The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1839 It will be very embarrassing

We have been together for a long time and have become familiar with each other. The people in the security team all know that Zhang Xiangbei is Zhang Chen's son. They also know that he is still studying at Yale University and will graduate in one year.

Someone joked with him: "Zhang Xiangbei, how about Yongcheng? How about coming back to Yongcheng after graduation?"

Someone on the side immediately said: "With his level, he can be the deputy mayor when he comes back. Hey, you guys think, if our Yongcheng has a deputy mayor who drives an Audi R8, wouldn't it be great? He is the only one in the province. One, right?”

"Not only in the province, but also in the whole country, he is the only one. Moreover, even the Discipline Inspection Commission has made it easier. Sugar-coated silver bullets will definitely not be able to hit him." Someone said.

"It's impossible for colorful flags to fly outside." Someone else said.

Everyone cheered and laughed.

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiangnan acted solemnly in front of others, deliberately keeping a certain distance, but in fact, the people around them had already noticed that their relationship was unusual. Who among the civil servants did not know the saying "the red flag does not fall at home, but the colorful flags flutter outside" , they felt that the red flag facing south was too bright to resist all the colorful flags.

From that day on, Zhang Xiangbei's nickname "Mayor Zhang" spread like wildfire. Even Ding Yousong and Yin Tao called him Mayor Zhang. Many people called him Mayor Zhang. Finally, even Zhang Xiangbei People came to him and said, Mayor Zhang, take a look at this contract. If there is no problem, I will sign it with them. Zhang Xiangbei couldn't help but take it and look at it.

Mayor Zhang, they are coming to interview you this afternoon, is that okay?

Zhang Xiangbei can't say no, and he can't say stop barking every time. In that case, it will appear that no one takes it seriously, and you are taking it seriously, which would be very boring.

Zhou Ruoyi helped them contact three sponsoring units. Zhang Xiangbei took people to Hangzhou to sign the contract. The person who followed him was named Mayor Zhang Xiangbei. The person in charge of the other unit was surprised and asked, who is the mayor of Yongcheng? So young? The person who followed said seriously, yes, it's a temporary job.

The other party also believed it. He believed that Zhang Xiangbei, who was probably from the Youth League Committee at some level above and was sent to Yongcheng as the deputy mayor, really had a bright future.

Zhang Xiangbei couldn't deny it to his face because he was said to have such a nose and eyes. When he left his workplace, he complained, "Why are you talking nonsense on such occasions?"

The person who followed laughed and said, "Didn't you say you don't care, just get the contract? Didn't you see the respectful look on the other side?" It's a pity, Mayor Zhang, that you didn't strike while the iron was hot. If you had brought it up earlier, I guess the other party would have added an extra fifty thousand.

Even Sun Jin heard Mayor Zhang's nickname. When she saw Zhang Xiangbei again, she smiled and said to him:

"How about it, Beibei, come back from the United States and come to Yongcheng to be my colleague?"

Zhang Xiangbei's neck turned red and he quickly said: "Aunt Sun Jin, they were joking and shouting."

"Auntie, I'm telling you the truth, we really lack cadres like you who are motivated and have a global perspective." Sun Jin said, Zhang Xiangbei chuckled and refused to come out.

The "Yongcheng Nongfu Spring Summer International Street Theater Festival" has finally opened. Never before have so many foreign tourists poured into Yongcheng, and never have so many foreigners appeared on the streets of Yongcheng, with such rich skin colors. It was an eye-opener for the citizens of Yongcheng, a small town in the mountainous area of ​​western Zhejiang Province.

In the Cultural Square and the riverside park below, various performance groups are performing free performances. With Yongcheng Center and Cultural Square as the center, the Xin'an Road radiating out is closed to vehicles after 6 p.m. It turned into a pedestrian street, and on both sides of the street were stalls approved by the preparatory team.

Mainly selling and making various Yongcheng specialty snacks, including small wontons and dumplings, egg and spinach fried rice cakes, tofu buns and chive meatloaf, red bean and sesame mochi rice cakes, paolu rice cakes and There are those making pancakes with pickled sesame meat, fried buckwheat dumplings and fried dumplings, wheat cakes and shortbreads, and there are also those making maltose and water-cooked chicken on site, and even tofu rolled in pig blood.

There are also shops selling Chun'an old lady chicken wings and various barbecues. Even the locals in Yongcheng don't know that there are so many delicious snacks in Yongcheng. After eating half of it, there is still half a belly, so keep it and take it to the street.

After my stomach was full, I walked to the Cultural Square and the Jiangbian Company below to watch the foreigners performing. Although I couldn't understand what they were singing, I only had a brief introduction to understand a general and specific situation, including what was happening on the stage. Who is who and what is the relationship to each other is all blurry, but what does it matter? Just be happy and novel. Why do you need to know so much?

Seeing that I was a little hungry, I continued to go shopping and eat on Xin'an Road, and then went home. No matter which corner I lived in, I often met foreigners who were traveling with them. They were returning to the family hotel where they were staying. Go, lower your head and raise your head, you will see so many outsiders right next to you. This is a new experience for Yongcheng people.

In addition to the stalls selling snacks, there are also stalls selling various licensed products and souvenirs on the street. The business is also quite good. However, most of the people buying things at these stalls are tourists from other places, and they are not merciless at all when buying. , not only buying them for themselves, but also giving them back to others.

