The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1425 High School Entrance Examination (Thank you, Eternal Emperor Yan! Happy New Year to eve

June 12, 13 and 14 were the time for the high school entrance examination in Hangzhou. Tan Shuzhen arranged the work in the company in advance and said hello to Liu Ligan. She planned to spend these three days with Xiang Nan, every day Pick her up for the exam.

The day before the high school entrance examination, after dinner at home, Tan Shuzhen told Xiang Nan about her plan.

Xiang Nan became anxious when he heard this. He clasped his hands and bowed to Tan Shuzhen. Xiang Nan said, "Mom, please, you, old man, should go about your daily schedule. I will be very nervous if you drive me to and from me." After entering the examination room, I'm afraid my mind will go blank.

Tan Shuzhen scolded, "You are nervous. Do you think your mother is not nervous?" Mom is more nervous than you. I have been nervous for more than a month. No, I must be with you at this last moment.

The two sides were in a stalemate, and Mrs. Tan helped to mediate. She proposed a plan, saying that Tan Shuzhen would send them to the school gate every morning. After they were delivered, they went south to take the exam. Tan Shuzhen went back to work. She and Lao Tan waited at the school gate. South.

"Are you unnecessary? I stay at my grandparents' house on Saturdays and Sundays. Why can't I stay at my grandparents' house these days? It only takes four or five minutes to walk to school from there. Do you still need to pick me up?"

Xiang Nan looked at them and continued: "You know, how many parents who are as nervous as you will be picked up and dropped off tomorrow, and the school gate will be blocked by cars. You made it so grand. I'm not nervous. They are all attracted by you. I'm so nervous, please let me go."

Tan Shuzhen stared at Xiang Nan angrily. She originally wanted to scold you, what do you mean by this, what do you mean by being a neurotic parent, and what do you mean by begging us to let you go.

But when she thought about it, what Xiang Nan said was actually reasonable. The back door of the "Jinxiu Home" community was Baochuta Experimental School. Xiang Nan went to the exam from there every morning. After the exam, he could go home to eat and rest, and then go there in the afternoon. Taking the exam saves the most time and energy. The time saved can also be used for review.

People live far away from the school, and they have to book rooms in hotels near the school these days. Parents and children live there. Xiangnan lives next to the school, so there is no reason to come to a hotel that is close to the school and arrange a drive. .

"Let's go, let's go, I'll take you to your grandparents' house." Tan Shuzhen stood up and said to Xiangnan.

Before the two of them went out, Tan Shuzhen's cell phone rang. It was Zhang Chen's mother. She picked up the phone, and Zhang Chen's mother shouted:

"Zhenzhen, why haven't you sent Nan Nan here yet? The high school entrance examination is tomorrow. Nan Nan needs to go to bed early today."

Tan Shuzhen said, OK, we are ready to go out.

Tan Shuzhen looked at her mother, and the two of them smiled bitterly and shook their heads. It seemed that she had shaved her head and had a hot head, so she was worrying about it in vain. When she worried, she complicated simple things.

Tan Shuzhen took Xiang Nan to Zhang Chen's parents' house. Zhang Chen's mother was telling Zhang Xiangbei that her sister is going to take the high school entrance examination in the next few days. You should turn off the computer and don't turn it on. Don't distract her.

Seeing Tan Shuzhen and Xiang Nan coming in, Zhang Chen's mother took out a copy of "Hangcheng Daily" and said to Tan Shuzhen, "Zhenzhen, come and take a look. This recipe is so good. I plan to make it every day."

Tan Shuzhen took a look and saw that what was published in the newspaper was a recipe for the high school entrance examination, which really suited the occasion.

Lao Zhang took the newspaper and took a look at it. He said no, it was too plain. Whoever wrote this was just talking nonsense. This exam requires a lot of brains and physical strength. If you do this, you will get hungry halfway through the exam. No way. no.

Zhang Chen's mother said, "What's wrong? What was published in the newspaper was wrong. They are experts. They don't listen to experts, but they still listen to you?" Experts have said that you should eat light food.

"What a bullshit expert." Lao Zhang scolded, "The articles in this newspaper are all written by people like a stick, cheating royalties, and they are very ordinary. Chairman M, he is commanding thousands of troops, and he still needs to eat braised pork Meat fills the brain, by the way, Zhenzhen, isn’t that one of you from a newspaper office or a reporter? Ask him if what’s in the newspaper can be trusted.”

"If the newspaper is not trustworthy, then the TV is trustworthy?" Zhang Chen's mother was not convinced and retorted: "Don't you watch TV every day to learn how to grow vegetables?"

"Can any of the things I grew after learning from them be eaten? What I have now is not all learned from Xiao Zhao's father. When it comes to experts, he is the expert, the expert who practices the true knowledge." Lao Zhang said.

The two of them were at loggerheads over this recipe. Tan Shuzhen quickly said, "I'll call and ask."

She really called Xu Wenhui and asked, Xu Wenhui, what recipe for the high school entrance examination published in your newspaper is reliable?

Xu Wenhui laughed: "Mr. Tan, you can trust our newspaper only with the words "Hangcheng Daily". It is indeed a newspaper in Hangzhou. We can't even trust the weather forecast below. It's not accurate, let alone the others. ”

When Tan Shuzhen and Xu Wenhui talked on the phone, they turned on the speakerphone. Zhang Chen's mother and Lao Zhang heard it. Tan Shuzhen hung up the phone, and Lao Zhang smiled and said, "Did you see that? This is an honest person telling the truth."

