The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1281 What do I need?

Zhang Chen and Mr. Li said that there is no rush to eat. Mr. Li, please arrange the fabrics first.

Mr. Li said okay, we will leave later.

On the other side, Xiao Li had already called and asked people from the technology department and supply department to come over immediately.

The linen and ramie yarns needed for the test fabrics are available in their warehouse. What needs to be purchased is spandex yarn for elastic fabrics, as well as gold, silver, nylon and dyed viscose yarns for glitter fabrics. Various types of yarns may be used. I purchased some of the materials I received and tried them out.

"Mr. Zhang and the others are waiting here." Mr. Li and his men said, "You go shopping in the afternoon, and we will go on the machine test in the evening. The sooner the better."

The two of them took the order and left. Mr. Li and Zhang Chen said, "How is it, Mr. Zhang, are you relieved now?"

Zhang Chen quickly put his hands together and bowed: "Thank you, thank you Mr. Li."

The development zone where Mr. Li's company is located is much smaller than the Xiasha Development Zone, but the problem is the same, that is, the living supporting facilities are extremely lacking. There are not even decent hotels in the development zone. For food and accommodation, you have to go to Zhangjiagang. city.

The four people walked out of the office. Zhang Chen asked Mr. Li: "Mr. Li, is there any place to live in your factory? If so, we would like to live in the factory."

"How can that be done?" Mr. Li said, "There is a place to live, but it is usually reserved for some salesmen who come and go. How can Mr. Zhang and Mr. He be allowed to live in such a place."

Zhang Chen said: "It doesn't matter. We are here to work. It's more convenient to live in the factory. Don't we have to get on the plane at night? I want to follow and have a look. To be honest with Mr. Li, if the fabric can't be made, I won't even live in the factory." Everyone in the palace will be restless.”

Mr. Li said okay, then listen to Mr. Zhang. He turned around and said to Xiao Li, go call the office, clean and disinfect the room, and replace all the bedding and toiletries inside. new.

When the four of them arrived at a hotel in the city for dinner, Zhang Chen told Mr. Li that this meal would be the last time he went out to eat. Next, Mr. Li, we can just eat in the factory cafeteria. Same thing. …

"I understand, I understand, if the fabric can't come out, even if I ask you, Mr. Zhang, to eat a Manchu-Han banquet, you won't have the appetite." Mr. Li said, everyone laughed, and Mr. Li sighed: "Oh, now, Mr. Zhang , I’m under great pressure, if I can’t figure it out, I don’t know how to send you, the Bodhisattva, away.”

Zhang Chen quickly said, just try your best. If it doesn't work, I will find another way.

"However, Mr. Zhang, you said something wrong." Mr. Li smiled.

Zhang Chen asked: "Which sentence?"

"As for the last sentence, if this test is successful, Mr. Zhang, why don't you celebrate?" Mr. Li asked.

Zhang Chen laughed, and he said yes, with Mr. Li's auspicious words, if the experiment was successful, Mr. Li and I would stay drunk together.

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei just lived in Mr. Li's factory. During the day, they watched the technicians try various materials in the workshop. At night, they had nothing to do and there was no other place to go here, so they just Go hang out in the development area outside, sit in the corridor outside and chat, or simply go to the workshop to watch the night shift workers at work.

Sure enough, as Mr. Li expected, the stretch linen was quickly made. Zhang Chen tried it and found it to be similar to what he expected. However, the attempt to make shiny linen was not ideal. It was not that the fabric was not fast enough after it came out. , a crack appeared when I pulled it, and there was no way to make it into a ready-made garment.

Perhaps the gloss did not meet Zhang Chen's requirements. According to Zhang Chen's requirements, the technicians changed the two weft yarns to luminous nylon yarns. The brightness was enough, but Zhang Chen felt that the texture of linen was gone. It looks like a regular tarpaulin, or fabric from children's clothing.

After the trial, not only the technicians, but also Zhang Chen himself felt lost. He felt that he could not explain clearly what kind of effect was needed.

He Hongmei watched anxiously from the side, but was helpless. She knew what effect Zhang Chen wanted, that is, it still looked like cotton and linen fabric, but it could also sparkle.

