The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1893 The Day of Planting Stars

The cylindrical foyer of the Ghibli Museum is white, and all the corners are arc-shaped. It looks like a soft cake standing there, or like a child drinking from a cup, no. Above the large door, there is a warm brown lintel, like the brim of a peaked cap, and on both sides of the building, there are two warm brown ears, like the handles of a water glass.

There was already a moderate queue at the door. Xiang Nan and the others lined up. He Hongmei told them that after entering, you can play and watch for yourself. After you have finished playing, go to the "Straw Hat" restaurant on the second floor to wait for me.

After Xiangnan and the others agreed, He Hongmei walked away. She entered the art gallery through the door used by other employees.

Xiang Nan and the others lined up to enter the hall. The whole hall gave people a feeling of déjà vu. Xiang Nan thought for a while and then remembered that this place was a replica of the fat baby's room layout in "Spirited Away", with amber chandeliers, stained glass, and overhead ceilings. The ceiling has a big smiling sun, surrounded by lush vines and a mural of Totoro and the broomstick-riding witch Kiki.

There is a counter on the side of the entrance where tourists can use the QR code of the Lawson convenience store in their hands to exchange for official tickets. The tickets are also worth keeping as souvenirs of the Ghibli Museum. It is designed to Movie film style.

Each ticket has three frames on it. The tickets are distributed randomly. The pictures on it are different. The three of them, Xiang Nan, all have different tickets. What Xiang Nan is holding is "Thousands of People". "With Qianxun", what Yin Tao was holding was something neither of them recognized. Ding Yousong took a look at it and said, it was "Ponyo on the Cliff".

And what he had in his hands, he told Xiang Nan and Yin Tao, was "Howl's Moving Castle". It was great. What a blessing. This is my favorite film.

The entire Ghibli Museum is divided into three floors. Because the museum is built along a hillside, the first floor is sunken. You need to go down a wooden spiral staircase. In front of you is a wall full of hangings. Ghibli animation poster.

There are two exhibition halls below. One is "The House where Animation Begins", which shows the entire development process from the original comic strips and design drafts to the animation.

There is a huge model in the center of the exhibition hall, hovering around a column. On it are Totoro, Sister Xiaomei, Cat Bus, and Little Sooty. When it is still, it looks ordinary, but when it is Under the light of the lights, after it started to rotate rapidly, it actually became active. You can see Totoro jumping rope and the cat bus running fast.

It's like connecting the frames of film into a cartoon. People can immediately understand intuitively how the cartoon is produced and appreciate the power of animation.

Coming out of the "House where Animation Begins", next door is the most important museum of the Ghibli Museum and its treasure - the "Saturn Constellation" mini-cinema.

This is the only place where you can see Hayao Miyazaki's animated short films. The Ghibli Museum has taken very effective copyright protection measures for these animated short films. Until now, audiences around the world can see only the posters of these animated short films.

Also, in the documentaries of Hayao Miyazaki's production of these short films, you can see only the scales and claws of these animated short films. If you want to see the whole film, you have to come here in person.

Today's show at "Earth Constellation" was "The Day the Stars Were Planted". Everyone quickly sat down and the movie started——

There is a little boy named Nana, who lives in a world managed by the "Time Bureau". In that world, time is strictly required and everyone is a slave of time. The "Time Bureau" is the supreme master of that world. When people meet or greet each other, they don't ask "Have you eaten?" or "How are you?" but they all murmur in a hurry:

"It's too late!"

"please hurry up!"

"Please take a good look at the time!"

"It's almost departure time!"

In this world, Nana was scolded because he often failed to catch up with time or missed the time he should have. He was even targeted by the "Time Bureau". He was the kind of alien element that needed to be closely monitored.

Nana found an opportunity to escape from the world of that time. He fled to the desert. In a small town in the desert, he met Nina, a woman who was as warm as her mother. Nina took him in and let him Stayed in his rural farmhouse.

One day, Nina asked Nana to go to the market to sell vegetables. Nana went there in a dilapidated old car. On the way, he saw two people selling something on the roadside. Nana was in a hurry to catch up with her. The road did not stop.

At this moment, his car broke down. When the two people saw it, they suddenly said, "Ah, there are guests, let's go."

They walked towards that direction.

The two of them were selling stars, and they wanted Nana to buy their stars. The crystal ball-like stars were very beautiful, but Nana had no money.

The two men said they could exchange the stars for Nana's kohlrabi, and Nana agreed.

