The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 507 Find a piece of fat

Jinghaicheng's project document has now become the focus of Liu Ligan's work. They need to submit it to the branch for approval. After the branch officially approves it, they go to the Haicheng City government to discuss the need for the project document. Later, they report it to the relevant departments of the city government. When the department asks the province and the central government to agree to adjust the planning of Haicheng City, this project document also needs to be attached.

The project document is so critical.

Mr. Han is an expert in doing this, so he naturally did his part and agreed to help Liu Ligan and others prepare this project document. The pictures in it, including the entire planning drawing design and renderings, will be undertaken by Jason and his company.

After everything is ready, it needs to be printed into a beautiful album with pictures and texts, so that it can be used, worthy of such a large project, and consistent with the identity of Liu Ligan and his company.

Mr. Han left without even having lunch. He said he would go back to catch up on his sleep, and then get up and think about the project document.

Jason also said goodbye. He asked Qian Fang to take him to the color printing shop first, leave the film there for development, and then return to the company.

Meng Ping, Liu Ligan, and Zheng Wei returned to Liu Ligan's office. Meng Ping said, "Gangzi, show me the planning map."

Liu Ligan brought the plan to Meng Ping. Meng Ping spread it out on the coffee table and began to read it. Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei did not bother him, knowing that this guy probably had some ideas.

After a while, Qian Fang also came back, and Meng Ping asked her to sit down quickly. Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei saw the look of joy on Meng Ping's face, knowing that he had discovered something else.

Zheng Wei and Meng Ping said: "Lao Meng, I think Director Wang's suggestion is good. You can either go and win the west coast."

Meng Ping shook his head and said, "I know that many people are already eyeing the West Coast. When you really want to get it, the price will be very high. There is not much oil and water, and it is not interesting."

Besides, you are all beating gongs and drums to get ready, and I am still doing it piecemeal like chicken feathers for sugar. I am not willing to accept it. You have inspired me. I think I also want to start a big project, but on the West Coast , I can’t swallow it, I don’t have the strength yet.

"You can either join us and work on the Jinghaicheng project together. Anyway, we definitely need to bring in external partners. Zheng Wei and I can recommend you to Beijing. Besides, Sun Hou also knows you and is interested in you." The impression is good." Liu Ligan said.

"Yes, Zangzi's proposal is a good one, Lao Meng, you can consider it." Zheng Wei said from the side, "If you agree, you can meet first when President Zhu and Sun Hou come back from Sanya."

"Don't think about it, thank you both for your love." Meng Ping quickly waved his hand, "We are going to join in. It's just an ant crawling on the elephant. Don't think too much about the pole. You also know that there is no one in this hand. A character who has the right to make decisions and cannot make decisions as he pleases would suffocate me, Meng Ping, and I am still suitable for playing alone."

Qian Fang kept nodding beside her. It seemed that she liked the way their company looked like now.

"But Lao Meng, I think the West Coast can still be considered. If we can't eat the whole piece, we can eat part of it." Qian Fang said.

"No." Meng Ping looked at them and suddenly laughed. The three of them looked at him, wondering why he was laughing. Meng Ping patted the planning album with his hand and said to them:

"I found a piece of fat."

"Where?" Qian Fang asked quickly.

Meng Ping looked at Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei and said, you elephants, I don't want to climb, but I still want to lean on, you won't object, right?

He pointed to Haidian Island on the map, the part separated from Xinbu Island by the Henggou River, and said, My fat is here.

"The land price on Haidian Island itself is now much cheaper than that in the city. The land currently being developed is around both sides of Renmin Avenue and Heping Avenue, especially Renmin Avenue. Although the Xionggu Group has come in, their main goal is Still in Yangpu, not Haicheng, Haidian Island is just a small residential project of theirs.

"Li Ka-shing's project is also here on People's Avenue. After the Century Bridge is opened to traffic in the future, which part of Haidian Island will be hot? Or the two sides of these two avenues and the west of the island, right next to the sea, and the road from the Century Bridge What road is it? Let me see. Century Avenue. Well, it is another avenue. The most popular part of Haidian Island is the vicinity of these three avenues.

“The price of land is going to go up, and it’s going to go up by this amount, and there shouldn’t be any large pieces of land left.

"But here, in the eastern part of the island, near Xinbu Island, compared with Heping Avenue, everyone already feels that it is biased. When it comes to the east end, no one cares about it. No one wants this entire large piece of land. .

"Why? Because this is the most remote place on Haidian Island. In Haicheng, apart from Haicheng locals, not many people know about Xinbu Island. It is understandable that Xinbu Island is not included in Haicheng City's planning.

"If it weren't for your Jinghai City to be developed, who knows, there will be a road and a bridge here to connect Haidian Island and your Jinghai City. I think as soon as your project is made public, haha, that At that time, everyone can see the value here.

"Not only is your Xinbu Island, this place is also where the value of real estate in Haicheng is low!"

Meng Ping pointed at the map and said excitedly. Qian Fang, Liu Ligan, and Zheng Wei's eyes also lit up, and they felt that Meng Ping's consideration was right.

