The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1970 Everything is ready

"Beibei, if you don't go home, even your grandma and grandma will come here." Xiaofang and Zhang Xiangbei said.

Zhang Xiangbei chuckled and said, "I will definitely go home tomorrow, oh oh, the day after tomorrow."

Zhang Xiangxi stretched out a pair of small hands, turned Zhang Xiangbei's face over, looked at it carefully, and then nodded solemnly:

"When I go back, I will tell my grandma and grandma that Beibei has not lost weight and is the same as before, so they can rest assured."

Everyone laughed.

Zhang Chen and Zhang Xiangbei also said to Wu Huan:

"No matter how busy you are, you should make time for yourself to rest. When you start a company, there are so many things to do. If you are busy, you can stay up for ten days and ten nights and you will still be too busy. Don't be impatient. Problems will be solved day by day. Yes, you must learn to arrange your time reasonably and don’t fight a battle of fatigue and attrition. Otherwise, if the time goes on, your body will not be able to bear it, and the gain will outweigh the loss.”

Wu Huan nodded, Zhang Xiangbei scratched the back of his neck and asked Zhang Chen: "When you started your business, did you arrange your time properly?"

Zhang Chen suddenly became embarrassed, and everyone else laughed. Zhang Chen said: "We were just a small workshop at that time, how can we compare with you?"

"Then we have a greater responsibility and don't dare to stop." Wu Huan said with a smile.

Xiaofang asked how the situation was today. Wu Huan told her. Xiaofang nodded and said, "It's pretty good. It should be better than expected, right?"

Wu Huan is right.

"Have you encountered any difficulties?" Xiaofang asked.

"We have prepared for the worst, but so far, it is better than we expected." Wu Huan said.

Zhang Xiangbei and Zhang Chen Xiaofang talked about their plans to set up a food factory to digest the vegetables they did not sell every day. Zhang Chen himself was almost overwhelmed by inventory. He knew the impact of digesting inventory on a company. Moreover, vegetables are no more important than clothing. Their freshness period is too short, but if there is not an appropriate amount every day, it will not be able to meet the needs of customers.

The idea mentioned by Zhang Xiangbei is indeed the best way for them to convert their daily surplus.

Zhang Xiangbei and Zhang Chen told Zhang Xiangbei that there was no more space here and that they wanted to rent Xie Zigang's building across the street to build a new material warehouse. Zhang Chen thought about it and said to Zhang Xiangbei, in this way, I will ask Huang Jianren to call the Provincial Military Region tomorrow to ask. ask.

The logistics base over there has more than 50 acres of land. Your food factory can't use that much house. It can only use a third of it at most. It would be a waste to leave it empty. It's better for us to rent the entire half acre of land. .

When the remaining warehouses are sublet, I will ask the general manager here to take note and arrange the storage of relevant food companies there, so that there will be no conflict with you.

Wu Huan and Zhang Xiangbei both felt that if this was the case, that would be the best.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Thank you, dad!"

Zhang Xiangxi also shouted: "Thank you, dad!"

Zhang Chen looked at Zhang Xiangxi and asked, "What are you thanking me for?"

"Thank you for helping Beibei." Zhang Xiangxi said, everyone laughed again, Zhang Xiangbei said, then I want to thank Xixi.

"You're welcome. I'm your sister, so I should." Zhang Xiangxi said.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Then I am his father, so I should."

Zhang Xiangxi looked at Zhang Chen with wide eyes, thought for a while and said, "Then thank me for coming back."

Zhang Chen and Xiaofang were going to take a look below. Zhang Xiangxi wanted to ride on Zhang Xiangbei's shoulders. Zhang Xiangbei took out a piece of his own clothes from the cabinet, put it on Zhang Xiangxi, and told her that it was cold down there, so don't Got a cold.

Zhang Xiangxi was wearing Zhang Xiangbei's clothes. The clothes were too long, and the hem and sleeves were almost dragging to the ground. She thought it was very funny. Zhang Xiangbei squatted down, and Zhang Xiangxi climbed onto Zhang Xiangbei's shoulders, with his hands hanging down and his sleeves free. For a long time, Zhang Xiangxi was waving his sleeves on Zhang Xiangbei's shoulders, like water sleeves, giggling non-stop.

At five o'clock in the morning, the last cold chain truck was sent out. The first day of work was over. Zhang Chen and Wu Huan organized online meetings in Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou. Although one We didn't sleep at night, everyone's eyes were bright and their faces were full of excitement.

Zhang Xiangbei told everyone that they have worked hard, but this has just begun. For us, the bigger test will be when community distribution starts.

At the meeting, Wu Huan particularly emphasized the issue of reasonable time arrangements for each company and department. Their "Zhai Xian Delivery" is a company that must operate 24 hours a day. The highlight is at night, but it also does not work during the day. If you are idle, customers will not care whether you want to take a break or not. They will only place orders based on their own needs.

As long as customers place an order, they must deliver it immediately. When community fresh food delivery is officially launched, this situation will become more common. The community must be delivered several times a day, and the vegetables that travel long distances every day will cost several times. The departure and arrival times of vegetable trucks will also be reasonably arranged by the dispatch center throughout the day to minimize the time waiting for unloading.

Even in the workshop below them, they have to work in three shifts.

After the meeting, although both Wu Huan and Zhang Xiangbei emphasized the need to arrange their time reasonably, after the meeting, they themselves did not go home. They just slept on the sofa in the office for a few hours. Get up soon.

After the "Zhaixian Delivery" unit customers officially started delivery, they will immediately carry out community promotion activities in three cities.

For their "fresh food delivery", traditional TV and newspaper advertisements no longer have any effect. How many people still watch TV and newspapers now? For them, the most direct thing is that starting from today, their "Fresh Delivery" APP advertisement will appear in the elevators of all community buildings until October 20th.

