The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2102 Four and Five

In the conference room, the solemnity at the beginning had disappeared, and everyone became more relaxed. It can be said that Zhang Xiangbei's words cleared the clouds and made everyone see that even in such a difficult situation, they still have a lot to do, as long as If you persist and do one thing, the most difficult time will definitely pass.

They had confidence in "Home Delivery" and in Zhang Xiangbei. When Zhang Xiangbei said there was one more thing they could do, everyone became interested.

"One more thing?" Liu Yun couldn't hold back and asked eagerly: "Beibei, tell me quickly, is there anything else you need to do?"

"This time we discovered an interesting phenomenon, that is, among the members who participated in our 'Suishoubang' activity, almost none of them transferred orders. You already know this. I think there are two reasons for this. First, these families , their own financial ability is relatively strong, and the low price of 'Daily Fresh' is not very attractive to them.

"Another reason is that the products they order from farmers in difficulty still need our help in delivering them, and they can't do without us."

Zhang Xiangbei stopped here, picked up the cup, took a sip of water, and said, "I'm so thirsty."

Liu Yun scolded: "You're not thirsty, are you trying to show off?"

Everyone laughed, and Zhang Xiangbei quickly said, "No, no, I'm really thirsty."

"Go on quickly." Liu Yun urged.

"Okay, right away." Zhang Xiangbei said, "This is not the most interesting thing. The most interesting thing is that we help them deliver the goods for free. It seems like we are suffering a loss. Yesterday, I asked Ma Lin and others to do statistics. The results We found that not only did we not lose money, we actually made money from them, and we made a lot of money.

“When I first saw this result, I didn’t quite believe it. I randomly selected orders from a dozen customers for three months, and after looking at them carefully, I discovered the reason.

"For this group of customers, as I said before, they have relatively strong financial capabilities, that is, their daily purchasing power is relatively strong, and they purchase high-end ingredients more frequently and in greater quantities. The order amount of one customer in a month is more than that of several other ordinary customers. Sum.

"These customers can be said to be the big ones among our personal customers, because on the corporate side, our big customers are still there after Wu Huan and his family visited them, and among the personal customers, these 'big customers' It's still there, so although our number of users has dropped significantly, Hangzhou and Shanghai are still profitable.

"You may be wondering, we don't distribute to them for free. The money they pay for the products of those farmers in need goes directly to the farmers without being intercepted by us. Why can we still make a profit from them?

"This is also very simple. A few of them work together to order pigs and poultry from farmers, as well as vegetables from their own plots. But these things are not available every day. Pigs and poultry are not available until they are ready to be slaughtered. The allocated private land is basically used to grow one or two kinds of vegetables. When it matures, several families will lose their share.

"Normally, they still have to make a lot of daily purchases from us, especially those high-end ingredients, which are not produced by farmers. Most of them are imported food. In this way, we make a lot of profits from them. The part spent on free shipping can still make a lot of profit.

"There is another data, that is, among those who intend to participate in our 'Suishui Help' activity, how many people actually do not participate because they are not matched with farmers in need? You may not believe it, in Shanghai and Hangcheng , a total of more than 83,000 people, many of whom went to Daily Fresh.

"This group of people transfer orders not necessarily because they are interested in the price of 'Daily Fresh'. Of course, the price will also have a certain impact. The most important thing is that these people have relatively strong purchasing power. They are used to shopping at the store every day. When shopping online, many people go directly to the "Daily Fresh" channel from

"What we need to do next is to expand the scope of the 'Suishou Help' activity. There are so many people willing to help that there are not enough farmers. We need to expand the number of farmers to help. On the one hand, we can carry out whole-village and township-wide activities The assistance, that is, the entire poverty-stricken township or village is within the scope of our assistance.

“We cooperate with township governments and village committees, which can reduce a lot of preliminary screening work and daily management. After my cooperation with local township governments and village committees in Hunan and Chongqing, I found that helping people get rid of poverty can It is also their job, and there are task assessment indicators, so they welcome us very much.

“With their participation and organization, we can do relevant work well without setting up local offices. This can also greatly reduce our human and financial expenditures, and the targets of assistance can be quickly expanded.

"Also, in many places, especially around Shanghai and Hangzhou, we can appropriately relax the assessment standards for farmers in need. In places where we already have purchasing points, we can include farmers with average conditions in our assistance. Within the scope, their living standards are still very different from those in the city, and they need help.

“We also have a ‘Suishoubang’, so that the base of farmers to be assisted can be expanded.

"Those customers who are willing to help others will be matched with assistance targets as soon as possible, so that these customers can develop the habit of visiting our website every day to see how their pigs and poultry are growing, as well as the vegetables in the fields. I think , their orders will come back, after all, these people are the ones who have the highest recognition of our values.”

"This plan is well done and well done. I support it!"

Liu Yun shouted, and other people nodded. Obviously they also thought this idea was good and supported it.

"There is one more thing we need to do." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Are you done yet?" Xiaofang cursed, and everyone laughed, hoping that Zhang Xiangbei would not be done yet.

Zhang Xiangbei also smiled. He said, "It's not enough for us to just fight sniper warfare and a war of attrition. We also need to expand our customer base and develop new customers."

