The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2037 Squat down, don’t be so high

Zhang Xiangbei came out of their sun room, or more accurately, the sun room. When he passed by the "dining and drinking men and women", he went in to take a look.

In the classroom upstairs, training was taking place, and the high-pitched voice of the training teacher came from above. This group of more than 30 people participating in the training were all from Shanghai Hangcheng and Ningbo Tuxiangyuan Hotel, as well as Sanya They were transferred from the Ban Mu Tian Hotel, including chefs from the back kitchen, as well as foremen or supervisors from the original restaurant.

The chefs here have to learn how to set up the table and practice various wine pouring skills, including folding napkins. Restaurant foremen and supervisors who are waiters must, like Xiaoli, practice knife skills and pot flipping, and learn the basic skills of a chef. .

In addition, they all need to learn the etiquette related to banquets.

These people will then be the store managers of "Diet Men and Women" in various cities across the country, and the requirements for them will naturally be stricter. They will undergo a month-long training here. After their training is completed, "Diet Men and Women" will Processing workshops across the country have also been renovated, and Fatty Fu's recipes have also been released.

These store managers will go to various cities to recruit chefs and waiters. The waiters will be trained locally by themselves, and the chefs will be sent to Hangzhou in batches. Fatty Fu, Huijuan, Du Tao, and other senior staff from Tuxiangyuan Hotel The technicians will take turns giving them lessons. They will be familiar with the recipes formulated by Fatty Fu and others and pass the examination.

In May, "Food and Drink" will be launched simultaneously in more than 30 cities across the country.

Everyone was training upstairs. The downstairs was empty. Only a few people were installing cameras one by one in the processing workshop. Zhang Xiangbei walked over to take a look. He knew that the reason why there were so many cameras here was based on "food and drink". The concept of "Full Ming Kitchen" for both men and women.

In the processing workshop, everything from weighing, washing, rough processing, and even pre-cooking, such as stews and dishes that require large oil pans for frying, will be processed here first. Every operation link is carried out under surveillance video. If the customer If you are interested, you can see the whole process of your order here, and finally the ingredients are put into storage boxes one by one.

For food safety reasons, these storage boxes are sealed when they leave here. When they arrive at the customer's home, the customer will open the seals in person. "Quanming Kitchen" means that everything is under your control. It is done under the eyes and is more transparent than the average hotel kitchen, so customers can rest assured.

Zhang Xiangbei and the others "deliver fresh food at home" and every process is monitored. Zhang Xiangbei sees these surveillance pictures every day and has become accustomed to it. When he got here and saw these people installing cameras, he looked at Looking at it, my heart moved.

He quickly walked out and walked back to the Banmutian Logistics Base opposite.

Zhang Xiangbei went upstairs. Instead of going to his own office, he went directly to Wu Huan's office. Wu Huan was not in the office. The secretary told Zhang Xiangbei that she was in the conference room, having a meeting with the bosses of the frozen food companies. .

Zhang Xiangbei walked over, greeted everyone and came out. Wu Huan waved her hands to those present, indicating that they would wait a moment. She followed Zhang Xiangbei out and asked him what instructions he had.

"It's okay, it's okay. You are busy here first. When you are done, come to my office. I have something to discuss with you." Zhang Xiangbei said.

Wu Huan pointed to the conference room behind him, and Zhang Xiangbei said, "It has nothing to do with this."

Wu Huan understood, nodded, and went back to the conference room.

Zhang Xiangbei returned to his office, sat down on the sofa, and bit his nails. Ever since he was a child, Zhang Xiangbei liked to bite his nails when he was thinking about things. Every time Xiang Nan saw him, he would come and pick up his ears. Later, If you stop holding his ears, if you see him biting his nails again, you will knock his hands off with a "snap".

Zhang Xiangbei went to high school in the United States, but he still hasn't gotten rid of the habit of biting his nails. When he bit his nails, Xiaofang would come over and instead of knocking his hand off, she would use her fingers to bite his nails. Tapping twice on the back of his hand to remind him, Zhang Xiangbei quickly put his hand down and smiled at Xiaofang.

In fact, everyone in their family has their own habitual movements when thinking. Xiaofang will subconsciously turn the pen in her hand with one hand, while Xiangnan will purse her lips and bite her lower lip.

No matter where Zhang Chen is, as long as there is a window, he will go to the window, hold his hands on his chest, and look outside with squinted eyes. When he turns around, he basically thinks of something. Squinting his eyes is It is a habit of many people who draw that it is said that this way the depth of field will be deeper, the sense of perspective will be stronger, and the layers of the world in the eyes will be more distinct.

Where's mom? Mom? Zhang Xiangbei remembered that her mother was the most exaggerated. If she thought about something for a long time, her face would turn pale and fine beads of sweat would appear on her forehead, as if she was very nervous.

Zhang Xiangbei sighed softly.

Thinking of Xiang Nan being able to fight, he put his hands down and sat there blankly. After sitting for a while, he took off his shoes and squatted on the sofa like Gu Gong did, but he didn't squat for a while. The person staggered and almost fell.

Zhang Xiangbei laughed to himself, sat down on the sofa, put his feet down, and was impressed. He felt that Gu Gong was really good at squatting.

Regarding why he likes to squat and talk, Gu Gong told Zhang Xiangbei that this was a habit he developed when he was a student and doing fieldwork. People in rural areas have a subconscious attitude towards people outside. Precautionary mentality, when a person is standing there, and you go over to talk to him, you basically say one sentence, and he answers half a sentence, and then walks away quickly without saying more than two and a half sentences.

