The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 866 It’s not that bad

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, caught the plane to Hong Kong that day and transferred back to Taipei the next day.

In the evening, Meng Ping arrived. When Meng Ping arrived, Liu Ligan came to his senses and asked, where are Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang? Where did they go?

Meng Ping scolded: "You just remembered it now? Then Lao Qiao said that if Mr. Yang doesn't lend you a loan, they feel that they have been kicked out by you. Fortunately, there is a little girl below you who is more sensible than you, so they all The arrangements have been made, and I should be having dinner with them at this time."

Liu Ligan chuckled, "Didn't I get knocked unconscious by one of their sticks?"

When Lao Tan sent Liu Bang back, the four of them didn't even bother to eat dinner. They immediately sat down to discuss the matter. Meng Ping also agreed with Lao Tan. Now that the arrow has been shot, there is no way to take it back. However, according to his Experience shows that the Hangzhou City Government will be very fast, but the actual progress of things will not be that fast, and it is likely to get stuck.

"Why?" Zhang Chen asked.

"There are too many units involved on both sides of the river. On the surface, these units will definitely express strong support for the actions of the Hangzhou City Government, but privately, they are not active. Who among these external units is willing to occupy more and more territory in Hangzhou? The smaller? Moreover, these units are all units that are not short of money and do not care about the money from selling land.

“For these units, they have another advantage, that is, they all have reasons and conditions to push up the levels, and the higher the level, the more difficult it is for the city government to do its work.

"For example, here at the train station, they can push the Shanghai Railway Bureau. If they find the Shanghai Railway Bureau, they can push it to the Ministry of Railways, Zhejiang One and Zhejiang Two. They can push Zhejiang Medical University, and Zhejiang Medical University can push the Ministry of Education. One up and one down. Going back and forth, a month passed quickly, so there was still time left for us to find money.

"These units will definitely look at each other. No one wants to be the first one to sign a contract. So, pole, as long as you don't take the initiative and find a breakthrough, this matter will still be a thing. If it doesn't reach the point of imminence, you What we need to do now is to continue to look for money on the one hand, and on the other hand, the Hangzhou City Government must show a very positive attitude."

Meng Ping said, everyone nodded, and Lao Tan asked: "What's the worst case scenario? We can't all think about the good, but also the worst, that is, what if these units along the river will be destroyed soon?" I agree, what should I do?”

"Then let's pool all the money and buy the land first. Don't leave out any land on both sides. We must buy it all. If we can't pay the full payment, then we have to talk to them and pay the deposit or part of the payment first, and then conclude the agreement. Sign it first and put up the whole frame first. Fortunately, you have your own construction team. Let your construction team come in and start working first. We will still find money while working."

Meng Ping said that Lao Tan had a question in his mind. He said that if this was the case, would the risk be too great? He was looking for money while working. If the money was not secured, he would be very passive.

"No, we are not paupers now, and we can still figure out a way. When I return to Nanjing, I will find a few units to make contact first. Some units have had this intention and want to acquire my project as a whole. In the worst case, I will sell the building. After repaying Mr. Yang and their money, there will still be hundreds of millions left," Meng Ping said.

Zhang Chen also said: "I can use my M-Zone to make mortgage loans. I don't have to find anyone else to do it. I can directly go to my own bank to do it. It should be easy, right?"

"It's not easy. You don't have to think about your mortgage loan." Meng Ping said.

"Why?" Zhang Chen asked.

"If you want a mortgage loan in your market, the bank will require the merchants who rent your store to sign and give up their relevant rights. How much work and difficulty is this job? And after you do this, rumors will definitely spread, which will affect your market The impact is huge, I should come here to find a way, sell that project, and half of the money should be available," Meng Ping said.

"Then I can give you a discount and collect the rent for the next two years in advance. The merchants below will definitely welcome it. In this way, I can get an additional eighty or ninety million. I can make up more than three hundred million, plus It’s just your own money that goes up to the pole.”

"Yes, that's okay." Meng Ping agreed with Zhang Chen.

"You think it's okay, but I think it's not okay. What do you mean, dragging both of you down for my own project? Then I'd rather pull it down and stop doing it."

Liu Ligan looked at Meng Ping and Zhang Chen, and continued: "Zhang Chen, if you do that, how much less rent will you charge in a year? According to the agreement, it should increase by 10% every year. In this way, not only will you not increase it, but you will also decrease it. How much will you lose over time? Meng Ping, how much will you lose if your project is sold as a whole now? You spent a year and a half in jail for that project."

"Haha, what are you afraid of losing?" Meng Ping said with a smile, "If you don't calculate what should be earned, there will be no problem of losing. There was no money in the first place, but now you can make hundreds of millions more. Isn't this earned?"

"Stop fucking trying so hard." Zhang Chen scolded, "If this project doesn't continue, how can you still stay in Hangzhou? If you can't stay in Hangzhou, where will you go? Back to Yongcheng? No. Is it just money, Meng Ping is right, this money, regardless of what should be earned, even if it goes into the pocket, whatever it is is earned."

Lao Tan and Liu Ligan said: "Isn't this not to that level yet? We are just considering the worst-case scenario now. We can survive this worst-case scenario, so there is nothing to be afraid of. You can not worried."

"Yes, just as always, continue to sing your high-pitched tune and continue to be the deputy director of your Genshan River Improvement Leading Group Office. At this time, you must not show your cowardice. Once you show your cowardice, all your previous efforts will be wasted. Do you understand, pole?" Meng Ping warned.

"In our case, I will tell Ying Ying tomorrow that we will find ways to clear out the 'Splendid Xiangting' and 'Splendid Jiangnan' projects as soon as possible, even if we make less money."

