After the Spring Festival, the temperature begins to get warmer, and everything in the world is recovering. However, for some Internet financial platforms, it has begun to enter the harsh winter, and problems have arisen one after another.

In addition to Mr. Huang and his "88 Finance", which have been completely cooled down, the Hangzhou police have begun to investigate and conduct an online pursuit of Mr. Qin, Mr. Huang and the mahjong-faced Mr. Fang. Xiaofang has also invested in The capital chain of the two platforms has also been broken, and the platforms have been unable to withdraw cash.

It’s just that at this time, in the media, there are still endless boasts about Internet finance and various pie-making stories. Who said that the Internet has memory? The Internet also makes many things fleeting. An online loan platform collapsed. At the same time, dozens or hundreds of online lending platforms are emerging, attracting more funds from the whole society and being swept into this black hole-like whirlpool.

It’s not that there are no whistleblowers, it’s that the world is too noisy and whistles are simply impossible to be heard by other people.

Xiaofang was worried because of this, and Zhang Chen asked her with a smile: "Are you worried about your money, or are you worried about these platforms?"

"Of course it's a platform." Xiaofang said, "The money is just a little bit, but I'm ready to pay tuition from the beginning."

Zhang Chen laughed: "You are really worried about the ancients."

Xiaofang said: "Tsk, the ancients are none of my business. I'm worried about the current situation. If something goes wrong, something big will happen. The peaceful singing and dancing that is whitewashed every day can't cover up what's underneath, which is rotting away day by day. "

The draft for comments has never been released. Although Xiaofang has long predicted that it will probably be outdated the day it comes out, she still hopes that it will be released as soon as possible. It is better than nothing. It can at least serve as a wake-up call for everyone. The current almost manic investment craze in national Internet finance should be poured some cold water on.

But even such a thing came too late, and Xiaofang couldn't figure out the specific reason.

Xiaofang's mood is also contradictory. She knows that the crisis will spread very quickly, because almost all borrowers borrow money from different platforms, and today's investors also believe in those well-dressed investment experts. Nonsense, saying don’t put all your eggs in one basket, they will also invest in different platforms.

In this way, borrowers and investors connect the formerly independent platforms into a closely-knit network. When one platform is in crisis, the crisis will quickly spread to many other platforms, just like what happened in previous years. Private small and medium-sized enterprises jointly guarantee loans, and a large amount of them fell down.

There are already investors like her who have suffered losses, and there are platforms that are falling like dominoes. Xiaofang hopes to expose this true situation, but is afraid to expose it. Xiaofang has already written an article. She I know that her article will definitely attract everyone's attention. Even if it is deleted instantly, this article will stubbornly spread on the Internet.

There will always be people who will see it and quickly save and forward it in the short moment of its existence. Xiaofang firmly believes in this, but when her finger fell on the touch screen and she was about to click upload, she hesitated and ultimately did not send it. .

What she is most worried about is that when this article wakes everyone up and reveals the current situation of the entire online lending platform, it is likely to be counterproductive. Not only will it not promote the solution of the problem, but it will only accelerate the decline of more online lending platforms. Thunder, burst out faster.

The reason is very simple, because the credit reporting system of the entire online loan platform has not been established. For those who have borrowed money on different platforms, the cost of breaking their trust is zero. Once they know that this industry is about to collapse, they will not be able to repay the loan. Their desire is even lower, and they even intentionally default on repayment. For them, waiting for the platform to close down is the best opportunity to escape debt.

At the same time, we must also be wary of those platforms that have lost confidence in this industry and simply take away customers' funds. What is the use of so-called third-party custody? There are a lot of ID cards and debit cards sold online. They can completely create many fictitious borrowers and transfer the customer's funds to the accounts of these borrowers, but actually it goes into their own pockets.

There are also some platforms that will definitely step up their collection efforts when they feel a storm is coming. However, for them, there are too few normal and legal collection methods, and they will inevitably use black or gray methods, which will accelerate the decline of this industry. Gangsterization.

In the end, they are the easiest to find and the group with the least ability to protect themselves. Xiaofang can imagine it with the back of her head. They must be those students in school.

If that were the case, it would not be a financial problem, but a social problem.

Xiaofang turned on her mobile phone and clicked on an APP called "Ronghui Finance". This platform is in Shanghai. After Xiaofang started withdrawing money years ago, it became abnormal. It was not that there was no way to withdraw money, but the money was received every day. The amount was scattered, with the highest being more than one hundred a day and the lowest being as low as nine thirty-five cents.

It can be seen that they are still struggling to support it, but there are already problems with the capital chain. They are still sending money to investors every day. This is giving investors peace of mind, showing that they have not gone bankrupt.

The website is still operating normally, and business seems to be continuing. Xiaofang knows that they are still trying to attract other investors.