Send their "Fresh Delivery" APP directly to the eyes of every resident who goes up and down the stairs. In this way, many people will take out their mobile phones and scan their QR codes in the elevator.

Advertisements for their APP will also appear on the crossbars at the entrance and exit of the underground parking lot of the community, and "fresh food delivery" will also appear on the community's bulletin board.

Their "Fresh Delivery" advertisements will also appear on various FM radio stations. At one time, radio advertisements were almost forgotten by people. Everyone thought that radio was already an industry that was about to decline and be eliminated, but they did not expect that, With the popularity of private cars, urban FM radio stations have made a resurgence.

Coupled with the congestion of urban roads, not many people are in the mood to listen to music while driving. Most people listen to the radio while driving. According to a survey by the advertising company that Zhang Xiangbei and their partners work with, the current effectiveness of radio advertising is actually It has surpassed TV advertising.

Their "Zhai Xian Delivery" salesperson will also go deep into the communities he is responsible for and conduct promotional tours. During the promotion, a fresh-keeping cabinet will be placed next to it to teach everyone, especially elderly customers, how to use it.

In addition to their "Home Delivery" website, they also distribute product foldouts to every household every week, with ordering phone numbers on them. This is for the convenience of the elderly who do not know how to use computers and APPs. Place your order by phone.

When salesmen go to the community to promote, they will bring their menu and vegetable price list for the day. Those who have just returned from the vegetable market with vegetable baskets will look at their menus, look at the dishes in their hands, and then look at them menu, Zhang Xiangbei felt that they would definitely have a surprised expression.

Li Wei's customer center has been calling their contracted units since nine o'clock in the morning. First, they ask for their opinions on the dishes and delivery services of "Zhai Xian Delivery". The customers who received their calls all told them , Not bad, very satisfied.

Many customers told their customer service that they originally placed the order with the intention of giving it a try, but they didn’t expect to receive it today. The food is very fresh and the price is so cheap. It’s great. I will order from you on a long-term basis in the future. .

The customer service then asked the customer if it was possible to arrange for someone to receive the goods at night. If so, we would give priority to delivering the goods to you.

Sure enough, as Wu Huan expected, these units already have people on duty at night, so the people on duty can arrange to receive the goods. Of course, there is no problem, it is a piece of cake.

When Wu Huanlai told Zhang Xiangbei about this, Zhang Xiangbei breathed a sigh of relief.

At around ten o'clock, Zhang Xiangbei received a call from Zhang Chen and told him that the Provincial Military Region had already contacted him. They agreed to rent the land and warehouse to us for the warehouse opposite for twenty years for the time being. When there are documents on it that can be transferred, transfer them to us.

"I'll go over here in the afternoon to sign the agreement." Zhang Chen and Zhang Xiangbei said.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "That's great, thank you dad!"

Zhang Xiangbei walked to Wu Huan's office and told Wu Huan about the matter. Wu Huan was very happy to hear it. She said, why did she feel like everything was ready?

Just as she was talking, Wu Huan's phone rang. It was a WeChat video. She glanced at Zhang Xiangbei and said, "It's Wenwen."

"Which Wenwen?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Xiao Wenwen." Wu Huan said.

The two Wenwen were in contact with them every day. It was too complicated to talk about. Wu Huan and Zhang Xiangbei distinguished them. Wenwen from Ningyuan was older, so they called her Da Wenwen, who was sent to Beijing. It was called Xiao Wenwen, and similarly, it was also divided into Da Qianqian and Xiao Qianqian.

Wu Huan pressed receive, and Wenwen's face appeared on the screen, and Wenwen shouted:

"Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu, you guys were great yesterday. Is Mr. Zhang here?"

Wu Huan said yes, he happened to be in my office.

When Zhang Xiangbei heard this, he hurried over and waved to Wenwen. Wenwen shouted: "Okay, the two bosses are here. You are welcome to review all the employees of our Beijing branch."

Wenwen pulled the camera away, and Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan were startled. They saw more than thirty men and women in the camera, lined up in three neat lines. Everyone bowed to them and said:

"Hello, Mr. Zhang! Hello, Mr. Wu!"

Then, starting from the first person on the right side of the first row, each one reported his or her name, age, and where else they were from.

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan couldn't believe their eyes. How much time had passed for Wenwen, and the business license of their Beijing branch hadn't even been issued yet, and she had already pulled out such a team. This was too fast. Bar?

Wenwen said to them: "Today is their first day to work. In the afternoon, I will divide them into groups, then train them and divide them into areas for each group. Starting from tomorrow, let them start working. Mr. Zhang and Wu Anyway, I have a suggestion."

Zhang Xiangbei nodded: "You say."

"Can we in Beijing and Tianjin do the same as you in Hangzhou, starting with the unit customers? In this case, I will first arrange for them to sweep the streets, like a grate to comb hair, sweep the streets for me, and sweep those units , I picked them out like lice one by one."

What metaphor? Wenwen said, Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan both laughed. Wu Huan looked at Zhang Xiangbei, Zhang Xiangbei nodded, and Wu Huan said:

"Okay, I will ask the technical center to give you a set of account numbers and passwords. In this way, when you go to other people's work, you can open our website to them, and they can see the products and prices on our website. .”

"Okay, this is best. Here comes a magical weapon." Wenwen said.

"Also, I will send people from the engineering department to set off today to plan the construction of workshops in Beijing and Tianjin."

Wu Huan and Wenwen said that Wenwen moved so fast that Wu Huan felt that he was being driven away by her, and she had to move faster.

Thank you to Book Friends 20170303195839050, The Chair in the World, Changsha Huisheng, Wind Jungle Spinach, Sand Mood, Sinful Orchid Finger, and Tianying 1978 for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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