The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1768 Live Broadcast (Thank you Zeng Canghai A!)

"Qianqian Studio" filmed until about 11 o'clock in the evening. After the filming, everyone was still interested and must watch the 26-minute program again. After watching it, everyone felt that the effect was good and the format of the program was very novel. , it is indeed much better than the old-fashioned catwalk.

"Unfortunately, if the Internet speed were not insufficient, we could have broadcast live online." Zhang Chen said, "It is best to make some mistakes in the middle of the live broadcast to exaggerate the atmosphere and make people understand that this is a live broadcast, not a recording, just like A lot of movie trailers are like that.”

"If the live broadcast is done at our place, and the audience will watch it at our place, there will be no problem." Guan Liang said, "We have enough bandwidth here, and the entire e-commerce industrial park will be able to do it in the future."

Guan Liang turned out to be a technical expert at "Ladies Street". This time he didn't want to go to, but came to Zhang Chen and the others. The reason was that his ex-girlfriend was now working as a customer service person at, and he didn't want to see it anymore. When it came to her, Wu Yue specifically told Zhang Chen that Guan Liang was very powerful, and Zhang Chen handed over the network center of the e-commerce industrial park to him. .

"There is another question." Guan Liang said.

"What's the problem?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Today's video websites all have upload file size limits. If it is a complete program, it will definitely exceed it. We can only upload fragments of it."

Guan Liang's words poured cold water on everyone.

"Fragments are just fragments, and even fragments can attract attention." Ge Ling said.

"How about cleaning our warehouse?" Zhang Chen thought for a moment and asked.

"What do you mean, boss?" Xu Qiaoxin asked.

Zhang Chen said: "Our own website has all formed spider webs. Xiaoguan, can you redo it?"

As soon as Zhang Chen finished speaking, Xiaoli, Li Wei and Guan Liang all laughed. Zhang Chen asked, "Is this ridiculous?"

Xiaoli said: "We have been discussing this matter for the past two days. There are some customers on Amazon who are fans of our products. They asked us if there is a complete website where all our products can be viewed directly. , and placed an order directly, we thought about making our own website, with Chinese and English versions, and then adding versions in other languages.

"In this way, we not only rely on other people's trading platforms, but also have our own trading platform. Customers who are interested in our products can directly register as our members and enjoy greater discounts."

"This is a good idea, why didn't anyone tell me?" Zhang Chen asked curiously.

Several people laughed and looked at Xu Qiaoxin. Xu Qiaoxin said: "We are afraid that you will be angry, boss, so we want to set up the entire framework and risk being beheaded to talk to you."

"Why am I angry?" Zhang Chen asked, "I want to chop off your heads, am I a tyrant?"

"He said that the website you designed is not good and that it is out of date. There is a lot of redundant code in the source code, which is not concise enough. It needs to be rewritten so that the web page can be opened faster." Xiaoli pointed. Guan Liang said.

"Then change it. I'm not a professional to begin with. You can tear the whole thing down and start over." Zhang Chen said, "Why, you think I'm such a stingy person for changing my stuff on such a trivial matter?" , will I be unhappy? Will I chop off your heads?"

Xu Qiaoxin giggled: "Aren't we afraid of you, that, that, what's that idiom, you have to hold even a broken broom?"

"I'm so precious, you pig!" Ge Ling scolded, and everyone laughed.

Zhang Chen and Guan Liang said: "You can just burn my broken broom and start over. I will help you with ideas on the color scheme of the web page, okay?"

"Of course. I heard from Wu Yue that he said you are very powerful. You helped change the website of 'Ladies Street'." Guan Liang said.

"After the website is improved, we can put the full version of 'Qianqian Studio' on our own website, whether it is Weibo or a video website. If you can only post clips, then post the clips and then provide the complete version." The link allows those who are interested in this to go directly to our website to have a look." Zhang Chen said.

"Mr. Zhang, I have an idea." Guan Liang said.

"you say."