But this is easy to say, but not so simple to do.

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei stayed with Mr. Li and his friends for four days, but there was still no progress. This made Zhang Chen anxious and even considered whether the fabric needed to be changed.

You must know that the time of the fashion show has been determined and is unchangeable. Whether it is an agreement with a model company, a performance company, or the Hangzhou City Garden Bureau, it has been signed and there is no way to change it.

At that time, on Baidi, regardless of whether you have a fashion show in the end, the performance company will build the T stage according to the contract, arrange the lighting and sound in place, and arrange the seats for guests and audiences, as well as temporary buildings for models to put on makeup and change clothes. Installed in place.

A large number of models will come from all over the country. Even if you don't have clothes and you are wearing a piece of cloth, they will still come on stage.

Including invitations to media in the industry, as well as several guests that Xiao Huang helped arrange, the time for the special trip to Hangzhou has been determined. Although it is the second time for them to attend their company's event, the last time was The opening of the Beijing specialty store.

But this time, after all, we were not in Beijing, but in Hangzhou. How could we change our itinerary on the fly?

Invitations to the clothing department managers of major shopping malls across the country have also been sent out. Will so many people come to see your performance that is destined to be a disaster?

If compared to other designers, a large-scale fashion show like this would take at least a year to prepare. Zhang Chen felt that it was not necessary. He was confident in his own design, so when he came up with the idea of ​​holding a large-scale fashion show , Ge Ling asked Zhang Chen whether this year would be too hasty and whether she could consider leaving it to next year. Zhang Chen categorically said no.

If necessary, I am not Zhang Chen. Don’t compare me with those designers who can’t even draw a decent portrait. No matter how good their pretense is, in my eyes, they are just weaklings.

But now, without even suitable fabrics, Zhang Chen felt that all he had to do was make a meal without rice, just like asking Huijuan to make a tofu pot without tofu. No matter how nimble her hands and feet were, it was of no use.

He Hongmei deliberately wanted to divert Zhang Chen's attention. After dinner, she suggested going for a walk outside. The two of them walked and chatted in the development zone. He Hongmei asked Zhang Chen, Master, have you ever thought about what you are going to do this time? What style?

Zhang Chen said without thinking that the venue for the catwalk was outdoor, and it was at night, on the edge of the West Lake. It was not easy to attract attention in such a wide open space. I went to the show several times at night, and besides In addition to the on-site lights, there is also the light show of Gemstone Mountain behind. These must be taken into consideration, as these will distract the audience's attention.

Therefore, in terms of style, the shape of the entire fashion show clothing must be very exaggerated, so that it will have a visual impact and focus the audience's attention on the model and the clothing.

"Is there a frame of reference?" He Hongmei asked.

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and said, if there is one, it is Issey Miyake.

"Issey Miyake?"

"Yes, Issey Miyake. I like Issey Miyake very much. I think he is different from European and American designers. He has blazed his own path, a path with oriental connotations."

He Hongmei thought for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I don't understand."

"We Orientals, from the bottom of our hearts, are still very restrained, or very conservative. This is determined by our culture. To a certain extent, it can also be said to be very hypocritical. For example, there are red light districts in Japan. In many places, it is not open to whites and blacks. They think you are an alien race and it is embarrassing for you to know something.

"The same goes for Japanese geishas. It's obviously a pornographic business, but it maintains a certain level.

"Actually, we were the same in ancient China. We were not as naked as we are now. Including those Jinling hairpins in the past, they were all performers but not their bodies. It's okay to drink wine with you, but if you have to go to bed, I'm sorry, but you still have to see if she's okay. I like you, so in the past, to be favored by a famous prostitute, for many scholars, not only is it not embarrassing, but it is also a very decent thing, and it will be publicized everywhere. Su Xiaoxiao, Dong Xiaowan, Liu Rushi, etc. will become a good talk. .

"It's a bit far-fetched, but the character of us Orientals is actually like this. Whatever we want, we have to play hard to get. Whatever we want to do, we hold the pipa half-hidden. What we want to say is always talked about by the king. The royal capital is so out of place, let alone ordinary people.

