Zhang Xiangbei and Teacher Ma each drank about seven or eight taels. Even Teacher Ma’s neck was red, but he was not drunk. His thoughts and speech were still very clear. After drinking too much, Teacher Ma began to talk more. After a while, the feeling of loneliness disappeared. Zhang Xiangbei felt that the Teacher Ma in front of him gradually turned into the Teacher Ma he often saw in videos.

Moreover, Zhang Xiangbei discovered that Teacher Ma has a special characteristic, that is, he does not seem to be running with the language, but following the language. He is constantly stimulating his brain and thinking with his words. , such a person is really suitable for the stage and is a born speaker.

When he speaks, his words will be very brilliant, just like the kind of witty words. Many words, he probably didn't think of them before he said them, but as he said them, he said them out. If such a person is allowed to prepare in advance A speech would probably imprison his thoughts, and the speech would definitely be dry and far less exciting than what he said.

But such a person is sometimes dangerous, that is, when he talks on stage and enters his own voice, sometimes he may unconsciously say some things that he should not say. out.

Even in public, as long as they walk around on the stage, they will quickly enter their own context. At that time, the world outside the stage does not exist for them, and they are active in words and words. In the woven fence, I was thinking, dancing, and talking non-stop. When I spoke, I couldn't think of every word carefully, and I had aphasia.

Zhang Xiangbei suddenly thought of his father's TV lectures that he had seen before, those lectures when his father was still Professor Zhang. He seemed to have such characteristics and was a performative personality.

At that time, he was still in the United States. He and Aunt Xiaofang were watching his father talk endlessly on the screen. Their eyes widened, as if they didn't know the person on the screen. Yes, Zhang Xiangbei was also surprised. Isn't his father a boring gourd? His mother always talked about him before. When did he become a talkative person?

Zhang Xiangbei asked Aunt Xiaofang about this. Aunt Xiaofang shook her head and said, I don't know either. When the two of them looked at their father on the screen, they felt even more unfamiliar. As they looked at it, they laughed.

Later, every time they saw their father walking around on the stage and saying something seriously, they would laugh out loud and not hear what their father was saying at all. They were watching it as a comedy.

Zhang Xiangbei couldn't help but laugh when he thought of this. Teacher Ma was stunned for a moment. Zhang Xiangbei quickly said, "It's okay. I'm sorry. You are right. I thought of something irrelevant."

Teacher Ma nodded.

Zheng Huihong and Xiang Yiyun came back, and they had almost finished drinking. Teacher Ma and Zhang Xiangbei said, let’s finish the work here today. When we return to Hangzhou, we will find time to get together. By the way, let’s call Together with your father, he and I are also old friends.

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

Four people entered the elevator. Zhang Xiangbei and his friends lived on the eighth floor, and Teacher Ma and his friends lived on the fifteenth floor. When the elevator reached the eighth floor, the four of them waved goodbye.

"Did Teacher Ma admit defeat in person?"

Xiang Yiyun asked Zhang Xiangbei, Zhang Xiangbei was surprised and asked: "Why give up?"

"We defeated him, he was a broken 'Daily Freshman', we completely defeated him." Xiang Yiyun said.

Zhang Xiangbei laughed and said, "We didn't even mention these three words. If you didn't mention them, I would have forgotten them."

"Then did he apologize for the 'Daily Fresh' incident?" Xiang Evian asked.

Zhang Xiangbei kept laughing: "What are you thinking about."

"Then what did you say when you were together for so long?" Xiang Yiyun hesitated.

Zhang Xiangbei tilted his head, thought seriously for a moment, and said: "It seems that I didn't really say anything, just chatting. I chatted while drinking. I said a lot, but what specifically did you say, you want me to say now, I really can’t tell.”

"Tch, what's the point of drinking this kind of wine?" Xiang Yiyun said.

"Isn't it just drinking? Isn't drinking just chatting? Does it need to be so utilitarian?" Zhang Xiangbei said, "We are not negotiating."

Xiang Yiyun lowered his voice, pointed at Zhang Xiangbei with his finger, and asked quietly:

"To be honest, have you ever told dirty jokes? I used to work in a real estate company. When men drank together, their favorite thing to talk about was dirty jokes, including those in the agency. They usually looked sanctimonious. At the table, my favorite thing is to tell dirty jokes, and I think they are humorous."

"No." Zhang Xiangbei said, "Teacher Ma doesn't have such vulgar taste, and neither do I."

Xiang Yiyun chuckled: "If Dad Ma talks dirty jokes with you, that scene will be awesome."

