The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 852 Going online on a business trip

When Liu Ligan and Meng Ping were busy, Zhang Chen was also very busy. Miss Lin called him and said to him, Mr. Zhang, thank you, I am really happy, your clothes are selling well in Taiwan. I'm going to replenish the goods immediately. Brother Liu told me that you had a hard time catching up the goods last time. It's heartbreaking to hear it, Mr. Zhang.

"How about we do this this time? Mr. Zhang, I will replenish the first batch of goods first. Don't replenish so many goods at one time. Separately, I will replenish the goods once every two weeks and send out one 20-foot container at a time. Mr. Zhang, you Say yes?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

Ms. Lin immediately faxed over an order and contract, totaling more than 18,000 pieces of clothing.

Zhang Chen sat there and let out a long breath. It seemed that the star over Taiwan could hang stably there and would not become a shooting star.

Although Miss Lin said that goods would be delivered once every two weeks and told him not to be so anxious, Zhang Chen still wanted to rush forward. Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, was right. Zhang Chen himself had experienced it. In foreign trade, he had to rush forward for everything. , because the shipping time is fixed, you rush ahead for everything, and all you gain is your own time.

Zhang Chen hadn't even received Ms. Lin's deposit yet. It would take two days for the deposit to be transferred from Taipei to their company account through the SWIFT channel. Zhang Chen decided not to wait any longer and sent the order. Zhao Zhigang looked at it and said to Zhang Chen, The fabrics are still there.

"Then arrange the production immediately." Zhang Chen said.

"Aren't you waiting for a deposit?"

"No need, there will be no problem with Miss Lin."

Even Zhang Chen himself didn’t know why he had a strong sense of trust in Miss Lin. It was probably because of Han Emperor Liu Bang. Although this time the deposit and even the order did not go through Han Emperor Liu Bang, he might not even have Lin. The lady has already placed the order and she doesn’t even know yet. If there is any problem with the deposit, Zhang Chen will certainly not be able to find him.

But Zhang Chen was convinced that there would be no problem with Miss Lin here.

Two days later, Ms. Lin's deposit arrived. When she called to ask what day of the week she needed to book a ship, Zhang Chen told her that the shipment would be ready in three days.

"Really, Mr. Zhang? Is it really that fast?" Miss Lin shouted.

Zhang Chen was very happy that he could tell her that this was true. It had been in production for two days in our workshop.

Of course Miss Lin knows what this means.

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Zhang, I'm so happy, I want to hug you, thank you!"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "I should be the one thanking you. Thank you for placing the order with us."

"No, Mr. Zhang, I'm almost crying." Miss Lin said and hung up the phone.

After the first experience, this time the cabinet was really smooth, with no bumps in the middle. Miss Lin seemed to be thanking Zhang Chen for his trust in her when she just informed them of the shipping date. , and paid all the money for the goods. Even Xiao Zhao was shocked. She said, Miss Lin, isn’t she afraid that we will cheat her?

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Can you do it?"

"No." Xiao Zhao shook his head, "I think she is very nice. Besides, there is Brother Liu. My dear, do you think Miss Lin is a very nice person?"

Zhang Chen nodded casually and walked away, probably because of what Liu Ligan said last time. When he thinks of Miss Lin or receives her call, Zhang Chen will naturally feel a sense of closeness.

And this feeling of closeness will make Zhang Chen feel unnatural in front of Xiao Zhao.

Zhang Chen went to the factory and walked to the distribution center. Zheng Huihong saw him and said to him, Mr. Zhang, it's strange.

"What's wrong?"

"Last night, a guy from San Francisco called us and asked about our clothing. Just now, another guy from Hamburg called us and asked."

Liu Ligan laughed, Zheng Huihong looked at him and said strangely: "Mr. Zhang, why are you laughing?"

"It shows that the teacher Ma you introduced is reliable." Zhang Chen said.

"Which Teacher Ma?" Zheng Huihong asked.

Zhang Chen said: "Just the Chinese Yellow Pages."

"It turns out his last name is Ma." Zheng Huihong also laughed, "He said a lot that day. I remembered what he said, but I forgot what his last name was. I can't remember it no matter how hard I tried."

Zhang Chen told Zheng Huihong about Teacher Ma's visit to his office that day. Zhang Chen told her that when he wrote down his contact number, he thought that foreigners would just call him. He didn't understand English and didn't know what they were saying. Write down Zheng Huihong’s phone number.

Later, when I was busy, I forgot about this matter. I actually thought in my heart that this Teacher Ma might be just like Wang Chao said. He was fooling himself. Where can there be such a fool? When sending your own information to the United States, you must know that the postage to the United States is not cheap.

Later, Teacher Ma didn't contact him again. Zhang Chen thought the matter was over. It turned out that he had actually sent it to the United States, and apparently their company's page had appeared on the Internet.

"Mr. Zhang, are you telling the truth?" Zheng Huihong shouted, "Did our company's homepage really appear on the Internet?"

