The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2203 The end of the road is my home

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, they arrived in Kobe. Laoqiao said, let's go, buddy, I will take you to a place first.

"Where?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

Laoqiao didn't tell him where he was, so he turned the steering wheel on his own initiative, and then said to him: "This is your favorite place for Chinese tourists."

"Luxury discount store?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

Laoqiao laughed and said: "There is such a store, and it is also in Tokyo. How could it open to Kobe? I took you to Rokko Mountain Ranch."

Zhang Xiangbei had never heard of this place, but when he heard it was a ranch, he became interested.

When they arrived at the Rokko Mountain Ranch, the two of them got off the car. The scenery here was quite beautiful. The entire mountain was covered with green pasture. White sheep and camel-colored alpacas were grazing leisurely on the hillside, and many tourists were squatting on them. Next to him, he was making two V gestures, as if he had grown two pairs of horns and was taking a photo with them.

If you are brave enough, just hold them and take a photo. These sheep seem to be not surprised by this. When someone squats next to them, they look arrogant and disdainful, just eating grass by themselves, too lazy to pay attention to these temporary growths. A fool with a pair of horns.

Holding them, they showed their patience, shook their heavy-looking heads, and bleated. If they could talk, they would probably say, "Take your paws away, Erdan."

Zhang Xiangbei listened to the conversations of these tourists. Many of them were really from China, speaking with a southern accent and a northern accent, and some were Taiwanese who also spoke with a melodious accent.

The blue sky, green grass, and sheep all over the hillside looked really poetic. Zhang looked at the north for a while, but realized something was wrong. He felt that this place was too similar to New Zealand. Even the houses on the hillside were European-style. of.

Zhang Xiangbei asked Lao Qiao: "This is not a serious farm. It is for people to take pictures, right? It is more appropriate to say it is a ranch, rather than a zoo."

Lao Qiao smiled and said, "It's true, but isn't it beautiful here?"

"What's so beautiful? It looks fake." Zhang Xiangbei said, "You just use fakes like this to deceive us Chinese tourists?"

"There are also cows, rabbits and horses. Do you want to ride a horse?" Lao Qiao asked.

"Let's go, let's go, I'd rather smell cow shit than stay in this fake New Zealand." Zhang Xiangbei said.

After staying at the Rokko Mountain Ranch for less than ten minutes, the two of them got in the car and left. Not long after leaving the city of Kobe, they walked less than ten kilometers of the extension of the Hanshin Expressway's North Kobe Line. The expressway came to an end, and the next step was The so-called automatic lanes are similar to our national highways.

At this time, the car has entered the mountainous area. What are passing by outside the window are the mountains and the rice fields in the mountains. The rice has already hung ears and the rice leaves have begun to turn from green to yellow. There are also the foot of the mountains and the rice fields. Villages at the end.

The scene here is very similar to the rural scene in southern China, with white walls and black tiles. It is not even as good as the rural areas in the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta. There are few buildings here, but looking at these villages, including this road Both sides were clean and tidy, as if they had been washed with water.

Zhang Xiangbei looked at it and sighed in his heart. He thought of his days in Gansu, Yunnan and Hunan.

When I was in those places, didn't I just want to build such clean and tidy villages there? But now, these can only be dreams, and they are broken dreams.

The car drove forward for more than an hour, and the rice fields outside the car began to decrease, replaced by patches of pasture. Zhang Xiangbei asked Laoqiao, was Tajima approaching soon?

Laoqiao said, we are now in Tajima territory, and we will arrive at my home in ten minutes.

Zhang Xiangbei looked at the pastures outside the window, including the villages, but did not see a single cow. Zhang Xiangbei asked:

"Isn't Kobe Wagyu produced here? Why do I only see pastures and no cattle on the roadside?"

"At this time, the cows are all bathing in the cowshed. With such a strong sun, they are only allowed to come out for a walk when it is cool in the morning." Laoqiao said.

You heard me right, Laoqiao used words like bathing and walking. It can be seen that this cow is no longer an ordinary cow, but a real cow.

"Do we still need to play music for them?" Zhang Xiangbei asked with a smile.

"Yes." Laoqiao said.

