Gu Gong is forty-two years old this year. He is fat, even fatter than Sun Xiangyang. When Zhang Xiangbei saw him, he thought to himself, here comes another fat man. Compared with him, Fatty Sun can only be fat or small at best. Fat.

If a fat person has fair skin, he will look like an intellectual and more like a leader, but if he has dark skin, he will look like a chef or a butcher. Gu Gong belongs to the latter.

In addition, he still has a crew cut, not the kind of slicked-back hair. When talking to people, he doesn't like to stand or sit down to talk, but prefers to squat and talk, and he still speaks in an active manner, without saying a few words. , he squatted down. The person talking to him could not stand and look down at him while talking, so he had to squat down too.

For ordinary fat people, even squatting is very difficult. I didn't expect this fat man to like squatting so much. Sometimes Zhang Xiangbei would be in a trance while talking to him while squatting. He felt that if he stuffed another sea bowl in his hand, a pair of Chopsticks, changing the background to the edge of the sidewalk, this is exactly the image of a migrant worker, from a few years ago.

Even migrant workers now know that when they arrive in the city, they must stand and sit as they should. There is no such thing as squatting, especially when the other person is your boss.

Gu Gong doesn't look like an intellectual at all, but he is a real intellectual. He is not a farmer, but a history student. He has a real master's degree in the history department of Fudan University. Go back to the furnace and get the degree for gold plating.

When they saw his resume, graduation certificate, and degree certificate, Wu Huan and Zhang Xiangbei were both surprised. Zhang Xiangbei asked the consultant, how could you, a history student, come to work in the food industry?

In Zhang Xiangbei's impression, shouldn't people like Gu Gong be like Zhou Ruoyi before, going to museums and facing green-haired ancient coins or mummies every day?

The reactions of Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan seemed to be expected by Gu Gong. He laughed and asked, "A bit surprised, right?"

Zhang Xiangbei nodded: "No, it's quite unexpected."

Gu Gong said: "When I graduated, I had two choices, one was to go to the Shanghai Museum, and the other was to stay and teach in school, but I didn't want to go. Both of these places were rotten, and I didn't want to rot with them. When we study history, we have a course called fieldwork. I like doing that very much.

"If it weren't for supporting my family, or hundreds of years earlier, I would have been best suited to be a troubadour or a newspaper reader."

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan both looked at him with some confusion. Gu Gong continued to explain:

"I can't write poetry, don't get me wrong, and neither can troubadours. They spread poetry, that is, they sing poems collected from various places. In fact, they are just Jianghu entertainers, a bit like the current singing style.

"When the western United States was developing, there were people who specialized in reading newspapers. They kept newspapers in their bags. Those newspapers were actually old newspapers from several weeks ago. They were strung together in small towns like this, in taverns. , read newspapers to the pioneers. Most of the pioneers were illiterate, and the illiterate people also wanted to know what was happening in the outside world.

"So after I graduated, I helped my classmates compile books. The classmates, holding the title of PhD and Master of Fudan University, wrote popular historical books for the publishing house. When I received the project, I was too lazy to write it, so I subcontracted it and wrote it myself. With the title of editor-in-chief, I will be assigned a few chapters, and I will help write them and get a small share of the royalties.

"My main job is to ride a broken motorcycle around the countryside. I am very interested in eating, especially those pickled foods in the countryside. They are so delicious! As a history student, I probably subconsciously feel that pickled food is so delicious. Food has a sense of history, so aren’t bacon and bacon mummies of pigs?”

Wu Huan couldn't help but say "Hey", and Gu Gong laughed.

"Go on." Zhang Xiangbei became interested. He felt that the person in front of him was very interesting to him.

"It's very simple. Since they are delicious and I eat delicious food, I really want to know how they are made, so that I can make them myself in the future. There was no for these local specialties at that time, so they were not as convenient as they are now. , you won’t be able to eat if you leave that place.”

Gu Gong said, picked up the backpack he brought, opened the bag cover, lifted the bag with both hands by the bottom, and with a "swish" sound, poured out large and small covers with different colors, patterns, and thicknesses from the bag. More than twenty notebooks of different sizes were spread out on the conference table.

"This is my result." Gu Gong said.

Zhang Xiangbei asked: "Can I take a look?"

Gu Gong spread his hands and said, "Look at it as you like. I didn't create it. I'm just a recorder."

Zhang Xiangbei picked up one of the notebooks and looked at it, and found that it was full of detailed preparation methods for various foods, including wine making, cured meat and vegetables, and various dried foods, such as dried pumpkins, dried eggplants, The preparation methods of dried cowpeas and so on are written in great detail, from the raw materials to the pickling utensils, including whether to use sea salt or well salt, and what brands of salt and soy sauce are.

If there is no brand, it will indicate where it was purchased from or where it was produced.

Behind each record, there are details of which farmer's home in which county, which township, which village, where the food was eaten, and whose production process was witnessed with one's own eyes, as well as a simple description of the taste, plus a star rating of one to ten stars.