"New customers? How to develop?" Zhang Chen felt strange and thought to himself, after repeatedly checking these two cities with "Zhaixianxian" and "Daily Fresh", he would basically buy food online. You already buy groceries online, what new customers can you find?

"It can still be developed." Zhang Xiangbei said firmly, "That's what I mentioned to you."

Zhang Xiangbei told everyone about Gu Gong's cooking packets and freeze-dried rice. The cooking packets are finished dishes. They only need to be soaked in boiling water for five to ten minutes together with the packaging bag. After heating, take them out and tear open the packaging bag. It’s ready to eat.

Freeze-dried rice itself is rice, not rice. The principle is similar to that of dehydrated vegetables. As long as the rice is soaked in boiling water for five to ten minutes, the rice can be restored to its original state.

Zhang Xiangbei told everyone: "There are still a large number of people who participate in our 'Suishou Help' activity. Many of them are just net donations and have no need to pair up with farmers. We found that these people are mainly young people, and they have this They have financial ability and kindness, and are willing to help others, but they do not start a business themselves and do not need to purchase vegetables.

“There are also people who applaud our charity performances and charity sales and have high recognition of our company. Most of them are young people. They also have no need to purchase vegetables and they all belong to the army of ordering takeout.

"After our project is launched, we can attract these young people. Whether they are in the office or at home, they only need to add boiling water to our cooking bags, and a meal of about 20 to 30 yuan can solve the problem. The cost is not less than Ordering takeout is more expensive, but the taste is certainly no worse than takeout.

"Also, when it comes to packaging, we learn from the concept of 'food for men and women' and divide it into large, medium and small portions. One person can have a bowl of rice with four or five small portions of dishes. The price has not changed. The variety of dishes has become richer. This is another You can't order takeout. If you order takeout, can one person order four or five dishes?

“This group of consumers are also potential customers of our ‘Zhai Xianshui’. If they buy our cooking kits now, when they get married and start a household, they will naturally become our ‘Zhai Xianshui’ customers. , since we have to fight a protracted war, we and Daily Fresh will not only compete for the current market, but also compete for the future market."

"Beibei, are there any more?"

After Zhang Xiangbei finished speaking, Liu Yun asked him with a smile. Zhang Xiangbei shook his head: "At present, this is what I can think of."

Liu Yun said: "I think it has greatly exceeded my expectations. I am very confident. After listening to what Beibei said, are you confident?"

"I definitely have it." Sun Xiangyang shouted, "I also expressed it on behalf of Zhou Ruoyi."

"I have one too, Zhang Xiangbei. I'm looking forward to when I can go to Taipei for the 'Zhai Xian Delivery'." Xiaohu said.

Zhang Xiangbei and Wu Huan looked at each other, and Wu Huan said, "I will arrange it as soon as possible so that it can be included in the next plan."

"Give us Mang Chao," Zhang Xiangbei said.

"It's a deal," Xiaohu said.

"Hey, where are you two?" Liu Yun tapped her knuckles on the table and asked Zhang Chen and Xiaofang. Both of them smiled, "Does this need to be said?"

"If no one has any objections, we will start right away." Zhang Xiangbei told everyone.

Liu Yun said no more and could start right away.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, and he said to Wu Huan:

"You ask Lawyer Yu to come over immediately, and then notify us that at 12:30 noon, the general managers of all branches and the general managers of the departments here will hold a meeting. We will tell everyone our decision so that everyone can take action and actively cooperate. "

Liu Yun stood up and said to Xiaofang and Zhang Chen, let's withdraw. It seems that there is nothing wrong with us here.

"Beibei, if you need our cooperation, just ask us to do it." Liu Yun and Zhang Xiangbei said.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes, thank you godmother.

Zhang Chen also stood up and said to Zhang Xiangbei:

"I'm going to the 'Catering Men and Women'. You've made arrangements to come here and call the boss of Gu Gong and the logistics base here. Let's discuss how to free up the yard opposite for your food factory as soon as possible. "

Zhang Xiangbei nodded.

Zhang Chen, Liu Yun, and Xiaofang left, but Xiaohu stayed here. He asked Sun Xiangyang to accompany him and visit every department and workshop here. He had an idea in his mind so that when the Taipei company wanted to do something, he It’s not like you don’t know anything.

When they got downstairs, Zhang Chen and the three of them broke up. Zhang Chen went to the "Food and Drinks" opposite. Liu Yun and Xiaofang got in the car and went to the "Sky City" e-commerce industrial park to go back to their respective companies.

Sitting in the car, Liu Yun asked Xiaofang: "If Zhang Xiangbei has nothing to do with you, from the perspective of a professional investor, would you treat such an entrepreneur as a treasure?"

Xiaofang nodded and said, "I can."

"I can do it too." Liu Yun sighed, "This guy, how open his mind is, how deep and detailed he thinks about problems, it can be said that he is watertight. Is it really the genes of your brother-in-law and your sister?"

Thank you Hu Hu, Don’t Take It Too Seriously, and Dugu Qiuyou wzf for the reward! Thank you Hu Hu, don’t take it too seriously, I am 19790607, Dachuan Dachuan, White Horse Xiaolong, End丶Hao, fangl, Heart Dances, Big Guy, Rainman, no one uses this name anymore, it’s not the impossible world, smile Monthly tickets for running Y, xiongtjl, and book friends 20200731205303948! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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