The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 676 It’s so beautiful

Tan Shuzhen walked away, pretending to look at the film hanging on the wire, but her heart was pounding. She felt that it was over. She was here today and might be over.

How could it end, and how could it end? Tan Shuzhen didn't dare to think too much. When she thought about it, her face would burn with fire, and her whole body would tremble.

While looking at the film hanging there, she walked around in a circle. When she got there, she couldn't help but want to take a peek at him, but found that he was also looking at her. Tan Shuzhen quickly turned her head away, feeling in her heart In a panic, he pinched the film, almost tearing it off the clip, and quickly let go.

Karen Carpenter also paused, and there was a moment of silence in the room. After a while, it started playing again, and continued with the next song. It was still so carefree, like a person, leaning on a random place, loose and relaxed. Standing on the ground, he seemed to be alone, waking up from an ambiguous dream, thinking back and telling something lazily.

The voice in the dream really sounded. He stood up and said to himself, OK, OK.

He walked over, and Tan Shuzhen stepped back subconsciously, but her body seemed to be pushed by something and refused to leave.

He took off the film from the clip, held it up, held the edges of the film with both hands, and moved the film little by little in his hands. He seemed to have decided which one to enlarge first, and took the film to the table.

"come here."

He said softly, and Tan Shuzhen followed him involuntarily.

He placed three enamel trays side by side on the table, poured developer solution into one enamel tray, developer stop solution into another tray, and fixer solution into the third tray. While he was doing this, While talking to Tan Shuzhen, Tan Shuzhen kept nodding her head.

He removed the film holder from the enlarger, placed the selected film in the frame of the film holder, closed the film holder, and put the film holder back into the enlarger.

He turned on the light source of the enlarger, and Tan Shuzhen saw a blurry shadow appearing on the cardboard at the base of the enlarger.

He kept turning the focus knob on the enlarger. Tan Shuzhen saw that the shadow was getting clearer and clearer. She couldn't help but leaned over, and their heads were almost touching.

Tan Shuzhen took a breath and held her breath. She saw her frozen face at the moment when she frowned slightly.

This face has a touch of sadness and some arrogance. It is beyond the face she sees in the mirror every day. It is comparable to any face on the cover of "Popular Cinema". Tan Shuzhen is the first I knew for the first time that I could still be so beautiful, and that this was my true face without makeup.

She felt like she was suffocating.

"How holy, is she beautiful?" he asked in a whisper beside her.

Tan Shuzhen felt that her whole body was shaking and she could hardly stand. There was a buzz in her head. He reached out and gently held her hand. At this moment, everything was silent and the buzz in her head disappeared. , Tan Shuzhen's trembling also disappeared, her fingers couldn't help but move, and hooked his hand.

But his hand left immediately, just like he said, I work at night, and immediately hung up the phone.

What are you doing? Tan Shuzhen suddenly felt extremely reluctant to let go and wanted to reach out and grab it again.

His hands are back to work, and even if the sky falls, he will not let the work stop.

Tan Shuzhen felt a little aggrieved, but also a little lucky. She was glad that his hand was taken away in time. Otherwise, she didn't know how long she would hold this hand. She felt that she would probably hold this hand and endure it. He cried bitterly and cried all his grievances to this hand.

"Is it okay to make it this big?"

He asked and she hummed.

He turned off the power of the enlarger, took out the photographic paper, inserted it into the platen, and turned on the light source with a click. His head was slightly tilted upward again, as if he was thinking about something or counting in his mind. After waiting for more than ten seconds, he turned off the power.

"You come."

As he said, Tan Shuzhen didn't know what he was going to do for her.

He took out the exposed photographic paper from the cardboard, and involuntarily held Tan Shuzhen's right hand with one hand, and put a bamboo clip in her right hand with the other hand.

He told Tan Shuzhen that the next sequence was to develop, then stop developing, then fix, and finally rinse in the sink. Didn't he ask her if she understood? Instead, ask her in a consulting tone, okay?

Tan Shuzhen nodded and said yes softly.

He stood behind Tan Shuzhen, and Tan Shuzhen felt his breath lingering in her neck, itching, but making people feel drunk.

His right hand held Tan Shuzhen's right hand holding the clip, and his left hand touched Tan Shuzhen's left hand, and Tan Shuzhen naturally hooked it.

The bamboo clip picked up the photo paper and put it into the developer. Tan Shuzhen saw her face slowly emerge on the white paper. It turned out that she was really so beautiful and proud. She felt happy again. Suffocated.

"Okay." He said in her ear.

His right hand directed her right hand to put the beautiful face into the stop solution, then into the fixative, and finally into the basin in the sink, and opened the faucet a little.

Tan Shuzhen looked at her face slowly immersed in the water. She saw herself under the water, sparkling, but she was so beautiful.

