The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2140 Trivialities

The outside world was noisy, but Zhang Xiangbei arrived in Chongqing. In this ravine, he could be alone and not have to worry about the outside world.

Before and after the new year, less than a month apart, when Zhang Xiangbei came back, he found that the original bare peach trees had sprouted buds, and the branches were covered with flower bones. Looking at the surrounding mountains, they had grown from Indigo has turned into a lush green, and the green weeds on both sides of the road are almost overflowing onto the road.

On the first day Zhang Xiangbei arrived, he ate stir-fried bacon with spring bamboo shoots instead of winter bamboo shoots at his grandpa's house. This made Zhang Xiangbei feel that spring had really arrived.

This time, Zhang Xiangbei was no longer as complacent as when he left a year ago. He was more cautious and fearful, knowing that his test had just begun.

He remembered Gu Gong's words, which was a prophecy about putting five tigers in a cage. He had to find a way to turn these five tigers into sheep, or four sheep and Mr. Kan a tiger. Only In that way, the integration here will be considered successful and he can rest assured.

When he was still in Taiwan, Zhang Xiangbei was running around in the countryside of Taiwan while still thinking about things here. He was thinking about it every day. There were many things. He knew that asking others would not give him the answer. Others had the answer. , that’s just other people’s experience. Only when you think about it yourself and do it after you think about it thoroughly can you be targeted and achieve the desired results.

On the twenty-ninth day of the new year, before Zhang Xiangbei left, he told Xiao Bian that he should give each village director the 50,000 yuan and the 20,000 yuan at the beginning of the year to them first, and the invoices could be paid later, so that they could celebrate the new year. When I see relatives and friends, my face will not be so ugly.

Xiaobian agreed, and on the afternoon of the 29th of the year, he asked the four people to come and collect 20,000 yuan each. They paid for the invoice later and got the money. The four people were very happy and convinced of Zhang Xiangbei. What this person says and does is real.

With this money, they can share some of it with those who have come to collect debts over the years.

When Zhang Xiangbei arrived, the construction team had already entered the site. While leveling the land at the back, Zhang Xiangbei brought Zhang Chen to help draw the office building at the back and the one connecting the two office buildings according to his request. Rendering of the podium between rooms.

Building a house in rural areas is not so particular. In fact, Zhang Xiangbei only needs to hand over the renderings to the construction team, and the construction team will find someone to draw the design. After drawing it, the owner only needs to see if it is the case. Let’s start working on it right away, don’t just modify it.

When the office building in front was built, Mr. Kan and his village committee presided over it. Zhang Chen and Xiaofang only contributed money. This is how the building was built.

When we arrived at the newly built building, the construction unit was Yubei Company. Zhang Xiangbei was the chairman of this company. He felt that he could not do this. He asked the boss of the construction team and Xiaobian to go to the county seat and find county residents. The design drawings of the design institute under the construction bureau and the construction supervision unit were also implemented, and everything was in accordance with the rules.

While they were still waiting for the design drawings to come out, Zhang Xiangbei couldn't wait any longer. He told Mr. Kan that Li Dafu and Lao Shoutou's old nest must be demolished first, and everyone would gather here to work and squeeze in.

Mr. Kan didn't understand and asked Zhang Xiangbei, why are you in such a hurry?

"When I'm here, if there are conflicts between you, I can still stand in your way. If they don't adapt and move together rashly, will you end up in a mess?" Zhang Xiangbei asked, Mr. Kan It makes sense when you think about it.

Zhang Xiangbei arranged the four of them into an office. He just wanted to see what would happen if he put four tigers in a cage.

On the contrary, the secretaries shared a room with two people. Zhang Xiangbei repeatedly explained to them that this was a temporary measure. It was not that the area needed to be renovated, and there were not enough offices here. When the house was built later, you would have one room per person. There is also a conference room where party building activities can be held and party members can live an organizational life.

The secretaries readily accepted Zhang Xiangbei's arrangement.

At the door of the building below, there are signs of the five village committees on one side, and signs of the five village branches on the other side. The Yubei Company does not have a sign, but just made a light box and placed it on the roof, so that it is not conspicuous during the day. When the light box lights up at night, you can see it from afar.

Zhang Xiangbei moved his office from the conference room to Mr. Kan's office and worked with him. In this way, the vice presidents of the company would not feel embarrassed when they came to talk to Mr. Kan. They were talking to Mr. Kan. They (Zhang Xiangbei and Mr. Kan) do not report to Mr. Kan alone, which they find acceptable.

As long as this habit is developed, they will get used to reporting to Mr. Kan when Zhang Xiangbei is gone and Mr. Kan is alone in the future. This is the way Zhang Xiangbei came up with to replace the old one.

Zhang Xiangbei called Li Dafu and the four village directors together and told them that one of your tasks now is to provide me with a workshop director for each workshop to manage production, and you will go to the county for me tomorrow.

Mentioning the workshop director actually removes them. After having the workshop director, Mr. Kan can directly issue production tasks to the workshop director in the future, and he does not necessarily need to go through them.

