The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 805 No matter how difficult the road is, it will reach the end

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan finished their meal at the restaurant under the big camphor tree, and asked the boss to pack a portion of stir-fried beef with radish, a portion of duck with soy sauce, a portion of raw stir-fried chicken, and a portion of spicy fish fillet, in preparation for midnight. Eat it as a late night snack when you're stuck in traffic.

When they saw that there was actually "Thousand Cups Less" wine on the counter, the two of them thought of it almost at the same time and asked the boss to move all the two boxes of wine left in the store to their car.

This was the shot they drank every day on Gaofang. I really missed it. I searched all over Haicheng but couldn't find it, and I didn't see it in Hangcheng either.

Although the road on this section of the national highway from Yongcheng to Longyou is not wide, because there are usually few cars, the road surface is still very smooth. In addition, it is a gravel road. Even if it is snowy, it is not as slippery as asphalt road when driving. , which ignited the flame of hope in their hearts, hoping that such a gravel road could lead all the way to Jiangxi.

But the good times didn't last long. When we drove to Longyou, cars coming from Jinhua, Wenzhou, and Lishui directions, and cars going to Jiangxi and Hunan all merged in. The number of cars on the road suddenly increased a lot, and the road turned into asphalt. Fortunately, there were also a lot more traffic police. Although the journey was slow, it was not blocked yet, so it was considered smooth.

They finally arrived at Quzhou City at around ten o'clock in the evening. Going further from Quzhou City is Changshan County under Quzhou City. After leaving Changshan, they left Zhejiang and arrived at Yushan County in Jiangxi. Yushan belongs to the Shangrao area. , after passing Yushan, we arrived at Shangrao City.

They arrived at Changshan at more than twelve o'clock. Changshan is only more than 80 kilometers from Shangrao. But as soon as they left Changshan, their heads were big. It was snowing, and the mountain roads were still under construction. Those temporary signs quickly changed the continuous road. The endless motorcade was directed to leave the 320 National Highway and enter the complicated provincial roads, county roads, and even rural roads at the junction of the two provinces.

They followed the signs around and stopped to pay the toll to cross the border. They thought they were leaving Zhejiang. Not far away, there was a toll station blocked by villagers with bamboo poles and asked them to pay five yuan. After asking, they returned to the toll station. Zhejiang.

Continuing to drive forward, there was another toll station. This time the toll booth said that they were from Jiangxi. Seeing that their car had a Zhejiang license plate, they also told them that the road signs in front were written by you Zhejiang people. There are so many cars driving over to collect money.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan didn't know. If their license plates were from Jiangxi, would the people from Zhejiang in front of them say that they were written randomly by an old man from Jiangxi?

They were just turning around on the county and township roads in the mountainous area. These roads, which are not usually used by many heavy vehicles, cannot withstand the crushing of so many container trucks and trucks. The roads have long become potholes and muddy everywhere. There were pits as big as one of their cars, and they seemed to be crawling out of them and driving into them again.

Even if we climbed, we didn't get very far. All the cars were blocked. At this time, heavy snow began to fall in the sky again.

The scene here is different from that on the national highway. No one dares to get out of the car even if there is a traffic jam. When you open the car door, there is a puddle outside the car door. If you want to light a fire, you can't find a piece of dry land.

Everyone only dares to huddle in the car. Even if they need to urinate, they can only open the door, squat in the car and shoot out of the car. Anyway, on such days and on such roads, you basically can't see women. It doesn't matter. So shy.

Even if you want to be shy, it's impossible. The whole road is covered with snow, and the front and rear headlights of those trucks illuminate the entire valley. Everyone's movements in the car, but you don't turn on the lights. The car can also be seen clearly.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan simply moved their seats back, turned off the car's high and low lights, took out the food and drinks, and started drinking in the car.

I opened a bottle of Gunsatsu and took out the disposable plastic cup I brought from the hotel. It was very troublesome to pour the cup back and forth, so the two of us decided not to use the cup at all. The bottle was passed between you and me, and we drank it in one sip. .

After drinking half a bottle of wine, they saw that the gas gauge was almost out of gas. The two of them turned off the car, put a plastic bag from the restaurant on the outside of their shoes, got out of the car, and took out a barrel of gasoline from the trunk. ,get fuel for the car.

They were refueling when a man got out of a Santana behind them. He came through the freezing muddy water. He walked up to them. A pair of leather shoes and trousers were soaked in the mud.

He asked Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan if he could sell him some gasoline. His car was almost out of gas. In order to save fuel, he stopped here and had turned off the engine several times. However, there were children in the car and he did not dare to turn off the engine. It's been too long, this damn weather is too cold.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan looked behind and saw a little boy of about ten years old sitting in the passenger seat of his car.

Liu Ligan said: "In this kind of weather, are you still bringing your children out?"

The other party said: "There is no way, his mother works in Qianshan and is sick. I want to take him to see her."

Zhang Chen put down the barrel. There was still half a barrel of oil in it. He gave him the half barrel of oil and the barrel. The other person said it was too much. I only need half of this, and I should be able to last until the gas station. .

Zhang Chen said it's okay, we still have it in the car, you can take it, don't freeze the child.

