The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1602 Big brother takes the lead

The sales manager of "Jinxiu Yufu" not only eats the lunch box intermittently, but also has no place to eat dinner. Originally, they get off work at five o'clock every day, and the unit does not provide dinner. But today , they couldn't get off work at all, and they couldn't send anyone out to buy food. It was almost seven o'clock in the evening, and everyone hadn't eaten yet.

My hand was sore when I signed the agreement, but it was no use. There were still people in the sales department, and I didn’t know when the signing would be completed.

The difference between a house today and tomorrow is only over 100,000 yuan. It is useless to let these people who came here today go off work. The sales manager almost cried.

Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen, after having dinner with their guests, decided to come to the "Jinxiu Imperial Mansion" to have a look. Tan Shuzhen didn't even know that the sales department was still working overtime at night. When they got busy, whether it was their Yongcheng branch The general manager or the sales manager of this project didn’t even have time to report. Besides, what else do I need to report on good things?

I am busy, and I am almost tired when I cry, but I am happy in my heart. From the manager to everyone below, their commissions are related to sales. Everyone, even if they are hungry, they want to sign more A set is just a set, and signing it means money to them. Is money so easy to earn?

But at least for them, the sales girls, they feel that money has never been so easy to make as it is today.

There is a story about someone who accidentally broke into a cave and found a mountain of gold, silver and jewelry inside. This person desperately wanted to get more, desperately wanted to get more, but in the end, he didn’t get anything. Because the gold, silver and jewelry he was carrying were too heavy and he was reluctant to throw them away, he was crushed to death by these treasures.

The manager feels that they are very much like this person today.

When Xiao Wu drove to "Jinxiu Yufu", Tan Shuzhen was startled. She saw that the whole community was brightly lit. Those who came to buy a house wanted to see the model houses after seeing the community, and they also wanted to see the model houses for themselves. It turned out to be the responsibility of the sales department to accompany customers to view the houses they purchased, but they simply didn’t have the time today, so the security guards were responsible for showing the houses to customers.

The community was bustling with activity and there was a constant flow of people, and it was impossible to think about it without the lights being brightly lit.

When Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen arrived at the sales department, they were even more shocked. It was full of people, and people kept coming. Tan Shuzhen and his colleagues, Mr. Feng, the general manager of Splendid China Yongcheng Branch, saw them and hurriedly greeted them. When I came here, he even lost his voice.

Only then did Tan Shuzhen realize that they hadn't even had dinner. Tan Shuzhen quickly asked him to send a security guard and went with Xiao Wu to the KFC in the Cultural Plaza to buy food.

"How many sets have been sold?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"More than two hundred and sixty sets," Mr. Feng said.

Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen were both shocked. There were only 396 houses in "Jinxiu Yufu" in total. Looking at the people waiting at the sales office, there were more than 300 houses today.

"There are still people coming." Mr. Feng shook his head with a wry smile, but he was sweet in his heart: "We are all calling each other. Some people know that this place is still open tonight, and they said they have to catch up from below, and they are still on the way."

Among the people buying a house, there were three or four people who knew Tan Shuzhen. When they saw her coming, they came over and asked her for help. It was not about asking her to help with discounts, but asking her to help arrange the signing of the agreement first. With this look, everyone We all know that discounts are impossible.

Tan Shuzhen looked at Mr. Feng. Mr. Feng understood. He whispered to them, "Don't ring. Go to the second floor to the general manager's office at the top. I will arrange for someone to sign for you first."

Those people quickly walked away.

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen said: "Let's go, this is a wrong place, there is no place where you can stay for a long time."

Tan Shuzhen quickly said, OK.

Tan Shuzhen knows many people in Yongcheng, and she is afraid that if she stands here for a long time, people will keep coming to her.

The two of them walked out. Xiaowu drove off to buy KFC but hadn't come back yet. The two of them simply walked out of the community and went for a stroll by the river outside.

