The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 913 People from the Art Museum

Zhang Chen saw his recruitment notice in the newspaper again. It had become: female, with good facial features, under the age of 25, over 1.60 meters tall, passionate about oil painting, or with relevant schooling and employment experience.

Zhang Chen asked Liu Ligan: "What is your move?"

"Your staff here." Liu Ligan said.

"Why are we only recruiting women, who are under twenty-five years old, over 1.60 meters tall, and have good facial features?"

"This is an art museum. You don't want beauties. You want two crooked melons and cracked dates. Do you think this is a museum of rare animals from the world? Besides, the people you come to here often in the future are not painters, but also art lovers. You Putting two beauties here also respects their aesthetics."

"You think there are two beauties here, you can come and flirt with them often, right?" Zhang Chen put it bluntly.

Liu Ligan laughed loudly: "That's right. I'm considering both public and private matters. Do you want to hire them? If not, I'll go to the Academy of Fine Arts to find two beauties and put them here for you. Such a beautiful house is suitable for beauties. Stay."

"And then rename them Wenwen and Qianqian?" Zhang Chen said sarcastically.

"No, this time it will be changed to Huanhuan and Xiaoxiao." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen laughed and cursed: "Why do they sound like two giant pandas?"

"Yes, of course it is the best to recruit two national treasures."

"Fuck you." Zhang Chen scolded, "Then it's all your fault. I'll take over. Recruiting is the most annoying thing for me."

"Okay, I'll do it. I like to do this kind of thing the most. I hold the power of life and death and decide the fate of others. It's so enjoyable. By the way, you didn't ask for this person?" Liu Ligan was surprised.

Zhang Chen took a piece of paper and wrote the names of six people: "Wu Dayu, Liu Xiaodong, Luo Zhongli, Cheng Conglin, He Duoling, and Han Xin". He told Liu Ligan that they were invited to apply for the job. It was on the back of the application form. Each person can use a few sentences to write down their impressions of the six people's works. If you don't know, just write "I don't know."

"Okay, that's easy. I happen to be going to Genshan Power Plant Lao Tan tomorrow, so I can help you recruit him." Liu Ligan took the paper and went out.

On the evening of the next day, Liu Ligan walked into Zhang Chen's office with a stack of registration forms. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted, "Zhang Chen, let me tell you, you didn't lose money today. It was an unprecedented event, beauty." Ruyun, people who didn't know, thought we were recruiting actors, and all the workers on the construction site came over to watch the beauty.

"How many people are here?" Zhang Chen asked.

"More than a hundred."

"We're just recruiting two art museum staff, and so many people will sign up?" Zhang Chen was surprised.

"Of course, that's the Crystal Palace. I heard this name from the girls who signed up for the first time today. They all called it the Crystal Palace. Think about it, working in the Crystal Palace is so alluring to a girl. How big is it?" Liu Ligan said and handed the registration form to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen took the stack of registration forms and read them carefully. After reading them, he picked out two from them and told Liu Ligan that these were the two.

Liu Ligan looked at the two registration forms, then looked at Zhang Chen, and asked with suspicion: "Do you know my secret?"

"What secret?"

"The secret code." Liu Ligan pointed to the upper right corner of the registration form, "Did you see that the five-pointed star means that the woman is five-star, the square means four-star, and the triangle means three-star. The two you chose , all five stars.”

Zhang Chen smiled and shook his head: "It's really boring. Do you feel that now that you are successful and famous, you have nothing to do, so you only use these trivial things every day?"

"Who told you that I, Mr. Liu, have a lot of things to do every day? Today I am taking half a day out of my busy schedule to help you check and prevent you from recruiting E.T.. I will go to Beijing tomorrow and will stay in Beijing for a week before coming back. ." Liu Ligan said, "There is contact information here, you can inform them yourself."

Zhang Chen saw Zhao Jingjing walking through the door and shouted Zhao Jingjing.

Zhao Jingjing walked in, and Zhang Chen handed her the two registration forms and told her, please inform these two people to come for an interview at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

"We are recruiting people, where can we recruit them?" Zhao Jingjing asked.

"He Hongmei's original place."

"Then where should they go for interviews?"

"Come here, I don't have time to go there tomorrow."

Zhao Jingjing walked out, and Zhang Chen continued the previous topic and asked Liu Ligan: "Why are you going to Beijing?"

"The Hangcheng Refinery has been taken down. I can't say nothing at all. Those who have helped me, I want to go over and thank them."

Zhang Chen nodded, he also felt that this was appropriate, but, "Thank you for a week?"

"There are so many people, but we can't get them all together. It would be very embarrassing, so we can only thank them all the way."

Zhang Chen understood.

The next afternoon, two girls came for the interview. One of them was called Zhao Xin and the other was Yao Fen. They were indeed beautiful. Zhao Xin was 21 years old and had just graduated from Suzhou Arts and Crafts School. Yao Fen was 20 years old. I took the art exam for two years but failed. I am not planning to take the exam again this year and will go straight to work.

Both of them originally studied oil painting, and they came today with their own works. They said that Liu Ligan asked them to bring them to the interview yesterday.

