The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1876 Emperor of Heaven, Emperor of Earth

Half of the bottle of milk was finished quickly, but the little guy had an empty pacifier in his mouth and was still sucking. As soon as Wenwen took the pacifier out of her mouth, she became anxious and wanted to cry. Wenwen had no choice but to stuff it back again.

Maybe it was because he cried for too long and was too energy-consuming. After eating, a short while later, the little guy fell asleep, and the pacifier in his mouth finally fell out, and Wenwen could take the bottle away.

Qianqian took a blanket and spread it on the sofa. Wenwen put the little one on the blanket and covered her with a small quilt so that she could sleep well.

After all this work, the three of them felt hungry and started to eat. Although the food was already cold, they looked at the little guy sleeping sweetly next to them and ate with gusto.

Immediately, they remembered that they should give the little one a name. Liu Ligan thought for a while and said, there is a good name already. Since she was picked up, we will call her "Shide".

"What do you mean?" Wenwen asked.

Liu Ligan dipped his finger into the wine and wrote the word "Shide" on the table.

Liu Ligan explained to them: "Shide, means to pick up, to get. These two words look ordinary and sound easy to pronounce. In fact, they are very elegant and interesting. Shide, Shide, how nice it sounds. By the way, this Shide , and there is an allusion.”

"What allusion?" Qianqian asked.

"During the Tang Dynasty, an eminent monk from the Guoqing Temple in Tiantai, Zhejiang, picked up a child on the mountain road and named him 'Shide'. When the child grew up, when he was twelve or thirteen years old, the boss of the temple Let him be the chief secretary of the temple, in charge of the canteen, lamp oil, incense and other things. There is a local child about the same age as him, named Hanshan.

"Hanshan's family was very poor and they didn't even have food to eat. Shi De packed the leftovers in the cafeteria in bamboo tubes every day and asked him to take them back to eat. Later Han Shan also became a monk at Guoqing Temple, and he worked in the same unit as Shi De .

"Later, two people came to Suzhou from Tiantai Mountain and worked as abbots in a temple. This temple was later renamed Hanshan Temple. Have you heard of the poem, 'Hanshan Temple outside Gusu City, the bells ring at midnight To the passenger ship.’ It was written about this temple.”

"Go away, what a bad name, what a monk, what a monk, give such a beautiful little girl a monk's name, do you want to die?" Qianqian scolded, and Wenwen also laughed.

"You illiterate, do you think you are an ordinary monk?" Liu Ligan became anxious and cursed: "Hanshan and Shide are said to be the reincarnations of Manjusri and Samantabhadra. Do you know Yongzheng, the Yongzheng Emperor played by Tang Guoqiang? You know, he conferred Hanshan as the 'Hesheng' and Shide as the 'Hesheng'. Hanshan Shide is the two immortals of Hehe. Do you think he is an ordinary person?

"Also, it is recorded in the book "Hanshan Wen Shide" that one day Hanshan asked Shide: 'How do I deal with the world that slanders me, bullies me, insults me, laughs at me, despises me, despises me, hates me, and deceives me? ?' I asked Shide what to do, and Shide answered him: 'Just tolerate him, let him, let him go, avoid him, be patient with him, respect him, ignore him, stay for a few more years and see what he is.' Listen, How high is this realm?”

"Go away, go away, even if it is given to a hundred gods, we don't want it. If you give her a monk's name, do you want her to grow up to be a nun? No, we want to pick up handsome boys when we grow up." Qianqian The scolding made Wenwen and Liu Ligan both laugh.

Wenwen said on the side: "I don't think it's good either. Everyone keeps calling her "Zhidao Shide". When she becomes sensible, she will know that she was picked up when she heard it. How bad is that? Why can't she be unable to hold her head up for the rest of her life? The only way to scold others is to scold them for being picked up. How can you say that you are picked up?"

"That's right." Qianqian said.

"By the way, let's decide on her surname first. If you are her father, she will follow your surname of Liu." Wenwen and Liu Ligan said, Qianqian nodded.

Liu Ligan agreed, "Yes, and we have a name, then she will be called Liu Wenqian, with the character Wen and the character Qian..."

Before Liu Ligan finished speaking, Wenwen and Qianqian both cheered. One name included three people, a father and two mothers, which was great.

"What about your nickname?" Wenwen asked.

"What nickname? My nickname is Wenqian, and my nickname is Liu Wenqian. I have them all." Liu Ligan said.

Wenwen and Qianqian immediately lay down next to Liu Wenqian, shouting "Wenqian, Wenqian". Liu Wenqian was too lazy to pay attention to them because she was asleep.

After the three of them finished eating, took a shower, and prepared to go to bed, Qianqian and Liu Ligan said, "Go away, you are going to be an old man today. You will go to sleep alone, and Wenqian will sleep with the two of us."

They put Wen Qian in the middle, and they slept on one side. Liu Ligan had no choice but to go to the next room to sleep. As soon as he lay down, the child over there started crying, and Qian Qian shouted:

"Daddy, daddy, I'm hungry!"

Liu Ligan got out of the bed, went to make some milk powder, and gave it to Liu Wenqian to eat. Liu Wenqian stopped eating after two mouthfuls and spat out the milk with a "puff", and then wailed loudly. Liu Ligan had no choice but to give it to Liu Wenqian. Even after being able to take her out of bed, wrap her in a quilt and hold her in her arms, Wen Qian still kept crying.

Qianqian yawned and said, "Okay, okay, I'm so sleepy. Dad, can you take her outside to cry?"