The water of Xin'an River is warm in winter and cool in summer, and the entire riverside is shrouded in fog. However, it is a winter night after all. Apart from them, there is no one else on the entire riverside. The two of them wrapped their clothes tightly and walked in the fog. They couldn't go very far. It was too cold, so they walked back to the "Splendid Imperial Mansion" and happened to see Xiao Wu coming back.

Xiao Wu stopped the car and moved food inside with the security guard. Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen quickly got into the car. The car was very heated. The two of them fell asleep after sitting for a while. It was also daytime today. , it was so busy that the two of them fell asleep without even realizing it.

Xiao Wu came out of the sales department and saw that they were all asleep in the car. Xiao Wu did not call them, but left the car parked with the heater on, and walked back to the sales department by himself.

Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen were woken up by the sales manager. She told Tan Shuzhen:

"Dr. Tan, it's past twelve o'clock, and there are still more than a dozen people in the sales department who refuse to leave. They must sign the contract and ask for a contract of 10,800. I called Mr. Feng, and Mr. Feng said I asked them to come back tomorrow, but they just refused to leave. Fortunately, I met the driver and he said you were in the car, so I came."

Tan Shuzhen said yes, if you work harder and help them complete all the procedures, they will sign the contract at a price of 10,800. They have been waiting all night, and it is unreasonable for them to come over tomorrow.

The manager said yes.

"By the way, I told everyone to hold on a little longer. Now that everything has been signed, I'll treat everyone to a supper," Tan Shuzhen said to the sales manager, who smiled and said yes.

"This Mr. Feng, I'm still here, and he actually slipped away. It seems that this guy can't be used." As soon as the sales manager walked away, Tan Shuzhen said to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "They don't know you are in the car outside."

Tan Shuzhen shook her head with a straight face and said:

"This is not a question of my presence or absence. In a situation like today, he should keep an eye on the scene. Zhang Chen, let me ask you, whether it is Qiaoxin, Xiaoli, Ge Ling, or the original Zhao Zhigang Okay, in a situation like this, will they go back first?”

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said, "That's definitely not the case. Like Zhao Zhigang before, even if only one workshop in the whole factory was working overtime, he would stay with them, even all night long."

"Yes, it is." Tan Shuzhen said, "In this situation just now, if I was not here, he was not here, and he didn't understand the situation, so he just gave an order to ask so many people to come back to sign tomorrow. If they come to sign tomorrow, the price will not be the same. Tell them clearly. They have been waiting all night, and they may have become emotional at that time, so it’s hard to say what happened.”

Zhang Chen nodded. He also felt that on a day like today, it was really outrageous for Mr. Feng not to be there to watch.

"This guy must be addicted to mahjong, and relying on his own support, he is a little forgetful and confident. No, I must understand clearly." Tan Shuzhen said.

"What's his backer?" Zhang Chen asked.

"His brother-in-law is the director of the Yongcheng Land Management Bureau. He came to be the general manager. He was introduced by his brother-in-law. He turned out to be the vice president of Tianyuan Real Estate. Didn't their boss escape and lose his job?" Tan Shuzhen said.

"Then you have to be careful, Tan Shuzhen. In a small place like this, the relationships are intricate. If you don't do it right, you won't offend just one director, but a whole bunch of people." Zhang Chen said, "You said he is addicted to mahjong. Come up, maybe he is still playing mahjong with his brother-in-law right now."

"I know, I won't be so impulsive." Tan Shuzhen said and opened the car door, "You continue to sleep, I will go down and cheer them up."

Tan Shuzhen got out of the car and left. Zhang Chen turned around and continued to sleep.

Tan Shuzhen walked into the sales department and saw that the huge sales department hall was now spacious. Except for seven or eight people waiting to sign the contract, everyone else had left.

Tan Shuzhen approached and the sales girls saw her. Although they were very tired, they still subconsciously stood up straight. Tan Shuzhen smiled and greeted them one by one.

