The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 724 Something happened to them

Liu Ligan sat up from the bed, took the cigarette on the bedside table, and was about to smoke a "post-event cigarette" comfortably when the big brother on the bedside table rang loudly. He picked it up, quickly got out of bed, and hurriedly put on his clothes. Clothes, the other one on the bed, suddenly became nervous, thinking that someone had tipped off that the night inspector was coming.

"It's okay, it's okay, just lie down." Liu Ligan said.

He got dressed, took out his wallet, took out a wad of money that was definitely more than the amount he should give, put it on the table, and said to the person who was still on the bed, "I have something urgent to leave, you can continue to sleep." You can also take the money and go home.

Liu Ligan hurriedly went downstairs and drove all the way. When he was approaching the small road behind Sijiqing, he saw Zhang Chen and Lao Wan's cars in front of him had just arrived and were parked on the side of the road. Liu Ligan Honked the horn.

Zhang Chen got out of the car and looked back when he heard the sound of the horn. When he saw Liu Ligan's car arriving, he stopped and stood beside the car waiting for him.

Liu Ligan parked his car behind their car, got out of the car, and shouted, "What's going on?"

"The guy couldn't explain clearly. He just said that the store was closed and the proprietress was crying." Zhang Chen said.

The three people hurriedly walked towards Wei Wenfang's store. From a distance, they saw many people watching the excitement gathered in front of Wei Wenfang's store.

The two people pushed through the crowd and went in. They saw Wei Wenfang's shop and the simple house that was later built. The rolling shutters had been pulled down and a seal was posted on the door. Wei Wenfang was sitting at the door crying, and all her clerks were I stood there at a loss, not knowing what to do.

Seeing Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan arriving, a clerk who often went to Zhang Chen's factory with Wu Zhaohui hurried over. It was he who called Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen called Liu Ligan again.

Zhang Chen asked him what was going on, and he said he didn't know very well. We were busy dividing packages, and a large group of people in uniforms and people from the TV station came. They said we were operating illegally, so they sealed the place.

"Who are they?" Liu Ligan asked, "from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau?"

The guy shook his head, and Wei Wenfang said timidly: "The Post and Telecommunications Bureau said that what we are sending is a package, and the package belongs to the mail. According to national regulations, mail is the exclusive domain of the Post and Telecommunications Bureau. We are operating illegally."

In fact, the cause of the matter was that the landlord who rented a house to them built this simple house on this street. When he was building it, no one came out to stop it. After it was built, no one said anything, but it couldn't stop someone. I'm secretly jealous. It's not your land. Why can you build a house here and make money while we don't have a share?

This envious person is actually a coward. He dares to be angry but dare not speak out, but he still holds a grudge. Once at a dinner party, he angrily talked about this matter. There happened to be someone from the post and telecommunications office present, and he casually said that this matter did not seem to be the case. Allowed to dry.

Some people just laugh, your post and telecommunications company still cares about building houses?

The man said, "We are not responsible for building houses, but for delivering packages. Isn't this taking away our jobs?"

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. The jealous person actually called the Post and Telecommunications Bureau the next day and reported Wei Wenfang and the others. The Post and Telecommunications Bureau sent someone over to take a look and was shocked. I didn’t expect their daily shipment volume to be so large. , which is not bad.

They took a look at the Postal Law, which came into effect on January 1, 1987. There were no prohibitive provisions in it, but their entire system had been accustomed to it since the founding of the People's Republic of China. This package, of course, was mail. Sending mail is the business of the Post and Telecommunications Bureau. I have never heard that the state allows any other unit to engage in postal business, let alone self-employed individuals.

This is not bad. Isn’t this robbing one’s own job? If everyone in society does this, there will be no way for us to survive. After discussing it, they decided to join forces with Hangzhou TV Station to carry out a surprise clean-up and rectification work. Then The TV stations at that time also liked to broadcast live such eye-catching hot news.