The other party wanted to pay, but Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen insisted not to pay. Liu Ligan said that there was not much money for this little oil.

The other party thanked me profusely and walked back with a bucket and muddy water.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan returned to the car, started the engine and continued to drink. After they finished drinking a bottle of wine, the light outside gradually dimmed. It turned out that those large trucks were all hopeless. Turn off the car lights.

The light became darker and darker, and the surrounding area was finally completely plunged into darkness.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan were lying there chatting. They had just drank wine and were really tired from the day. They didn't chat for a few words before falling asleep.

When someone knocked on their glass, they sat up and took a look. It was snowy outside again and it was already dark.

The person who knocked on their glass was the man who came to ask them to buy gasoline last night. Liu Li rolled down the window and said, "It seems that the front is open to traffic. I saw that you were asleep, so I came to call you."

Liu Ligan quickly said thank you, thank you!

Zhang Chen asked: "Do you still have enough oil?"

"That's enough, thank you!"

He waved to Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan and walked back to his car.

It was finally open to traffic, and all the cars sounded their horns excitedly.

They entered the urban area of ​​Shangrao along Wusan Avenue. Wusan Avenue drove to People's Square, turned left to Northeastern Gansu Avenue, drove to the end, and arrived at Xinjiang Bridge. After crossing the bridge, Northeastern Jiangxi Avenue also ended.

The urban area of ​​Shangrao is not large, a little smaller than Jinhua, but it is beyond Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan's expectations. The urban construction here is certainly not comparable to the Wulin Square and Xiebai area in Hangzhou at that time, but it is better than that at that time. The rest of Hangzhou is not bad at all.

Because Shangrao is an old revolutionary area, it can receive a lot of policy support and financial support from the central government. In addition, the old comrades who participated in the revolution here have a complex of nurturing the old revolutionary area and are facing the construction of Shangrao from all aspects. It has been a great help, so this is the result.

Ganbei Northeast Avenue is one of the main commercial streets in Shangrao. There is a very wide and beautiful green belt in the middle. On both sides of the green belt, there is a lane on one side, and on both sides of the lane, there are sidewalks that are wider than the lane.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan arrived here and were a little dumbfounded when they saw the buildings on both sides. Although the buildings here were not high and none exceeded ten floors, they were quite numerous. They only heard from the second-hand workers that they were doing projects here. It didn’t say whether it was a civil construction project or a decoration project.

Lao Tan and the others were originally engaged in decoration. It should be said that it was more reasonable to do decoration, but if a decoration project was hidden in so many buildings, how could they find it?

They parked the car in People's Square and stood outside the car, looking around blankly.

Zhang Chen suddenly laughed and cursed: "You're so damn stupid!"

"What's wrong?" Liu Ligan asked.

"The idiot said that Lao Tan was injured when the scaffolding collapsed. What kind of scaffolding is needed for interior decoration? Even if there is scaffolding, it won't be a big deal if he falls. It must be outdoors."

"Yes!" Liu Ligan also burst out laughing.

The two people immediately decided to go down from the People's Square side to Xinjiang Bridge, then turn around and drive up.

They drove the entire Northeast Jiangxi Avenue twice and returned to the People's Square, but saw no scaffolding.

The two people stood outside the car again, looking around blankly.

This time it was Liu Ligan who suddenly laughed and cursed: "You're so damn stupid!"

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked.

"The second-hand workers all told us that the scaffolding collapsed and the contractor ran away. We still have to find the scaffolding. Are we sick?" Liu Ligan asked.

Zhang Chen laughed.

However, there was no scaffolding, and no construction work was seen on both sides of the street. Moreover, the most troublesome thing is that Erhuo hasn't said when it happened.

This time, the two people were at a loss again and fell into a mess.

Liu Ligan looked at a middle-aged man wearing red sleeves and waving a small red flag who was directing traffic at the intersection. He suddenly thought that this man works here every day. If any scaffolding at a nearby construction site collapses, he might Know.

Liu Ligan walked towards him, handed him a cigarette, and asked him if there were any construction sites nearby where scaffolding fell down?

"Yes, yes, I heard that many people were injured."

The other party nodded and said, Liu Ligan was overjoyed and quickly made an OK gesture towards Zhang Chen, who quickly ran over.

Liu Ligan asked him where he was, and the other party pointed to the Northeast Ganxi Avenue and told them, "Did you see it? Go in here, the three-way intersection, Zhongshan Road, go in Zhongshan Road, two hundred meters away, there is a guy selling gold coins and ties, that's it." There was a house next to the tie shop, and the scaffolding fell down right there.

The two people quickly thanked the man and drove over there.

"This fucking idiot, just call Zhongshan Road Zhongshan Road, and even come up with Northeastern Jiangxi Avenue." Zhang Chen scolded.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "How can I call you a fool if you don't do this? He is afraid that you are too stupid and can't find Zhongshan Road, so he will tell you a bigger road."

"Fuck you!" Zhang Chen cursed, "Let's see how I deal with him later!"

Thank you for the tip that ranks third from top to bottom! Thank you to Struggle, Watch, and Book Friends 20170517201308448 for your monthly votes! Thank you for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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