Zhang Xiangbei glared at her.

While Zhang Xiangbei and Xiang Yiyun were sitting and chatting, Xiaofang received a call from Zheng Huihong. Zheng Huihong and Xiaofang said that Lao Ma spoke highly of Beibei and said that he had a good sense of direction.

"What do you mean? You and Beibei met? Isn't Beibei here..."

"Yes, we happened to be staying in the same hotel in Lanzhou, so we met and had dinner together."

Xiaofang said "Oh". She didn't think it was a coincidence, and she didn't know what Zheng Huihong meant when Teacher Ma commented that she had a good sense of direction in the north.

Putting down the phone, Xiaofang waited for a while. She was waiting for Zhang Xiangbei to call her, but Zhang Xiangbei never called. Xiaofang understood that Zhang Xiangbei and Teacher Ma probably didn't talk about anything substantial when they were together. topic, otherwise, Zhang Xiangbei might not call Zhang Chen, but he would definitely call her.

Maybe, they really met by chance.

The next morning, Zhang Xiangbei and Xiang Yiyun got up very early. They had breakfast in the restaurant, checked out of the room and hit the road.

The distance from Lanzhou to Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture is more than 140 kilometers, and from Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture to Linxia County, it is still more than 20 kilometers away. Fortunately, the highway network in the west has been constructed very quickly in recent years, even in Linxia For such a remote place in the county, the whole journey from Lanzhou is already on a highway.

At around ten o'clock, they arrived at the Shuangcheng exit of Lanlang Expressway and got off the expressway. Linxia County is located in Shuangcheng, more than seven kilometers away from the expressway exit.

After they passed the toll station, they saw three cars parked on the roadside. One of them belonged to Feng Shengkuan. The few people standing with him seemed to be local leading cadres. Feng Shengkuan saw Xiang Yiyun's car. After passing the toll station, Toyota quickly waved to them, pulled over to the side of Evian, and the two of them got out of the car.

A middle-aged man with a crew cut came up and held Zhang Xiangbei's hand and said hello, Mr. Zhang, welcome to our Linxia.

Feng Shengkuan introduced from the side: "This is County Magistrate Liu."

Zhang Xiangbei said quickly: "Hello, County Magistrate Liu!"

Then they introduced several others, including Director Yu from the county office, Xiao Gong, Secretary of County Magistrate Liu, Secretary Chen and Township Chief Ma of the township they were going to.

After greetings, everyone got in the car and went to the county seat for lunch.

After getting in the car, Zhang Xiangbei and Xiang Yiyun said: "It's so grand, even the county magistrate came forward."

Xiang Yiyun smiled and said: "You don't know. You are famous. You are a big shot here. Don't be frightened."

"Go, why should I be so frightened? I'm here to do things, not to deceive people." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Yes, a county magistrate is nothing special. Their county's annual GDP is only over two billion. My Ningxia branch sells vegetables a year several times their GDP. This county magistrate , speaking of it, it’s not as good as me.” Xiang Yiyun said.

"Don't raise your tail." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Okay, I'll tuck my tail between my legs." Xiang Yiyun said, "Go, where can I have a tail? I wouldn't be so ugly if I had a tail!"

Zhang Xiangbei laughed.

Shuangcheng, where the Linxia County Government is located, is a newly developed urban area. The county government has just moved here from the original old town of Hanji. Although it is new, the scale is not large. The entire county is not as good as a town below Yongcheng. .

They followed the only main thoroughfare in the county and stopped at the entrance of the three-story Tenglong Hotel. Each floor here has a roof edged with glazed tiles and the cornices are high. It should be the best hotel in the county. Everyone got off the car and went to the box on the second floor.

Everyone sat down one after another. Before the food was served, the local specialty Babao tea was served first. The person who served them the tea personally was a female general manager of the hotel. After serving the tea, she stood and wanted to say more. After a few words, County Magistrate Liu waved his hand and said we wanted to talk about work. The female manager immediately said "oh" and wisely withdrew and arranged for the dishes to be served.

County Magistrate Liu raised his cup and said to Zhang Xiangbei: "Come on, I'll bring tea and wine. I'll toast to Mr. Zhang and Mr. Xiang first. You are welcome to come to our Linxia for inspection."

Zhang Xiangbei and Xiang Yiyun quickly raised their glasses, said thank you together, and then took a sip. The Babao tea was very sweet, and Zhang Xiangbei didn't like it, but he still followed Xiang Yiyun and praised the tea as delicious.

