The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 271 The world is big and there are many things

The BB machine on the bedside table rang. It was Liu Yun. Liu Ligan used the phone on the bedside table to call back. Liu Yun asked him, where have you been these two days?

Liu Ligan said that he was still busy with license matters. Last night, he invited business people to dinner and drank a lot of wine. His head still hurts.

Liu Yun said "Oh" and asked with concern: "Is it important?"

"It's okay. Just sleep a little longer and you'll be fine after the drunkenness wears off."

"No matter how busy you are, you have to take care of yourself, got it?"

"Oh, I see."

Liu Ligan turned on the TV and smoked while watching TV. CCTV was still showing pictures of the floods in East China. Anhui and Jiangxi were fighting floods. Zhejiang was not greatly affected, but in the picture, primary and secondary school students from Hangzhou appeared. In the context of donations.

Only then did Liu Ligan remember that he had been passing by DC City every day these days and saw someone soliciting donations in the small square in front of him. He didn't know what was going on. It turned out to be this. Liu Ligan decided that he would go there later. Donate some.

After watching BBC and CNN for a long time, Liu Ligan could only understand three things. One was that Germany was preparing to move the capital from Bonn to Berlin, and the other was that the Yugoslav Civil War was still going on. Liu Ligan thought, what if Walter Still here, whose side will he be on?

In Liu Ligan's impression, he always felt that Russia was the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union was Russia. It was just because after the October Revolution, Russia became the Soviet Union. Tolstoy and Turgenev were Russian writers, Gorky and Mayakov. Ski is a Soviet writer.

But aren’t they all writers from the same country? Just like Li Bai was a poet of the Tang Dynasty, Su Dongpo was a poet of the Song Dynasty, and I, Liu Ligan, am a poet today, but are they all Chinese poets?

It was so chaotic that Liu Ligan simply turned off the TV and ignored him. He should take care of himself and care about his license and when he could get it.

The room was very quiet, so quiet that he could hear the guests next door. He closed the door, walked through the corridor at the door, and walked towards the elevator.

"No matter how busy you are, you must take good care of yourself." Liu Ligan thought of Liu Yun's words, and felt a little pain in his heart. This pain was for Liu Yun, and he also hated himself. They said that there is no grass anywhere in the world, but here he is. At the end of the world, everything he encounters is really just grass, and it's not worth it. He feels that these good girls don't deserve to be so kind to him.

But for him to control himself and not get close to them, Liu Ligan felt that he couldn't do it. If he couldn't do it, he couldn't do it. I'm such a selfish bastard.

When he was with Liu Yun, he felt that he was normal, a normal relationship, a normal love, seeing the sunshine. When he was with Huang Meili, Wenwen and Qianqian, Liu Ligan himself knew that their relationship was distorted. Yes, there will be no future. This Huang Meili is willing to be with you. Can you afford to support her? Your monthly income is not enough for her to have a meal.

Is it because they feel that their relationship has no future, so there is a feeling of carpe diem. Both parties are very relaxed and don't care about what will happen tomorrow, as long as they are happy now, Liu Ligan and Huang Meili are together Sometimes, there is a very comfortable feeling. This comfortable feeling can be addictive.

He was very familiar with her, he was familiar with her every frown and every inch of her skin, but they were strangers at the same time. He didn't know where she came from or where she would go. As he said, he didn't even know her. I don’t know what her name is, and like she said, it’s fine.

Liu Ligan may also think this is good. He doesn't know. He will feel a little uneasy. He feels that it is very likely that she will disappear suddenly just like she suddenly enters his sight, leaving him with only dreams. and longing.

She is not Liu Yun. No matter what time, he knows where she is and what she is doing. Even if she rushes in in the middle of the night, she will definitely be in the room. She is not even Tan Shuzhen. Even if Tan Shuzhen has kicked him, he will still I know with certainty what she is like now. Every morning, no matter where she is, she will always get up, babbling and hoisting her voice.

As long as you think about it, you can hear her voice even though you are thousands of miles away. You can feel sad or smile in this voice. You can turn over in this voice and continue to sleep.

