The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 826 I’ll come down and buy cigarettes

Meng Ping, Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang had dinner at the Jinling Hotel until about eight o'clock in the evening. During the meal, Xu Jiaqing called, and Meng Ping went to pick her up outside the box and came back to continue chatting.

They chatted all over the place, except for business topics, not even remotely related topics.

After eating, Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang said they wanted to go for a walk. Meng Ping and Liu Ligan sent them downstairs and to the door. Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang asked them to stay, saying that they were just strolling around. Will be back soon.

Meng Ping and Liu Ligan knew that they had something to talk about and it was not convenient for them to hear, so they waved goodbye to them and walked back. The sofa in the lobby of Jinling Hotel was placed in the corner near the lobby and went to the elevator. You'll see it on the way past.

Meng Ping and Liu Ligan saw Qian Fang, Cao Xiaohe, and Ye Yilan sitting there, so they walked over and sat down too.

Qian Fang asked: "Gangzi, what do you think this will happen? Ye Yilan and I both feel that these two people are so yin and yang, and they are not happy at all."

"That is, if you want to take 400 million from someone's pocket, will they be happy?" Liu Ligan said.

"But we have agreed to give them our lives and property, so what else can they worry about?" Qian Fang asked.

"Then you have to think that your net worth and life are worth 400 million. If you want to borrow 2 million, they will definitely agree immediately." Liu Ligan said.

"Qian Fang, I was about to talk to you. Why did I tell you at noon to stop talking nonsense? Why did you forget it again?" Meng Ping scolded, "I vouched for you as soon as you opened your mouth. Doesn't it feel good to say it?"

Qian Fang chuckled: "Aren't I anxious?"

"Don't say anything in a hurry. You are making a unnecessary sacrifice. Do you understand?" Meng Ping scolded, "I forgot why Li Yang and I went out at that time. The two of us are going to do it on our own. We just don't want to be like Haicheng. , when you were unlucky, you were blamed for it, but I didn’t expect you to get involved yourself. Next time you encounter this kind of thing, be calm and think through it, do you understand?”

Qian Fang said "Oh" but was not convinced. She pointed at Liu Ligan and said, "Didn't he say that too?"

"We made an agreement about the pole when we were in Hangzhou. As long as people named Qiao and Yang come, they will definitely ask for the pole's guarantee. The pole cannot escape, but this is also our biggest bottom line. Go to the pole, go to the pole, I guess you can do this, you are dying in vain, you come to die yourself, how can others find it too much." Meng Ping said.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "I'm guarding and guarding, guarding against Zhang Chen. If that guy is here, he will definitely be the first one to block the bullet holes. He gets rid of him. I didn't expect there is a Robin Hood here. He is really the best in history." Talented people come out.”

"Lulu." Qian Fang stuck out his tongue, shook his head, and made a face at Liu Ligan.

"Do you think you can win this?" Ye Yilan asked, "Why do I feel a little hung up on it?"

"Anyway, I feel that it's very tiring to talk to people in this bank. They always say one sentence and hide three sentences. It's not as refreshing as buying and selling land." Qian Fang said.

"Landlord, buying and selling land in Haicheng is not as easy as you. At that time, everyone was stupid. I thought about it later. I could get money even with a fake red line map. Who would confirm it? Is this picture true or false? It’s not just that it was sold when it came out of this box and went to that box. By the time the last picture passed through several hands, I don’t know who sold it to whom." Liu Ligan said.

Ye Yilan nodded: "Don't say it, it's really possible."

"This can only show that at that time, even swindlers were stupid and had not yet evolved to do fake red line drawings." Liu Ligan said, "It's different when we get to the mainland. You know I'm in Hangzhou , how much effort did it take to get the first piece of land? Do you know what scammers I met who were selling off-the-plan properties in Hangzhou?"

Tell me, tell me quickly. Qian Fang, Ye Yilan and Cao Xiaohe are all interested. Qian Fang said, tell me how you got the first piece of land.

Ye Yilan said, tell me about that liar.

"Which one do you want to listen to first?" Liu Ligan said.

Qian Fang said: "Okay, let's talk about the liar first."

Liu Ligan told them about the sale of off-the-plan properties in Hangcheng Foundry and how they messed up their scam.

Everyone laughed after hearing this, and Cao Xiaohe said, Mr. Liu, you are doing harm to the people.

"It's also for myself. Otherwise, if scammers become rampant in this industry, the whole industry will be destroyed."

Qian Fang nodded in agreement. Let’s talk about your land acquisition, Qian Fang said.

Liu Ligan told them about the Yiming Food Factory, and Meng Ping said it was very inspiring, pole.

Qian Fang said, Zangzi, I almost admire you.

Liu Ligan was surprised and asked: "Qian Fang, you are so ignorant and fearless, how did you get that land?"

Cao Xiaohe said: "We are building a villa. That place is too far away from the landfill, so no one wants it. We went to the place to have a look and asked about it, and they started to pay attention to us. They called us every day to ask for help. Let’s eat.”

Liu Ligan understood and asked Meng Ping: "What about you? Is your place too far away from the landfill?"

"I'm not from Nanjing. In Nanjing, how could I have so much energy in such a short period of time? The information was provided by Li Yang and the decision was made." Meng Ping pointed upward, Liu Ligan understood, this guy left Still on the same old road in Haicheng.

Meng Ping said with emotion: "Pole, as they say, you will get what you pay for. I have been in prison in Nanjing for more than a year, and now I feel that my time was not in vain."