"We can open a live broadcast room on our website, and some viewers with sufficient bandwidth can watch the live broadcast directly on our website. Those who cannot watch the live broadcast can wait until the live broadcast is over to request the full video."

Guan Liang suggested, Zhang Chen nodded and said yes, this is a good idea, Qianqian, this is a challenge for you.

"I'm not afraid. Didn't you say that it would be better to make some mistakes in the middle to let people know that this is a live broadcast and not a recording? Something can go wrong. What am I afraid of?"

Qianqian has already filmed an episode of "Qianqian Studio" and her confidence has increased.

"Okay, it's settled then, let's go, I'll treat everyone to a midnight snack." Zhang Chen said, and everyone cheered.

More than a week later, Zhang Chen and his "Half Acre Field" website was remade and uploaded to the server in their own computer room. The next day after uploading, they were ready to start a new live broadcast of "Qianqian Studio", the website On the day of uploading, they did a wave of promotion. Not only Zhang Chen's own Weibo, but also broadcast a clip from "Qianqian Studio" and gave a complete video link.

And it was announced that the first online live broadcast of "Qianqian Studio" will start at 8pm the next day.

Xiang Nan's Weibo did the same promotion. Zhang Chen saw several celebrities on Weibo who also did simultaneous promotions. Zhang Chen called Qianqian and asked her, did you ask them to promote it?

"No, it's Wenwen, that die-hard girl." Qianqian and Zhang Chen said, "She said that she sold her most precious dignity to me. If I don't do a good job tomorrow, she will fly over from Beijing and beat me up."

Zhang Chen held the phone and laughed, and said, "Then do your best."

"I wasn't nervous at first, but I became nervous when you messed with me, Mr. Zhang." Qianqian said.

Zhang Chen quickly comforted him: "It's okay, it's okay, just be on the other side of the camera, there's not a single audience."

"The problem is that I know there is. Our website has more than 7 million views today. So many people are viewing a corporate website. Guan Liangdu said that the traffic is too scary. He also told me that it has been There are more than 360,000 registered members, of which more than 80,000 are from overseas." Qianqian said.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Then I can't save you. It's your own fault if you perform badly."

"Mr. Zhang, you can't leave me alone!" Qianqian shouted.

Zhang Chen said no, when you broadcast live tomorrow, I will go to the scene to watch you and help you support the show.

Qianqian giggled: "That's pretty much it."

Xiaofang heard that Zhang Chen and the others were planning to conduct an online live broadcast, and was very interested. She must go to their factory with Zhang Chen to have a look. Zhang Chen arrived with Xiaofang, and Xu Qiaoxin shouted when he saw it:

"The queen is here, everyone must behave well today."

"The pig is also a queen, and the queen is the master's mother."

Ge Ling cursed and everyone laughed. Xu Qiaoxin looked at Ge Ling and said, "Are you going to have trouble with me?"

"Yes, how is it?" Ge Ling asked.

Xu Qiaoxin sighed and said, "It's not that good, I'll spare you."

"You should thank me when I correct you," Ge Ling said.

"Don't make any noise, don't make any noise, there's only one minute left, the countdown begins! There are already more than 80,000 people waiting to watch our live broadcast!"

Xiaoli shouted, and the scene fell silent. This was the first time for everyone to experience live broadcasting. Without this experience, they all began to get nervous. Qianqian was sitting there, and Zhang Chen saw that she began to tremble.

Zhang Chen shouted: "Qianqian, why are you shaking? Are you cold? Do you want a down coat?"

Everyone laughed loudly, and Qianqian also laughed. With this smile, she relaxed. Guan Liang said:


The live broadcast was going on. Zhang Chen and the others stood there, staring at the computer screen. As they watched, Zhang Chen asked Guan Liang:

"Is there any way to add interactive functions so that viewers can communicate directly with Qianqian?"

"Yes." Guan Liang said, "You can add a dialog box on the edge of the screen, and the audience can enter text in the dialog box."

"No dialog boxes," Ge Ling said. "Send them directly on the screen, just like a barrage."