As for Huang Meili, he knew who she was when they were together. When she left, she left completely without taking a single cloud with her.

Liu Ligan looked at the time. It was already nine o'clock. He got up from the bed, washed up, took the breakfast coupon to the second floor to have breakfast, and then went downstairs. When he passed Wanghai Tower, he did not go in, but walked over and kept walking. When I arrived at the gate of DC City, I saw that there were still people collecting donations there, so I walked over, took out my wallet from my pocket, took out 500 yuan, and handed it to the staff.

The staff was stunned for a moment. This kind of street fundraising usually costs a few yuan or dozens of yuan. They are stuffed into a red donation box and left. There are very few even one hundred yuan, let alone Liu Ligan's five hundred yuan. .

The staff pulled Liu Ligan and asked him for his name, but Liu Ligan quickly ran away from there.

Liu Ligan arrived at Zhang Chen's office, and Zhang Chen asked him how the reception went. Liu Ligan told him that the expected goal had been achieved, and now he had to start a tough battle to win the pockmark. It was easy to win the pockmark, just throw money.

After the two of them had said a few words, the BB machine in Liu Li's waist rang. He turned around and saw that it was a company in the Sanli Building. He was asked to come over and said he had business to discuss.

"Okay, my job is here, I'm going to finish my job."

Liu Ligan stood up and told Zhang Chen that although he had not swept the building for more than a week, Liu Ligan suddenly felt that the job was far away from him. If someone hadn't detained him, he would have forgotten that he still had a job. As for work, it seems that Longzhu Building is his unit, and running the Industrial and Commercial Bureau is his job, not promoting advertising business.

As soon as Liu Ligan walked to the door, the BB machine in his waist rang again. Zhang Chen laughed. Liu Ligan came back and called back. The other party said he was from the Post and Telecommunications Bureau and wanted to install the phone for him and asked him where he was in the company. Anyone.

Liu Ligan quickly told them that when they arrived at Longzhu Building, they should first go to Li Yong's office to find Li Yong, and he would take you up.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Ligan called Li Yong again and told him that the post and telecommunications office was coming to install the phone. Li Yong told him that he understood. Fortunately, he left a company key with Li Yong.

When Liu Ligan was on the phone, Zhang Chen looked at him and kept smiling. When he finished the call, Zhang Chen said: "Mr. Liu is very busy, and reporter Liu is also very busy."

"Yeah, but Mr. Liu feels very good, and Reporter Liu feels very good too. If he stays so busy, this poor man will have to stand up." Liu Ligan said, "By the way, Zhang Chen, there is a fundraiser in front of DC City. The floods in East China , don’t you want to contribute a little?”

"It goes without saying that our company, myself, and every worker below have donated money. How long has it been since then, and you only know now?"

Liu Ligan chuckled: "Have I never returned to the newspaper office? If I were to report back to the newspaper office, they must also be doing fund-raising."

After going out, Liu Ligan himself felt strange. He was so busy and running on the streets every day. Why did he still feel isolated from the world? Even such a big thing as the flood in East China was an afterthought?

Liu Ligan went to Sanli Building and found the company. Coincidentally, it was also a real estate company. Standing at the door, Liu Ligan confirmed that he had never been to this company before. It turned out that this company should be a shipping agency. , when did it become a real estate company?

Walking in, the office furniture inside was all old, and it was still the same as the original company. They used to have more than a dozen people, but today they didn’t see any of them. There was only one person in the forty or fifty square meter office, Liu Ligan. When he entered, he was sweeping the floor with a broom.

The other party also saw Liu Ligan, straightened up and asked, are you Reporter Liu?

Liu Ligan quickly said yes, and the other party came over and shook hands warmly. After sitting down, Liu Ligan realized that this office was sublet from the shipping agency, and Liu Ligan's phone number was also They gave it.

The other party's surname was Meng, and his name was Meng Ping. Meng Ping and Liu Ligan said, I am now the general manager, accountant, office director and handyman here, all of them are mine. I am not looking for you, I am just looking for a clerk and accountant.

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