The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1821 Flying to Beijing

When Zhang Chen flew to Beijing Capital Airport, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening. Sun Hou came to pick him up at the airport. The two of them walked to the parking lot and got into the car. Sun Hou did not start the car, but turned around and asked Zhang Chen :

"What happened to Liu Yun?"

Zhang Chen told Sun Hou in detail what Liu Yun told him. Sun Hou became anxious when he heard it. He said: "Liu Yun is manipulating futures prices, which is already illegal."

Zhang Chen was startled and said, "Didn't Liu Yun say that there were no relevant regulations at that time?"

"She remembered wrongly. Our country's futures trading management regulations were promulgated seven years ago. However, the futures market does not have as great a social impact as the securities market, and there are not so many people involved. In actual law enforcement, it is more biased toward securities The market, the futures market, has been somewhat neglected. After all, the power of law enforcement is limited.

"Moreover, even in the securities market, there was a tendency to investigate and deal with insider trading and other behaviors. As for the manipulation of securities prices and futures prices, it has only begun to be taken seriously in recent years. And the crime of manipulating the securities and futures markets, how should I say, this It's a wide and narrow gate. When it finds you, it's a narrow gate and you can't get through. When it doesn't find you, it's a wide gate and everyone comes in and out.

"Not to mention that time, even now, there are a lot of suspected violations of market manipulation. It is commonplace for everyone. Many fund managers are doing this, and there are also those big Vs on Weibo who offer membership for a fee. They let everyone do it every day. He followed him in and out of the stock market, and was suspected of manipulating the securities market.

"How do you describe this crime? It's just like Bao Xiaosan. When you get serious about it, this kind of behavior can be regarded as a de facto marriage and punished as bigamy. But in fact, you have seen several Bao Xiaosan who were raped. Charged with bigamy? The same goes for the crime of manipulating the securities market, which is very common, but the number of people who have actually been investigated and dealt with is pitifully small."

Zhang Chen was secretly frightened when he heard what Sun Hou said. He thought to himself, Tan Shuzhen was really right. This kind of thing cannot be avoided if you are on the line and on the line. You cannot be careless. Zhang Chen sighed:

"Why is Liu Yun so confused? When she started this business, she didn't even study the relevant laws and regulations?"

"You can't blame her for this, whether it's the securities market, futures or foreign exchange market. By the way, our domestic foreign exchange market is not open at all, but if you go to the newspapers and look online, there are so many foreign exchange speculation software advertising, There are actually hundreds of thousands of people speculating in foreign exchange and crude oil. These are illegal activities, but who cares?

"Our country's financial market is an underachiever compared with the West. When drafting many regulatory systems, those who drafted them copied foreign laws and regulations. It can be said that many provisions are in place, but how are they implemented specifically? , everyone is watching and trying, and after there are relevant cases, the implementation details and implementation cases of the law will be slowly formed, which is what I am talking about.

"There are regulations for manipulating the securities and futures markets, but how to implement it, everyone was still confused at the time, especially for companies like Liu Yun and others with foreign capital and Wall Street background. Another reason is that we are accustomed to it. At that time, we were embracing They vigorously welcomed them in. At this time, it can be said that in many aspects, they were given immunity invisibly..."

"Just like when foreign-funded enterprises first came in, we were exempted from taxes?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Yes, the mentality is the same. At that time, we were short of money, and we also lacked companies like this to participate in our financial system reform. We welcome them to come into our market with huge funds and experience, so in many aspects it was not like it is now. The restrictions are so strict." Sun Hou said.

"What should we do now about this matter? Someone has already reported her, and it should be someone inside their company." Zhang Chen asked urgently.

"Is there a breaking point in the middle?" Sun Hou asked.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Chen asked.

"There is a key word in the qualitative nature of this matter, that is, twenty consecutive trading days. If you enter the market for twenty consecutive trading days, it can be used as a criterion for filing a case. If there is a breakpoint in the middle, there will be loopholes that can be exploited. How to explain it? And understanding means that the person looking for her can make the decision at his own discretion." Sun Hou said.

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know much about this. How do I know?"

"Well, I hope so. Another favorable factor is that after all, so many years have passed, and it was still a relatively chaotic situation at the time. As long as Liu Yun and the others act in a standardized manner, there will be room for this matter. .”

"Well, I heard Liu Yun say that they have always been very standardized."

Sun Hou nodded: "It's understandable. At first, everyone didn't pay attention, but later they all paid attention."

Sun Hou started the car and drove towards the city. He said to Zhang Chen: "Zhang Chen, I will send you to the hotel and I won't have dinner with you. I want to find someone. First, find out who is looking for you tomorrow." Liu Yun, try to put out the fire at this moment."

"Okay, let me get off the car. I'll go to the hotel by myself while you go and deal with Liu Yun's matter." Zhang Chen said quickly.

Sun Hou laughed: "How can I let you off the expressway? It's okay. I won't run away if I'm at home. It's just that this matter has not been implemented. I am worried. Should I go to the Wangfu Hotel?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

"By the way, Zhang Chen, don't talk to Li Yong about this matter. Li Yong may not necessarily care about other people's affairs, but if it's Liu Yun's matter, he will go out of his way to care about it. That would really be a crime." Wrong, don't tell him, leave this matter to me."

Sun Hou said, Zhang Chen nodded and said okay, I understand, this is what I was worried about, so I only called you and didn't tell him yet.

"By the way, Monkey, aren't you afraid of making mistakes?" Zhang Chen asked with a smile.

