around and saw Zhang Chen and Xu Qiaoxin. She quickly came over with a smile and said, "Why are you here?"

Zhang Chen said: "I was attracted by the lights here, and I'm still wondering why you still have the door open?"

Huijuan smiled and said: "I also want to close the door, but I can't. There are still so many guests. Why, boss, can I drive them outside?"

Huijuan talked to Zhang Chen, and then Zhang Chen realized that it turned out that this place already served lunch and dinner and late night snacks. This was how such a high turnover came about. Zhang Chen said, you guys have worked really hard.

Xu Qiaoxin said from the side: "We are working hard too. There are still people in the company, and this damn Zhao Zhigang is still working. Who in our company is not working hard?"

Zhang Chen looked at Xu Qiaoxin and said, "What do you mean, do you want me to comfort you?"

Xu Qiaoxin smiled and said, that's what I meant, the tofu stew here is still very delicious.

"Okay, let me increase the turnover here for you." Zhang Chen and Huijuan said.

Huijuan smiled and said, OK, thank you boss!

Huijuan led them up in the elevator. When they entered the corridor, they heard singing sounds coming from under the door of each box. Those who were singing Japanese songs could tell that they were from Japanese companies. The ones shouting "You will win if you work hard" are probably from Taiwan, and the ones singing Korean songs are probably from Samsung Optical or LG.

Xu Qiaoxin said: "No wonder the business here is so good. It's such a bargain. For the price of a meal, you can save the karaoke box fee and the drink fee. Next time I bring guests here, I won't go back to the city. Otherwise, I'll have to pay for it." Trouble, after dinner, we have to take them to KTV."

Huijuan was surprised. She asked, "Mr. Xu, aren't all your customers there foreigners? Do foreigners like to go to KTV so much?"

"Of course, these foreigners who come to China don't be too smart. They not only like to go to KTV, but also like to wash their feet. Grandma's. I accompany them to wash their feet, and they see their white feet. Oh, how embarrassing, but there is nothing we can do." Xu Qiaoxin said, Zhang Chen and Huijuan laughed.

Xu Qiaoxin pointed to the doors of the boxes on both sides and said to Huijuan: "These Japanese and Koreans here are also foreigners. Look at how happy they are singing. Karaoke was originally started by the Japanese."

Huijuan nodded, yes.

Thank you to the evergreen Emperor Yan for the reward of reading two books every day, at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you to Tianying 1978, Pi Wusun, A Rongtai Culture Ading, Li Ruijin, and Evergreen Yan Dadi for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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