The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 833 You have regressed

Starting from the south, the sales of Zhang Chen's specialty stores suddenly began to increase significantly. The earlier the weather gets warmer, the more obvious this trend will be.

Zhang Chen arrived at Zheng Huihong's distribution center and asked Zheng Huihong if it was because they came early during the peak season. Zheng Huihong said, "It's not just that. I compared the data with last year. The sales of the same store in the same period this year are higher than last year." Much better too.

"Oh, have you understood the reason?" Zhang Chen asked. He knew that Zheng Huihong was a careful person and would not let it go after seeing such data.

"I have learned about it. One is of course that our prices this year are generally more expensive than last year. The second is that people now have more money than last year and dare to buy clothes. The other is that the quality of our clothes is good and the version The shape is good, of course, and the style is good,” Zheng Huihong said.

Zhang Chen became interested and said: "We can't decide the big economic climate. Please tell us the reasons for our own products."

"Well, okay, Mr. Zhang."

Zheng Huihong said: "I contacted many stores, and more than one store told me that many customers who had not come for months and half a year came back to our store to buy clothes. They said that it is better to wear our store's clothes. Now There are too many specialty stores. They have been to some stores and bought clothes. Those clothes look good, but when they wear them, they don't look as good as they look on them.

"Some clothes were in good condition when I bought them, but after I bought them and washed them once, they were no longer that good. Moreover, they felt either uncomfortable here or too tight there. In short, there were always problems like this, and threads were still there. There are many, but I don’t trim them myself when I buy them, so I don’t dare to wear them, for fear of being laughed at.

"Our clothes are just the opposite. They come in many styles and may look inconspicuous, but when you wear them, they look better than they look and are very comfortable. Moreover, you never have to worry about threads."

Zhang Chen nodded: "This is the pre-treatment of the fabric, which is different from the pattern and workmanship. Have you told Director Zhao about it?"

"I have said it, Mr. Zhang. Director Zhao is very happy to hear this. I will tell Director Zhao immediately if there is any reaction below."

"Yes, Zheng Huihong, you did a good job." Zhang Chen said, "Also, not only do you want to hear about our good things, but also those who reflect on our clothing problems, you also need to listen more and record them. I will come to see them later. These bad records, okay?”

"Okay, Mr. Zhang."

"Also, for those who reported problems, you need to tell Director Zhao about these problems and ask him to make corrections immediately. This alone is not enough. After the corrections are made, you must take the initiative to contact the stores that reported these problems and tell them where we have improved. , so that people feel that their response has been taken seriously, and they will respond more positively next time.”

"Well, Mr. Zhang, what you said makes sense."

"The kind of store I'm most afraid of is that there's obviously something wrong with the clothes, and the customer has made a lot of comments, but he pretends not to have heard them, and throws the clothes aside, thinking, I can exchange them anyway, then I'll replace them. Just go back to the factory."

"That's right, Mr. Zhang, and we don't know anything yet and are still producing."

"Yes, you said it well, Zheng Huihong. What we fear most is this. We sell clothes every day, but we ourselves have become blind and can't see anything. Your distribution center must not only distribute goods, but also become our The company’s eyes and ears, if there is any movement below, you must be able to hear and see it and respond in time.”

Zheng Huihong nodded: "I remember, Mr. Zhang."

"What's the reaction below?"

"They responded that there are many brands that are following our example, but although we are a little more expensive than them, we are still better than them." Zheng Huihong said.


"The fabric, the workmanship, and most importantly, some of them are still imitating our original styles, but we have changed. Our clothes now feel very fashionable and popular even though they are made of cotton and linen."

"Oh, which styles?"

Zheng Huihong took two forms, handed them to Zhang Chen, and said to him, these are the sales rankings of each style we have calculated. Mr. Zhang, take a look.

Zhang Chen took it over and looked at it. The sales quantity of each style was densely written on it. Zhang Chen was surprised when he saw a few styles at the top. He clearly remembered that they should be designed by Ge Ling. .

"Can you give me this?" Zhang Chen asked Zheng Huihong.


"By the way, Zheng Huihong, tell me about yourselves. Do you have any needs here?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Mr. Zhang, we need a printer." Someone called from the side.

"Printer, what is it?" Zhang Chen asked.

"That is, you can print things out directly from the computer." Zheng Huihong said.

"In other words, you no longer need to copy forms like this by hand?" Zhang Chen asked.


"Can I buy it?" Zhang Chen asked, "This printer you are talking about?"

"Yes. In the past, they were only imported and cost more than 20,000 yuan. Now, there is a company in Beijing called Lenovo. They have a new one, but it is also very expensive." Zheng Huihong said.

"How much?"

"More than ten thousand."

"Go buy it immediately." Zhang Chen said.

