The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1857 Looks good

Mr. Huang said goodbye and left. Zhang Chen walked to his desk and sat down. He picked up the phone on the desk and called home. His mother answered the phone. When he heard Zhang Chen's voice, he couldn't help but laugh. Zhang Chen was surprised and asked his mother why she was laughing. Is Xiaofang up?

"Why are you up? Let her sleep well. Your precious daughter is sleeping with her mother. As soon as we entered, she told us not to make any noise." Zhang Chen's mother told him, and Zhang Chen also laughed.

Zhang Chen told his mother, "When Xiaofang gets up later, tell her that I won't be going back for dinner tonight. A friend's son has a birthday here in the hotel today, and I want to go and sit there."

"I know, if you don't come back, we will eat later and let Xiaofang sleep a little longer." Zhang Chen's mother said, "Anyway, those two old men don't know how to go home until it's dark."

Zhang Chen said yes.

Zhang Chen stayed in the office until six o'clock. He stood up and walked out. He took the elevator to the Tuxiangyuan Hotel below, where diners were arriving one after another.

Zhang Chen walked into the restaurant and saw that in one corner of the hall, the waiters used two rows of potted plants as tall as one person to separate a relatively independent area. Banners and balloons were hung inside, adding to the atmosphere.

The birthday party started at half past six. It was still early and the guests hadn't arrived yet. Two waiters were setting up the table, but the huge fifteen-layer cake had already been prepared and placed on a special table. The circle is covered with glittering colored paper so that the appearance of the cake cannot be seen. When the time comes, the host who is waiting for the birthday will open it himself and blind everyone's eyes.

Zhang Chen walked to the back kitchen. He saw today's twenty-five tables. The executive chef personally arranged them, which showed that they attached great importance to them. Zhang Chen walked in the back kitchen, looking around and stopping from time to time. , have a conversation with someone.

The entire back kitchen has begun to be busy. The suction fans above the row of stoves are whining, and the blowers below the stoves are also whining.

The sound of the fan is mixed with the "clang" sound of the horse spoon hitting the pot. Almost all wok cooks have this habit. After frying a dish, they always use the horse spoon to clean the pot after frying a dish. Spoon, "Clang Clang" tap on the pot twice. When dozens of wok heads are doing this, the sound of "Clang Clang" is heard one after another in the back kitchen.

The denser the sound, the faster the food is served, and the better the business in the restaurant in front, and the meal is reaching its climax amidst this "clang" sound.

Zhang Chen liked hearing this "clang" sound very much, which would take him back to the distant past. He was lying on the bed upstairs in Yilin's house, listening to the "clang" sound coming from the distance, and imagining , at this time, a plate of garlic water spinach or ginger, green onion and saffron crab has just come out of the pot.

Soon, the ghost's singing will sound...

Their kitchen was too big. Zhang Chen walked around in a circle, and more than half an hour had passed before he knew it. By the time he came out of the kitchen and returned to the restaurant, Mr. Huang and the others had already arrived, and the entire hotel lobby , it was basically full at this time, there were no seats for people to sit at, and there were order cards placed on the tables. The guests at these tables were now stuck in the road.

Zhang Chen walked around the row of plants. Mr. Huang saw him, waved, walked over, shook hands first, and then took him to the innermost table next to the table where the cakes were placed.

Zhang Chen saw that Mr. Qin was already sitting here. Seeing him, Mr. Qin quickly stood up.

Mr. Huang handed Zhang Chen to Mr. Qin, and he went to entertain other guests. Today he and his son are the protagonists here.

Mr. Qin asked Zhang Chen to sit next to him. Except for the empty seat on Zhang Chen's left hand, all other seats at this table were already full. Mr. Qin first introduced Zhang Chen to everyone, and then called the men and women present one by one. Introduced to him, everyone exchanged business cards.

The guests at this table were all from several well-known companies in Hangzhou. Those present were either the company's financial director or the proprietress. Zhang Chen understood that these should be customers of Mr. Qin and his "88 Finance".

After more than ten minutes, all the guests arrived and the birthday party officially began. Mr. Huang's son, a chubby little guy, with the help of the waiter, began to remove the shiny paper on the outside of the cake.

All the guests present heard that today's birthday cake was one meter and two meters tall and fifteen stories high. It should be the largest cake in Hangzhou. Everyone stood up to look at the strange thing. Guests who were far away even left their seats. Come around and watch.

When the little fat man took apart the colored paper, everyone exclaimed because of the giant cake, and then clapped.

Next to the cake, there was a three-step wooden stand. The waiter had to walk up to the stand to light the candle inserted in the top layer of cake.

The waiter then got out of the way. The fat boy's face was already flushed and he was shaking slightly with excitement. The waiter gently pushed his back with his hand and pushed him to the table. Everyone said "I wish you a happy birthday". During the song "Happiness", the little fat man puffed up his cheeks and blew out a puff of air. Most of the candles were blown out, but two were still burning with flames.

The fat boy "poofed" again, and the two candles were extinguished, leaving smoke, and everyone applauded.