His hand hugged her waist from behind, and his voice floated from the dream together with Carpenter's voice: "If I let you go, I will never forgive myself in this life..."

Tan Shuzhen felt a deeper dizziness. Her body leaned back involuntarily. She felt that her head, just like Carpenter's song, was leaning back lazily. In the void, she wanted to Find where she anchors...

She turned her head, searching, and he was also searching for her. The sound of dripping water, the ambiguous dark red light, Carpenter's singing suddenly far and then closer, two mouths kissing together, a whole world They all receded, I don't care, I don't care, Tan Shuzhen heard a voice in her heart, I didn't care, she felt that the voice was hoarse, almost crying, why should I care...

His hand reached over to unbutton her buttons. Tan Shuzhen suddenly woke up. She raised her hand and slapped him in the face. He froze there.

Tan Shuzhen pushed him away, ran over and opened the door. The real world outside fell on her, and Tan Shuzhen ran out.

Carpenter's song chased her, but not very far.

Lu Hong called Zhang Chen and told him, Mr. Zhang, I have good news for you. Your friend's case has been sentenced and he will be given a lighter sentence, two years.

Two years, still given a lenient sentence? Zhang Chen's heart skipped a beat. Two years was such a long time, so many days.

"Let me tell you, Mr. Zhang, the sentence will be calculated from the day he surrendered. Also, if he behaves well in prison, not only will he behave well, but he has so many friends who will definitely help him smoothen his relationship. It's okay in prison. The sentence reduction actually takes less than two years.”

Zhang Chen felt a little more relaxed, so to speak, a period of time had passed, but in fact it was really not more than two years.

"Lu Hong, when can we go see him?" Zhang Chen asked quickly.

"You can't see it now. Once you're sentenced, you'll be sent to prison, and you won't be under the control of the police. If you want to see it, you can only go to the prison to see it." Lu Hong said, "I asked my friend's husband to help find out whether he went to Wuxi Which prison you are in, determine which prison you are in, and then I will look for connections in the prison."

"Okay, thank you Lu Hong."

"You're welcome, Mr. Zhang, your business is my business."

Zhang Chen immediately told Xiao Zhao the news. Xiao Zhao had the same reaction as Zhang Chen when she heard it. She shouted, two years, so long, how much hardship will Lao Meng have to endure?

"There is no way, it's already a light sentence. Lu Hong said, Meng Ping took all the responsibilities on himself. He was the only one involved in this case, and everyone else was fine. I think this is Meng Ping." Ping wants the result."

"Okay." Xiao Zhao sighed, "Then when can we go see him?"

"Now that the person is in prison, Lu Hong is looking for connections with the prison. It doesn't matter. People who are not immediate family members are not allowed to watch," Zhang Chen said.

Two days later, Lu Hong called Zhang Chen again and said frustratedly on the phone: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, I can't help you anymore."

"What's wrong?"

"Your friend is not detained in Wuxi, he was sent to Nanjing."

"Ah!" Zhang Chen was surprised, "Then which prison in Nanjing did he go to?"

"Mr. Zhang, I don't know either."

"Okay, thank you Lu Hong."

After hanging up Lu Hong's phone, Zhang Chen immediately dialed Gao Zhipeng's number in Nanjing. Zhang Chen explained half of the matter, and Gao Zhipeng shouted, "Mr. Zhang, please wait."

Gao Zhipeng took the phone and shouted, Xu Li, Xu Li.

Xu Li ran over and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Mr. Zhang, something happened." Gao Zhipeng said.

Gao Zhipeng put the phone on speakerphone and said, "Mr. Zhang, tell me."

Zhang Chen told the story from the beginning, and Gao Zhipeng and Xu Li understood. Xu Li said, what a big deal, Mr. Zhang, just want to find out which prison he is in, and want to see him, right?

Zhang Chen quickly said yes.

"Wait for my call, Mr. Zhang." Xu Li and Zhang Chen said, this was a guaranteed deal.

The next afternoon, Xu Li called Zhang Chen and told him that Meng Ping had been found and was sent to Nanjing Laohuqiao Prison, also known as Nanjing Prison.

Zhang Chen quickly asked Xu Li, can you find connections in prison?

Xu Li said that he had been found, otherwise how would he know that he was at Laohuqiao.

"Then when can we go see him?" Zhang Chen asked.

"You can't see it now."


"Prisoners who have just entered the prison are all studying intensively. Anyone who is not allowed to visit the prison must wait until the intensive study is over and they will be assigned to the specific prison below."

"How long will it take?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Half a month." Xu Li and Zhang Chen said, "I have already said hello. As soon as I arrive at the prison below, my friend will go directly to the warden of this prison. All the wardens know him. , then we can arrange for you to come and see it.”

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