The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1599 Ding Baigou

Zhang Chen was a little surprised to see Ding Baigou again after not seeing him for so many years.

Not only does Ding Baigou not look older, he actually looks younger than before. He has gained weight, his skin has become whiter, and his eyebrows have relaxed. It turns out that Ding Baigou has a gloomy look on his face. Looking at him, he always feels that he is Like a conspirator, he is thinking about something all day long, and now he is much more cheerful.

When Ding Baigou held Zhang Chen's hand and said, "Hello, Zhang Chen, long time no see." Zhang Chen was surprised again. Even Ding Baigou's voice had changed. His accent was gone, and now he spoke with energy.

It seems that this power is a man's aphrodisiac, and it is not fake at all. At least in Ding Baigou, it is clearly reflected.

Ding Baigou is now the director of the Cultural Bureau. To be precise, this Cultural Bureau has been expanded. The original Radio, Film and Television Bureau, Tourism Bureau and Sports Committee have been merged into one. It is called the Culture, Tourism and Sports Bureau. It has more than doubled, and the number of units under its jurisdiction has also increased a lot. No wonder Ding Baigou's face looks a little more proud.

Ding Baigou held Zhang Chen's hand and kept shaking it. He said, our Wu Opera Troupe is really a place for talents. Who would have thought that Gaohang would not only produce real estate tycoons like Tan Shuzhen, but also It is really unexpected to have such a nationally famous figure like Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen quickly said: "Where is the leader? I didn't expect that the leader is getting younger and younger now. If I meet him on the street, I won't dare to recognize him."

"It's to bear my grudge. Don't bother admitting it. You, Zhang Chen, are now the guest of the secretary and mayor. How dare I, the director of a small Qingshui Yamen, dare to reach such a high level?"

Ding Baigou actually laughed at himself, which surprised Zhang Chen again. Zhang Chen laughed and said:

"What grudge do I have against the leader? It's just that I was young and ignorant and was a thorn in the side. I offended the leader."

"Everywhere, it's just a little conflict at work." Ding Baigou said, "In the past few years, you, Zhang Chen, have given a lot of support to our troupe, including the troupe being able to perform in Sanya. Jianmei told me , everyone under your command takes great care of them, saying that it was you who told them, so originally, I should have come to say thank you long ago."

Ding Baigou laughed as he spoke. He raised his right hand, patted his face lightly and said:

"No, it's not because I can't pull off this old face."

Zhang Chen, Tan Shuzhen and Xiao Wu both laughed. Zhang Chen felt a little strange in his heart. He didn't know where this Ding Baigou got any treasure book from. It was no wonder that he had developed the ability to deal with people with ease. , he was able to stand out when several bureau-level units merged and became the director of this overall situation.

The embarrassing situation that was expected to arise was easily resolved by Ding Baigou's few words. Moreover, Ding Baigou kept mentioning Xu Jianmei intentionally or unintentionally, which made Zhang Chen and the others immediately feel at ease. He almost forgot his identity as director and thought of the identity of his family members of the troupe.

Tan Shuzhen also accompanied Ding Baigou and Zhang Chen to drink. Only Xiao Wu drank drinks. Ding Baigou said, Xiao Wu, do you know that if you don’t drink, your life will lose a lot of fun? .

Xiao Wu smiled and said, if I drink it, my life will be more painful.

Ding Baigou was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and said, if it's well said, then there's no need to force it.

After a few drinks, everyone started talking about the theater troupe's restructuring.

Tan Shuzhen asked Ding Baigou, what is the plan for the theater troupe's restructuring this time?

Ding Baigou told them that the overall goal is to change the original public institution into an enterprise and establish a new "Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe Performance Co., Ltd.". Using this new bottle, the old Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe will be All the wine is in it.

After the restructuring, the troupe has implemented corporate management and is responsible for its own profits and losses. However, the government is not completely hands off. It will still provide policy support and financial rewards. If you don't mind this, do you want to know more about it?

Ding Baigou asked, Tan Shuzhen nodded and said yes.

