The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1884 Fighting Tigers and Going Up the Mountain

The little man ran away, but the strong man still moved his feet backwards and forwards quickly and moved to the front of the stage.

He looked down, and his left arm that was close to his body suddenly opened up, and high-pitched and passionate singing spewed out of his mouth. Even Xiang Nan, Yin Tao, and Ding Yousong couldn't understand what he was singing. I also know that this should be a song of a king. This black guy is crowning his victory.

The crowd below was excited, cheering, and seemed to be shouting his name.

Just like when he suddenly rose, his singing stopped abruptly, and he continued "hey hey hey hey", moving in front of the stage, slightly bending his legs and arching his back, causing his own stature to drop a bit. At this time, he no longer moved his feet rapidly forward and backward, but moved left and right, with his feet moving to the rhythm of his own "hey hey hey".

From time to time, he would point his finger at the audience, and those people he pointed at would step back and shake their heads, while he smiled triumphantly.

He moved from the other side of the stage to this side and saw Zhang Xiangbei and the other Chinese people standing in front of the stage.

He pointed his finger at Zhang Xiangbei and they didn't put it down, and then began to curse in a rhythmic manner, saying "hey hey hey" from time to time while cursing. This kind of insult was provocation. He not only called them yellow-skinned dwarfs, The kid with the smell of milk would pop out his mouth and curse every Chinese name he could think of.

From Qin Shihuang to Bruce Lee, more than a dozen names were reported in one breath, and they were scolded one by one. Even Ho Chi Minh was scolded as a Chinese, and everyone present applauded and booed.

Only then did Zhang Xiangbei and the others understand why the people in front were so hospitable and made way for him and even let them to the front of the stage. It was just to watch this good show.

They must know that every time this strong man will find someone standing in front of the stage to humiliate him face to face. There are a few Chinese people here today. This is a very special occasion. It's not appropriate, so they will be sent to the front. .

The strong man pointed at Zhang Xiangbei and the others, and kept swearing at them in the form of rap, and kept waving at them, meaning that he wanted them to challenge him. Zhang Xiangbei was so angry that his teeth itched, and he said:

"It's a fucking pity I can't sing, otherwise I would have gone up there and taught this guy a lesson."

"I'll come." Ding Yousong said.

The others were stunned for a moment, and Yin Tao cursed: "What a fart with your duck voice."

"I don't compete with his voice, I compete with his mouth speed." Ding Yousong said.

"Go up, go up, take care of him." Zhang Xiangbei said to Xiaohu.

There were two people, one on each side, so that Ding Yousong didn't have to go up from the entrance to the stage. He was lifted to the stage from here.

When the strong man saw Ding Yousong coming up, he deliberately pretended to be startled and took two steps back. There was a burst of laughter from below.

When Ding Yousong stood up straight on the stage, the people below started laughing even louder.

The little man in front, who is called a small man, is actually only small among black people. He is also about 1.7 meters tall, while Ding Yousong is only 1.63 meters tall. Standing next to the strong man, he looks like a child. The worst What's more, he was wearing a pair of glasses, and the lights on the stage were too bright, making his face look blue.

All of this makes Ding Yousong look pitiful and bullied.

The two people faced each other, and the contrast was too great.

The people below were almost laughing. The strong man also added fuel to the fire. He took a step back, put his right hand holding the microphone on his chest, and bowed deeply to Ding Yousong.

There was a sharp whistle from the audience below.

The strong man motioned for Ding Yousong to come first. Ding Yousong stood there and took a deep breath. Ding Yousong studied composition. During the time he was in the audience, he had already mastered the rhythm and melody of their rap.

"Fuck your mother, fuck your mother, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck your mother..."

Ding Yousong started singing, Zhang Xiangbei and the others laughed, and the other people in the audience were a little confused as they didn't know which language he was singing in.

Although Ding Yousong's voice quality is not good, when he sings, his pitch is very accurate. Once the tone is accurate, it is not so unpleasant. In addition, he has figured out the rules and knows the reason why this guy is so popular. Isn't it just because he has a sharp tongue? All I need to do is sing faster than him. He is like a machine gun and I am like a handful of beans.

Ding Yousong also has an advantage, that is, he sings in Chinese, and the audience below cannot understand a word of what he sings, so he does not need to worry about what he sings, whether the preface matches the afterword, and there is no need to think over it. , On the contrary, this strong man sings in English. He not only has to sing fast, but also has to sing so that the people below can understand what he is singing.

Ding Yousong could sing randomly, but he couldn't. As soon as the two of them started, he had already suffered a loss.

Ding Yousong cursed out all the curse words that came into his mind. He randomly added one or two words after a curse word to make it rhyme. Zhang Xiangbei and the others couldn't hear what he was singing. Others in the audience The audience felt that he sang very well and fluently, and didn't everything rhyme?

Zhang Xiangbei and the others almost felt their stomachs hurt from laughing. They could only understand Ding Yousong's curse words, but they heard him talking in Shanghai dialect, Mandarin, and their Ningbo dialect.

That strong man probably had never met him before, and there were others who were more fluent in speech than him, so he was a little confused.

In the first round, when Ding Yousong sang, some people were booing him, but they were immediately stopped by the people on the side. Everyone couldn't understand what he was singing, but they tried hard to hear it clearly. When the strong man started singing When the news came, someone cheered, but the cheers were quieter than the ones that cheered Ding Yousong just now. Some people probably thought that this yellow man wearing glasses was more classy.