Hangzhou Post and Telecommunications Bureau sent people to stay near Wei Wenfang's shop for several days. There were many idle people on this street. When they were working, some people poked their heads outside the door, but the people inside didn't take it seriously.

As a result of squatting, they found that Wei Wenfang and his shop had the largest concentration of packages after 11 pm, so they decided to take action at this time to catch them all.

So when Wu Zhaohui and Wei Wenfang were extremely busy, a large group of people wearing postal uniforms suddenly appeared, followed by cameras. They didn't know what these people were doing, but with a TV station following them, it should be a big deal. Wei Wenfang and Wu Chaohui were confused at that time.

The postal law enforcement officer asked them to get their business license. Wei Wenfang took out the business license. It was a business license from the shipping department. The business scope on it said cargo transportation, but the postal law enforcement officer pointed to the packages on the shelf and said, This is not goods, it is a package. Packages belong to mail. You are illegally operating postal services and must be sealed.

"Where is Wu Chaohui?" Zhang Chen asked.

Wei Wenfang was crying in front. When she saw Zhang Chen and Liu Lipole arriving, she felt that she had a backbone in her heart. She just stopped crying when she heard Zhang Chen ask this and started crying again, saying that Wu Zhaohui had been taken away by the police station.

"Mr. Zhang and Liu, why are we so unlucky? We work so hard every day, aren't we trying to get rich? Why are they, these people bullying others so much!" Wei Wenfang cried.

"Why are you still bringing people with you?" Liu Ligan asked.

The clerk told them that those people wanted to seal the door, but Wu Zhaohui refused, so the two sides started to quarrel and got into a fight. When 110 came, the people said that Wu Zhaohui had beaten the postal law enforcement officers, so the police took Wu Zhaohui away.

"Did Wu Zhaohui hurt anyone?" Zhang Chen asked.

"No, he was alone. There were so many of them, and they held his hands and feet. He couldn't move. How could he hurt someone?" said the guy.

Zhang Chen heaved a sigh of relief. Liu Ligan looked at the guys standing beside him and cursed:

"Are you all dead? There are so many of them, and there are so many of you, too. When you see your boss fighting, don't you know how to help? Don't you know how to help fight?"

Those people were a little embarrassed by Liu Ligan's scolding. They lowered their heads and did not dare to say anything. Zhang Chen quickly scolded: "Stop fucking talking nonsense. Fortunately, they did not participate in the fight, otherwise things would be serious today."

"When it gets bigger, it gets bigger, I'm scared of you." Liu Ligan shouted.

Zhang Chen ignored him and said to Wei Wenfang:

"Wei Wenfang, don't cry yet. As we are now, we will find Wu Zhaohui first tonight and try to rescue him first. I will accompany you to the post and telecommunications office tomorrow morning to ask about the matter here. We can't be so unclear and just say seal it off. It's sealed. There's no point in rushing tonight. Even if I go to the post and telecommunications office now, they have no one. I'd better go to Wu Zhaohui first, do you agree?"

Wei Wenfang nodded.

Liu Ligan heard from the side and said: "Where else will these 110 people be taken away? It must be the police station. Wait, I will detain Xu Wenhui and ask him to ask their journalists who are running on the political and legal front if they agree." Know the police station around here.”

Zhang Chen's eyes lit up. The nearby police station must be Sijiqing Police Station. He thought of going to find Brother Haigen.

Zhang Chen quickly told Liu Ligan, stop fighting and let's go. Wei Wenfang, come with us quickly. Let's go find Wu Zhaohui first.

Zhang Chen asked Lao Wan to stay here and call him if anything happened. He and Wei Wenfang and Liu Ligan walked to the parking place. Santana got on Liu Ligan and left. They arrived at the door of Hagen's house. Brother and the others were already asleep. Zhang Chen knocked on the iron gate of their yard. The lights in the room inside came on. Someone opened the door in front of the hall and came out and asked, "Which one?"

It was Brother Haigen. Zhang Chen quickly shouted: "It's me, Brother Haigen."

