The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2063 Agree is only two words, but it is not easy to say it.

"Dear, think about it, just for Master Fu, you are expanding 'Food and Drink' across the country and making it the largest online hotel in the country. In terms of scale and turnover, it may even become the largest restaurant in the country. As long as the hotel develops according to this road map, it can be achieved.

"Or are you just standing still, and then you see other competitors rising up one by one and passing you? You are the earliest to get up and the earliest to leave, but in the end you become a martyr. My dear, do you think that these two things , which one is more worthy of Master Fu, worthy of his painstaking efforts, worthy of his swan song?"

Xiaofang asked Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen was silent. He had to admit that Xiaofang was right. This industry has become a hot topic now. Many experts have included hotels without stores such as "food and beverages for men and women" into the sharing industry. The economic category, sharing economy, is a hot word now, from shared bicycles to shared cars, shared umbrellas to shared power banks.

Shared office spaces and shared short-term rentals, shared clothing and shared labor recruitment platforms, and shared movies and TV series, that is, everyone joins in to make movies and TV shows. For a while, it seems that everything can be shared. That day Liu Ligan and Er Huo joked and said, Second Commander, you are the earliest beneficiary of the sharing economy.

"Forced, I don't understand what you're talking about. I only know how to collect rent when renting a house, and collect delivery fees when delivering goods. I don't owe any credit." Erhuo said.

"Why don't you understand? You are a Ding Dong lover. Aren't those Ding Dongs just sharing women?" Liu Ligan said, and the idiot laughed.

Now, there are indeed many companies that are ready to enter the storeless hotel industry. Zhang Chen also believes what Xiaofang said. A lot of capital will follow and enter this industry. In today's society, it seems that all of a sudden, there is more money. It's not over, as long as it's profitable, money will flock here. The situation Xiaofang mentioned will indeed happen.

Once "Food and Drink" enters the fast lane and begins to expand rapidly across the country, it will immediately change from a money-making company to a money-burning company. It not only requires money to open branches and rent rooms, but also requires money to recruit and train personnel, and buy tableware. Money is needed for equipment and vehicles, and even more money for advertising. When everyone starts shouting, those who don’t will soon be forgotten.

There is no such thing as the fragrance of wine that is not afraid of deep alleys. In this society, everyone is in a hurry. If you whisper, no one will have the mood and patience to listen. You must shout loudly, shout, keep shouting, chatter, and don’t stop. , only in this way will you have traffic, and traffic needs to be invested and earned by burning money.

Burning money like this every day, Zhang Chen also understood that he would definitely not be able to sustain it with "half an acre of land", so he had to use social resources to start rounds of financing.

Zhang Chen does not deny that the "eating and drinking men and women" have now entered the Colosseum, and a duel to win or lose is about to begin. There is not one opponent, but countless opponents. Countless opponents will take turns to fight and challenge you. This Sometimes, you really have no other way except to make yourself stronger.

But Zhang Chen felt a vague uneasiness in his heart. He felt that being big did have its benefits. The world was originally winner-take-all. But at the same time, Zhang Chen also knew that this rapid expansion in a short period of time would bring a lot of benefits. question, the most fatal question is whether "eating men and women" will become a wild horse, and in the end the whole situation will get out of control.

During rapid expansion, many tasks that require refinement will be streamlined and omitted. Rapid development is like driving fast on the highway, which will bring people a somewhat dizzy excitement, but at the same time, because it is too fast, , you will not be able to see clearly the scenes on both sides of the road and the condition of the road surface. Many times, when you are rushing forward, danger may be approaching.

During rapid expansion, people's mentality, especially the mentality of managers, will also change. New stores are opening every day, and many new customers become their members every day. At this time, something goes wrong in a certain store. When, who cares? Some customers have reported that their service level is declining and the taste of their dishes is deteriorating. Who cares?

Everyone will complain about you. We have so many new customers coming in every day, and we can’t even serve you. It’s good to be able to get you in line, but it’s not like you are the only customer. Who cares about you.

This will definitely happen. When the manager's mentality begins to expand, he will walk with his head held high and will not look down at the ground. He does not know the condition of the road, nor his own quality, conduct, and Along with the company's values, they were falling all over the place. By the time they realized it, the entire company was riddled with holes.

In service industries and Internet platforms, customers have no understanding of the company or the platform. He will just click on the keyboard with his fingers without hesitation, choose to leave you and click on other platforms. The difference is only whether he leaves with a curse or leaves with a curse. Leave silently, or leave ruthlessly anyway. Delete your APP from his phone and never come back.

The reason why Zhang Chen rejects new investors so much is because he does not trust them. He feels that while they may bring new investments, they may also bring disaster to "Eating Men and Women".

What he is most worried about is that in order to pursue short-term benefits, the needs of territory expansion and the good-looking statements of investors, in order to raise new financing as soon as possible and finally go public, they must make "Eating Man and Woman" look beautiful and Big Mac, right? For them, they are more concerned about the rapid development of the company and bluffing, rather than solidly practicing their internal skills.