Lao Tan and Liu Ligan said: "Also, I asked Lao Wan to gather all the people, including those at the 'Peach Blossom Spring' construction site, to relocate and demolish the rubber factory in Hangcheng, and strive to complete the land leveling this month. The drilling can be carried out first, and sales can start as soon as construction starts there next month, so we can reserve more cash."

"I estimate that tomorrow, the Hangzhou City Government will notify you to attend a meeting. Ganzi, your job is to focus on dealing with that side. I have been in Hangzhou these two days. I will also keep an eye on Lao Qiao's place and try to get him to Chaozhou people, come here early." Meng Ping said.

The three people were talking to each other one by one. Gradually, the things that Liu Ligan felt were scary and desperate were no longer so scary and desperate. Seeing that the road that had come to an end, it seemed that there was still the possibility of continuing. .

"Let's go and eat. I'm starving. Aren't you hungry?"

Meng Ping asked. Only then did the others feel that they were also hungry.

The next day, Secretary Yan called Liu Ligan, and Liu Ligan went to Liu Chengcheng's office. Liu Chengcheng told him about the municipal government's establishment of a leading group for the improvement of the Genshan River and the office of the leading group. He told Liu Ligan, He is one of the deputy directors of the office. Liu Ligan quickly expressed his thanks.

Liu Chengcheng and Liu Ligan emphasized that although there are six deputy directors, you are the one who is actually responsible for daily affairs and daily work. The other deputy directors will only get involved when their scope of authority is involved.

In this way, tomorrow morning, I will host the first meeting of our office, and you and the others will also get to know each other and show their faces, haha, among them, you are the only new face to them.

Tomorrow afternoon, Xiao Yan has already announced that the first mobilization and coordination meeting will be held in the conference room of our city hall. The units along the river will send people to participate, and you have to show your face in front of them. Next, this is It's a very arduous and even painful job, so you have to be mentally prepared.

These people are easier to deal with in the provincial departments. The provincial government has stated that it will fully support our rectification work and requires the provincial units to cooperate. The key is those external units. They are all difficult to deal with.

Liu Ligan said, Leader, I understand, I will definitely work hard.

Liu Ligan was sitting in Liu Chengcheng's office. On the surface, he still looked very excited, but in fact, he was in a completely different state of mind than the previous few times he came here. In the past few times he came, he was looking forward to Liu Chengcheng's place. I want to be able to make a final decision right away, but now, I hope it will be a little slower, a little slower, preferably a little slower.

There is still no news about Mr. Qiao's Chaozhou people and the Han Emperor Liu Bang. Liu Ligan doesn't want to be forced to do it right away. He needs Meng Ping to sell his project and Zhang Chen to collect the rent from the merchants in advance and spend all his money. , If so, Liu Ligan felt that his project would be like stepping on their corpses.

This was very different from Liu Ligan's original intention of doing this project. Liu Ligan felt that this was a burden he could not bear.

The next day, the office meeting of the Genshan River Improvement Leading Group Office was polite, but it was Deputy Mayor Liu who once again emphasized the importance of improving Genshan River. The highlight was Liu Chengcheng introducing Liu Ligan to everyone and asking Everyone, be sure to assist Xiao Liu in his work. Xiao Liu also humbly greeted all the participants and exchanged business cards.

The coordination meeting in the afternoon was just as Meng Ping expected. When Liu Chengcheng finished his mobilization report and asked the units along the river to strongly support our Hangzhou City Government's Genshan River improvement work, everyone applauded warmly. It was each unit's turn to express their position. At that time, everyone emphasized the necessity and importance of regulating the Genshan River.

Then everyone said that their unit would definitely support the rectification work and would bring back the spirit of the meeting and report it to their superiors immediately. Of course, we would also express our firm support to our superiors. Please rest assured, Deputy Mayor Liu.

Only the person in charge of the Provincial Second Light Corporation asked, if we want to transfer the land through agreement, how will the price of the land be calculated?

Liu Chengcheng told him that we will ask the appraisal agency to make an appraisal price based on the current situation of the land. Everyone will use this appraisal price as a reference. Of course, we still hope that everyone can understand our difficulties and the huge investment in renovation. Enterprises, hold your hands high.

"Why is the assessment based on the current status of the land instead of the situation after remediation?" asked the person in charge of the Provincial Second Lighting Corporation.

Liu Chengcheng glanced at him dissatisfied and asked: "Then you will share the cost of the renovation? If you can share the cost of the renovation, then yes, there is no need for companies to participate, just our city government can do it directly."

The other party said something back: "How much does it have to do with us whether we should rectify it or not? After so many years, it has all gone down."

Liu Chengcheng looked at him, feeling a little annoyed. He didn't expect that the person who would make trouble at the meeting was his provincial unit. Liu Chengcheng said:

"You don't live in this city? Are you not a citizen of this city? Whether it is renovated or not has nothing to do with you. You can say such a thing, so let me ask you, do you share in the current pollution? The wastewater in your sewers is Where does it go? Do you want me to ask the Environmental Protection Bureau to show you the amount of sewage discharged every day? I have already asked them to monitor it every day."

Liu Chengcheng's words silenced the other party, and everyone else looked at their conversation with a smile as if it had nothing to do with them.

Liu Chengcheng scanned the venue, raised his voice, and said:

"I would like to emphasize again that the renovation of the Genshan River this time is the same as the renovation of the West Lake. Our municipal party committee and government are determined to promote it. If necessary, we will reduce the daily sewage discharge volume of units along the river. The news media announced it and let the people of the city supervise you until the day the project starts."

Thank you Xiaomu0181,, and the third one from top to bottom for the reward! Thank you for your monthly ticket and have a safe journey! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

There was something wrong with my computer today, so I had difficulty writing. I apologize if there is no third update!

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