The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 906 Everyone wants something

When Liu Ligan returned to Hangzhou from Beijing, he went to find Liu Chengcheng and reported to him that he had been to Beijing. In Beijing, the Hangzhou City Government needed to explain the impact of the current Hangzhou Oil Refinery on the urban development of Hangzhou City. , and the urgency of relocation, form a report and submit it.

Liu Ligan was in the office. He used a note to copy the address that Brother Huang wrote to him and put it in his bag. At this time, Liu Ligan handed the note to Liu Chengcheng, and He said that reports should be submitted directly here and they would pay special attention to them.

"Useful?" Liu Chengcheng asked.

Liu Lipole nodded.

"Okay, if it works, we will report it again. I hope this problem can be solved as soon as possible." Liu Chengcheng said.

Two days later, Secretary Xiao Zhong called Liu Ligan and told him, Director Liu, our report has been sent out, please ask the other party to check it.

Liu Ligan said yes, thank you Secretary Zhong.

Liu Ligan called Sun Hou and Sun Hou said, OK, I understand. By the way, Ganzi, Brother Huang asked me to tell you that the request to replace the gas station land with the Hangcheng Oil Refinery should be decided by the Petrochemical Corporation. Bian, it would be better to raise it with the Hangzhou City Government. You don’t have to mention it.

After Liu Ligan thought about it for a while, he understood that in this way, it seemed that the other party was conditional and not asking for anything. They and the Hangzhou City Government were equal negotiating parties. Instead of you coming up with a plan, I will accept it in full. In this way, the person sent by the other party will not look ugly.

Liu Ligan calculated the time it took for letters to travel from Hangzhou to Beijing every day. It was a pity that official government documents could not be handed over to Wei Wenfang and the others for mailing, otherwise the report would have arrived in Beijing on the same day.

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen were standing upstairs in the dynamic zone again, smoking cigarettes and looking at the oil refinery next door. Liu Ligan told Zhang Chen his experience of going to Beijing, and Zhang Chen was convinced that this time , maybe Liu Ligan really wants to be his neighbor.

Liu Lipole pointed to the oil refinery next door and said with a smile, it is really magical to think about it. Everything is in progress, but this factory that is about to be shut down is still kept in the dark. They are probably the last ones to know their fate. .

"Isn't it strange? Human destiny is also like this." Zhang Chen said, "Since we were young, we have been able to decide many things by ourselves. We are not forced to accept the change of fate until things come to pass."

Liu Ligan laughed: "This sounds a bit negative, but it is also true. In this world, there are really not many people who can determine their own destiny. There are just so many heroes, each of them looks high-spirited and directs the country. In fact, in the end , their fate is not something they can decide.

"Napoleon never thought that he would die of old age on a small island, and Hitler certainly never thought that he would commit suicide in a basement."

"Have you never seen that documentary?" Zhang Chen said. "When Ceausescu walked onto the balcony that day and waved to hundreds of thousands of people below, he was still very proud and felt that he still controlled the fate of Romania. Unexpectedly, the voice of opposition rang out from a corner below, and he collapsed in an instant, and was shot dead a few hours later.”

"Actually, we ourselves are not like this. The day before, I thought Xinbu Island was my world. The next day, I even lost my pants and wanted to run away." Liu Ligan shouted, "He Damn it, if you don’t say this, it will sound depressing.”

"What if Liu Chengcheng doesn't agree to exchange the land for the gas station?" Zhang Chen asked.

"No," Liu Ligan said.


"Gas stations itself is a demand for urban development. There are more and more cars. What if you don't have a gas station, or there are too few gas stations?" Liu Ligan said, "It is impossible to let all the cars in the city go to the suburbs. Come on, that will artificially create busy roads in the city, and I can provide a lot of land, and the rest will not be too difficult for Liu Chengcheng."

Zhang Chen understood. This was true. Whether it was the Genshan River project or several other Jinxiu series projects, including the places he had acquired but not yet developed, Liu Ligan could allocate a piece of land as a refueling project. stand.

Even at the intersection with Taohuayuan, there will be so many residents inside, all with cars, and there is National Highway 320 outside. A gas station can and needs to be built there.

"This second brother Huang, does he have a big official position? Does he sound awesome?" Zhang Chen asked.

"The officials are not big. Brother Huang is just a division chief, and Sun Hou's eldest brother is a deputy director, but they are very powerful." Liu Ligan said with a smile, "To be precise, they are the group of people The energy is huge and all roads are connected, which is not something we who come from the mountains and valleys can imagine."

"A group of people? What group of people?" Zhang Chen was surprised.

"Sun Hou's eldest brother, Xiao Huang's second brother, and Huang Jianren's eldest sister are all very familiar with each other. They are either classmates, relatives, parents or children of comrades-in-arms, or they went to the countryside to join the team together. They are very familiar with each other. Very, now they are present in every department, so no matter which department is involved, they can get through it." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen still couldn't imagine it. He said, even if each department has their people and they know each other, then they are not the leaders of the department, nor can they have the final say?