"It's different. I'm a backward person. Someone has to take care of Liu Yun's affairs, so why don't I do it." Sun Hou laughed, and Zhang Chen also laughed.

After driving forward for a while, Sun Hou said again: "I have to ask someone to check one more thing."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Chen asked.

"The article you mentioned was published by people from Liu Yun's company, but I think it's not that simple. I picked this time to publish such an article. Maybe there are people behind it, and there are other purposes. This People need to find it out, otherwise they will still be in trouble if they keep looking at this matter," Sun Hou said.

"You're still thinking too far, why didn't I think of this?" Zhang Chen said.

Sun Hou looked at Zhang Chen and said with a smile: "You are relatively simple. I have seen many intrigues and intrigues."

Sun Hou sent Zhang Chen to the Wangfu Hotel and drove away. Zhang Chen completed the accommodation registration and went upstairs. He had something on his mind and was too lazy to go out, so he ordered food in the room, took a shower after eating, and sat on the bed. Just as I was about to call Xiaofang, Xiaofang's call came.

Xiaofang's trip to Spain this time was about the acquisition of the Spanish Farmers Group by Shuanghui International Holdings. The EU is relatively strict in this area. Xiaofang is not as familiar in Europe as she is in the United States. She also has people from the Yale Skull and Bones Society helping behind. It can be said that the Europeans come up with ideas one after another. Xiaofang and the others have endless hearings and have to explain their acquisition intentions to many people.

Especially the various guarantees after the acquisition.

The two chatted on the phone. Zhang Chen told Xiaofang that he was in Beijing, and he was currently on the bed at the Wangfu Hotel. Xiaofang asked, is there anything wrong with the Beijing branch of Liyu Customization?

Zhang Chen responded vaguely. He did not tell Xiaofang that he came to Beijing because of Liu Yun's affairs. Zhang Chen knew that if he told Xiaofang, Xiaofang would be frightened, so he had better wait for her to come back. , or let’s talk about it after this matter is resolved.

After hanging up the phone, it was already past eleven o'clock. Zhang Chen had something on his mind and was not sleepy. He picked up his mobile phone several times and found Sun Hou's number. He hesitated but did not dial out. At this time, it might be... It's the busiest time for Sun Hou, so it's better not to disturb him, and it's inconvenient to disturb him.

He turned on his computer and looked for a movie on the Internet to watch. He couldn't stand it halfway through and stopped watching. He stared at the computer screen for a while, then remembered, and went to search for the article, but it was already there. Cannot be found.

Zhang Chen let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that Sun Hou was already controlling the damage before the situation escalated.

For some reason, Zhang Chen was convinced that the disappearance of that article from the Internet must be related to Sun Hou.

When it was almost one o'clock, Zhang Chen's phone rang. It was Sun Hou, and Zhang Chen quickly picked it up.

"It's done." Sun Hou said the first thing to Zhang Chen on the phone, and then asked: "Zhang Chen, are you hungry? If you are, I will come over and treat you to a midnight snack?"

"No, Monkey, you've worked hard to get up to this point. Go back and rest early." Zhang Chen said quickly.

Sun Hou said yes, I will come over tomorrow and talk to you in detail.

Zhang Chen nodded.

After hanging up the phone, maybe because he was feeling relaxed, Zhang Chen suddenly felt hungry. He was very hungry. He had never been hungry before. He got dressed and went downstairs to the door. There was a taxi at the door with the lights on. The driver was dozing on his seat when the "empty" light came on. Zhang Chen got on and said to the driver:

"Go to Guijie."

After the car drove out, Zhang Chen picked up his mobile phone and called Tan Shuzhen. The phone only rang once and was picked up. Tan Shuzhen shouted:

"How's it going, Zhang Chen?"

"It's done." Zhang Chen said.

"It's great, it's really great." On the other end of the phone, Tan Shuzhen almost cried. She said, "Zhang Chen, do you know, I'm just waiting for your call. I'm afraid you guys are talking about something. I don’t dare to call you. If you don’t call me, I won’t be able to sleep all night.”

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "You can sleep peacefully now. Either you come out and I'll treat you to a midnight snack. I'm on my way to Guijie. Let's go eat thirteen-flavored crayfish."

"Get out!" Tan Shuzhen scolded, and Zhang Chen laughed.

The car was driving in Beijing at midnight. Zhang Chen put his head on the window glass and stared blankly outside. He thought that people are really animals with a stand. If things like Liu Yun happened in and around If they see it on people they have nothing to do with, or on the Internet, they will definitely be indifferent, and they may even curse: "You deserve it!"

But because it is someone close to him, because it is Liu Yun, everyone's stance and attitude have changed, and some of their principles have even been abandoned. They are all worried about her and trying to find ways for her. Zhang Chen remembered what Sun Hou said about Li Yong:

"He may not necessarily care about other people's affairs, but if it were Liu Yun's matter, he would go out of his way to care about it. Then he would really make a mistake."

Zhang Chen thought for a while, and he also felt that Li Yong would definitely take care of it, but it was Liu Yun. People are not grass and trees, but they can be ruthless. If they have some feelings, they can't get over it, no matter what position he is in.

Thank you to the happy Mr. Wu for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for your monthly votes from book friend 20200616115431439, Looking for Plum Blossoms, Broken Dreams in the Void, Ya Fazi, Lamycia, No Future, Just Remember the Original Intention, Fantasy in the Wind, SDS, Traveler Ye Buchan, Fisherman Yuhu, and Yin Zhirong! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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