Only then did Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei realize that Meng Ping had been staring at the map just now. What was he looking at and why was the joy on his face? It turned out that this guy really saw a piece of land on the map. Fatty meat.

"Yes, Lao Meng, you really found a treasure." Liu Ligan said.

Meng Ping looked up at Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei and said, whether this is a piece of fat actually depends on two points. One is whether your project can be completed, and the other is time. If after your project is submitted to the city government, There will definitely be rumors that this piece of land will soon become a hot commodity in everyone's eyes, and the business opportunities will be lost. Therefore, we must be ahead of you.

Liu Ligan looked at Zheng Wei and said to Meng Ping: "Lao Meng, there is no problem with this. I can promise you that as soon as Beijing officially agrees, I will tell you the news as soon as possible and we can follow you." The rhythm determines the time when we go to negotiate with the Haicheng City Government."

"Okay, thank you! Success or failure depends on this!" Meng Ping clasped his hands and bowed to Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei. He looked at Zheng Wei and asked:

"Political Commissar, I'm sorry, I, Lao Meng, are going to stake my life and fortune on this. I must ask one more question. If your office in Beijing formally agrees to your plan, this will be obtained from the Haicheng City Government. Are you sure about this project, including the subsequent planning adjustments and so on, the province and the central government?"

Zheng Wei thought for a moment and nodded solemnly.

"Great!" Meng Ping and Qian Fang both breathed a sigh of relief. Meng Ping shouted, "I'm just waiting for your words!"

Zheng Wei smiled and said, "I didn't say anything."

"Needless to say, just nod and forget." Meng Ping smiled. He turned around and said to Qian Fang: "In this case, we have to take action immediately and make a big move. In this area, we will at least take him. Two thousand acres, if you clear all the other land on hand, just attack this one."

Qian Fang said yes.

"Our operating model is also going to change. To be honest, I am tired of being a second-rate dealer. If this place is taken down, we will no longer be second-rate dealers. We will develop it ourselves and do our own projects. The two projects of our two companies, Across the Henggou River, if we work together, we will definitely be prosperous." Meng Ping exclaimed excitedly.

Liu Ligan said yes, Lao Meng, you have a good idea. This, in turn, has heated up this area. As Mr. Han said, gathering popularity will also be of great benefit to our Jinghai City. Don’t worry. , we will cooperate with you.

"That's good, that's good, pole, this is the second sentence I want to wait for." After Meng Ping finished speaking, everyone laughed.

"But Lao Meng, if we develop it ourselves, our funds will definitely not be able to keep up with such a large project of two thousand acres." Qian Fang said.

"It doesn't matter. At worst, I, Meng Ping, will go back to Wuxi again. You know, I, Meng Ping, am also famous now. Old friends in Wuxi talk about me, haha, like a god. In the past two months, I have been saying this all the time. That friend introduced me and called me because he wanted to send money to Hainan Island.”

"You can also use the method of turning sesame cakes." Liu Ligan said, "After our project started, I also decided to adopt this method, so that the pressure on funds will be less."

"How to turn sesame cakes? What method?" Qian Fang asked.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "In our hometown, there are people who make Jinhua shortcakes. Have you ever eaten Jinhua shortcakes?"

All three shook their heads.

Liu Ligan continued: "The people who make Jinhua shortcakes are like this in the store. There is a large vertical stove with charcoal in the middle, which is burning brightly. There is a chopping board on the side of the stove, and the boss is here. Make biscuits on the chopping board, and stick them one by one on the wall inside the stove.

"After a batch is finished on the case, the batch in the stove is cooked. It is taken out of the oven and taken to one side. The landlady sells it hot. The new sesame cakes here are put into the stove to bake. The baking process is repeated every day. As he flipped through it, you could see that he was not in a hurry. There were never many sesame cakes in the iron basket where the sesame cakes were stacked, but he could sell thousands of them a day."

"I see, aren't you just talking about building in phases and selling in batches? That's a lot of nonsense." Qian Fang shouted.

Liu Ligan was stunned, and Meng Ping said: "No, the principle is the same, but the pole is more vivid, and it is not exactly the same thing. There is a time period for batch construction and batch sales. The pole, The key points are two, one is steaming and the other is repeated, this is the high state."

Qian Fang said unconvinced: "What's the difference?"

"Of course the difference is huge. If it comes to a large project, we can sell buildings in this half month, villas in the second half of the month, shops and business buildings in the second half of the month, and office buildings in the next half. The advantage is that we always have a selling point here and maintain the popularity." Meng Ping said.

"The most important thing is that there is cash flow every day. As long as there is cash flow every day, the utilization of funds can be maximized and the pressure on funds will be reduced." Zheng Wei said.

"The simplest thing is, for example, if a supplier's payables are supposed to be paid today and you postpone it until tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, it is bearable for the supplier. But if you have a lot of payables, it will take two or three days. If you stay there for two or three days, your entire accounts payable period will actually be extended, and the financial pressure will naturally be reduced."

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