They will regard all actions of braking as hindering the development of the company, but even if a car is speeding on the highway, if you don't know how to brake and keep driving, there will only be one final outcome, and that is the car's destruction. People die.

Many times, investors don't care about this. What they care about is to inflate the balloon quickly so that it can be listed at a high valuation in the shortest possible time. As long as it can be listed, they will start their victory escape. As for the company, They won't care about what happens in the end. At this time, "Eating and Drinking Men and Women" is someone else's business and has nothing to do with them.

It was impossible for Zhang Chen to do this. He had already made up his mind to live and die with "eating and drinking men and women". Although Xiaofang had drawn a road map for him at the earliest, he had waited until the company went public and hit the ceiling. He left in style, with a bulging pocket.

Zhang Chen also had such a plan at the time, but now, after experiencing Fatty Fu, he has changed and has decided that he will never jump ship and leave "eating and drinking men and women" behind. His goals, and The goals of those investors have begun to diverge.

Depending on the goal, the actions and status in the process will definitely be different. Even the small goals under a big goal will not be the same. All the forks begin to separate from one point, and then branch further and further apart. Zhang Chen is worried that there will be a point between him and the new investors that will make them destined to go further and further away.

Conflicts among investors will inevitably lead to conflicts in business decision-making and management. No company with deep civil strife can go far.

Zhang Chen sighed.

Xiaofang looked at Zhang Chen and asked: "Dear, do you think 'I cherish my broom' is a good word or a bad word?"

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment and didn't know why Xiaofang asked. He thought for a while and said:

"Just an over-embellished word."

"Why do you say that?"

"It only describes one side of the matter. On the other side, the same thing can also be said to be stubborn, stubborn, unrepentant, stubborn to the end, and a dead end..."

As Zhang Chen said, Xiaofang chuckled: "So you still know."

"What do you mean, are you talking about me?" Zhang Chen asked.

"No, no, I just want to give an example. I thought of another example of someone who failed to assess the situation and allowed himself to lose to Maicheng. It was in Hangzhou." Xiaofang said.

Zhang Chen asked: "What example?"

"Do you know China Chemical Network?" Xiaofang asked.

Zhang Chen shook his head and said he didn't know.

"When I first came to Zhejiang University to study, this website was still very popular. It was the most professional and influential website in the domestic chemical industry at that time. For a while, Teacher Ma wanted to merge them, but they didn't agree, and some looked down on Teacher Ma. They felt that you It's not much bigger than me. I'm still a listed company, so why don't I merge with you? So the cooperation has never been concluded.

"But now, very few people know about this website. I think later they just lowered their status and wanted to cooperate with Teacher Ma, but Teacher Ma would not want it. It is very simple. Their original customers are domestic and foreign. I have gone to Teacher Ma a long time ago. This website has lost its customers, so what value does it have?

"I think the owner of this website regretted it later on. He didn't take action when he still had chips. When he wanted to take action again, he had no chips at all. It can be seen that at the right time, do How important is the right thing to do."

Zhang Chen looked at Xiaofang and laughed, he said:

"You said so much, don't you just want me to agree to the A round of Food and Drink Men and Women? Okay, I agree to the A round, and I also agree to start expansion and be the leader. I have no grudge against money, is that okay?"

"Okay, I finally achieved my goal with my sharp tongue, of course." Xiaofang giggled, "But, I told you, financing is about resources, not just money. If it's just for money, I'll let you take another billion, and you'll have no problem. There'll be no problem with me, Liu Yun, and Xiaohu. No matter how much money I have, I'll still have it.

"Actually, I didn't tell you that the first time the senior came to me was not for 'Food and Drink', but for 'Fresh Delivery'. He was also very optimistic about 'Fresh Delivery', including Zheng Huihong, who also came to see me for this reason. Liu Yun and I didn't agree. Why? It's because we feel that 'Zhai Xianshui' has not yet reached the time when it needs financing, and it has not reached that appropriate time.

"The most important thing is that 'Zhaixianshui' can become a giant company, and it may also be the largest project we invest in. If we start financing now, its valuation will not meet our expectations. We The expectations for it are very high, reaching hundreds of billions.

"Also, at this stage, Beibei is alone in making decisions. Don't interfere with him. His idea is already very mature. It would be better to let him find a way out by himself than to have someone talking around him, so Sister Liu Yun and I have a consensus. We feel that the time is not ripe for refinancing of "Zhai Xianshui". Even if additional investment is needed, we can do it ourselves.

"But 'Food and Drink' has reached this point. If we don't start financing now, we may miss the opportunity and watch our competitors grow bigger. Liu Yun and I also agree on this. You have to trust our professional judgment."

"Okay, I agree." Zhang Chen sighed and said, "I also hate it when people talk around."

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