Ding Baigou said: "To sum up, there are just a few things. First, after the company is transferred, during the industrial and commercial registration, the municipal finance will inject capital in proportion; the second is to invest in the theater troupe's existing assets, from houses and land to costumes, props and lighting. For audio, etc., special agencies will be organized to conduct inventory, evaluation and audit. After approval by the finance and state-owned assets departments, they will be owned by the company.

"At the same time, the troupe's dormitory and office buildings and rehearsal halls will be renovated and renovated. The new company will have a new look and a new atmosphere. The costs will be borne by the municipal finance. At the same time, the municipal development and reform and finance departments will construct the company's future venues. , be incorporated into social undertakings development plans, and continue to intensify transformation efforts.

"Third, after the transformation, the original business expenses and special funds will be increased by 300,000 yuan per year on the basis of the 400,000 yuan at the time of the transformation. The municipal finance will allocate the enterprise. This fund will increase year by year with the growth of local financial revenue. At the same time, according to The original business expenses will be allocated on a per capita basis based on the adjustment and utilization of enterprise personnel.

“Fourth, the housing provident fund and housing subsidies owed by the original staff of the theater troupe will be paid by the municipal finance. The housing provident fund and housing subsidies of the staff after the transformation will continue to be allocated by the municipal finance in the budget.

“The last one, which is the fifth one, after the restructuring, the municipal finance will continue to provide support in terms of loan interest discounts and subsidies, and a reward of 1,500 yuan per performance will be provided in lieu of subsidies.

"That's the main content. Of course, if you have any other requests, you can put them forward."

After Tan Shuzhen thought for a while, she said: "The most difficult thing about the theater troupe's restructuring is the placement of personnel, especially those who were originally employed in the business establishment. Suddenly turning them into corporate personnel is a bit difficult to do, and people may not be able to do it. accept."

Ding Baigou nodded and said of course. If that were the case, I wouldn't be able to do my wife's job. If Xu Jianmei doesn't quarrel with me every day, how can I still live my life?

Zhang Chen and the three of them all laughed.

"We have also considered this. All members of the troupe, including the problems left over from history, will solve them at once this time according to the 'old methods for old people and new methods for newcomers'."

Ding Baigou said, looking at Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu and smiling.

Zhang Chen was surprised. He asked, "What other historical issues are there left in the troupe?"

Ding Baigou said: "You and Xiao Wu are just issues left over from history. People like you have left the troupe, but their relationship is unclear and has never been concluded. Including Liu Ligan and Xiao Jin, there are a total of eight Well, if the troupe no longer exists, we can't continue to be so unclear."

Zhang Chen suddenly realized, and then he understood that their human relations were still in the troupe, and even his own career establishment was still there. Why did the Cultural Affairs Bureau and the troupe deal with it like this? Zhang Chen understood, and he cursed:

"It turns out that they have been eating our head fees."

Ding Baigou laughed and said, "This was decided by our collective research at that time."

The reason why Zhang Chen's business establishment in the troupe has been maintained is because the capitation fee, business funds, and subsidies from the Provincial Department of Culture have always been allocated to their business based on the number of people. The establishment will continue to be maintained, and this part of the funds will be allocated to the Yongcheng Cultural Bureau's account on time every year. They are equivalent to having this extra money.

If they were all treated as voluntarily resigning, the number of people would be reduced, and the money would be gone. For a Qingshui Yamen like the Cultural Bureau, it would be a very uneconomical thing.

But now, the entire troupe has to be reorganized, and everyone has to make arrangements. Zhang Chen and the others also have to deal with it, and this has become a problem left over from history.

Ding Baigou smiled and said: "Anyway, you Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan are not short of money. Xiao Wu Xiaojin and the others are also supported by people in the society. They might as well make some contributions to our cultural undertakings in Yongcheng."

Zhang Chen and the others laughed. Ding Baigou saw Tan Shuzhen looking at him, and he quickly said:

"Tan Shuzhen, you don't count. You are no longer a member of the troupe. You have been officially transferred out of the troupe."