As soon as they heard that Zhang Chen agreed to buy the printer, everyone in the distribution center became excited. Indeed, with the printer, their workload will be greatly reduced.

"Zheng Huihong, let me tell you, I want your distribution center to be the eyes and ears of our company, then we have to protect our eyes and ears. Whatever you need to add here, we will give priority to equip it. I am not very good in this aspect. Understand, if you have any needs, just ask them boldly. In this regard, you have to learn from him."

Zhang Chen pointed to the front and said, the man who needed a printer said, and everyone laughed.

Zheng Huihong nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Zhang, I read that there is information that a company in the United States will launch a Chinese version of a new operating system this year called Windows 95. Can we order one?"

"You can do it if you think you need it. By the way, I'll learn it too. Tell me, what is an operating system?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It is a computer program that can manage the software and hardware in the computer." Zheng Huihong said.

Zhang Chen listened with only a vague understanding. He felt that if he listened like this, he would only become more and more confused. He knew that hardware can be seen and touched, and software is installed in the computer. It can be seen but not touched, but he knew what the program was. I no longer know.

Zhang Chen patted the computer in front of Zheng Huihong and said to her, "Just tell me what will happen to this computer if it is installed with what you said."

Zheng Huihong thought for a while and said, what you see now are all numbers, in black and white. After installing that operating system, the computer you see is a picture, and you can see all the software in the computer. Think about it. Whichever one you use, you just click and you can enter.

"Does it mean that even people like me who don't know anything about computers can use computers?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Yes, you can say that." Zheng Huihong nodded.

"Buy it, then we will buy it."

"But it's also very expensive, about five to six thousand..."

Zhang Chen waved his hand and said to Zheng Huihong, "Have you forgotten what I told you before?"

Zheng Huihong and everyone else in the distribution center laughed. Zheng Huihong said, "Yeah, I understand, Mr. Zhang."

"How is the supply situation now?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It's not on the market yet..." Zheng Huihong said, realizing that Zhang Chen was not asking about the supply situation of "Window 95", but the supply situation of their own distribution center. Zheng Huihong smiled shyly and said quickly: "I'm very nervous, everywhere. When we are urging the goods, the workers work overtime until very late every day, and they are almost overwhelmed.”

Zhang Chen nodded and understood.

Zhang Chen left the distribution center, walked to the office building, and walked to Zhao Zhigang's office. The door of the office was open, but Zhao Zhigang was not seen. Zhang Chen asked the finance manager of the office next to him, where had Zhao Zhigang gone?

"He was here just now. He may have gone to the canteen. The chief executive was looking for him in front of him." Finance said to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen was about to walk to the cafeteria when he saw Zhao Zhigang coming out of the cafeteria. When he saw Zhang Chen, he said to him from afar: "No one wants to be the supervisor of the cafeteria now."

"Why?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I was scolded to death and refused to take the job." Zhao Zhigang said with a smile, "As you said at the time, now the workers no longer scold the canteen, they are scolding the supervisors. When the old man heard that no one wanted to be a supervisor, he was still anxious Run to me."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Then why don't you hurry up and make arrangements for him?"

"No one wants to be kidnapped. What can I do? I can't tie someone up."

"Idiot, if you double the subsidy, doesn't that mean someone is cheated? There must be brave men under the heavy reward." Zhang Chen scolded.

"Yes." Zhao Zhigang smiled, "But if everyone doesn't grab it, it will be troublesome."

"If there are many people who want to be elected, just vote. If you can't draw lots, there are many ways."

"Hehe, is this really okay?" Zhao Zhigang said with a smile.

"of course."

"Then I'll go talk to them right away."

"Come back to my office, I have something to tell you."

"Okay, I'll be back in a minute." Zhao Zhigang waved and ran towards the building opposite.

Zhang Chen returned to his office, sat down, and took out the form that Zheng Huihong gave him before. He blushed as he looked at it. He saw that the styles he designed were ranked sixth and among the top five. , there are three styles designed by Ge Ling and two styles designed by He Hongmei.

Unexpectedly, this Ge Ling has become their chief designer without knowing it, and he has always regarded her as a newbie who just joined the company.

What makes Zhang Chen ashamed the most is himself, who has obviously regressed.

Think about it, how much energy and thought do you have to devote to design every day? Do you feel relaxed now that there is no pressure?

Although Zhang Chen didn't want to admit it, but thinking about it carefully, he had to admit that it was still like this.

He thought about how he was busy every day, but most of the things he did had nothing to do with design, and many of them had nothing to do with the company. Sometimes in the office, when a person sat down to think about something to design, it seemed that he was just trying to complete a task. When I squeezed it out and designed it, I felt it was raw and dry.

The most important thing is that Zhang Chen feels that he is no longer as sensitive and creative as before.

Thinking like this, Zhang Chen scared himself into a cold sweat.

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