The waiter began to share the cakes. Everyone returned to their seats and sat down. The fat boy walked to a nearby table and sat down next to a woman. A layer of sweat appeared on the fat boy's forehead. The woman wiped it with a napkin. With.

That table was the main table, and there were four old people sitting there. It should be the table for Mr. Huang and his family.

Mr. Huang did not go to sit at that table, but came over and sat down in the empty seat next to Zhang Chen.

Obviously, this table is their most important customer, and Mr. Qin and Mr. Huang naturally include Zhang Chen with them and need to accompany them personally.

Of the three of them, only the mahjong-faced Mr. Fang was not here. Zhang Chen looked around and saw him at a table far away. Zhang Chen understood that Mr. Huang and the others were now, in Mr. Huang’s own words, It's a formal business. When doing formal business, Mr. Fang's appearance is not too ostentatious, so naturally it is impossible to sit at a table with their important customers.

Soon, people at this table were chatting enthusiastically about business matters. Everyone's face was filled with uncontrollable excitement. With this kind of excitement, Zhang Chen felt that Alibaba said "Open Sesame". This should be the expression when you open the door of the cave and discover that there is a mountain of gold and silver inside.

Zhang Chen had only a partial understanding of what they were talking about. Mr. Huang patiently explained to him how they operated. The more Zhang Chen listened, the simpler it felt. After feeling the simpler, Zhang Chen became confused. What if? It's so simple to make money so quickly, and it's so easy to make money.

The routine is still that of banks, that is, while absorbing deposits and lending money at the same time, the only difference from banks is that one operates at the counter and the other operates online. Although the methods and paths are different, the money is still money.

As long as it's money, if you don't control the risks when you go out, how will you get it back?

Their model seemed to be open-ended, with loose lending conditions and weak guarantees for repayment. It was impossible to form a closed loop. Zhang Chen was puzzled. If a closed loop could not be formed, the money would not be returned. Zhang Chen felt that this was not lending, but charity.

Come on, all the poor people in society, you are blessed because of this.

"How is it?" Mr. Huang asked Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen smiled and nodded without saying a word. He didn't know what he could say. He knew that as soon as he opened his mouth, he would definitely disappoint everyone.

Zhang Chen's cell phone rang. He looked at it and saw that it was Wu Zhaohui. Zhang Chen picked it up. Wu Zhaohui asked him where he was, and Zhang Chen said it was in the hotel below.

"I'll be here soon. I have news about Mr. Liu." Wu Zhaohui and Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen was shocked. He said OK, Wu Zhaohui, you go directly to my office and I will be up right away.

Zhang Chen leaned into Mr. Huang's ear and said to him: "Sorry, Mr. Huang, I have to go back to the office. A friend is coming over and he has news about Mr. Liu."

Mr. Huang nodded and said yes, we will contact you again.

Zhang Chen patted his shoulder, turned around and told Mr. Qin that I had something to do and had to leave first.

Mr. Qin said yes.

Zhang Chen raised the wine glass in front of him and said to everyone, "I'd like to toast everyone."

Everyone raised their glasses and drank. Zhang Chen bowed his hands to them and said, "You continue to chat, I'll excuse you."

Zhang Chen returned to his office and waited for more than ten minutes before Wu Zhaohui arrived. As soon as he came in, he said to Zhang Chen:

"Mr. Zhang, we all found the wrong person. Mr. Liu is not in Chenzhou at all."

"How do you know?" Zhang Chen asked.

"After we left Chenzhou, didn't they continue to search? Every courier carried Mr. Liu's photo. When sending and receiving express delivery, he took it out and asked. As a result, I met a woman today. She said that she I met Mr. Liu, that is, when we asked last time, Mr. Liu was actually with this woman when he was buying a mobile phone card in Chenzhou.

"They stayed in a hotel for more than a week. Later, they separated because Mr. Liu was leaving. Originally, the woman was planning to rent a house."

Wu Zhaohui and Zhang Chen said, Zhang Chen asked:

"Do you know where to go?"

"I don't know, but she must have left Chenzhou. This woman said that if Mr. Liu was still in Chenzhou, he would be with her. He must have left." Wu Zhaohui said, "And since then, she has also She has never seen Mr. Liu again, and she said with confidence that Mr. Liu will definitely look for her if he goes to Chenzhou again."

"What does this woman do?" Zhang Chen asked.

"In a KTV, I used to be a young lady, but now I am a mommy there." Wu Zhaohui said.

"Like what he would do, this bastard really disappeared completely this time." Zhang Chen cursed.

"I have expanded the scope. I have asked them to search in Hunan, Guangdong and Jiangxi. These are the places where he is most likely to be." Wu Zhaohui said and Zhang Chen nodded.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes at one time and three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you Huaxin Yongshao, Changfei Changfei, Shi Yitan, Zhongkai 727, Fu Yingguang, zero clear, o0 surrender and lose half 0o, big brother, book friend 20190118025224314, Qdragon, Lao Chen Tang, silent heart, quiet Monthly votes for Wuwei 2012, wahoji, Beicheng Scholar, Tianying 1978, xiezhiwww, Kissing Pig, Book Friends 20191115204215475! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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