Zhang Chen's mother threw the newspaper aside angrily and cursed, "I almost got cheated, what a lousy newspaper."

"Okay, forget it, Nannan, tell me first, what do you want to eat, and grandma will cook it for you. As the old saying goes, only by eating well and sleeping well can you do well in the exam." Zhang Chen's mother said.

Both Lao Zhang and Tan Shuzhen laughed. Lao Zhang asked, which old saying says that only by eating well and sleeping well can you do well in the exam? That means good job.

"Isn't what I said just an old saying? What is Nannan doing now? The top priority she has to do now is to do well in the exam. Is that wrong?" Zhang Chen's mother said plausibly.

Tan Shuzhen and Xiang Nan said that they had been nervous for more than a month, and it was true that Xiang Nan was about to take the high school entrance examination. Tan Shuzhen felt that she was more nervous than Xiang Nan, and that she was participating in the CCTV Young Singer Grand Prix selection. Still nervous.

But thinking about it, Tan Shuzhen felt that starting from the high school entrance examination, Xiang Nan seemed to be about to bid farewell to her childhood. After bidding farewell to her childhood, she did not grow into a teenager, but seemed to be about to become an adult and participate in the society. There is competition, social competition, what else can be more fierce than the competition between the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination?

It’s not even comparable to adults’ professional title evaluation and advanced evaluation. If you can’t do it once, there will be a second time. The high school entrance examination is just one time. If you don’t do well in the exam, you won’t even have a chance to make up for it.

After the high school entrance examination, there is almost no chance to breathe, and we have to enter the intense preparation for the college entrance examination.

The intensity and pressure of this kind of competition are really not commensurate with their age. It is no wonder that some children cannot bear this kind of pressure and collapse. If they withdraw from this kind of competition early, it is basically equivalent to withdrawing from this kind of competition early. In today's society, what else can a person who has not gone to college do?

Xiang Nan is a strong person, she never said it, but Tan Shuzhen can see that she is also working hard, and maybe she is secretly competing with Zheng Xinxin. However, Zheng Xinxin's parents are both university teachers, and they can do it anytime, anywhere. Everyone can tutor Zheng Xinxin, who can tutor Xiang Nan? I can't even read Xiang Nan's textbooks, let alone tutor her.

For this reason, Tan Shuzhen felt a little sorry for Xiangnan. Last summer, Xiaofang helped tutor Xiangnan. As a result, Xiangnan's grades improved a lot. It seemed that she still had the potential to learn, Xiaofang also said so.

This year, Xiang Nan almost didn't need Tan Shuzhen's urging. She went to participate in various tutoring courses on her own. Unfortunately, her original foundation was relatively poor. From elementary school to the second grade of junior high school, she almost got there by playing around.

Tan Shuzhen knew that Zheng Xinyin had already completed all the courses in the third grade when she was in the second grade of junior high school. She was still taking new courses in the third grade of junior high school, so she thought it was just reviewing. This was probably her father. Who would make a study plan for Xiang Nan when her mother made it for her?

Fortunately, Xiang Nan worked hard.

Xiang Nan worked hard, and Tan Shuzhen looked on with a little heartache. She even regretted that she didn't listen to Zhang Chen and simply sent Xiang Nan to the United States to attend high school. See if Zhang Xiangbei is as nervous as Xiang Nan.

But now, it's too late to think about anything. There is only one road left in Huashan, so I have to bite the bullet and take it.

While Xiang Nan was working hard, Tan Shuzhen was not idle. Although the high school entrance examination was a very serious matter and everyone was staring at it. There was no back door, but Tan Shuzhen felt that there must be a back door. In this She doesn't believe in human society. Everything is a system and there is no human relationship.

For this reason, Tan Shuzhen invited the office director of the Education Committee to dinner, and invited the director of the Education Committee to dinner. The director and Tan Shuzhen turned out to be friends, and she also knew why Tan Shuzhen was looking for her. If the school's admission score is not met, then I, the director, can't do anything. I can't help even if I want to. This is a tough one.

However, if she reaches the score line, I can still push her at the critical moment, and it will not be considered a mistake.

"What do you mean?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Do you know how many people have one score in the entire Hangzhou?" the director said. "Although you have reached the school's admission score, you have passed the threshold to study in this school and obtained the qualification to be admitted, but not everyone who meets the score is Yes, you can enter this school.

"Each school has a quota limit for admissions. If there are too many people who pass the score line and exceed the quota limit, you have reached the school's admission score line, and there is nothing you can do. You can only go to the next school. To put it simply, for example, although you have passed the score line of Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School, if there are too many people who have passed the score line, you are likely to go to Xuejun or Hangzhou High School."

"I understand, it's just that I can't make it to the first place. I can make it to the second or third place. I don't have such high requirements. I just want to be in the top eight." Tan Shuzhen said.

"Then your home should be facing south and be able to get into the top eight scores." The director said.

"Does that mean that as long as our Nannan reaches the top eight score line, we will definitely be able to study in the top eight and will not be assigned to the ninth school. If that happens, it will be a disaster (bad)." Tan Shuzhen said.

The director looked at her and smiled. After a while, she said, "What do you think, my Mr. Da Tan?"

Thank you, Evergreen Emperor Yan, for the reward at three o'clock in the middle of the night, half drunk and half awake, no matter who asked me, I don't know! Thank you for your monthly votes for Zeng Yue, Skull Mole, Fengdongxuecan, lulu6717p11, Gradually Enlarging Pupils, Small Samples are Bad, and Everlasting Emperor Yan! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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