The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 918 We have to find him

Two days later in the afternoon, Feng Laogui called Zhang Chen and told him, Zhang Chen, something big happened, Xiao Wu killed someone.

"How do you know, Laogui?"

"The whole Yongcheng knows about it."

"Ah, what's going on? Tell me quickly." Zhang Chen urged.

"Xiao Wu killed someone in Hangzhou and ran back home. He went home to see his parents and was seen by people in their village. He hid in the mountains. The police organized tens of thousands of people to search the mountains yesterday and today. , all the militiamen in the county have gone, I heard that not only our county, but their mountains are connected to Tonglu, Pujiang and Lanxi, several counties have mobilized people to search the mountains."

"did you find it?"

"No, if he was discovered and fled, or resisted, they said he might be shot dead on the spot! The militiamen all went up the mountain with guns." Feng Laogui said.

"Holy shit!"

After hanging up Feng Laogui's call, Zhang Chen called Tan Shuzhen. Tan Shuzhen ran over immediately. Zhang Chen told Tan Shuzhen what Feng Laogui told him on the phone. Tan Shuzhen burst into tears when she heard it. She said no, no, no. , I can’t let Xiao Wu be beaten to death, Zhang Chen, I can’t let Xiao Wu be beaten to death.

"I don't want to either, but what can we do?" Zhang Chen said.

Tan Shuzhen thought for a moment, picked up the paper towel on the coffee table, slowly wiped away her tears, looked at Zhang Chen and said:

"Zhang Chen, I've thought about it, I want to go back to Yongcheng right away."

"Go back to Yongcheng?" Zhang Chen was surprised, "What's the point of going back to Yongcheng?"

"It works!" Tan Shuzhen said firmly, "Xiao Wu is confused, but I am not. I want to go to the mountains to find Xiao Wu. I want to find him and ask him to surrender. Tell me, if he surrenders, will the crime be lighter?" a little?"

Zhang Chen nodded and said: "Legally speaking, this is certainly the case. Surrendering yourself can reduce the crime."

"Okay, then I'm going to find him and accompany him to surrender. I can't let Xiao Wu die. Zhang Chen, I'll leave right away, regardless of whether you allow leave or not."

"Tan Shuzhen, what the hell are you talking about? Who do you think I am, Zhang Chen? You are right. I will go with you. Let's go find Xiao Wu and ask him to surrender. Then we'll see if we can We will pay for any economic loss, no matter how much money it is, as long as we can save Xiao Wu’s life.”

Tan Shuzhen laughed and said, "Okay, Zhang Chen, let's go together."

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen said: "You go to the store immediately to make arrangements. Let Xiaojuan take charge of the store. I, Zhao Zhigang, will also make arrangements here. Then I will go downstairs to prepare something."

"Prepare something? Let's go find Xiao Wu, what else should we prepare?" Tan Shuzhen asked curiously.

"Do you know how big Xiaowu's mountain is? It connects four counties and dozens of townships. Do you think you can see Xiaowu when you go for an outing? The police organized tens of thousands of people, but they searched for two days and still couldn't find him. Found it, the two of us had to search for who knows how many days in that mountain, and we just went in with our bare hands?"

Tan Shuzhen shouted: "Okay, I don't know anything. As long as you go to Xiao Wu, I will listen to you."

Tan Shuzhen said and walked out.

Zhang Chen thought of the Canadian Jacques. He went to the store selling leisure products below and bought two sleeping bags, two walking sticks, a camping lamp, and two flashlights. He also bought two boxes of batteries, and then bought Two hiking bags.

He then walked to the canteen in the market and filled a hiking bag with water, beef jerky, rice pudding, biscuits and chocolate.

He returned to the office with these things. After sitting down, he first called Zhao Zhigang and told him that he would be away for a few days. If anything happened in the factory, you could decide to arrange it yourself. Zhao Zhigang agreed.

Zhang Chen then called Lin Shuwan. As soon as the call came through, Lin Shuwan said on the phone, Mr. Zhang, do you regret it? You don't want to be my brother. You have been avoiding me these two days.

"No, no, Miss Lin, it's really important these two days. I'm leaving Hangzhou right now. I won't be able to go to the airport to see you off tomorrow. I'm really sorry." Zhang Chen said.

"Then you have no regrets?"

Zhang Chen quickly said: "I have no regrets, really."