Zhang Chen thought to himself that Liu Ligan was thoughtful about this. He didn’t know how to draw, and even if they showed it to him, he couldn’t tell the difference between good and bad. He asked them to bring them during the interview, so that he could feel confident about their craftsmanship. number.

Zhang Chen looked at the pictures one by one and felt that Yao Fen was better at painting than Zhao Xin. If he went to an ordinary school, professional courses would be reasonable, but there was no way. One of them could make do with it and go to a junior college. , and another one who was determined to be admitted to several major art academies, but failed in the end.

"Do you know how to use a camera?" Zhang Chen asked them both, and they both nodded.

"Do you have a camera?" Zhang Chen continued to ask.

Both men shook their heads.

"Are you afraid of going on a business trip?" Zhang Chen asked again.

Both of them said they were not afraid. Yao Fen said, we art students have to go all over the country to take exams alone every year. How can we be afraid of business trips?

Zhang Chen smiled and said, that's true, well, you are admitted.

Both girls were surprised. Zhao Xin hesitated and asked, "Mr. Zhang, is the interview over?"

Zhang Chen said yes, it's over, you passed.

"Just a few questions?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Then what are you asking? You saw our art museum yesterday, and now there is not a single painting. I can't think of anything else to say to you."

Zhao Xin was confused and said, "In this interview, don't you have to ask about your family situation and whether you have a boyfriend?"

"You are the ones who come here to work. Your basic information has been written on the registration form, and your ID card has been copied. I have also met you. Why do I need to know your family situation? Oh, by the way, you reminded me. So do you have a boyfriend?"

Zhao Xin shook his head and said no, Yao Fen quickly said, neither did I.

"Great." Zhang Chen shouted, "This way you won't have so much trouble when you go on a business trip, and your boyfriend won't stop you and won't let you go."

"Mr. Zhang, what exactly do we need to do?" Yao Fen asked.

"You must have been to Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts during your exam, right?" Zhang Chen asked, and Yao Fen nodded and said that she had been.

Zhang Chen asked Zhao Xin again: "Have you been to the Central Academy of Fine Arts?"

Zhao Xin said he had been there.

"In this way, your next task is to go to the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts and the Central Academy of Fine Arts. You will be given half a month to get to know the teachers and classmates of their oil painting department, and to compare each of their works. Is it possible to capture everything with a camera?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Just do this, nothing else?" Yao Fen asked.

"No, oh, also, I will give each of you five thousand. You can use these five thousand to treat them to dinner and drinks. Anyway, just build a good relationship with them."

"Mr. Zhang, can I ask, what is the purpose of doing this?" Zhao Xin asked.

Zhang Chen said: “First get to know them, and then of course we will see if they have any suitable works that are worthy of our purchase, and then we will buy them. Nowadays, domestic oil painters are mainly concentrated in these two places.

"Of course, there are Shen Jiawei and Guang Tingbo in Luyi, and there are Yu Xiaofu and Han Xin in Shanghai, but the largest number of people are still in these two schools. Of course, we must start with them for the collection of our art museum. You For work, the first step is to make friends first. The second step is to wait until we gather all the information and discuss whose works we should buy before we start buying."

Both of them nodded, and Yao Fen asked: "Then why do you even need to know the students? Their works are also okay?"

Zhang Chen said: "Anyone who is not a student will say that the students' paintings must be worse than the teacher's paintings. Our art museum is different from other art museums. We don't look at the reputation of the author, only the quality of the work." Bad, to be honest, if I find a student’s work that is very good, I would be more willing to buy it.”

"The price is still cheap, you can get it done for just a few hundred yuan," Zhao Xin said.

Zhang Chen laughed and asked, "Have you ever sold paintings?"

"Sold it." Zhao Xin said with some embarrassment: "It costs fifty yuan a piece, but the paint and canvas are all from them, so I spent one night painting for them, and it was for a cafe in Suzhou. "

"Is it the painting of Ingres' "Fountain"?" Zhang Chen asked.

"How do you know?" Zhao Xin was surprised.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Aren't all the cafes across the country hanging "Fountain" by Ingres?"

Zhao Xin and Yao Fen both laughed and said that was true.

"Mr. Liu told you about the salary and benefits yesterday. Are you satisfied with it?"

Both men nodded.

"Business travel allowance is a company-wide standard. When you go to finance to advance travel expenses, finance will tell you."

The two men nodded again.

"You are on a business trip and you have to complete the most important task." Zhang Chen said.

"What mission?" the two people asked in unison.

"Be safe, got it?"

Both said yes.

"By the way, do you have any other requests?" Zhang Chen asked.

Yao Fen shook her head, Zhao Xin hesitated, as if he had something to say, Zhang Chen said to her: "If you have any requests, you can put them forward."

"Mr. Zhang, does our company require us to use stage names?" Zhao Xin asked.

Zhang Chen couldn't help but laugh. He said no, Mr. Liu told you, right? He is joking with you. We don’t have this requirement. Your own name is fine.

Zhao Xin breathed a sigh of relief and said, that's great, I don't ask for it anymore.

Zhang Chen stood up and said to them: "Let's go, then we will get you a camera, and you can set off tomorrow."

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you to Ren Chengguo, Jianxin Doctor, and Guozhi Dingli Blade for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Happy Saturday everyone!

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