"How do you say it?" Liu Ligan asked.

Qian Fang said, didn't Lao Meng shoulder all the responsibilities alone in Wuxi? How many people were saved? Many of these people have already come up. After knowing that Lao Meng came out, they thought this guy was a good person, so they all I want to help Lao Meng. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to win this place.

Liu Lipole nodded.

Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang came back from outside and passed by not far away. They saw them, but they did not stop. Instead, they waved and said hello, passed by, and took the elevator upstairs.

Meng Ping, Liu Ligan and the others continued to sit and chat.

Ten minutes later, Mr. Qiao came down alone. He came over and said to Liu Ligan, "There are no more cigarettes. Mr. Liu, please go out with me to buy a cigarette. I can't tell the real thing from the fake cigarette."

Liu Ligan stood up and said yes, winked at Meng Ping, and walked over.

The two people walked out of the Hanzhong Road gate of Jinling Hotel. Many people gathered around and asked, "Do you want Waiyan?" and "Do you have any U.S. dollars?"

Mr. Qiao waved his hand and put one arm around Liu Ligan's shoulder. The two of them got rid of these people and walked along the sidewalk of Hanzhong Road. Mr. Qiao looked back and then told Liu Ligan about Nanyang Bank. , Mr. Yang can make the decision, please ask your friend to be patient.

Liu Ligan said yes and understood in his heart that the two people were not monolithic.

Liu Ligan thought for a while and figured it out clearly that Mr. Yang should not be Mr. Qiao's only source of funds, and Mr. Qiao really wanted to do the mortgage business of Meng Ping's building. After this building was completed, they would The market in Nanjing was opened.

Ye Yilan said in the afternoon that it could be stated in the agreement with the customer that they are the only financial institution that can provide mortgage services in this building. It seems to be very tempting to Mr. Qiao.

Sure enough, Mr. Qiao's next words proved Liu Ligan's judgment.

"Mr. Yang, I will continue to work here. It should be possible, but it won't work. Let your friend rest assured that I will also bring him Chaozhou people's money."

Mr. Qiao thought for a while and said, "By the way, Mr. Liu, you can ask your friend to find a way to let Mr. Yang know that they are also in contact with the Chaozhou Gang in Hong Kong."

"Okay, I understand, thank you, Mr. Qiao."

"No thanks, everyone is here to make this happen. I am very optimistic about your friend's project. In fact, Mr. Yang is also very optimistic about it. We went there again earlier."

Mr. Qiao patted Liu Ligan on the shoulder twice, and Liu Ligan understood.

The two of them walked back and walked into the gate of Hanzhong Road. When they reached the door of the hotel, Mr. Qiao yelled "Ahhhhhhh".

"What's wrong?" Liu Ligan asked.

"I told Mr. Yang to come down and buy cigarettes." Mr. Qiao turned around and was about to go to the outside door. Liu Ligan quickly said, "Yes, yes, there are some inside, no need to buy them."

The two of them walked towards the lobby. Liu Ligan asked Mr. Qiao: "Are you drawing Sanwu, Jianpai or Hilton?"

Joe always said Hilton.

Mr. Qiao stood there while Liu Ligan walked over and said to Meng Ping, Hilton.

Meng Ping pulled out two Hiltons from a large bag of dozens of cigarettes and handed them to Liu Ligan. This was Qian Fang, Ye Yilan and Cao Xiaohe. While they were out, they ran to the gate to collect them. Yes, all foreign brands of cigarettes are available.

No wonder when they came back and passed the gate, no one came to ask "Do you want Waiyan?" These people must have gone to restock.

Liu Ligan walked back and handed two cigarettes to Mr. Qiao. Mr. Qiao took one, waved it in his hand, and left.

Liu Ligan came back with another carton of cigarettes and told Meng Ping, "Lao Meng, basically take it, no problem."

Ye Yilan didn't understand. She looked at the cigarette in Liu Ligan's hand and asked, "Why does he only have one?"

Meng Ping said: "This is the old turtle. Two of them are gifts from others, and one seems to be bought by me."

Ye Yilan suddenly understood, and everyone else laughed.

"Let's go find Zhang Chen and have supper." Meng Ping said, "If we don't go, Xu Jiaqing and Li Yang may not be able to stand it anymore."

Zhang Chen was in the room with Li Yang and Xu Jiaqing. Zhang Chen said, "Then I have to go to Jinling Hotel to get something, right?"

"No, Lao Meng and the others will bring it to you later." Xu Jiaqing said.

"Then I am under house arrest by you?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xu Jiaqing smiled and said, almost the same. Li Yang was laughing randomly on the side.

Zhang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he said: "You have worked so hard, you have to tell me why, right?"

"To put you under house arrest here." Xu Jiaqing said.

"That's house arrest. There must be a reason, right?"

"There is a reason. Let Zhuangzi and Lao Meng tell you the reason later."

"Holy shit, the pole was also involved in this?"

"Of course." Xu Jiaqing smiled, "He is the mastermind."

"I'll go, no, I have to call him."

Zhang Chen took out his mobile phone and was about to call it when the doorbell rang. Li Yang walked over and opened the door. Liu Ligan, Meng Ping and Qian Fang walked in from the door.

Thank you to the Ten Thousand Years White Vote Party for the reward! Thank you for your monthly ticket for sweet dreams to keep people sleeping! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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