Ge Ling pointed to the lower left corner of the screen and said to Guan Liang: "In order not to destroy the picture, you can display all the text here so that Qianqian can also see it. She doesn't have to tilt her head to the side. She can be on the screen." Just pick the questions and answer them.”

Zhang Chen also thought Ge Ling's idea was a good one. Guan Liang said, "Let's think of a way."

This live broadcast was a great success. More than 200,000 people watched their "Qianqian Studio" online. Many people who watched the live broadcast immediately went to their website to buy the clothes Qianqian introduced. It caused a traffic jam. Fortunately, Guan Liang and the others took action immediately. They also had the experience of "Ladies Street" downtime and solved the problem in a few minutes.

When the second live broadcast started, more viewers watched the live broadcast, more than 500,000 people. For the second live broadcast, they added the function of online communication with the audience, which was very popular. Xiaoli said that she wanted to squeeze in and join in. It was fun to ask a question. The subtitles scrolled so fast that she didn’t even see her own words.

Zhang Chen thought to himself that if this was the case, this function would be scrapped. Zhang Chen and Guan Liang said: "Improve it again and change it to become a member before you can speak."

Guan Liang said yes.

"Qianqian Studio" was originally going to be broadcast once a week, but because of the audience's request and Xiaoli's request, it had to increase the number of shows. Xiaoli and Zhang Chen said:

"On the day every live broadcast ends, the sales on our website more than increase tenfold. It's best to come more often."

"You want to exhaust me to death?" Qianqian glared at her.

"It will also exhaust us to death. Where can we get so many new models?" Ge Ling said.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said: "Then we will schedule three days and live broadcast once every three days. Also, we can not only introduce our own products, but also introduce the products of so many manufacturers below us. Don't we also Are you selling their products?”

"That's right!" Xu Qiaoxin and the others' eyes lit up. In this way, their sales can increase a lot.

Xiaofang would watch every live broadcast. At this time, Xiaofang said from the side:

"'Qianqian Studio' can also invite guests. This will not only increase everyone's interest, but also reduce Qianqian's workload. As the first guest, I think we can invite Tan Shuzhen. She has sold clothes and is very interested in clothes. Very understanding too.”

"Yes, yes, the chairman of 'Splendid China' is a guest at 'Qianqian Studio', which will be news in itself." Xu Qiaoxin said, "We can invite Xiang Nan for the second episode, and we can invite a mother and daughter for the third episode. In the same frame, haha, the two of them have appeared in several episodes now."

"Are you sure about Tan Shuzhen?" Zhang Chen scolded with a smile, but he thought Xiaofang and Xu Qiaoxin's suggestion was very good.

"It's you who decides to take over Sister Zhenzhen. Anyway, the task of inviting the two of them is left to you. We don't have such a big reputation." Xu Qiaoxin said.

"I have a proposal." Ge Ling said.

"If you fart, hurry up." Xu Qiaoxin shouted to Ge Ling.

"Why does it have to be a woman? Men can also be guests. In today's episode, let Master be the guest. The people are ready-made."

As soon as Ge Ling said this, everyone else applauded. Zhang Chen just said a few words of no, but Qianqian had already come to pull him. Qianqian said:

"What's not possible, you can do it, Mr. Zhang. If you don't broadcast it, I won't broadcast it either."

Zhang Chen looked at Xiaofang, who smiled and said: "Don't look at me, I can't help you."

"Yes, if he keeps cheating, we will ask the queen to go up and introduce maternity clothes." Xu Qiaoxin said.

Thank you Zeng Canghai A, Quadratic VC, Captain Jim, 0hjkig, Book Friends 20190730075241960, and the rewards at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you for your monthly votes for Once Upon a Time, Looking at the Plum Blossoms and Still Thirsting, The Wind in the West, Jue Xi, The Flame of Morality, The Hot-Blooded Swordsman, The Humorous Tribe, The Undaunted, Yuanxi, and Yunlong Frogfish! Have a good evening everyone!

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