Liu Ligan held her and went to the living room outside. Wen Qian still kept crying. Liu Ligan held her and walked to the terrace outside. She stopped crying immediately, but Liu Ligan carried her back to the living room. , she immediately started crying again, and Liu Ligan had no choice but to hold her and walk in circles on the terrace.

Unfortunately, he got up too quickly and was already shivering from the cold while walking on the terrace in a single shirt and pants.

I don’t know how long she wandered around, but finally fell asleep. Liu Ligan carried her back and walked into Wenwen and Qianqian’s room. He pressed his knee against Wenwen. Wenwen opened her eyes in a daze. Sit up and make room for Wen Qian.

Liu Ligan's hand was as frozen as ice. When he put Wenqian down, his hand accidentally touched Qianqian. Qianqian woke up with an "ouch!" and when she screamed, Wenqian also woke up. , continue to cry loudly.

Qianqian beat the bed with her hands and said with a sad face: "Dad, take her to sleep with you. I have to take orders during the day."

"Okay, okay."

Liu Ligan hugged Wenqian and went back to the next room. Wenqian kept crying and couldn't put her on the bed. Liu Ligan could only put her on the bed for a while. He took out a down coat from the cabinet and put it on. Then she picked up Wen Qian and went out, walked through the living room, and walked to the terrace outside. Wen Qian immediately stopped crying and looked at Liu Ligan with her eyes open in the darkness.

Liu Ligan could only hold her in his arms and walk around on the terrace. He waited until she fell asleep and then hugged her back. He didn't dare to go back to the room yet, so he only dared to hold her gently on the sofa in the living room. After sitting down for less than five minutes, Wen Qian started crying again. Liu Ligan could only stand up again and walked outside to the terrace.

This happened over and over again, and I don’t know how long it took.

Wenwen was in the room and heard it vaguely. She got up and walked to the living room. She saw that Liu Ligan was exhausted from being tortured by this little guy. Wenwen walked over and said to Liu Ligan:

"I'll hold you for a while, and you can take a rest."

Liu Ligan gave her the child. Sure enough, Wenqian stopped crying without going out to the terrace, but she couldn't sit down. Wenwen had to hold her and rock her while walking in the living room. As long as she stopped, she would burst into tears.

Wenwen sniffed and asked Liu Ligan: "Did she have diarrhea?"

Liu Ligan came closer to smell it and said, "It seems so."

The two people put Wen Qian on the coffee table, opened the quilt, and uncovered the diaper. It was already a mess inside, filled with feces and urine, and her buttocks were already red and swollen. The two people quickly washed her buttocks and changed her diaper. Wet, this little guy just kept crying.

After changing, she was still crying. Wenwen asked: "Are you hungry?"

Liu Ligan said: "Maybe."

Then he went to make milk powder for her again, and stuffed the pacifier into Wenqian's mouth. This time she was really hungry, and she started sucking. Wenwen hugged her and sat down on the sofa. Liu Ligan also sat down. Finally I can take a break.

But the good times didn't last long. After finishing the milk, the little one continued to cry. Qianqian also came out of the room, taking turns with Wenwen and Liu Lipole to carry her around the living room without sitting down.

Liu Ligan thought about it and said, "I'm going to make a big move."

Liu Ligan took out a stack of A4 paper and markers. Wenwen and Qianqian didn't know what he was going to do. Liu Ligan started writing hard on the table. Wenwen and Qianqian went over to take a look and laughed. They saw what Liu Ligan wrote:

"Emperor of Heaven, Emperor of Earth, there is a night cry man in my family. A gentleman passing by will recite it three times and sleep until dawn."

Liu Ligan looked at them and cursed: "Laughter, it's very effective. When I was a child, my mother used to stick it on the street."

"Your mother went to post it. Do you still know?" Wenwen asked.

"You told me about it later," Liu Ligan said.

Liu Ligan wrote more than a dozen sheets at once, took it in his hand, and found a bottle of glue. He said to Wenwen Qianqian:

"Just hold on a little longer."

Wenwen was surprised and asked: "What do you want to do?"

"Go and post it." Liu Ligan said.

Wenwen and Qianqian laughed, and Qianqian cursed, "It's more than three o'clock in the middle of the night, and you just posted it, who can see it?"

"I have a way." Liu Ligan said.

Liu Ligan took the stack of papers and went out. He walked to the door of the fish restaurant and posted one. Then he walked to the hotel and posted one at the door. When he entered the lobby, he saw the security and front desk waiters were there. After taking a nap, Liu Ligan woke them up and asked each of them to look at the paper and read "Emperor of Heaven, Emperor of Earth..."

After walking out of the hotel, he thought about it. There were still people working in the generator room below. Liu Ligan went to the bottom of the embankment again. The escalator had stopped. He climbed down step by step. When he arrived at the power generation workshop, he asked the worker on duty to read the paper three times. Then he went to the duty room at the gate, woke up the security guard who was sleeping on the table, and asked him to read it three times.

On the way back, Liu Ligan stuck the paper in his hand on the tree in the parking lot all the way.

When he reached the bottom of the steps, Liu Ligan felt exhausted. He stood and took a deep breath before climbing up step by step.

Thank you galantway, Cai Yilei, Book Friends 20191115204215475, Traveler Ye Buzhan, Shachen Mood, Liu Sandao, Seeing no future but remembering the original intention, Hu Hu, Forever in the White Day x, Ermao’s monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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