When the food arrived, County Magistrate Liu invited everyone to chat while eating.

County Magistrate Liu and Zhang Xiangbei said, to be honest, our Linxia is a national-level poverty-stricken county. If you want to talk about resources, except for some local specialties, there are no good resources. What is known as the "Mount Everest of Hezhou" Wushanchi, the "Eight Scenic Spots of Hezhou", that is, just blowing it up behind closed doors, to people like Mr. Zhang who have seen the world, these are nothing.

"I don't tell lies in front of real people, and I don't like telling lies."

County Magistrate Liu and Zhang Xiangbei said that Magistrate Liu was transferred here from the provincial government in Lanzhou to serve as county magistrate. He was originally in the Provincial Taiwan Affairs Office and was responsible for Taiwan affairs. He has seen the world. He spoke very straightforwardly, which made Zhang Xiangbei very fond of him.

County Magistrate Liu then clasped his fingers and said to Zhang Xiangbei:

"Linxia is a county where ethnic groups live together. There are nine ethnic groups in total, including the Han, Hui, Dongxiang, Baoan, Salar, Tu, Tibetan, Mongolian, and Tujia. Therefore, not only is the economy backward, but also the education and national quality are poor. Wait, relatively speaking, the foundation is relatively weak, which is a constraint on our development.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes, Mr. Zhang. I'll tell the truth. The task of poverty alleviation here is very stressful. I came here with a military order in the provincial capital. I can't take off the label of poverty here. I don't have the shame to go back.

"The villages you are helping us have made a great contribution to our poverty alleviation work. Mr. Zhang, it can be said that I have been very optimistic about your "Suishibang" project since it was launched here and have been paying attention to it. , so when I heard that you were coming today, I must meet you and thank you on behalf of our people in Linxia!"

Zhang Xiangbei said quickly: "Don't dare, County Magistrate Liu, this is what we should do, and our company only plays a small role in it. The ones who really help farmers are those who participate in the 'Suishui Help' activity" the general public.”

"Okay, then I'll pass you and thank them!" County Magistrate Liu said.

Xiang Yiyun then told County Magistrate Liu the purpose of their visit. Magistrate Liu kept nodding. After Xiang Yiyun finished speaking, Zhang Xiangbei added:

“Our main purpose in carrying out corporatization transformation of these villages is to transform the current blood transfusion function of ‘Suishou Help’ into allowing these villages to have their own hematopoietic function...”

"Yes, this will prevent people from returning to poverty!" County Magistrate Liu said.

Zhang Xiangbei was right, "What County Magistrate Liu said is very good. We also want to treat this matter as a long-term undertaking. In fact, after our inspection and previous stage of cooperation, we found that here There are still very good conditions to develop into our large-scale plateau vegetable supply base.

“In our view, it’s not that the local area doesn’t have the conditions to get rid of poverty and become rich, it just lacks ideas and funds.”

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, you are right. For a place like ours, the lack of funds is indeed one aspect. What is more lacking is ideas. We need to further emancipate our minds." County Magistrate Liu said.

County Magistrate Liu then turned to Secretary Chen and Township Magistrate Ma and said to them:

"Lao Chen, Lao Ma, Mr. Zhang went to your place. Please serve me well and cooperate with their work. You must give this God of Wealth to your township and to our county. Try every means to keep it. If you can't If the service is good, I will not only knock you down, but also take away your seat, do you understand?"

"Absolutely, definitely." Township Chief Ma said, "We usually can't invite a big boss like Mr. Zhang. Now that he has come in person, we will definitely cooperate with his work."

Secretary Chen also nodded constantly.

County Magistrate Liu and Zhang Xiangbei said: "If there is something that cannot be solved in their township, just call me directly. In Linxia, ​​I will be your backend. I will make the decision for you and give you the green light all the way."

Zhang Xiangbei quickly raised his hands to County Magistrate Liu and said, "Thank you, thank you!"

After eating, Zhang Xiangbei and the others wanted to continue walking. Everyone saw County Magistrate Liu and Director Yu off to the car at the gate downstairs. Then Secretary Chen and Township Chief Ma got into Feng Shengkuan's car. Zhang Xiangbei and Xiang Evian still got into Xiang Evian's Toyota Cross-country, and the two cars left Linxia County and drove toward the countryside together.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for your monthly votes from Flowers and Boys, Captain Jim, Tiger 1974, zpengyong1, Four plus one equals five, Donglongdong, Mingxin, No future, Just remember the original intention, Running with a smile Y, Book Friends 20170518171530177! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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