The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1819 Everyone is in their place

After deciding to shift the company's business focus to first-tier cities, Tan Shuzhen returned to several major cities in the Yangtze River Delta. On the one hand, she acquired land in Hangzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou and Ningbo. On the other hand, she also stepped up internal adjustments and adjustments within the company. Reorganization.

The Hangcheng branch still has Ying Ying as the general manager. After consulting Zhang Musheng, Tan Shuzhen transferred Zhang Musheng back from the Hefei branch to serve as the deputy general manager of the Hangcheng branch. Although he changed from the general manager of the branch to He became the deputy general manager, but Zhang Musheng was still very happy. He said that as he got older, it was time for him to come back, and he couldn't bear to be out running all the time all year round.

"I'm back, but I can't be idle yet. I want to have a grandson. It will take a few years. You have to help Ying Ying. Here in Hangzhou, so much land was taken at once, and one-third of it will be developed immediately. , the pressure is also great." Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Musheng said.

Zhang Musheng said yes, then I will tell my son and daughter-in-law that I am going to carry their second and third children.

Tan Shuzhen laughed and said, OK, by then the policy will be relaxed and they can be bold.

The scale of the Hangcheng branch has expanded, and it has also begun to enter into real and intensive operations. The deputy general manager of the branch is also a powerful person who stands alone. He was originally transferred from Yongcheng. Tan Shuzhen deliberately sidelined his President Feng and took the post of Hangzhou branch again. The vice president of the Hangcheng branch was not suitable, so Tan Shuzhen demoted him to the office director of the Hangcheng branch.

Mr. Feng became Director Feng and was very unhappy. He did not dare to complain to Tan Shuzhen, so he had to go to Lao Tan to complain. After hearing a few words, Lao Tan glared and cursed:

"Just do it if you want to, or get out if you don't. By keeping you here, Director Tan has already given you face. Look at what serious things you have done in the past few years besides getting salary? Don't be shameless."

Director Feng came out of Lao Tan's office with a red face. From then on, he avoided Lao Tan when he saw him, but he didn't have the heart to resign. It's not that he didn't want to, but he didn't dare. If he resigns from here, he doesn't know where he can go. , and with such a high annual income, his brother-in-law, who he offended, is no longer the director of the Yongcheng Land Bureau, but the chairman of the Yongcheng Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

Everyone knows that when a director of the Bureau of Land and Resources becomes the chairman of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, it is almost like being exiled. He will probably never get over in this life. Director Feng has to be grateful to Tan Shuzhen for not letting anyone take the trouble, so he tells him to get out of business.

After calming down and thinking about it again, I couldn't compare with Zhang Musheng in terms of qualifications or abilities. It was indeed a bit dazzling for Zhang Musheng to be on an equal footing with him.

The Nanjing branch was excessive in the past few years. After Ying Ying left, she appointed a girl who had been her assistant as the general manager. This general manager did not have much to do, except to complete the project that they had almost completed. After that, he sold some unsold houses and was also responsible for the maintenance tasks of developed projects.

Ying Ying joked that the Nanjing branch is already a caretaker company.

But now, they have acquired eight parcels of land in Nanjing. The Nanjing branch is immediately in a tight situation and needs to strengthen its management capabilities.

Tan Shuzhen transferred Xu Wenhui from Wuhan to Nanjing to serve as the general manager of the Nanjing branch. She also merged the Hefei branch after Zhang Musheng left into the Nanjing branch to prepare for possible abolition in the future.

Suzhou is close to Shanghai, but far from Nanjing. Even in terms of emotions and living habits, Suzhou people are more attracted to Shanghai rather than Nanjing. Just like Jiaxing people are more accustomed to running to Shanghai instead of Hangzhou when they have something to do. They feel that they are more like As a native of Shanghai, not Zhejiang, Tan Shuzhen simply merged the Suzhou branch into Lao Wan's Shanghai branch.

Although Fan Jianguo's Xiamen branch does not belong to the Yangtze River Delta region, it is also a company that they will vigorously develop next. Like Ningbo, Xiamen is a city under separate planning. Fuzhou is the capital city of Fujian, but Tan Shuzhen put the Fuzhou branch And when it arrived at the Xiamen branch, it became a second-tier company.

The entire eastern route of Hainan Island has long been divided up. The leading real estate companies in the country have set their sights on the western route. Evergrande Group's Haihua Island project in Baimajing, Danzhou has set off a wave of island building in Hainan. Hot, Lao Xie asked Tan Shuzhen and Mr. Han, should we also build an island?

Mr. Han immediately stopped it. He said that these projects, no matter how vigorous they are now, will be rectified or even stopped sooner or later. If Hainan is allowed to be messed up like this, the whole of Hainan will be finished. Let’s not stir up this hornet’s nest.

What's more, they still have a lot of land on hand, whether on the eastern or western fronts, which is enough for them.

"If you really want to get it, then go to the middle line, and go to Tunchang, Qiongzhong, Baisha, and Wuzhishan. The land and housing prices in these places are several times different from those on the east line, even on the west line. And now in Those who develop Zhongxian are basically some small local real estate companies and leading companies, and they have not yet discovered the value of Zhongxian." Mr. Han said.

