The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1816 Our Hotel (Thank you winsonliu!)

Zhang Chen and Wang Minsheng walked into the back kitchen and were shocked. Although he had been to this place countless times. During the decoration, it could be said that he would come every day, but when there was no one around, the heated scene in front of him It's different. When it was empty, you thought the kitchen was big enough. Now, you feel that there are so many people in the kitchen, so busy, and very organized.

Like a symphony orchestra, evolving so compactly and orderly, this scene is shocking to watch.

The entire back kitchen, close to the door, is a row of steamers and steaming cabinets, filled with steam. There are more than 20 heads in a row on the left hand side. Behind each head stands a side dish chef with more than 20 knives. They fell on the chopping board at random, intertwined together like a jazz drum team, and like a row of Teacher Xu beating the drums.

Behind them is a wide passage. On the other side of the passage is a tens of meters long stainless steel lotus table. The lotus masters take the cut and prepared vegetables from the vegetable cutter. On the lotus table, they should be pickled. For pickling and sizing, a set of several small stainless steel bowls is a plate of pickled vegetables, pushed to the opposite side together.

On the other side of the cooking table, there is a row of more than 20 cooking masters. They stand in front of the wok. The fan above their head is roaring. There is a blazing fire in front of them. They are turning the pot with their left hand and holding the spoon in their right hand. After frying, put two ladles of water into the pot, wash it, tap the pot twice with a horse spoon habitually, and start the next dish.

The other stoves were extremely busy. Only the fire on the first wok was out. It was empty. Zhang Chen knew that this was the executive chef's wok. He would only serve it in person when important guests came. .

On a day like today, he must have other things to do and be very busy. Zhang Chen didn't see him all the way here.

Everyone in the kitchen was wearing white clothes, white trousers and white hats. Zhang Chen walked among them. They didn't even have time to say hello to Zhang Chen. Only the chef standing at the top of the pier smiled at Zhang Chen. one time.

Zhang Chen walked through the back kitchen and walked to the water table. He saw more than a dozen helpers cleaning the water table. In the barbecue room next to the water table, three large vertical ovens were open. Several chefs were using a The ducks were thrust into the furnace on poles with iron hooks and hung for roasting.

On the other two open charcoal ovens, one is roasting lamb legs and the other is roasting suckling pig. The master is using a brush to brush syrup on the suckling pig to color it.

Although it was winter, the temperature in the barbecue room was still very high. Zhang Chen felt hot all over after standing for a while, so he walked out.

Zhang Chen walked to the back kitchen. He saw the fire of the first wok was lit. The executive chef was standing in front of the wok, also with a pot in one hand and a spoon in the other. While operating, he was talking to a person standing next to him. When Zhang Chen saw that person, he was stunned for a moment and quickly walked over.

Zhang Chen patted the man on the shoulder. The man turned around and was happy when he saw Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen asked:

"Master Fu, when did you come?"

"Arrived this morning." Fatty Fu said, "Huijuan asked me to come over and help them for a few days. She said that the new hotel is opening and there will be a batch of new dishes. She asked me to come over and try the new dishes."

Zhang Chen quickly said: "Great!"

The executive chef said to Zhang Chen: "These dishes will be on your table later. Mr. Zhang, please give me your opinion."

Zhang Chen agreed, and he said to Fatty Fu: "Master Fu, I won't disturb you anymore. Let's have a few drinks together when the meeting is over."

Fatty Fu said yes.

Zhang Chen passed between the lotus chef and the side dish chef, and was about to go back to the restaurant. He saw Huijuan leading a large group of reporters in. Zhang Chen quickly ducked to the pastry room on the side, where Wang Minsheng was. , when he saw Zhang Chen coming in, he asked him to taste the sago dew. Zhang Chen tasted it and felt that the taste of the sago dew was different. Zhang Chen asked, what was added?

Wang Minsheng told him, but it was in vain. He couldn't understand and didn't know what Wang Minsheng said.

Wang Minsheng stood here, and his apprentice stood beside him respectfully. Wang Minsheng tasted whatever came out of the oven, and then talked to him. The apprentice listened carefully and remembered, sometimes Wang Minsheng tasted He didn't even taste it. He looked at the color and shape and shook his head. At this time, not only his disciples, but also other people were afraid to show off.

Zhang Chen saw Huijuan leading the reporter from a distance. He quickly walked out of the pastry room, passed through a row of steam cabinets with dishes and dishes more than ten meters away, and went to the braised food room.

Zhang Chen came out of the back kitchen and stood at the door of the food passage. He was startled again. In the huge hall outside, more than half of the guests had already sat down, looking at the dark mass of heads and the empty space with him. When I was in the restaurant, the feeling was different again, and I still felt shocked.

The foreman and supervisors moved quickly in the restaurant almost at a trot. They passed by Zhang Chen and called "Mr. Zhang". They had already walked away before Zhang Chen could see their faces clearly.

Zhang Chen was walking in the restaurant. Someone he knew stood up and shook hands with Zhang Chen warmly. Zhang Chen laughed with him and told him to have a seat, please have a seat, and thank you for coming.

Zhang Chen walked away for a long time, feeling that the man just now did look familiar, but he still couldn't remember who he was.

The entire restaurant is thousands of square meters and is too big. Zhang Chen and their friends specially arranged it in the lobby today. When the restaurant was empty, Zhang Chen knew exactly where his table was. At this time, he actually got lost looking for it. It didn't arrive, which made Zhang Chen himself amazed. This was a rare sight for him.

