The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1886 You must cry

"Do you think she cries so much because she doesn't feel safe? Was she scared because her mother threw her outside?" Liu Ligan and Wenwen Qianqian said, "Her mother threw her away at night, so she Do you cry at night?"

Liu Ligan and Wenwen Qianqian said that what he still dared not tell them was whether she really saw dirty things when Liu Wenqian was thrown at the door of the supermarket that night?

Liu Wenqian's crying has become a scientific research issue worth studying between them. Whenever they have time, the three of them will discuss this issue.

"Go away, if this is the case, she should be more afraid of going out at night." Qianqian said, "Why doesn't she cry as soon as she goes out?"

Liu Ligan was right to think about it, but he immediately thought about it again and said:

"I know, as long as someone is holding her, she feels safe, but if she is put down at night, she will feel that she has been abandoned again, so she has to cry and don't look at her. At such a young age, only children can be very sensitive.”

Wenwen thought for a while and said, "What you said seems to make some sense."

Qianqian also felt that Liu Ligan's words made sense, so she stopped talking.

Although the three of them all thought that what Liu Ligan said was reasonable, Liu Wenqian still had no reason to say it. She still cried on her own. The three of them also had headaches. They didn't know how to make her feel safe. .

There is no other choice but to play with her in the middle of the night, or walk around on the terrace.

After a while, Wenwen and Qianqian couldn't bear it anymore. It became Liu Ligan's task to take care of Liu Wenqian at night, including taking her to bed. He could only walk around on the terrace until Liu Wenqian finally got tired and fell asleep. When she was pregnant, he took her back and quietly put her on the bed.

Seeing that her eyes were still closed, Liu Ligan let out a long breath.

He went to the next room and climbed onto Wenwen and Qianqian's bed. Wenwen opened her eyes in a daze and asked him:

"What are you here for?"

"It smells like milk." Qianqian muttered.

Liu Ligan chuckled: "I haven't had sex with a woman for a month."

Wenwen and Qianqian stopped talking and asked him. Liu Ligan was about to show off his skills when the neighbor burst into tears. Qianqian kicked him with her feet and cursed:

"Go quickly, go quickly!"

If he didn't go, they would kick him out of bed.

Liu Ligan ran back quickly, picked up Liu Wenqian, and walked around the room shaking, still crying. When he went to the living room outside, he still cried. It was not until Liu Ligan carried her to the terrace outside that he stopped crying.

Liu Ligan looked at Liu Wenqian in his arms, dumbfounded, and asked: "Are you reincarnated as a homeless man? You must be happy in the open air. Or, I can move the bed outside and we can sleep on the terrace."

Liu Wenqian looked at him and ate her fingers quietly.

Liu Ligan's hand touched her diaper, which was bulging. Liu Ligan's heart moved. He carried Liu Wenqian back to the living room and put her on the sofa. Liu Wenqian's mouth was flat and she was about to cry. Her diaper was taken off and her face looked better.

Just now, when Liu Ligan was holding her, he thought that every time he changed the diaper and took it off, Liu Wenqian seemed to be very quiet. Liu Ligan had an idea, was it because of the diaper?

After Liu Lizhan took off Liu Wenqian's diaper, he did not pick her up immediately. He still let her lie on the sofa. Liu Wenqian kept eating her fingers with her eyes open.

Liu Ligan took a few steps back, and then a few more steps, but Liu Wenqian still didn't react. Haha, Liu Ligan was ecstatic.

He picked up Liu Wenqian, went to his room, and put her on the bed. Liu Wenqian lay there quietly without crying.

Liu Ligan picked up Liu Wenqian and went to Wenwen and Qianqian's room. He kicked Wenwen, walked over there, and kicked Qianqian again. Both of them were woken up by his kick. , opened his eyes drowsily.

"Found it, found it." Liu Ligan shouted.

Wenwen sat up and asked, "What did you find?"

"Come on, make some space for Wen Qian." Liu Ligan said.

Wenwen moved her body and made a space between her and Qianqian. Liu Ligang bent down and put Liu Wenqian down.

Qianqian opened her eyes. She saw Liu Wenqian lying next to her. Her eyes were wide open. She was startled and shouted, "Is she awake? Why isn't she crying?"

Liu Ligan asked: "If you are asked to wear socks when sleeping, will you be able to sleep?"

Qianqian shook her head.

"You can't sleep even with a pair of socks on, and she's wearing a diaper like this. Aren't you sad? What should I do if I'm sad? I can only cry." Liu Ligan said, "She can't feel the distraction during the day. Pay attention at night. She felt it when I concentrated on it. She couldn't feel it when I held her and shook her while walking, but she felt it when I let her lie down."

"Is it that simple?" Qianqian also sat up and asked.

"Of course, children are so complicated. They cry when they are sad, cry when they are hungry, and laugh when they are happy. Children cannot pretend." Liu Ligan said.

"Yes, when I think about it, her butt is a little red. Even though she applies talcum powder every day, she is still very sad, right?" Wenwen said.

"At least it will itch, and I will cry when itches." Liu Ligan said.

"Okay, okay, go away, the three of us are going to bed."

Liu Ligan reached out to hug Liu Wenqian, but Qianqian talked to Liu Ligan and kicked him in the air to chase him away.

Liu Ligan left Liu Wenqian with them, and he walked to the next door by himself. When he fell down, he thought to himself that he could finally have a good sleep today.