If someone is squatting there, you walk over and squat down next to him. When the two people are squatting and talking, the other person's wariness will be gone. Once the conversation box is opened, you can chat for a long time.

After discovering this secret, when Gu Gong sees someone standing there again, if there is something higher next to him, such as steps, stone mills or big rocks, Gu Gu will walk over and squat down on these things. The other person is a bit shorter, but not to the point where he lowers his head to talk to you. If you start chatting with someone at this time, the other person will be too embarrassed to walk away right away, and the conversation will continue.

Next, Gu Gong went a step further and approached the other person, first offering him a cigarette. If the other person took it, he would be too embarrassed to say even a few words and immediately walk away. If you chatted with the person for a few words and then squatted down, the other person would also be happy to squat down. Come down and chat with you. Once you successfully induce the other person to squat down too, the wariness will be lifted, and the conversation can be very deep. In many cases, you can squat for hours at a time.

Over time, squatting and talking became a subconscious action and habit of Gu Gong. Without squatting, it seemed that he could not even think quickly and his language could not be organized well.

"People just like to talk while squatting and fart while standing."

Gu Gong told Zhang Xiangbei, and Zhang Xiangbei laughed, but he remembered that when he was in New Haven, he went to the kitchens of those restaurants and smoked and chatted with the chefs in the alley outside the kitchen. China People, Japanese and Indians really like to squat and smoke and talk. White people can't. White people don't like to squat. They like to stand there and lean on something to smoke and chat.

Wu Huan came in from the door and saw Zhang Xiangbei sitting there alone with a silly smile. Wu Huan walked over and asked:

"what are you laughing at?"

"Sit down." Zhang Xiangbei said to Wu Huan with a smile. Wu Huan sat down and looked at Zhang Xiangbei.

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Oh, it's nothing. I just tried it, squatting on the sofa and thinking about things like Gu Gong did, but it didn't work."

Wu Huan laughed and said, "I tried it too, but my center of gravity was unstable and I couldn't even squat."

"Yes, yes." Zhang Xiangbei said, and the two of them laughed for a while.

"Is it done here?" Zhang Xiangbei asked. He was asking about the meeting in the conference room between Wu Huan and several frozen product companies about the distribution of shares in the new company.

"It's done. The registered capital is 100 million, 40% for us, and 12% for each of the five of them." Wu Huan said, and Zhang Xiangbei nodded.

This is a share distribution that restricts both parties. "Zhaixianshu" accounts for 40%. Without their consent, if you want to amend the company's articles of association, you will not reach 70% of the approval votes. Likewise, , if "Zhaixianshuang" proposes a motion to amend the company's articles of association, it will not pass the threshold without the support of three of the other parties.

They are single major shareholders and have the power to make business decisions, but they do not have a simple majority of more than 50%. If the other party unanimously opposes it, they can still veto some of their business plans, which can protect the interests of the majority of shareholders.

"In addition, as shareholders, we borrowed money and invested 20 million US dollars in the import and export company. This will be enough liquidity." Wu Huan continued, and Zhang Xiangbei agreed.

"By the way, Mr. Zhang, what do you want from me?" Wu Huan asked.

"Do you remember that I told you about helping those farmers who are alone and have financial difficulties at home?" Zhang Xiangbei asked Wu Huan.

Wu Huan nodded. Of course she remembered it. However, after they discussed this matter several times, they felt that there was no way to do it. These farmers were not professional growers. Their planting area was very small. Each person had a small amount of land. Except for They grow crops in the fields, that is, some vegetables in the private land in front of and behind the house, and they raise two pigs and a few chickens at home.

Their residences are still scattered. As a "home delivery service", it is impossible to drive to these farmers' homes to collect vegetables. If they go to dozens of homes for a whole day, they will not be able to collect vegetables. They might as well go directly It is more cost-effective to distribute fuel costs and labor wages to these farmers, but paying them directly is not what they should do as a company, and it cannot help them.

Many times, starting from a good starting point, there is a high probability that there will be no good results in the end. Zhang Xiangbei is not so naive. He knows that obtaining without cost will only make people lazy and cunning, rather than diligent.

"Do you have any idea?" Wu Huan asked Zhang Xiangbei.

"Yes." Zhang Xiangbei said, "Now there is no crowdfunding platform. When someone suffers from a serious illness and the family has financial difficulties, they will post crowdfunding information on the platform, and everyone will help these needy families. ?”

"Do you want to raise funds to help these farmers in need?" Wu Huan asked.

"No, free donations will bring out some bad things in human nature, which is not a good idea. I want to establish a platform, a direct connection platform between farmers in need and kind-hearted people in the city, so that everyone can do their best, To help these farmers in need without increasing their own burden, and these farmers in need can do their best to work."

Zhang Xiangbei talked to Wu Huan, and Wu Huan asked:

"How to do it?"

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for Guan Ziping, Pingle Village is always happy, Changbai Peak, Crickets and Eggs, Eternal Green Emperor Yan, Passer-by Ye Buzhan, Frivolous, Silent Heart, Da Zhi Lao, Xiao Mu Yu, Sand Dust Mood, Heart Dances, That year, monthly tickets for A, Guandian Electromechanical, Fantasy in the Wind, and Book Friends 20190522212740445! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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