"Yes, they are not ordinary division directors or deputy directors. They have all been secretaries to the boss of the unit. They are not secretaries like these now. They are especially trusted by the boss and are treated like family members. They can speak for themselves in the unit. secretary."

Liu Ligan looked at Zhang Chen and smiled: "Don't say you don't understand. I didn't understand it at first. Isn't it just a division director and a deputy director? Let me tell you, the style and aura when they came in were better than Liu's. As an adult, if I hadn’t had close contact with them, and if Sun Hou and Huang Jianren hadn’t talked to me, I would have never known that there were such a special group of historical products.”

"Special historical product?"

"Yes, weren't old comrades like Sun Hou and Huang Jianren's father all beaten down during that period? The ones who most vigorously reported and exposed them at that time were all my own secretaries. Later, these old comrades were rehabilitated and returned to their hometowns. After I got to the leadership position, I still had lingering fears. I didn't dare to ask someone who didn't know the truth to be my secretary. I was worried about being bitten again.

"So, many of them directly use their children as secretaries, but if they find it inconvenient to work this way, they use cross-fertilization, that is, their children serve as secretaries for their comrades, and their children serve as secretaries for themselves.

"After this arrangement, the old comrades felt that this secretary could make people feel at ease. They were the children they had grown up watching and had always called themselves uncle and aunt. If anything happened, they could trust the secretary to handle it, so they It created a group of people like Brother Huang and Brother Sun.

"These people later became secretaries and almost all were promoted to middle-level cadres in various departments. Although their positions in the unit are not high, they all have such backgrounds and have a special relationship with the boss. The family itself And with his background, he holds real power in every department."

Zhang Chen understood, this is really unreasonable for outsiders. For such a group of people, it is impossible for them to find a way out even if they don't think about it. Including newspapers, they always talk about running projects, criticizing running departments to make money, and running away. Not all people, talent is the key to the success or failure of things.

Zhang Chen looked up at the sky above his head and sighed. Under this sky, there were so many people and things that he didn't know about. He didn't know Sun Hou. He didn't know that there was a group of people who did things like this. He didn't know that. Miss Cai, I don’t know that there is so much money, there is no use lying there, several hundred million, as long as Miss Cai says "I have decided to do it", it will be fine.

Liu Ligan was right. No one from a mountain valley like him would know these things. But the world is so big, isn’t it because there are so many things you don’t know?

"Have you ever thought about what you plan to call this building if it is built?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Splendid Hangzhou Center." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing and cursed: "You're either in the center of Hangzhou City or in the Jinxiu Center. This Jinxiu Hangzhou Center is so awkward."

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "I also think it's a bit hard to pronounce, so let's take the center of Hangzhou. Aren't I just going to build a new landmark in Hangzhou?"

More than a week later, Sun Hou called Liu Ligan and told him that the leaders of the Hangzhou City Government had already approved the report and forwarded it to the Petrochemical Corporation. Tomorrow, the Petrochemical Corporation would send someone to Hangzhou to communicate with Hangzhou City. For government communication, you tell them first, and the Petrochemical Corporation will contact them in the afternoon to formally notify them.

Liu Ligan said yes, thank you monkey.

"By the way, pole, we are also friends, but you just pretend you don't know anything." Sun Hou finally confessed, Liu Lizhan said yes, I understand.

After hanging up Sun Hou's call, Liu Ligan immediately called Liu Chengcheng. Liu Chengcheng said on the phone, great, it seems that this matter can finally be pushed forward.

After several rounds of negotiations between the Petrochemical Corporation, the Hangzhou City Government, and Liu Ligan and his Jinxiu Company, a decision was finally made to shut down the Hangcheng Refinery. Liu Ligan and his Jinxiu Company would pay a one-time compensation of a little RMB. 9.8 billion, the Hangzhou City Government provided 17 gas station sites to Petrochemical Corporation free of charge.

Of these seventeen pieces of land for gas stations, seven were provided by Liu Ligan, and the remaining ten were arranged by the Hangzhou City Government. Of course, the cost of land acquisition and demolition would be borne by Liu Ligan.

This is another win-win agreement. For the Hangzhou City Government, it did not pay a penny and solved the long-standing problem of the Hangzhou Refinery. For the Petrochemical Corporation, it abandoned an old plant and replaced it with a new one. When it came to the layout of the entire gas station in Hangzhou City, the cost of gas station construction was also borne by Liu Lipole. For them, they successfully realized the transformation of an old enterprise.

For Liu Ligan, after obtaining this land, he can start the construction of his new landmark in Hangzhou.

Everyone got what they wanted, and everyone was really happy.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you to Wu Yehuan, Book Friends 20180720125920875, Sample Thief, and Running with a Smile for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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