Others have compared it, and Ding Yousong's rhythm is faster.

In the second round, a strange situation occurred. When Ding Yousong sang, there was silence below. When the strong man sang, there was also silence below. Only the laughter of Zhang Xiangbei and the others were heard. Hovering over the head.

Ding Yousong felt that it was almost done, so he suddenly started to change the key. After he started to change the key, the strong man could only follow suit. But at this time, the strong man was no match for Ding Yousong. Ding Yousong was the kind of person who could arrange music on the spot. .

He followed the strong man and changed his tune. After the strong man finished singing, he renovated his tune and came up with new ideas. He mixed in many Chinese and foreign musical elements, even elements of classical music. The strong man was a little dumbfounded. , and the audience below, who had never seen such a fight before, found it very enjoyable. Later, they unanimously applauded Ding Yousong.

Xiaohu and Zhang Xiangbei said: "I didn't expect Xiaosi's eyes to be so powerful."

Bian Xiangnan said: "Of course, I didn't study in Shanghai Conservatory of Music for nothing."

Cherry said: "His sharp tongue came in handy today."

The strong man, probably on this occasion, had never lost before. He was a little anxious. He felt like Ding Yousong was choking him no matter what move he made. It was indescribably uncomfortable. He stepped closer to Ding Yousong, as if he was He was dancing, but he deliberately bumped into Ding Yousong with his body. Ding Yousong could not withstand his collision. When the other party bumped into him, he staggered.

But even so, his singing still continued.

Finally, boos started, and they came from everywhere, getting louder and louder. The boos were for the strong man. After the strong man was booed, he became even more annoyed and pretended to beat Ding Yousong. look.

Zhang Xiangbei put his hands on the edge of the stage and watched. As long as the strong man dared to make a move, he would jump on the stage.

At this time, a girl came up from the stage. She got in between Ding Yousong and the strong man. She took the microphone from the strong man's hand and nudged the strong man with her butt. The strong man looked at her. , retreated to the back of the stage.

The girl took the place of the strong man and began to fight with Ding Yousong. When she opened her voice, even Xiang Nan and Yin Tao were startled. They thought her voice sounded a bit like Whitney Houston, and she was well-trained. , she and Ding Yousong played a game of transposition. If you transpose mine, I will transpose yours. The two of them were indifferent for a while.

After seven or eight minutes, the girl knew Ding Yousong's weakness. In addition to rapping, she began to sing high notes with Ding Yousong. Ding Yousong was dumbfounded. How could he have such a voice?

But if you don’t know how to do it, then just give up and get out.

A figure jumped from Zhang Xiangbei's side to the stage. Zhang Xiangbei looked closely and saw that it was Xiang Nan. Xiang Nan walked to Ding Yousong, took the microphone from his hand, and stood face to face with the girl. Ding Yousong Retreat to the back of the stage.

For the rap part, Xiang Nan learned from Ding Yousong and started singing randomly, as long as the rhythm was stuck.

"My eldest aunt, my second aunt are all my aunts, my eldest uncle and my second uncle are all my uncles. You are east and I am west, not east and west. He goes south, I go north and finally west..."

Xiang Nan sang like this. When it came to the part where she changed her tone, she suddenly stood up straight and started singing:

"Crossing the forest...crossing the snowy field...flying into the sky with anger..."

Her mouth was not opened very wide, but her throat was fully opened. She was singing in an opera style. Her voice was high and long, like cracked silk, like metal clanging. Everyone present, except Ding Yousong and Yin Tao, even used this method of vocalization. I have never seen it before, but now my eyes are opened. I feel that this sound is crushing over my head, and it can probably be heard in the whole Brooklyn.

Everyone couldn't believe that such a powerful voice came from such a thin girl's body, and everyone couldn't help but cheer.

That girl knew that she couldn't compete with Xiang Nan's high notes. She immediately started to dance on the stage. When she looked at Xiang Nan, she raised her feet and did a dozen flips in a row on the spot. Front flipping, the audience below became excited and cheered.

She stood to the south, then did a dozen backflips on the same spot, and after standing still, she did three cartwheels in a row. When everyone saw her figure clearly, she was already standing on top of the big speaker. Then he flipped over with a backflip and stood firmly.

There were thunderous cheers below, and the girl collapsed.

Ding Yousong looked at the strong man proudly. The strong man became angry and punched Ding Yousong. Ding Yousong fell to the ground.

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiaohu were shocked. They both jumped onto the stage almost at the same time. When the strong man saw Zhang Xiangbei coming, he punched Zhang Xiangbei. Zhang Xiangbei turned sideways and while avoiding the punch, his back was already He got close to the strong man and hit him in the lower abdomen with a sharp elbow. The strong man let out an "ouch" and stretched his feet to the north. With his right hand, the strong man fell to the ground.

One of his companions rushed up from the entrance to the stage, but was knocked down by Xiaohu's punch. Several others also rushed up, and it was unclear what they were doing. The audience below also beat each other into a ball.

There was chaos on and off the stage. Fortunately, at this time, the Taiwanese pastor had arrived and ran to the stage.

Thank you Yuanxi, Wangzhu, Yuanwang, hgxhgxhgx, Shachen Mood, Gu Xiaoqiuqiu, No future, just remember the original intention for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Happy Saturday everyone!

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