Xiaofang did not expect that this platform would have problems so soon. She had seen their investor relations map. Among the investors of this company, there were a domestic private insurance company, two large private companies, and even The figure of Temasek.

It stands to reason that they have experience in the industry. Compared with other platforms, they can at least do better risk control. I didn't expect that they are also such a piece of cake.

Of course, it is also possible that his investor relations map is fake.

Xiaofang decided to target this platform and dig deeper.

She first learned through her own relationships that the investor relations map was true. Temasek and the insurance company did invest in this platform. If these two were true, then the two large private companies did not. It must be fictional.

Furthermore, Xiaofang also learned that the platform’s current capital chain has not been broken, and the company’s operations are still normal.

This company is also in Pudong, in an office building next to the Aurora Building. Xiaofang called the company and asked someone to come over and take a look. Someone from the company called back and said that everything looked normal. There was no scene like what Xiaofang saw in "Splendid Jiangnan" where the corridors were crowded with debt collectors and even the police were dispatched.

Since everything is normal, why are investors unable to withdraw money normally? Xiaofang thought about it for a long time, but couldn't figure it out. The only explanation was that normality was just a manifestation, and abnormality was quietly happening.

This situation lasted for more than a month. Xiaofang calculated that although money came in every day, the total in a month was only more than 900 yuan. In other words, at this rate, if she wanted to spend all the principal and interest of 50,000 yuan, It will take more than five years to complete, and we have to be careful that it will suddenly be interrupted one day without a single point.

This situation happened more than a week later. Xiaofang opened the "Ronghui Finance" APP that day and logged in to her account. She found that there was not a penny in the account. When Xiaofang called the customer service number, the phone number was The busy signal was probably from investors like her calling to inquire, or maybe they just put the phone aside.

It wasn't until around eight o'clock in the evening that the call finally got through, but it was beeping and no one answered. It must be that the customer service staff had already gone off work.

Xiaofang called again the next day, but the signal was still busy. She clicked on the online customer service, and a message popped up saying that if you have any questions, please leave a message and they would handle it as soon as possible.

Xiaofang left a message, but there was no reply.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Xiaofang was about to ask people from the company to go over and take a look. There was a text message coming from "Ronghui Finance". Xiaofang clicked on it and it was a letter of apology.

The apology letter was sincere. It first apologized for the inconvenience caused to investors, and then said that the company currently has insufficient liquidity due to a large number of bad debts, but they are trying to solve this problem and hope investors will be patient. , I believe they will definitely solve the current difficulties.

Xiaofang had just finished reading this apology letter, and then the second one came, saying that they learned that some investors were eager to recover the funds they lent, and after discussing with the company's shareholders, they decided to Their shareholders’ own funds are used to meet the needs of this part of investors.

However, I'm sorry, they can only meet the principal part, and they have no way to bear the interest part. They give investors two options. One is to choose to give up the interest part and only recover the principal. For these investors, they will give priority to arrangements. Funding, of course, if you insist on a total of principal and interest, you can do it, but it will take time and you need to wait for their arrangements.

If you choose to give up the interest part, please reply with the six words "Agree to give up interest" text message. If you insist on wanting the total of principal and interest, please reply "Agree to continue waiting."

Xiaofang looked at this text message and couldn't help but laugh. The trick is really deep. No matter how you reply to this text message, you will always lose money. If you reply "agree to give up interest", it is equivalent to agreeing to only get back your principal. It's so long. Time and your money are just wasted for them.

If you reply "Agree to continue waiting", it will be even more terrible. Your money will be gone, because when they say waiting, there is no agreed time. You can wait three days, you can wait three years, you can wait thirty years and three hundred. It can last for years. As long as you reply "agree to continue waiting", you won't even be able to find them. You will have to wait for your children and grandchildren.

This also means that you have given up your right to pursue a lawsuit. Even if you go to court, the court will not be able to order the other party to give a final repayment date, because you have not agreed on a repayment date in advance, and your "agree" "Continue to wait" is equivalent to changing the original contract agreement.

Xiaofang shook her head and laughed, okay, I'll see how you continue to play.

Xiaofang replied "Agree to give up interest".

The next day, the trickle of water began to flow again, and Xiaofang received sixty-one yuan and five cents. Then there was a "ding-dong-dang" sound. Every day, the sound of change coming in was heard in the account.

Thank you Tin Soldier, Quadratic VC, two fishes one above the bottom, third from top to bottom, reading books every day, and giving rewards at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you Xiao Hu Suanza, wahoji, Fu Yingguang, Puo Xiaofan, Wuyingjiao, specially designed for Cao Xiaomin, Captain Jim, Hu Sansi, Qingbo, Lao Chentang, Wusi, robingranite, Book Friends 20171207223211524, Cai Yilei, Qing Jing Wuwei 2012, ZHAO1017, Snacks, monthly tickets are really annoying! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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