Of course, we can't directly remove their concurrent workshop directors. That would be too obvious. They themselves know that they are being sidelined. Zhang Xiangbei still has to give them a try. If he takes them to the county seat, everyone will Now that we have arrived in the county town, we cannot live without an owner for a day, so it will be a matter of course for us to re-arrange a workshop director.

The four village directors didn't understand, so they asked Zhang Xiangbei, why did they send us to the county seat?

"I'll send you to learn how to drive." Zhang Chen said, "You all have to get your driver's license for me and then come back. You need to go to and from work every day, so you can't ride a bicycle all the time. I will provide you with a car. However, the company still has I don’t have that much money, so let me say hello to you first. You can only choose between Geely and Chery models. When you have money, I will exchange them for you.”

As soon as they heard that they were asked to learn a driver's license and be equipped with a car, the four of them laughed and were eager to go to the county immediately. As for the workshop director, the four of them immediately recommended their four confidants.

Zhang Xiangbei called Li Dafu aside and said to him:

"Mr. Li, when you renovated the workshop office, you gave your air conditioner a discount...forget it, let's just pay the original price. You resold it to the company and installed it in the employee lounge. That air conditioner also costs more than a thousand. Bucks, right?”

Li Dafu agreed with a smile, feeling a little touched in his heart. The big boss had so many things to do, but he even remembered that he bought the air conditioner in his office. He was quite interesting to make such an arrangement.

After the four village directors left, Xiaobian and Zhang Xiangbei said, "I don't think it's necessary. It would be nice to give each of them a motorcycle or a moped. Is it necessary to have a car? They are the village chiefs. The township chief doesn’t even have his own car.”

Zhang Xiangbei smiled and said: "You are right. This shows that it is very necessary. No village chief in the county drives to and from get off work. They are not village chiefs. Let them drive every day to make them realize that I am the vice president of the company, not the village chief."

Zhang Xiangbei looked at the list they provided and said to Mr. Kan:

"If I guess correctly, these four people are not their relatives, but also their confidants. You call them over separately, and we will talk to them together. By the way, I don't care what method you use, I have already brought Li Dafu They have been sent to the county seat. During this period, you have to make these four people your confidants."

Mr. Kan said yes, and the conspiracy started again.

"If you can use conspiracy, you can." Zhang Xiangbei said.

After asking four people to come and talk separately, Mr. Kan issued appointment letters in the name of the company, appointing four people as directors of the four workshops. Zhang Xiangbei asked Mr. Kan to send someone to post the appointment letters, not only to the four Posters are also posted everywhere in the four villages at the door of the workshop office.

Mr. Kan asked: "What is the purpose of this?"

Zhang Xiangbei told him: "This is an opportunity to make everyone familiar with the company's name, and also to let them understand that this is the company's appointment.

"Including any notices for road renovations, tap water installation, etc. that will be issued in the village in the future, you must remember that the notices must be issued in the name of the company. Only when the company's name is engraved in everyone's minds will everyone realize that they are Be part of the company, not the villagers.”

Mr. Kan understood.

Zhang Xiangbei also gave Mr. Kan advice and said to him:

"A company should look like a company. If there is no company, regular meetings will not be held. The same is true here. We should establish a regular meeting system and summon the four workshop directors to hold regular meetings so that they can get used to reporting work to you and getting used to you giving them Once a person has been given an order to form a habit, it is difficult to change it.”

Mr. Kan said yes.

"Also, when you have nothing to do, don't always go to Kan Village. You have to go to the other four villages. From your own perspective, first make it clear that these five villages are within the scope of the company and are all under your management. Down."

Mr. Kan was a little embarrassed. He said that in this case, the four of them might have opinions.

Zhang Xiangbei scolded: "I've transferred people to you, but you still don't dare to go? You can't pass this test yourself, what will you do in the future? If you go, you can go directly to the workshop director and ask him to accompany you. What? , or starting from tomorrow, I will accompany you around?"

Mr. Kan's face turned red, and he quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't dare, don't dare."

"Still don't dare to go?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"I don't dare to bother you." Mr. Kan said, "I'll go by myself. I'll go now. I'll go to Licun first."

Looking at Mr. Kan's back, Zhang Xiangbei himself felt a little emotional. The work here is really different from that in Hangzhou. The work here is detailed and complicated. It seems like they are all trivial things, but he just wants to do them one by one. Do it step by step and teach step by step.

Here, if you want to make big strides, you can only take small steps. Therefore, Zhang Xiangbei is very grateful for his work in Yongcheng during the Yongcheng International Street Theater Festival. The work at that time was also detailed and complicated. You have to calm down and do it one by one.

The biggest gain was when Zhang Xiangbei was dealing with grassroots cadres every day. He understood their psychology thoroughly, which allowed him to come here and deal with several village directors and secretaries. Although the village committee is not a first-level government organization, the village secretary and director behave in the same way as their superiors.

In fact, they are all on the same road.

Thank you for reading the book every day and ranking third from top to bottom for the reward! Thank you to the fish-eating brother, the old man, and the monthly pass of four plus one equals five! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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