The two men showed their stars to Nana. They recommended a red star to Nana. It was as red as a pomegranate seed, but Nana liked another blue one. He chose it.

The two star sellers told Nana that the name of the star was Earth.

Nana brought this earth home. He planted this sapphire-like earth seed in the soil, watered it every day, and took good care of it.

At this time, the people from the "Time Bureau" knew the whereabouts of Nana, and they came to the door. Nina knew that Nana didn't want to leave here yet, he still wanted to watch his earth grow.

Nina helped Nana stop the people from the "Time Bureau" and made an appointment with them for Nana's return time.

Nina watched Nana planting the earth into the ground, and she said to Nana kindly from time to time: "It's great..."

Under Nana's care, his planet finally grew out, with a large earth-yellow star, and three small stars orbiting it. On top of the earth-yellow star, there was a Just a bug.

Nana tried to feed the big planet water with a spoon. It turned out to be attractive and sucked the water in.

Nana took a kettle and sprayed water on the khaki earth. The earth was wrapped in water vapor and became misty.

Nana sprayed more water on it, and the water vapor turned into clouds. The clouds became bigger and bigger, and even lightning and thunder began, and it started to rain.

Haha, the thunder and lightning flashed a few times, startling him.

After a night of storm, the earth has grown a little bigger. There are seas and rivers on the earth, as well as land and mountains.

But before the earth has fully grown up and can fly independently, the time has come for Nana to go back. He must return to the world controlled by the "Time Bureau".

Nana reluctantly said goodbye to Nina. He left the earth to Nina and asked her to help take care of it.

One day, the two people who sold him the stars found Nana, and they took Nana to see Nina. Only then did Nana realize that Nina was a magic angel.

Nina took Nana to a place full of planets. She pointed to one of the blue planets and told Nana that this was his earth. His earth had now grown up and matured. Time to let it fly on its own.

Nina pointed to the vast universe and asked Nana to find a galaxy for his earth and send it on its way. Nina found a translucent galaxy with dense light. Nina told him that that was the solar system.

When leaving, Nana looked at his earth carefully. He saw that the sea was blue and the earth was green. It was so beautiful. He also saw many animals swimming in the sea. Running in the grasslands and forests, his insect will no longer be lonely with so many new partners.

Nana and his Earth said: "You are no longer alone, and I must move on."

Nana held the earth in his hands and said to it:

"Go ahead..."

"One day, I will be able to see you again..."

The earth is getting further and further away...

The film ends.

The entire film lasted only sixteen minutes, but it was deeply touching. Most of the people present had tears in their eyes.

This is a story of growth, not only the growth of the earth, but also the growth of Nana. It allows us to maintain our innocence and discover our innocence even in the rush of time. It tells us that when we meet, there will be something. Parting, there is still hope, there will be a day to see each other again.

One day, we will still meet the best version of ourselves and meet so many beautiful things.

The background music of the entire film is performed by violin and piano. It is so tearful that as the story progresses step by step, it is almost difficult to extricate oneself. That Chongchong is no longer alone, and the boy Nana is also embarking on the journey. The journey has ended, but these men and women who stayed here for a short time had tears in their eyes and smiles on their lips.

Yin Tao turned around and hugged Xiang Nan. She whispered to Xiang Nan like a dream: "Why is that dead old man Hayao Miyazaki so annoying? He makes people cry while watching a cartoon."

Xiang Nan gently patted Yin Tao's shoulder, and Ding Yousong beside him quickly turned around. He thought Xiang Nan hadn't seen it, but Xiang Nan had actually seen it a long time ago, and there were tears flashing in his eyes.

Everyone walked outside together and walked out of the "Earth Constellation". They couldn't help but stop. They felt as if they had suddenly entered another world. They needed to stand and calm down for a while before they could adapt to the new world in front of them.

"The music in this film is good," Ding Yousong said.

"Go away, is it just music?" Yin Tao asked.

"Yin Tao is right. In such a short time, the emotions are so full. I think we should think carefully about how it was done." Xiang Nan said, "Sixteen minutes is not even our scene." It not only tells a complete story, but also completely brings the audience into it.”

Thank you for the forty-eight-year-old Xiaosheng, the romantic cherry blossoms who read books frequently, and the reward of two fishes! Thank you for being forty-eight years old, romantic cherry blossoms, reading books frequently, Zi Zeng said, the little brother who eats fish, zpengyong1, Tian Wai Wai Wai Wai, on the road - every day, Lin Buxuya, Qdragon, Evergreen Yan Dadi, monthly pass for Book Friends Scooter ! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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