Tan Shuzhen walked into the sales manager's office and asked her: "How many sets were sold today?"

The sales manager said: "It's almost sold out. Including the ones that haven't been signed outside, 338 units have been sold."

Tan Shuzhen nodded and asked, "By the way, when did Mr. Feng leave?"

"I didn't pay attention, it should be around nine o'clock." The sales manager said.

Tan Shuzhen cursed the bastard in her heart, but asked in a joking tone: "Is he going to play mahjong after get off work?"

"I don't know about this." The sales manager laughed, "But he does like to play mahjong. Not all men in Yongcheng are like this. In the evening, it's either mahjong or red five."

Tan Shuzhen said yes. Indeed, Yongcheng people like mahjong and playing cards too much. By the way, Mr. Feng usually plays mahjong. Where is his base?

"They all seem to be at Director Cheng's house. I've heard him brag that he does it in the safest place. Several directors are with them."

The sales manager said, Tan Shuzhen nodded, thinking, it seems that Zhang Chen's guess was right.

While talking to Tan Shuzhen, the sales manager was sorting out today's house sales contract and the buyer's information.

Tan Shuzhen remembered it and said, show me the information of the first person to buy a house yesterday, and I will see who is the first person to buy a house in Yongcheng.

The sales manager smiled and said yes. She stood up, walked to the cabinet on the side, opened the cabinet door with the key, rummaged through the rows of file bags inside, found a file bag, and looked at it. Then he handed it to Tan Shuzhen and said to her:

"Hey, that's him."

Tan Shuzhen took the document bag and opened it. Inside was the house sales contract, as well as the loan agreement and a complete set of information about the home buyer. Tan Shuzhen looked at it and said to the sales manager, lend this to me and I will return it to you later.

The sales manager said yes.

Tan Shuzhen took the document bag and went out.

Tan Shuzhen walked to the parking lot at the door and got in the car. Zhang Chen was still asleep. Tan Shuzhen picked up the document bag in her hand and patted Zhang Chen's head. Zhang Chen suddenly woke up and saw that it was Tan Shuzhen beating him and scolding him. road:

"Are you looking for death?"

"I'm not looking for death, I'm looking for someone." Tan Shuzhen said, "Let me ask you, who is Wu Jianlin?"

Zhang Chen sat up straight and asked confusedly: "What Wu Jianlin, how do I know who you are talking about?"

"Pretend, Zhang Chen. Pretend again. Come on, open your dog eyes. Here is a copy of your ID card. Come and take a look. I don't know his name. You know you, Zhang Chen. Tell me." , is Wu Jianlin, the first person who came to buy a house yesterday, Xiao Wu’s brother-in-law? Why do I look more and more like him? "

Tan Shuzhen asked, Zhang Chen chuckled, and Tan Shuzhen said:

"I was also surprised that Xiao Wu left after breakfast yesterday. Where was he going? It turned out that he brought his brother-in-law to buy a house. What do you mean, Zhang Chen?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "I calculated with my fingers. The people of Yongcheng have been hesitating for three days. What they need now is a big brother who takes the lead. As long as the big brother who takes the lead pierces the window paper, they will follow up immediately. How about it? Tan Shuzhen, am I accurate?"

"Go away, Zhang Chen, I'm telling you, I won't refund this money." Tan Shuzhen said.

"I didn't ask you to retreat in the first place. This is what Xiao Wu and Qiao Xin bought for Xiao Wu's father to live in. His father is old and is alone in the village. They are not worried. When they get here, Xiao Wu's sister can live there every day. Take care of him." Zhang Chen said, "I just helped them pay the down payment. From now on, Xiaowu and the others will pay the monthly mortgage payment themselves."

Thank you book friends 20210410153124786 and 0hjklg for your rewards! Thank you Lao Ze, Conceit, Little Gatekeeper, wxd121, Kanshanshui, lcs0001, georgeshao, and book friend 161122213501799 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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