"Do you really want to play music? I thought playing music for cows was just a joke." When Zhang Xiangbei said this, he remembered a word: "playing the piano to cows."

"Of course, all cows like melodious music." Laoqiao said.

Zhang Xiangbei turned to look at Laoqiao, clicked his tongue, and thought, are you kidding me?

"I'm not lying to you, I really want to listen to music for them and drink beer for them," Laoqiao said.


"Prevent them from losing appetite and ensure that they can eat normally, so that the meat can be more delicious." Laoqiao said, "In order to catch up with the meat quality of our Japanese Wagyu, Australian Wagyu beef will drink red wine. Bad red wine, it’s like giving dates and olives to pigs in Spain.”

"The treatment is really good." Zhang Xiangbei smiled.

"Of course, those who raise Wagyu cattle are more attentive to their Wagyu cattle than their wives. Not only do they have to bathe them in hot spring water every day, they also take them for walks. There is a time limit for walks. They can't be too short or too long, for fear of getting tired. it.

"When you come back from a walk every day, you have to apply a layer of shozu on its skin. Do you know shozu? Our Japanese low-alcohol liquor. After applying shozu, we use a brush made of straw to massage it. Through this method, firstly, it can be disinfected and prevent them from getting skin diseases.

“More importantly, it can promote the blood circulation of Wagyu cattle, so that the subcutaneous fat of the cattle is evenly distributed, the meat is delicate, and the snowflake pattern is clear. This kind of meat looks pleasing to the eye, and tastes fresh and tender, soft but not greasy, and melts in the mouth. taste."

Zhang Xiangbei laughed loudly: "Does it taste like elegant music?"

"Don't laugh, especially in front of cattle farmers, don't be so frivolous. Really, they will be unhappy. They are doing these things very seriously." Lao Qiao and Zhang Xiangbei said.

Zhang Xiangbei nodded, I understand, so I will act arrogantly in front of you. You don’t raise cattle anyway.

"Think about it, if a man treats women like this, which woman will not be fascinated by him?" Lao Qiao said.

"I really know how to do it." Zhang Xiangbei said and thought about it. Wagyu are both female cows, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" Lao Qiao asked.

"I laugh. Not only women will be fascinated by such a man, but also cows will be moved and sacrifice their own flesh." Zhang Xiangbei said, and Lao Qiao also laughed after hearing this.

"By the way, Lao Qiao, let me ask you a question."

"what is the problem."

"Why does Wagyu have to be made from female cows, and they also need to be virgin cows?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

Laoqiao shook his head and said: "It's right to use female cows for Wagyu, and it's right to use virgin cows. However, I really don't know why. I'll ask you later."

Zhang Xiangbei said yes.

The car left the road and drove forward along a small road. When it turned a mountain col in front, Zhang Xiangbei's eyes lit up. He saw that in the valley in front of him was a green pasture, and a small stream gurgled out of the valley. , there are several houses of various sizes scattered on the hillside at the end of the valley.

Zhang Xiangbei felt that the scene in front of him seemed familiar. After thinking about it for a while, he remembered, isn't it very similar to Qiongzhong, Hainan, with green grass and streams in the valleys? The only difference is that the green grass in Qiongzhong is wild, while it is artificially planted here. of pasture.

"Are you here?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Here we are, this is my home." Lao Qiao said.

"That's great, Lao Qiao. I didn't expect your family to be painting the same place." Zhang Xiangbei said, and Lao Qiao smiled happily.

Along the gravel path in the middle of the pasture, Zhang drove the car to the front of the house. Zhang looked north and saw three people in the house. Hearing the sound of cars coming in from outside, he walked out of the house and stood there waving to them.

One of the girls, who was tall and wearing a white shirt and jeans, was particularly eye-catching. She looked like a female star in a Japanese movie.

Lao Qiao parked the car, and the two people got out of the car. The three people were already walking towards them with smiles. Lao Qiao introduced Zhang Xiangbei, one was his father, the other was his mother, and the girl, Zhang Xiangbei I thought it would be Laoqiao's girlfriend, but Laoqiao said, this is my sister, she works in Osaka.

Zhang Xiangbei was surprised. These two siblings looked so different.

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