The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1523 1518 Hot May

Target's payments for goods have come back one after another, including Shentu Hongyan's and her friends' first batch of payments. None of the more than 20 payments for goods was delayed. They were all paid two or three days early. This made Zhang Chen and Xu Qiaoxin were completely relieved.

Shentu Hongyan also told Zhang Chen that if Jessica is like this, we will feel more at ease if we continue to do business. Mr. Zhang, to tell you the truth, I was a bit of a good guy when I was at your place that day. Thinking about it in the factory, I'm still a little scared, but the cow has already been blown out, so there's nothing we can do.

Zhang Chen laughed and said, "Actually, I'm just like you. When I got to the factory and saw so many workers working day and night, I was a little worried. I thought, don't end up in vain."

But it's fine now, right? Shentu Hongyan said.

"Yes, it's fine now. You can rest assured." Zhang Chen said, "Jessica has also promised that when they have sufficient funds, they will change the payment method by October this year at the latest."

"That's great, Mr. Zhang, you read that right, this Jessica is really a good person." Shentu Hongyan said.

Xiaofang called Zhang Chen and told him that Target's operating conditions were improving and their company's stock price had been rising. Brother-in-law, it should be past the critical period, and now our company is already in front of Target. One of the top ten shareholders of outstanding shares, I have their financial data here.

"Their beautiful CEO, because of her turnaround during this crisis, was on the cover of Fortune magazine and was named a future business elite." Xiaofang and Zhang Chen said, and Zhang Chen knew that she was talking about outstanding achievements. Sika.

Xu Qiaoxin walked into Zhang Chen's office, sat across from him, and said to him seriously: "Boss, I have to talk to you."

Zhang Chen said yes, what to talk about?

"Although we got through the matter of killing Jessica this time by luck, we can't do it next time. You are the boss. Once you agree, even a few of us cows won't be able to pull you back. It's very difficult to do."

Zhang Chen promised that there will be no next time. Why, are you afraid?

"Of course, I feel that people are getting old doing this list." Xu Qiaoxin said.

"That's just right. It's a perfect match for Xiao Wu." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"Go, I don't want to be as old as him." Xu Qiaoxin said.

"By the way, have you two thought about what's going to happen next?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xu Qiaoxin lowered her head and said, "I don't even dare to tell my mother. She will definitely not agree if I tell her."

Zhang Chen nodded and said, "Indeed, as parents, if I hear about a situation like yours, my first reaction will definitely be to object. With such a big difference in age and education, your mother will definitely call you crazy."

"That's right, I don't know what to do." Xu Qiaoxin said with a bitter face.

"Actually, there is a way." Zhang Chen said.

"What can we do, boss?" Xu Qiaoxin asked urgently.

"You can ask your parents to come to Hangzhou to play first, and then you pretend that you can't drive, and let Xiao Wu drive them to play every day. After getting in touch, if they think Xiao Wu is a good person, you can talk to them again When you tell them, they also have a buffer, and they won't feel so sudden, especially when no one sees it, it will be even more sudden if you tell them rashly."

Xu Qiaoxin laughed and said, "Thank you, boss. This method might work, but that damn Xiao Wu, will he hide by then?"

"No, this is the job I gave him. You have to go to work. When your parents come, I will give him the task and ask him to accompany your parents. There is no way he can refuse." Zhang Chen said.

"Haha, the boss is still mighty." Xu Qiaoxin laughed.

"Then it's settled, tell me when your parents are coming." Zhang Chen and Xu Qiaoxin said, Xu Qiaoxin nodded repeatedly.

Xiao Wu came in from the door. Xu Qiaoxin looked at him and laughed. Xiao Wu was confused by her look and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"I won't tell you." Xu Qiaoxin stood up and left.

Xiao Wu looked at Zhang Chen, who smiled and said, "I'll tell you then."

When they met Tan Shuzhen again, Zhang Chen talked about this with Tan Shuzhen. Tan Shuzhen said, yes, Xiao Wu is not young anymore and he really needs to consider this issue. It is not easy for him to meet Qiao Xin. When Qiaoxin's parents come, tell me and we will work together to convince her parents.

Zhang Chen said yes.

The happy days passed quickly, and it was May in the blink of an eye. On the day when the Hangzhou Real Estate Fair was about to open, Tan Shuzhen and the others could no longer hold themselves back, and what was even more unbearable than them was the housing prices in Hangzhou.

For those properties with discounts, the discounts have been canceled long ago, but people are still buying houses. In the sales departments of various properties, not only the Wenzhou real estate speculators have returned, but also the real estate speculators from Yiwu, Taizhou and Shaoxing have returned.

There are many people here, like those creditors in Shaoxing, who originally lent money to factories to earn some interest. This time, everyone suffered losses to some extent, so they thought it was better to use the money to buy house insurance. , if you have a house in hand, you can make a lot of money when the house price rises. If it falls, at least the house is still in your hands and you will not lose everything.

This financial crisis has frightened everyone. In Hangzhou and even Zhejiang, the threshold for borrowing private funds is getting higher and higher. Gone are the days when you can borrow money just by stamping and signing. Private borrowings, like banks, began to require physical collateral. In this way, the channels for the circulation of private funds were blocked.