"Has anyone bought the houses in these places?" Lao Xie asked doubtfully.

Mr. Han said: "Don't forget that people across the country are buying Hainan. As I said before, for people in the mainland, especially in the north, there is not much difference whether your house is in Wenchang or Tunchang. People across the country are buying Hainan. As a result, like houses on the eastern front, after several waves of speculation, the price has hit the ceiling and is falling.

"On the contrary, house prices in the middle line will slowly rise in the future. There is no reason for there to be such a big price difference within Hainan Island. People across the country will bring their prices closer."

Tan Shuzhen believed that what Mr. Han said was reasonable. She asked Lao Xie to avoid the east and west lines, focus on the middle line, and seize the opportunity to deploy in the middle line of Hainan before other real estate companies.

With the manpower deployed in several important areas in place, Tan Shuzhen breathed a sigh of relief. The next thing she has to do is to speed up the liquidation of the existing assets on hand. One is to prepare food and grass for the land auction in the second half of the year, and the other is to make the company debt ratio dropped.

As long as these two things are done well, Tan Shuzhen feels that her "Splendid China" can live better than most companies no matter how the situation changes.

Those real estate companies that are constantly rushing to grow bigger and bigger, and add more and more leverage. Do they really not know that it is not just leverage that is added, but also the cost of capital and operating risks?

Tan Shuzhen understands very clearly that when you do a hundred projects, the actual profit from doing it is not as high as doing ten projects, it is actually meaningless for you to do a hundred projects, except to provide capital and finance. Apart from working in an organization, what else can you earn besides an illusory reputation and the great feeling of being in front of others?

Everyone will say that it is safe to leave a bag, but no one seems to care whether this bag is their own pocket or someone else's pocket.

In the current real estate market, many people don't understand this truth. They are working hard to scale and expand, reaching trillions and trillions. The behemoths think they are gods and are proud of themselves. Then what?

Then they rack their brains to find ways to hide liabilities, or turn some creditors' claims into fictitious equity on the statements, or turn a large amount of liabilities into off-balance sheet businesses to make their statements look good and deceive shareholders and the public. Open the lid and the actual profit is zero or even negative.

For a company like this, when you are not happy enough, once the general environment changes, the company will immediately encounter disaster. The boss who was scolding Fang Qiu and arrogant yesterday has become a lost dog today, and is restricted from leaving the country and traveling abroad. High consumption, watching his subordinates who used to be submissive to him, pat their butts and leave one by one, with a series of supercilious looks.

At that time, even if you want to be an ordinary bricklayer, squeeze into a rented house, have a good meal, and have a good sleep, it will be a luxury.

Tan Shuzhen has seen too many companies and bosses like this.

After so many years of working in real estate, Tan Shuzhen has finally figured out the laws of the real estate market. She feels that the real estate industry is still different from other industries. There is no other industry. When you develop wildly and rush forward, you will be at odds with this country. The foundation of the country's founding conflicts with D's governing philosophy.

Once that time comes, there will be no problem in drawing lists and calculating the general ledger vigorously and resolutely. When the time comes, the companies that are running around will definitely be the companies that are enjoying themselves now.

No industry is as affected by policies as the real estate industry. The policies coming out now are different from those in previous years. They must be combined and intensive, leaving you with no loopholes to exploit and often hitting the key points.

Don't try to be smart anymore. Managers are now keeping pace with the times and are already smarter than you.

In an industry that most needs to be vigilant and pay attention to risk control, Tan Shuzhen found strangely that everyone was avoiding talking about risks and allowing risks to expand infinitely.

Tan Shuzhen shook her head and sighed. She felt that this was really a crazy market with a bunch of crazy people.

The cell phone on Tan Shuzhen's desk rang. She picked it up and saw that it was Zhang Chen. Tan Shuzhen picked up the phone.

"Tan Shuzhen, where are you?" Zhang Chen's voice came from the phone.

"What happened at the company?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Liu Yun and I are coming over now." Zhang Chen said.

Coming here with Liu Yun? Tan Shuzhen felt that Zhang Chen's call was a bit strange. Tan Shuzhen asked, "What's the matter?"

"We have something to do. Let's talk about it when we meet." Zhang Chen answered briefly.

"I'd better go over to your place. I'm feeling bored sitting in the office. I just want to go out and get some fresh air." Tan Shuzhen said into the phone.

Zhang Chen said yes, then we will wait for you here.

Tan Shuzhen stood up and walked out, still wondering in her heart, what would happen if these two people were looking for her, and they couldn't talk about it on the phone?

Thank you to book friend 20190910001014235, happy old Wu classmate, quadratic VC, and two fishes for the rewards! Thank you book friend 20190910001014235, West Wind, Qdragon, Looking for Plum Blossoms, Bright Stars, Sand Dust Mood, winsonliu, Happy Old Wu Classmate, Yin Zhirong, Dachuan Dachuan, Night Wu Gec, Clear Mind, Captain Jim, Monthly votes for sds, Tiezhongshang1, Zhenwu Longyi, Daosheng123, zpengyong1, Andrew, Book Friends 20201124185256102, Book Friends 20180906223204934! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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