Hagen opened the door. The weather at the end of October was already a bit cold at night. Hagen huddled there and listened to Zhang Chen explain the matter in a hurry. He said wait a minute while I went back to get dressed.

Brother Haigen got dressed and got into the car. They arrived at the Sijiqing Police Station. Sure enough, in the detention room separated by the iron fence on the first floor, they saw through the iron fence that Wu Chaohui and two other people were locked in it. Wu Zhaohui raised his hands. , was handcuffed to the iron fence. Wei Wenfang cried when she saw this scene.

The police officer on duty saw Hagen and asked, "Your friend?"

Hagen said yes.

The policemen removed Wu Chaohui's handcuffs from the iron fence and asked him to come out and sit down. Wei Wenfang hurried over and asked Wu Zhaohui if he was okay. Wu Zhaohui shook his head.

"Which one is on duty?" Hagen asked the policeman, who told him he was an instructor.

Liu Ligan and Wei Wenfang stayed on the first floor. Liu Ligan took out a cigarette and asked the policeman to smoke it. Wei Wenfang sat next to Wu Chaohui, her heart was in chaos, and she just kept crying.

Hagen took Zhang Chen to the second floor and walked to the door of the instructor's office. The door was closed, and the instructor was sleeping on the table inside.

Hagen knocked on the door and said please come in.

Haigen took Zhang Chen in. The instructor had a good memory. He still remembered Zhang Chen and was surprised when he saw him. He said, "Sanbao didn't check the temporary residence permit today."

Zhang Chen quickly said, it's not about the temporary residence permit. The people there now have temporary residence permits.

After Hagen talked to him, the instructor realized that they were here for the person below. The instructor said, "110 sent it here. We don't know, and they couldn't explain what it was. They said we would talk about it tomorrow, and they also said what was the obstruction." Disturbing postal law enforcement. This is the first time I have heard of this postal law enforcement.

"I heard it was a shipping department and the store was closed?" the instructor asked.

Zhang Chen nodded.

"No license?"

"I have a license," Zhang Chen said.

"It's sealed even if it has a license? This shipping department is also sealed for industry and commerce. What does it have to do with the postal service?" The instructor looked at Hagen and shook his head: "I don't understand. I really can't understand what's happening now. I can't even keep up with it." On."

"We don't understand either," Zhang Chen said. "They say packages are mail and it's illegal to receive mail."

"There are so many consignment departments of Sijiqing, delivering goods one by one every day. Are these consignment departments illegal?" Hagen was also confused, "Then what kind of license does the Industry and Commerce Bureau issue?"

The instructor looked at Hagen and sneered, meaning, are you stupid too?

"Let him go quickly, his girlfriend is scared to death." Hagen said to the instructor.

The instructor looked at Hagen and said with a smile: "Leader, can you let the people here go as you please?"

"The watch has been emptied, boil it. This post and telecommunications office has been emptied, and 110 has also been emptied. Fortunately, these post and telecommunications offices are not in my market. If they come to my market and mess around, I will pick them up one by one." , throw it into the West Lake." Hagen cursed.

The instructor teased him: "Then I'll let them go tomorrow?"

"Boil it, let them boil it," Hagen said.

The instructor stood up, walked to the door and shouted. The policeman on the first floor ran up to him. The instructor told him to let him go if 110 sent him.

"Let him go now?" the policeman asked.

"Then what else do you want? They haven't beaten anyone, they have a license, and they are doing business there properly. You go to seal off their shop, and they can't even curse you?" The instructor said angrily, "Do it seven times and three times. Let us wipe the butt of their post office. The guarantors are here and they can’t escape. If anything happens, let them go.”

"Then do I need to go through any procedures?"

The instructor thought for a while and said to Zhang Chen: "In this way, you can leave a phone number with him. If anything happens tomorrow, he will call you and ask him to take a note. If nothing happens, forget it."

Zhang Chen quickly said yes, thank you instructor!

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