Tan Shuzhen said: "I know, I just want to know how to arrange the existing people in the troupe?"

"The current people in the troupe are divided into two parts. One part is the technical staff who are being compiled by the human resources department, which is the establishment of the enterprise, and the other part is like Xiangxiang's husband and the others, who are originally workers under the labor contract system." Ding Bai Gou said, "There should be four types of people, including those like Zhang Chen and others who have resigned, and there are also three surviving families of old artists who need to be arranged."

Ding Baigou picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen. After taking a sip of wine, he said:

"As for the placement of personnel, as I said before, in accordance with the principle of 'old methods for the elderly, new methods for the newcomers', the personnel of the public establishment who meet the conditions for early retirement should go through the early retirement procedures. After retirement, they can continue to be re-employed by the company, like Teacher Wu and Teacher Xu are like that.

"Staff staff from other undertakings will be transferred to the Municipal Cultural Center to establish a 'Yongcheng City Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center' to specialize in the excavation and research of the 'Sanjiangkou Nine Surnames Fishermen's Wedding'. This part of the staff will be posted at the Cultural Center. , but will be unified under the management of 'Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe Performance Co., Ltd.' and participate in performances."

"That's okay." Tan Shuzhen said, "This means that their business status has not changed, and everyone should be able to accept this."

Ding Baigou continued: "Xiangxiang's husband and the others were originally workers under a labor contract. The processing of this part is relatively simple, that is, they will be rehired by the new company. What we want to help them solve is the five insurances and one housing fund they originally owed. The original unpaid part of the unit shall be made up by the municipal finance with special funds, and the part owed by the individual shall be made up by the individual himself.

“After the company is established, these people will continue to pay five social insurances and one fund by the company, and after retirement, they will be paid according to the company’s retirement salary standards.

"Besides, Zhang Chen and others who have resigned will be given a one-time financial compensation. The compensation standard is based on the actual working years. For every one year, a compensation equivalent to one month's average salary of the previous year will be paid. If it is less than one year, The compensation will be paid on a one-year basis, and this part of the compensation will be paid out of the troupe’s financial fixed subsidy funds.”

"I don't want it. Why do I want this money?"

When Zhang Chen heard this, he quickly said, and Xiao Wu also said:

"I don't want it either. I haven't even taken the class yet. How can I be embarrassed to take this money?"

Ding Baigou said yes, "If you are upright and upright, then take this money and donate it to the theater troupe. Don't give it in vain. If you don't give it, no one will say good things to you."

Tan Shuzhen is right.

"The last group of people are the surviving families of the three deceased old artists. They will be handed over to the city's finance to continue to support them." Ding Baigou and Tan Shuzhen said.

Tan Shuzhen nodded.

Thank you to the forty-eight-year-old Xiaosheng, the bearded swordsman from the northwest, and the book friend 161205193046744 for the reward! Thank you Xiao Sheng Nian Fang 48, 0hjklg, Qdragon, Hydrogen Oxide Disinfection Knowledge Bureau, SF Master Master, Chair in the World, Huan Yue Cold Eyes, Happy Liu Hong, Crush Killer VIP, Jacky Learning to Sing, 999 Little Stupid Cow 999, Dreams Fly Toad, Piao Ling Yi Mayfly, Zhongkai 727, Donglongdong, Free Rain and Clear Sky, Hu Hu, Northwest Swordsman Bearded, Hurricane 0669, Lao Chentang, Book Friends 20190621133102536, 20200416214645353, Tamagotchi, Frivolous, Salty Fish Sewer, Zhenwu Longyi, Xiao Husuansa, My Heart Will Fall for You, Robingranite, Flying Bat Ke Zhene, End, Hao, Yuan Xi, Happy Xiaofeng No. 8, Cup Guy Api, Tianying 1978, Lin Du Zhifu , No land to plant, The name of the dragon is relatively long, Qianqian Dad, Wave Bird, Look at the landscape, Book Friends 161205193046744, 20200912113520727, Reader 1196318977632641024’s monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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