The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1739 Getting in the car without thinking

Liu Ligan was in the waiting hall of Jinhua Railway Station. After he separated from Meng Ping and Chen Yaqin, he went to the bus parking lot. Before he got there, he saw four or five people looking for someone in the parking lot. Liu Ligan immediately I became alert and did not dare to move forward.

He retreated and walked to the street outside the parking lot. He felt that this street was also very unsafe. He concluded that the people in the parking lot were the same as those he met in the waiting hall. They were also from Shaoxing and must be looking for them. .

Maybe there will be other Shaoxing people waiting for them on this street, or those people in the parking lot will meet him here when they come out.

Liu Ligan didn't even know who these people were. Are they gangsters, relatives of Lao Ni, or police officers? It's possible anyway.

Liu Ligan ducked into a store that sold pirated DVDs. He turned his back to the street outside and lowered his head. He picked up the public phone on the counter and called Chen Yaqin. The result was that he couldn't get through. Liu Ligan secretly screamed, "Bad." It was so bad that even Chen Yaqin's phone number couldn't be reached. She and Lao Meng must have been found by them.

You can't stay in this place for a long time, it's too dangerous. Liu Ligan left the DVD store and wanted to go into the city. As soon as he left the store, a bus to Chenzhou, Hunan came. Liu Ligan waved and the bus stopped. , the car door opened in front of him, Liu Ligan got in the car without thinking.

The car continued to drive forward and soon left the urban area of ​​Jinhua. Liu Ligan relaxed with a hanging heart. He knew that Chenzhou was in Hunan, close to Shaoguan. Liu Ligan and the others drove back and forth to Haicheng. When I was passing by Shaoguan, I saw a fork in the road with a Chenzhou road sign hanging at the intersection.

For people of Liu Ligan's age, the name Chenzhou is not unfamiliar. The reason why it is not unfamiliar is because Chenzhou has a training base for the Chinese women's volleyball team. In those years when the women's ranking was very popular, you can often read about it in newspapers. to Chenzhou’s name.

After calming down, Liu Ligan began to think about where he should go next. Since he went to Hunan, he immediately thought of Mr. Zhang. He could go to Mr. Zhang and stay with him in the Huagu Theater Troupe, but Liu Ligan immediately Discarded the idea.

When we go to Mr. Zhang, of course the Shaoxing people can’t find him, but Zhang Chen can easily find him. He went back from Liuyang last time. Zhang Chen will definitely think that he will go to Liuyang this time. Zhang Chen only needs to Just call Lao Xie, and Lao Xie then call Lao Zhang, and you can find him.

Liu Ligan now has to avoid not only the Shaoxing people, but also Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen. Otherwise, he can just go to the second-hand shop or Sanya, and the Shaoxing people won't be able to find him.

This time the trouble was serious. Liu Ligan knew that although he and Meng Ping disappeared, the entire "Splendid China" would definitely be in turmoil in the future. Whether they could survive it all depended on Tan Shuzhen's luck.

The only thing Liu Ligan can rest assured is that even if "Splendid China" collapses or goes bankrupt, Zhang Chen will take in Tan Shuzhen and Lao Tan. There is still a way out for everyone. This is because he doesn't want to drag Zhang Chen in and follow him. Reason for bad luck.

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping knew that as long as they were still there, Zhang Chen would not ignore death. This idiot didn't know the depth. He would plunge in, even if he was killed along with him.

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping felt that as long as they left, Lao Ni's case would be unjust and the debt would be ownerless. Tan Shuzhen was just a migrant worker, and those Shaoxing people had no reason to trouble her. The worst possible outcome would be that the company would go bankrupt, and even if the company If it goes bankrupt, as long as Zhang Chen is still there, the situation will not be that bad.

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping therefore felt that they had to leave without a trace.

When the car was approaching Quzhou, Liu Ligan's eyes lit up. He thought of Wenwen and Qianqian from Yilin's family. He decided to go find them. Liu Ligan didn't know if the police were also looking for him. He had no choice but to find them. It would be very risky for a person to wander around without someone covering him. He must first find a place to stay.

Wenwen and Qianqian, he is the only one who knows where they are, and they have not contacted each other for so many years. Even if the police pull out the call records on his mobile phone, there is no trace that he has contacted them. No one will know. Go find these two die-hards yourself.

When the bus arrived at the Shangrao Expressway service area, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening. The driver told everyone that they would eat in half an hour.

The fast food area in the service area is a long strip separated by a barrier. Everyone holds a tray and goes in from this end. Along the long row of glass windows, they take their favorite dishes in the window and go out from the other end. when payment is made.

Liu Ligan lined up behind the driver, with several people separated in between. He saw the driver take a dish, a meal and a free bowl of soup. After paying, he went to the lobby outside and found a table by the window. sit down.

Liu Lipole took four dishes. When he was checking out, he asked the cashier to bring him two cans of Red Bull drinks from the shelf at the back.

Liu Ligan took the tray, sat down opposite the driver, and said to the driver: "Master, let's eat together."

As he spoke, he took a can of Red Bull drink, placed it in front of the driver, and said to him: "Drive all night to refresh yourself."

The driver quickly said thank you, thank you!

The two chatted while eating and soon became acquainted. The driver's surname was Su. Liu Ligan asked him: "Master Su, would you rather stay away from Chenzhou?"

"It's not far, more than a hundred kilometers." Master Su said.

"So close? Does Ningyuan belong to Chenzhou?"

"No, it belongs to Yongzhou."

"Yongzhou? Is it the Yongzhou in Liu Zongyuan's "The Snake Attacker"?" Liu Ligan asked.

Master Su looked at Liu Ligan, wondering what he was talking about. Liu Ligan immediately changed his words and asked:

"Then when I go to Ningyuan, I need to go to Yongzhou first and then go there?"