Among the bustling crowd, there are people holding cameras everywhere. It is not known whether they are journalists, photography enthusiasts, or photographers. Yongcheng Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Hangzhou Photographers Association, during the drama festival, organizers of the association Members are conducting collecting activities.

There are several rows of temporary open-air display windows at the fountain in the middle of the cultural square. Their works are on display freshly and hotly in the windows. The works in the display windows change every two days. Go and see if you have been captured by the photographers. Photos are also one of everyone’s pleasures.

Other activities held at the same time as the theater festival also attracted a lot of people. News from the transportation department and Xiangnan’s housing center revealed that the theater festival was already halfway through, and the number of guests coming to Yongcheng every day has not decreased at all. signs, which made Xiangnan and the others relieved.

On the Internet, there are constant topics about Yongcheng. As soon as a new topic emerges, the online commentators organized by the Communist Youth League Committee will jump on it and heat up the topic, making the entire Yongcheng hot not only on the Internet, but also in reality.

The people who felt the deepest feeling were the local residents of Yongcheng. During the entire drama festival, the whole city felt like they were attending a long-lasting temple fair. This made them excited as soon as they left home every day, and there was no way not to be excited. The whole city seems to be drunk, with no sleep and wanton revelry. It is impossible for people in such an environment not to be infected.

This situation lasted until August 20th, when the drama festival finally came to an end, and then on the 23rd, the online live broadcast competition also ended. The whole city seemed to become empty all of a sudden, the streets became wider, and the night changed. For a long time, where have all the people who crowd this city every day gone?

Everyone felt that this city seemed to be dead. How could it be so quiet?

It really took a few days for many people to slowly start to adapt. They looked at the cross-street banners on the street being removed one by one. The street sign advertisements on both sides of the road and the advertisements related to the theater festival began to be removed. The original advertisements were replaced, the cultural square and riverside park, the colorful flags and balloons that were hunting in the wind disappeared, and the stages were also dismantled.

Even on the Internet, Yongcheng seemed to be able to only see his back, gradually drifting away, and then they believed that the drama festival was really over, and everyone felt empty in their hearts.

The Yongcheng City Government and the preparatory team held a commendation meeting to commend the units and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the theater festival. The list is very long, and it can be said that everyone is happy. Of course, Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe, Xiang Nan Ding Yousong Yin Tao and others Zhang Xiangbei is also on the list.

In the official language, this is a drama festival of unity and success. For many Yongcheng citizens, this is a memory. For Xiang Nan and Zhang Xiangbei, it is finally a long appeal. out of breath.

The time has come when Zhang Xiangbei must return to the United States.

Both Xiangnan and Zhang Xiangbei knew that this separation was not a short separation, but a year. The two of them had already agreed that Zhang Xiangbei would not come back during the winter vacation this year. Spend more time on the completed courses and strive to complete them all so that you can graduate in June. Otherwise, if there are courses that require make-up exams, you will have to wait until the second half of next year to graduate.

Xiang Nan nestled in Zhang Xiangbei's arms, counting on her fingers, and said:

"Actually, it's not even a year. Zhang Xiangbei, are you right? It's already the end of August."

Zhang Xiangbei hugged Xiangnan tightly and nodded.

After a while, Zhang Xiangbei heard Xiang Nan sobbing softly. Zhang Xiangbei was taken aback and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I just feel a little sad." Xiangnan shook his head and said, "Zhang Xiangbei, do you know why I like to be with you?"

Zhang Xiangbei said he didn’t know, why?

"Actually, you also know that I have been with my mother since I was a child. I... I actually don't know how to deal with others. When I am with other people, I will panic. If I meet a strange man Yes, I still feel a little nauseous. Only when I'm with you, I feel very peaceful and calm, do you understand?"

Zhang Xiangbei nodded and kissed Xiangnan's head.

"So Zhang Xiangbei, you must graduate early and come back early, okay?"

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

Xiang Nan chuckled: "You dare to say it's not good?"

Zhang Xiangbei said he didn't dare.

"Call me sister."

Zhang Xiangbei called her sister and Xiangnan chuckled.

Xiangnan wanted to send Zhang Xiangbei off to Shanghai Pudong Airport. Ding Yousong and Yin Tao wanted to see him off together, but Xiangnan refused. Sun Xiangyang and Zhou Ruoyi wanted to take leave to see Zhang Xiangbei off together, but Xiangnan also refused. Zhou Ruoyi said:

"What are you doing, Xiangnan, are you trying to monopolize Zhang Xiangbei?"

"Yes, you don't agree?" Xiang Nan asked.

"I agree, I agree, he is your type, not mine."

Zhou Ruoyi said, Xiang Nan felt very sweet in her heart as she listened. She really wanted to tell Zhou Ruoyi, you know, in fact, I am already his food.

Xiang Nan held back and said nothing.

Xiangnan didn't let Ding Yousong and Zhou Ruoyi send her off because she knew that at Pudong Airport, she and Zhang Xiangbei would hug her and cry like a mess, which was very embarrassing.

Thank you to Quadratic VC, two fishes one above and one below, ranking third from top to bottom for the reward! Thank you to the evergreen Emperor Yan, Happy Woman, Bolanque, Yin Zhirong, Hydrogen Oxide Disinfection Knowledge Bureau, Book Friends 20190109214257174, Once Upon a Mountain, SDS, Tixi, and the old cat who doesn’t drink for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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