He has always prided himself on being a person with a strong image memory and a superb ability to remember roads and people. But today, he could neither remember people nor roads. Zhang Chen shook his head.

Zhang Chen observed carefully. He found that although there were thousands of people sitting in the hall, it did not feel very noisy. He looked at the tables of guests and saw that no one was shouting or talking, which made Zhang Chen relax. It seems that all the noise reduction measures have worked.

A supervisor saw Zhang Chen wandering around the restaurant like a wandering ghost. She quickly came over and asked:

"Mr. Zhang, can't you find your seat?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

"I'll take you there, Mr. Zhang," the supervisor said.

Zhang Chen quickly said thank you!

After walking a few steps, Zhang Chen felt strange and asked his supervisor: "Do you know where I sit at the table?"

The supervisor smiled and said, "I saw the boss lady and the others. You should be at the same table as them, right?"

Zhang Chen also laughed and said yes.

Zhang Chen asked the supervisor: "How is this restaurant? There are so many people. Do you feel it is noisy?"

The supervisor said: "We are also surprised that this place is so much bigger than Yan'an Road and there are so many more customers. Why do we feel that it is less noisy than Yan'an Road?"

"Don't make any noise, okay?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Of course." The supervisor said, "On Yan'an Road, we talked to the guests and to each other. It was very strenuous. After one day's work, my voice was almost hoarse. I guess I won't be able to do it here."

The supervisor led Zhang Chen to find Xiaofang and the others. The two adjacent tables here were all friends of their group. Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, saw Zhang Chen and said to him:

"Brother, this is my first time seeing such a big restaurant."

Lao Tan said: "Probably because it was built as an industrial park, it didn't feel big when it was renovated. But when it was full of people, it looked really scary."

Zhang Chen saw that there were dishes on the table, and he asked: "Has the taste of the dishes declined?"

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said: "I have the most say on this. I definitely don't have it. It seems that compared with the Tuxiang Garden in Xiasha and the Tuxiang Garden on Yan'an Road, the taste has changed a bit, but it is better."

Zhang Chen understood that during this period, Huijuan and the others were definitely not idle. While training employees, they had also been studying and improving the dishes.

After a while, Huijuan came over. Tan Shuzhen and Xiaofang both said that she had worked hard and asked her to sit. Huijuan shook her head and did not sit down. Instead, she said to Zhang Chen:

"I've helped you with the interview errands. You always need to come with us to toast, right?"

Everyone at the table laughed. Zhang Chen quickly stood up and said, OK, I'll go with you.

The two of them walked into the private room. Zhang Chen and Huijuan said, "I just saw Master Fu in the back kitchen. You are more respectable."

Huijuan smiled and said: "I am his disciple, he can't just ignore death."

"It won't die. From the current point of view, everything is normal. I think we can build this hotel." Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen and Huijuan went to the four boxes where the reporters were staying and toasted to each table. After the toasts were over, Zhang Chen and Huijuan said, "Go and eat with us. They said there will be new dishes later."

Huijuan shook her head: "Where do I have time? You go ahead."

"Then after the meeting is over, let's have a few drinks with Fatty Fu. I made an agreement with him."

Huijuan nodded and said yes.

Zhang Chen walked back to his seat and saw a few more dishes on the table. Two of the plates were still empty. Zhang Chen asked them if the speed of serving the dishes was okay?

Liu Yun said yes.

Zhang Chen pointed to the two empty plates and asked Xiaofang: "What is this? Why didn't the waiter take it away?"

Xiaofang giggled, and the others also laughed. Tan Shuzhen said to him:

"I won't let them take it. These two are new dishes. We originally wanted to save some for you. They were so delicious that we ate them all."

"I feel embarrassed after eating it all. There is no food. You have to see the plate." Wei Wenfang said, and everyone laughed again.

Zhang Chen said yes, you guys are awesome, I’ve learned from it.

After the guests finished eating, they stood up and left one after another. Zhang Chen and his two tables were chatting while eating. It was already the end. Zhang Chen and Xiaofang said, you go first, and the master chef from Sanya will come to help. I'll go stay with him for a while.

Xiaofang said yes, Tan Shuzhen and Liu Yun also stood up and said they were going to drink tea in the teahouse outside. Everyone agreed, and the two tables got up and moved. Here, in the hall, the waiters began to close the tables.

Seeing everyone else saying goodbye to Zhang Chen and leaving, the foreman came over and said to Zhang Chen, "General Manager, they are in the box on No. 5, Mr. Zhang, I will take you there."

Zhang Chen said yes.

The two of them walked towards the box. Zhang Chen asked the foreman: "How are you today? Are you tired?"

The foreman stopped talking and just smiled at Zhang Chen.

When we arrived at the private room, the executive chef, Fatty Fu, and Huijuan were all there. There were dishes on the table that Zhang Chen had never seen before. Huijuan smiled and said to Zhang Chen:

"I know you haven't tasted it. This is specially prepared for you."

Zhang Chen quickly said: "What are you preparing for me? You should prepare it for Master Fu."

Fatty Fu smiled and said: "This is the rule of our kitchen. If there are new dishes, we must invite the boss to taste them. Only after the boss approves them can they be introduced."

Zhang Chen said: "The boss here is Huijuan, not me. She can decide. Come on, Master Fu, let me toast you first."

Zhang Chen picked up the wine glass, clinked it with Fatty Fu, and drank it all in one gulp.

Thank you winsonliu and quadratic VC for the reward! Thank you winsonliu, Zhongkai727, skyracer, and Daosheng123 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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