But the funds still have to come from a source. This part of the funds either went to the stock market or the property market.

Foreign trade companies throughout Zhejiang are in a downturn, with a large loss of orders. Many small and medium-sized enterprise owners have been forced to close their factories, or suspend production, and mortgage their factories to banks. With the money, they have nowhere to go, either to the stock market or to the stock market. The property market.

At the same time, the huge amount of credit brought by the four trillion yuan did not enter the real economy as expected due to the downturn in the manufacturing industry. Instead, it entered the stock market in large quantities. The stock index quickly soared from less than 2,000 points at the beginning of the year to Above 3,000 points, the stock market, which wiped out China's middle class in 2007, has once again become a "money-making machine", creating wealth myths one after another.

It is precisely because of the huge amount of credit that has caused everyone to worry about inflation that "hard goods" such as houses have become everyone's preferred target, including those who have made money in the stock market and have also transferred their money to the property market. .

In addition, local governments across the country are carrying out a large number of various infrastructure projects, which makes many people who are clinging to them feel that money has never been easier to make and their pockets have never been bigger. Their bulging pockets are also aimed at The property market.

Another more important reason is that the "unique scenery here" in 2008 made overseas funds from all walks of life optimistic about the Chinese market. They entered the Chinese property market through various channels.

The combination of several factors caused the real estate market in 2009 to quickly enter a "mad cow" market, making 2009 a watershed year for China's real estate market.

That is to say, starting from this year, China's real estate market became no longer "simple". The financing channels and methods of real estate companies became diversified. The direct consequence was that the central bank exerted influence on the real estate market through monetary means. The ability is getting weaker and weaker, which is why after 2009, the entire Chinese real estate market has seen housing prices rising as the regulations are tightened.

For Tan Shuzhen and others, they could not see clearly at that time and had no time to care. They only knew that the housing prices in Hangzhou had not only risen to the scheduled housing prices of their Jiangcun project, but also seemed to have exceeded it.

Tan Shuzhen called Lao Tan and sales director Xiao Lu to her office. After the three people discussed it, they adjusted the house price of their Jiangcun project from the original planned 21,000 to 25,000, and launched the original installment plan into All products will be launched at once, and pre-orders will also be launched for those who have not obtained pre-sale qualifications.

"Take advantage of this opportunity and make sure you are safe." Tan Shuzhen told them.

Lao Tan smiled and said success or failure depended on this.

On May 8, the Real Estate Fair opened. This time, the Fair is no longer in the World Trade Center, but moved to the Peace Convention and Exhibition Center. The parking lot and open space in front of the Peace Convention and Exhibition Center are more than ten times the size of the square in front of the World Trade Center. big.

When Tan Shuzhen and Lao Tan arrived, they saw that the door was crowded with people and the car could not drive in. They got off the car on the road outside and walked through the crowd towards the gate. They were enjoying themselves while walking. They heard people in the crowd. , more than Hangcheng dialect, are Wenzhou dialect, Yiwu dialect, Taizhou dialect and Shaoxing dialect that make them feel more familiar.

"Yes." As Tan Shuzhen walked away, she felt that there was something going on.

This housing fair was unprecedentedly grand. In the two days since its opening, more than 3,400 houses in Tan Shuzhen's Jiangcun project were fully booked, with 982 units pre-sold.

And this May, the housing transaction volume in the main urban area of ​​Hangzhou historically exceeded the 10,000-unit mark, reaching 10,058 units.

The Jiubao Jiuzhou Fangyuan real estate in the booth next to Tan Shuzhen's group was priced at more than 8,000 yuan per square meter in February. No one was interested, and the sales department was empty.

Today, the developer raised the price to 9,000 yuan per square meter, triggering a large number of people in Wenzhou to queue up. Just one day later, the developer raised the price to 9,500 yuan, attracting even more followers. The next day, the price was raised again. The price was as high as 10,000, but it was sold out. The scene of "three price increases for one offer" was once again staged at the housing fair.

The boss of Jiuzhou Fangyuan cheerfully told Tan Shuzhen that more than 70% of the buyers of their property are from Wenzhou, and Tan Shuzhen and her Jiangcun project have buyers from Wenzhou, Taizhou, Yiwu and Shaoxing. Those are also more than half.

The houses in Jiuzhou Fangyuan and Jiubao could be sold for 10,000 yuan. Everyone thought it was too exaggerated. At the real estate fair, it aroused heated discussions among many real estate developers and media reporters.

But what they didn't expect was that a few months later, the price of the Shengao Ling Apartment next door to Jiuzhou Fangyuan had soared to 18,000 yuan/square meter. Hangzhou's housing prices once again led the country at a jaw-dropping speed, surpassing This momentum lasted until July of the following year.

At that time, the average price of new houses in 100 cities across the country was far ahead with Hangzhou at 25,840 yuan, followed by Beijing at 22,310 yuan, Shanghai at 19,168 yuan, and Shenzhen at 16,984 yuan, ranking sixth, behind Wenzhou and Sanya, and Guangzhou. The average price is 12,560 yuan, ranking seventh after Ningbo.

2009 was really a golden year for Tan Shuzhen and others. Every day they opened the door, everything that rolled in was gold.

This is something.

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