Some of them also record the producer's dictation at the back, which is like an oral history.

Zhang Xiangbei counted silently and found that in the notebook he looked at alone, there were twenty-two ways to make bacon, as well as other foods. It was really rich and interesting.

Zhang Xiangbei looked at Gu Gong and said, "This is a treasure."

Gu Gong nodded and said: "Yes, I just remembered it for fun at first, but later I did it consciously. I shamelessly added a nice word to what I did, saying it was collecting wind and food. Collecting style.”

"Food collection?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Yes, when artists create creations, they must collect styles. The troubadours I mentioned earlier are actually doing the same thing. The entire "Book of Songs" is the result of collecting styles. But people, damn it, obviously eating is the most important thing. , but I am embarrassed to shout out that gluttony is human nature, but everyone feels that gluttony is a sin.

"Obviously he is a glutton, but he must make himself a gourmet. He talks nonsense all day long and thinks it is a very high-level thing. He dare not say that eating itself is the most important thing. People are so hypocritical.

"Think about it, those who write books and engage in art, including leaders who like to talk nonsense and point fingers, all say that what they provide is spiritual food. Isn't it because food is important? Why do people have to be spiritual to be advanced? Isn’t food alone high-end?

"Without food, you will be sallow and skinny even if you don't starve to death. At least you will be in a bad mood, right? I'll starve you for three days, give you a book to read, play some music for you to listen to, or let you listen to the leader Talking, can you be full? Bullshit, what kind of spiritual food."

As Gu Gong said, both Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan laughed. Gu Gong himself also laughed. He said:

"I'm going too far. Let me answer Mr. Zhang's question again. Why are you doing this? Aren't you old? You need to start a family and raise children, so you need to find a job. I don't know how to do anything else. What schools and museums do you want to enter? There are exams coming up, and even at my age, they don’t seem to take it seriously.

"I have no choice. I once read a newspaper and saw that my current company was recruiting technicians. I thought, technicians in this kind of food factory are just how to make food. I can do this, so I will go Well, that company was actually just a small workshop with a dozen people at that time.

"I didn't hesitate when I saw the boss, so I made three kinds of sauced meat for him. I told him that after marinating for five days, I would dry it in the sun for two mornings and dry it in the shade at other times. If you think it tastes good, call me. , then she called me and I went."

Zhang Xiangbei nodded and asked directly: "If I want to dig you over, is that okay?"

"Yes, if not, I won't come." Gu Gong also answered directly.

"What conditions do you have?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"A monthly income of 25,000 is enough." Gu Gong said, "My current salary is 20,000. I have asked for a salary increase several times, but the boss refused, so I don't want to continue working there. She probably thinks that the company is The product lines have been stabilized, and the formulas are the technical files of the factory, and she has mastered them. She has also recruited two young Ph.D.s in food majors, so I am not that important anymore.”

Gu Gong spoke frankly, and Wu Huan also asked frankly: "Why do you require a monthly income of twenty-five thousand?"

"Twenty-five thousand is dignity." Gu Gong said.

"Dignified? What do you mean?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Twenty-five thousand is enough for me to pay the monthly mortgage and support my family. When my son asks me for pocket money, I have money to give it to him. If my son asks you for pocket money, you can't even give it out, right? Very undignified?"

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan both laughed, and Zhang Xiangbei said:

"I'll give you 40,000, okay?"

"Twenty-five thousand is enough, but if you want to give more, I have no objection." Gu Gong said, "However, I have one more request."

"What's the request?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"As long as it doesn't affect my work, I still have to ride my old motorcycle out for a spin. I need to get some air," Gu Gong said.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, "But I also have a request."

"Say it, Mr. Zhang."

"Don't ride a motorcycle. It's not safe. I'll give you an off-road vehicle, okay?"

Gu Gong grinned.

He was recruited on the spot by their "fresh delivery" service.

After Gu Gong left, Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan said, "Why do I like this person so much?"

"You two have the same chemistry," Wu Huan said. "A non-traditional Yale University graduate met an non-traditional Fudan University master's student."

Zhang Xiangbei laughed after hearing this.

Gu Gong saw Zhang Xiangbei from afar and shouted: "Haha, Mr. Zhang, did you rush back today just to see the work starting here?"

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, how is it, are you ready?

Gu Gong said: "We are ready. On the HR side, the workers recruited seem to be too young. This is also my fault. I didn't tell them the requirements, so I told them how many workers were needed."

"Isn't it bad to be young?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"not good."

Gu Gong squatted down as he spoke, and Zhang Xiangbei also squatted down. Wu Huan took a look and squatted down with them. The three of them squatted there, forming a triangle and chatting.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes at one time and three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you to Mu Zi Tong, Hua Xin Yong Shao, Distressed Brother Ming, Book Friends 130214153304258, Book Friends 20170712165354432, Very Careful 333, Lao Di Bowei, zpengyong1, Gu Xiaoqiuqiu for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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