Not long after Liu Ligan fell asleep, he heard Wenwen and Qianqian next door shouting "Dad, daddy". Then, he heard Liu Wenqian crying "Wow!" Liu Ligan quickly got out of bed and ran away I went over and saw Wenwen and Qianqian standing there. Wenwen was holding Liu Wenqian in her arms, pointing to the bed and saying:

"Look, look."

Liu Ligan saw that their bed had been wet by Liu Wenqian.

Liu Ligan laughed loudly, and Qianqian scolded: "You are still laughing, you harmful person."

Liu Ligan continued to laugh, and he scolded Qianqian: "You are still being unreasonable. I was going to take her away earlier, but you told me to get out, saying that the three of you were going to sleep."

Qianqian rolled her eyes at him.

Wenwen handed Liu Wenqian to Liu Ligan and said to him: "Wenqian's body is also wet. Please change her. I want to change the sheets."

Liu Ligan carried Liu Wenqian out, and Qianqian came out with Liu Wenqian's small clothes. The two of them were on the sofa, helping Liu Wenqian change her clothes. Liu Ligan said:

"for you?"

"Take it away, take it away, I don't want to sleep in urine." Qianqian shouted.

"Are you stupid?" Liu Ligan said, "She has already pooped once, will she poop again? She has so much pee?"

Qianqian hesitated for a moment, but was still discouraged. She said, "I'd better take her to sleep with you."

Liu Ligan carried Liu Wenqian back to his room. Although he had already explained the reason before, for safety reasons, he first laid a few plastic bags on the bed, then folded three folds of bath towels on top of the plastic bags, and pressed On top, and then put Liu Wenqian on top, then covered her with a quilt and slept.

The night was peaceful, and even the dreams were sweet.

The next morning, when Liu Ligan woke up, he saw that Liu Wenqian was no longer there. He was startled and quickly crawled to the bed to look. He thought Liu Wenqian had rolled under the bed. Check to see if Liu Wenqian had rolled under the bed. , Liu Ligan got out of bed, walked outside, and saw Wenwen breastfeeding her, Liu Ligan asked:

"When did you abduct her?"

"I also want to say that I slept like a dead pig, and the children didn't even know when they took her away."

When Wenwen said this, she felt a little sorry for Liu Ligan. She knew that he had worked hard during this period and had finally managed to get a solid sleep last night, so he slept so deeply.

Liu Ligan chuckled.

After breakfast, Liu Li carried Liu Wenqian on his back and said he was leaving. Wenwen asked, "Are you taking her to town?"

"Of course, it is her right to be vaccinated, and I will fight for it with her," Liu Ligan said.

Liu Ligan went to town today to apply for Liu Wenqian's vaccination card. He heard that children without this card will not be able to go to school in the future if they are not vaccinated on time and as required.

Liu Ligan went to the maternal and child health center in the town. The people at the health center told him that to apply for a vaccination card, he needed to bring the baby's household registration book, birth certificate, and the BCG and hepatitis B vaccines that were given at the birth hospital. Liu Wenqian doesn't have any of these things like vaccination cards. She doesn't even know where or when she was born. Where can she get a birth certificate?

As for applying for a household registration, even though it was picked up, you still have to go to the civil affairs department to go through the adoption procedures. There is no problem with these, whether it is the adoption procedures or the household registration, Liu Ligan believes that as long as he has connections, it can be done, but the problem is , time is not so fast, but children cannot wait for the vaccines they should receive.

No matter what, Liu Ligan had to get the vaccination card first. He called the mayor the day before yesterday and told him the matter. The mayor told Liu Ligan that he would make an appointment with the director of the maternal and child health station. Let’s have lunch together today and ask Liu Ligan to come too.

The maternal and child health care station in the town is a unit directly under the county maternal and child health care station. It is not under the jurisdiction of the town mayor. He has no way to give him orders directly. We can only work together with friends to find a workaround to get the vaccination card. come out.

Anyway, the national policy is that an infant cannot miss vaccination, isn't it?

Liu Ligan took Liu Wenqian on the road.

In the afternoon, when Liu Ligan came back with Liu Wenqian, Wenwen and Qianqian immediately gathered around him and asked him how he was doing.

Liu Ligan pretended to be calm and said lightly: "It's nothing. Anyway, Liu Wenqian was given an injection and cried a lot. If I take her to get more injections, she will probably be afraid when she sees me in the future, and I won’t kiss you anymore.”

As Liu Ligan spoke, he took out a dark green book from his bag. Wenwen and Qianqian screamed when they saw it. The cover of the book said "Hunan Province Child Vaccination Certificate."

"Look, do you see it? It's really true."

Wenwen pointed to a line of small words under the "Hunan Province Child Vaccination Certificate" and said to them:

"It's a must for kindergarten, daycare, and school. Without this, you can't even go to kindergarten, not just elementary school."

"You can't apply if you don't have a household registration." Liu Ligan said, "The next step is to apply for a household registration for her."

Qianqian sighed and said, "I didn't expect that a child would have so many troubles. Fortunately, I didn't give birth."

Liu Ligan rolled his eyes at her and said, "You thought you could hide away without giving birth, but now, you're here."

Wenwen giggled: "It's not because of you. We can rest assured that you can do things."

"That's right." Qianqian nodded.

Thank you Qidi Sun, Lao Shen Xisang, and your monthly votes for not seeing a future but only remembering your original intention! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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