"Otherwise, why would anyone call you?"

Zheng Huihong suddenly realized: "So that's it, okay, I understand, Mr. Zhang, I thought these calls were random calls, so I'm going to write them down carefully. When they call again, I'll know how to tell them." , I want to welcome them."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Welcome them to China, welcome them to our company to discuss business." Zheng Huihong said, "Mr. Zhang, don't you welcome them?"

"Welcome, welcome, of course." Zhang Chen said quickly.

Zheng Huihong took a pen and paper and started writing. After writing a few words, she put down the pen, turned around and said to Zhang Chen:

"What should I do, Mr. Zhang? I'm so excited, my heart is pounding."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Why are you excited?"

"Our homepage appears on the Internet. How many companies in the country can be on the Internet?"

When Zheng Huihong said it, Zhang Chen also became excited. It was true when he thought about it. Teacher Ma also said that when he was in the United States at the beginning of the year, when he searched for China, the bottom was blank. Now there are several, and they are all his. The customers, myself, are now among the few across the country.

Zheng Huihong clasped her hands in front of her chest, tilted her head upward, and said with endless yearning: "I really want to see what our company's homepage looks like on the Internet."

After Zheng Huihong finished speaking, she sighed again: "Oh, it's a pity that I haven't even seen what the Internet is like."

Zhang Chen looked at Zheng Huihong, thought for a moment, and said, "Zheng Huihong, can I help you realize this wish?"

Zheng Huihong turned around, looked at Zhang Chen and asked, "Mr. Zhang, what did you say?"

"Didn't you say that Beijing can access the Internet? I will send you to Beijing to go online and see what our company's website looks like." Zhang Chen said.

"Really, Mr. Zhang?!" Zheng Huihong shouted.

"Of course, you have performed very well during this period, and this is also a reward for you." Zhang Chen said.

"That's great, Mr. Zhang, thank you!" Zheng Huihong exclaimed excitedly, but immediately became depressed again: "Let's forget it, it's useless, even if we go to Beijing."

"Why is it useless?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Mr. Zhang, you forgot what I told you. In Beijing, there are only places like the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University and Peking University where you can go. How can I get to these places?" Zheng Huihong said in a loud voice.

"I will arrange it, Zheng Huihong. When you arrive in Beijing, go to Xiaoli's place. I will definitely let you access the Internet."

Zhang Chen thought to himself, whether it was the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University, or Tsinghua University, if he approached Sun Hou and asked him to help find connections, he would definitely be able to find a way for Zheng Huihong to access the Internet. Didn't Sun Hou himself belong to Peking University?

"Zheng Huihong, you can take tomorrow's flight to Beijing." Zhang Chen said, "I will make other arrangements."

"No, no, Mr. Zhang, the plane is too expensive, I can just take the train." Zheng Huihong said.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Don't you know that it's difficult to buy a sleeper ticket to Beijing?"

"It doesn't matter. As long as I can access the Internet, it doesn't matter if I stand in Beijing. I used to stand on the train a lot and even slept under the seat," Zheng Huihong said.

Zhang Chen scolded: "Zheng Huihong, you are on a business trip. I sent you to Beijing to surf the Internet. Our company will let you sleep under the seat? Also, isn't it said that time is money? It costs a lot to take the train back and forth." How long will it take? You can go by plane tomorrow and come back the day after tomorrow. The distribution center still needs you, do you understand?"

Zheng Huihong stuck out her tongue, flattened her mouth and nodded repeatedly: "I understand, Mr. Zhang."

"Then go to the finance department to get money and buy a plane ticket." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang." Zheng Huihong said softly.

Zhang Chen returned to the office, sat down, and called Sun Hou to tell him about it. Sun Hou didn’t know what he was doing online and how he got on the Internet. Zhang Chen explained to him for a long time, and Zhang Chen felt that he was getting more and more excited. The more confused he became, the more confused Sun Hou listened.

However, Sun Hou heard that the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Peking University and Tsinghua University could go to it, so he said, Zhang Chen, let your people come. It's okay, you can find people in these places.

After putting down the phone, Sun Hou probably went to find out about the Internet. Ten minutes later, he called Zhang Chen and told Zhang Chen, Zhang Chen, this matter is not as mysterious as you said. Not only the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Peking University and Tsinghua University You can attend any of the more than 30 research institutes in Zhongguancun. My classmate’s father is the director of the Institute of Automation. You can attend it in his office. It doesn’t matter if your people come over for half a day.

"That's great, thank you Sunhou!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen walked out, wanting to go to the distribution center and tell Zheng Huihong the news. As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw Zheng Huihong coming out of the finance room excitedly. Zhang Chen quickly stopped her and gave her Sun Hou's phone number. Having said that, Zheng Huihong shouted:

"Great, great, I'm going to go online!"

Thank you lulu6717p11 and Chu Changjun for your monthly votes! Thank you for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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