"That's far away." Master Su dipped his right index finger in some water, drew an L on the table, and said to Liu Ligan:

"Chenzhou is here, Ningyuan is at this point on the corner, and Yongzhou is at the point above. From Chenzhou to Yongzhou, we have to pass through Ningyuan, which is more than two hundred kilometers."

Liu Ligan understood and quickly said thank you, thank you!

"You go to Ningyuan to do business? Ningyuan is a very poor place and there is no business to do." Master Su said.

Liu Ligan said no. He said half-jokingly and half-seriously, I was planning to abscond there.

Master Su laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, there are no police checks along the way. If there are checks and they ask you for your ID card, just tell them that you are following the car."

Liu Ligan said yes, thank you Master Su.

The two of them were sitting and smoking. Master Su looked at Liu Ligan and asked with a smile, "Are you really a wanted criminal?"

Liu Ligan said: "I don't know whether he is wanted or not. It is true that he is absconding."

"Looking at your body, you can't do anything bad." Master Su said.

Liu Ligan lowered his voice and said to him: "Misappropriation of public funds."

"That's pretty much it. People nowadays are willing to do anything as long as it's for money."

Master Su said, Liu Ligan nodded and said to him: "Actually, it's not me who is corrupt, it's the leader who is corrupt. If something goes wrong, if I don't run away to help him, he will go in."

"Yes, very loyal." Master Su said, "Don't worry, there are no economic criminals who are wanted. All wanted criminals are criminals. We have been stopped and inspected a lot. Every time we are inspected, we either arrest murderers or carry out explosions." Yeah, I’ve never heard of anyone catching embezzlement of public funds.”

Liu Ligan quickly said thank you, thank you.

After the two of them finished eating, they stood up and went out. Liu Ligan bought two more cans of Red Bull, gave one to Master Su, and told him to drink it on the way.

The two people got in the car. Master Su said to the man sitting in the passenger seat, "Sit in the back."

"Why?" the man asked.

"This is where the shift driver sits." Master Su pointed at Liu Lipole, who could only stand up angrily and sit in the back.

Liu Ligan sat down in the passenger seat and asked Master Su, "Don't you always drive long distances with two drivers? Why are you alone?"

Master Su sighed, patted the steering wheel with both hands and said:

"I can't help it. I have to pay back the loan for this car. For two drivers, I have to pay one more person's wages. Anyway, it's just one night, thirteen or four hours. I sleep during the day and drive at night. I can handle it all by myself."

Liu Ligan said: "If you are tired, call me and I can help you drive for a while. I have never driven a bus, but I have driven a minibus."

Master Su said yes, thank you.

Liu Ligan was sleeping all the way, and Master Su didn't call him. At three or four o'clock in the morning, Liu Ligan woke up. He saw Master Su taking out something chewy from a bag while driving. With.

Liu Ligan asked: "What are you eating?"

"Good stuff." Master Su said with a smile, "Do you want it?"

He said and handed one over to Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan was shocked. What he received was a raw wild pepper in his hand. Liu Ligan asked:

"Are you going to eat this thing raw like this?"

Master Su said: "When you are sleepiest in the second half of the night, if you chew one, you won't feel sleepy at all."

Master Su laughed loudly after saying this, but Liu Ligan felt a little sad when he heard it.

It was around six o'clock in the morning when the bus arrived in Chenzhou. When they parted, Master Su and Liu Ligan said, if you go to the bus station now, there is already a bus to Ningyuan.

Liu Ligan quickly said thank you and we will meet again later.

Master Su remembered it. He wrote a phone number for Liu Ligan on a piece of paper and told him that if you return to Zhejiang or if you have anything to do in Chenzhou, you can call me on this number.

Liu Ligan said yes and he put the note away.

Liu Ligan walked out of the bus parking lot and walked along the street. He saw a dumpling shop on the roadside, so he went in and ordered a bowl of dumplings. The dumplings here were different from other places. The dumpling wrappers were not made of flour. , but made of rice noodles, called rice dumplings. They tasted chewy and chewy. Liu Ligan ate one bowl and felt that it was not enough, so he asked for another bowl.

After eating, he continued walking forward and saw a bank on the side of the road. It was not open. The lights were on in the small hall with the ATM machines next to it. Liu Ligan walked in, took out his wallet and took it out. A bank card.

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping's credit cards were thrown away together with their mobile phones when they were in Hangzhou. This card was given to him by Chen Yaqin. He refused to take it. Chen Yaqin asked him to take it with him and told him that there was also I didn't have much money, so I could deal with it if they got separated. Unexpectedly, they really got separated. Liu Ligan shook his head.

Liu Ligan inserted the card into the teller machine, entered the password, and saw 260,000 yuan on the card, which was somewhat beyond Liu Ligan's expectation.

Liu Ligan didn't know if the card could still be used. He clicked on the withdrawal, and then tried the two thousand option. The teller machine clicked, and then the sound of "swiping" counting money came from the machine. Finally, Voted out two thousand dollars.

Liu Ligan thought for a while and simply withdrew all of today's cash withdrawal limit of 20,000.

After walking out of the automatic glass door and standing on the street, Liu Ligan changed his mind and decided not to go to the station yet.

Thank you Hu Hu, Quadratic VC, Happy Woman, and the two fish rewards at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you Hu Hu, don’t see the future but remember the original intention, far-sightedness, book friend 20180512122110518, book friend 20191102113546718, Cheng Shanming (bronze) 18907983117, zsw, Fan Pei’s Journey to the West, Zi Zeng said, Huaxin Yongshao, Donglongdong, Zhongkai727 , Lao Shen Xisang, Hu Sansi, Kankanshanshui, monthly pass for Book Friends 20181124183423518! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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