"We have always been ashamed to show our true side, including now, everyone is chasing profits and everyone wants to make a fortune, but look at how many bosses dare to say it very frankly and loudly, My ideal is to make a fortune. I don’t know how to talk about it, but I talk about building a business and making it bigger. There are even more vain things. What I like to talk about most is corporate social responsibility.

"You can't run your damn business well, and your employees' wages can't be paid on time. How can you talk about social responsibilities? Don't think about society. You don't need to take care of society. You should first think about how to run the business well and how to do it well." It is your responsibility to make your employees earn more..."

"Master, it seems that Issey Miyake has gone too far again." He Hongmei reminded.

Zhang Chen laughed and said, OK, I will talk about Issey Miyake when he comes back.

"You have worked with Shino Harada and others. You should know that Japanese people have the nature to make things perfect. When you receive a gift, it looks beautiful on the outside. When you open it, there is a beautiful box inside. Open it again , inside is a smaller and very beautiful box. When you open the box, you will find beautifully packaged food. If you open the wrapping paper, if you don't do it right, there are still two layers of wrapping paper.

"I opened it layer by layer, and finally saw the food inside. I took a bite with great anticipation, and here I go - isn't it just Wangwang Snow Cake cut into strips?"

He Hongmei laughed, she was right, it was really like that.

“Japanese food always looks better than it tastes. Each piece of sushi looks beautiful, but to be honest, it’s not as delicious as glutinous rice balls.

"But there is a very scary thing in this, and that is the spirit of craftsmanship. The Japanese do this for camera lenses, screws and nuts, cars, and paintings. The works of Higashiyama Kaiyi are all large-scale. He can paint a painting for several months a year.

"He worked like clockwork every day. He got up every morning, had breakfast, washed his hands, went to the studio, painted until noon, had lunch, took a nap, got up from his nap, continued painting, painted until evening, had dinner, day after day. .

"There is no communication, no entertainment, everything is done quietly by one person. He draws, but he relies on passion. What kind of passion can last for so long? Then what does he rely on? What he relies on is faith. Nature, belief in the mountains and rivers of Japan.

"He paints with faith-like piety, just like Michelangelo painted those murals. He uses oil paints, but what he paints is the spirit of the East. Standing in front of his paintings, you can smell it The breath in the valley, the sound of snow falling on thousands of mountains and valleys, Wang Wei's poetry in his paintings, so beautiful that it makes you want to cry but can't. This is his persistence.

"The so-called Eastern spirit actually comes from the Tang Dynasty. It is majestic and confident. No matter how the wind blows, I am standing there. The entire Japanese culture continues the Tang Dynasty culture, and its foundation is from the Tang Dynasty. What has changed in the West is only its superficial appearance.”

Zhang Chen looked at He Hongmei and said to her:

"Don't worry, we're going to talk about Issey Miyake soon. How do you feel about Issey Miyake's design? Is it a bit like the freehand brushwork in Chinese paintings, and the whole costume is very exaggerated?"

He Hongmei nodded, Zhang Chen said:

"But have you noticed that he is very conservative? European and American designers, when it comes to boldness, are very stupid, but they know how to expose themselves. Models wear less and less clothes, or rely on some external things to wear on their heads. Make a bird's nest, or insert a few branches or something.

"Issey Miyake never does this. He just maximizes the characteristics of fabrics. His designs are a combination of bold and conservative, wild and restrained. He uses fabrics to wrap up the whole person without revealing anything."

"Master, it seems that you had a similar conversation with Miss Gong last time, and that time you were talking about cheongsam." He Hongmei said.

"Yes, the same is true for the cheongsam. It is the most flamboyant and expresses the beauty of a woman's body to the extreme. However, look at it, even the neck and armpits are covered tightly, not revealing at all." Zhang Chen said, "This is the Eastern way of expression, Eastern language. We understand what X-sense is better than Westerners."

Thank you for reading the book every day, and for the reward of two fishes at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you, why can’t I change my name? First home mortgage, Tianying 1978 monthly pass! Thanks for all the recommendations and reading! I wish you all good health!

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