"Then you call me Awan. Don't call me Miss Lin. My brother calls me Awan."

"Okay, Awan."

Lin Shuwan giggled on the phone. She asked, "Brother, what is going on? Is it really so important?"

Zhang Chen said yes, I can't tell you what happened now. I'll call you and tell you when I get back, okay?

Lin Shuwan said yes, brother.

Zhang Chen then called Ge Ling over and told her that he would be away for a few days and if anything happened in the company, you could take care of it.

Ge Ling said yes.

When Tan Shuzhen arrived, the two of them were anxious and set off immediately. They were worried that something had happened to Xiao Wu while they were still on the road.

As soon as they left Hangzhou and before they arrived in Fuyang, there was a traffic jam on the road. It turned out that the police were checking passing vehicles. Tan Shuzhen asked, could they be looking for Xiao Wu?

Zhang Chen said it was impossible. Xiao Wu was in Yongcheng, which was still more than a hundred kilometers away from here.

They hurried slowly and passed Fuyang. When they were approaching Tonglu, there was a long queue on the road again. The police were searching the passing vehicles one by one. Tan Shuzhen became anxious and asked Zhang Chen again if they were there. Not looking for Xiao Wu?

This time, even Zhang Chen didn't have any confidence, he said, probably so.

"Then what should we do? So many people want to arrest him?"

Zhang Chen said, isn't it normal for so many people to want to arrest him? Tens of thousands of people are searching the mountains to arrest him, and of course there are even more searches on the highway, but it is also a good thing.

"Why is this a good thing?"

"It means that at least up to now, Xiao Wu has not been caught, and nothing has happened to Xiao Wu yet."

After hearing what Zhang Chen said, Tan Shuzhen thought about it and felt a little relieved.

When it was their turn, the police carefully looked inside the car and the trunk. Zhang Chen asked the inspecting police officer what they were looking for.

The other party looked at him without saying anything and waved him over.

After passing the checkpoint in Tonglu, National Highway 320, which had been smooth for more than half an hour, started to become congested again. We were approaching the junction of Tonglu and Yongcheng. There must be another checkpoint here.

When it was their turn this time, the inspecting police officer knew Tan Shuzhen and shouted, "Tan Shuzhen, long time no see."

Tan Shuzhen felt that the other person looked familiar, but she couldn't remember who he was, but she still asked: "What are you checking?"

The other party lowered his voice and said, "I'm not from your troupe yet."

Although their guess was confirmed, Zhang Chen was still secretly frightened. He did not expect that such a large force would be launched to capture Xiao Wu.

After passing this checkpoint, the road finally became smooth. It was completely dark outside. Zhang Chen sped up, but was still a step late. By the time they arrived at the ferry dock leading to Xiaowu and his hometown, the dock was already empty. There was no one there, and there was a notice posted on the wall next to the ticket office window. This notice was obviously newly posted.

Zhang Chen looked at it with a flashlight. It said that following notification from his superiors, the ferry time would be adjusted to the earliest one at 7 a.m. and the last one at 8 p.m. The original time will be notified later.

This is obviously because of Xiao Wu again.

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen stood on the pier across the river and sighed, but they were helpless.

"Going to Yongcheng to find a hotel?" Zhang Chen asked. Tan Shuzhen shook her head and said, "I don't want to go back to Yongcheng."

Zhang Chen understood, and he agreed, then we would sleep in the car.

The two of them had something to eat and spent the night in the car. At dawn the next day, they took the first ferry across the river. The ferry here has now been changed to a car ferry. People and cars were mixed together. When they arrived at the pier on the other side, It's another checkpoint, but it only checks cars coming out of it, not cars coming in from the outside.

They continued to drive forward, and when they almost reached Xiaowu's village, they saw an open space on the roadside with a tent that was open on all sides.

On the road next to the tent, there are police officers inspecting it. Anyone coming out of it will be looked at. Anyone coming out with tractors or agricultural vehicles will be stopped and inspected. Those who are carrying loaders or pulling two-wheeled vehicles will be stopped and inspected. If you pass by, you will be stopped, and the contents of their baskets will be inspected, and the contents of their two-wheeled carts will be carefully rummaged through.

Tan Shuzhen saw someone standing there in the tent, and quickly asked Zhang Chen to stop the car, and said to Zhang Chen, "Lao Tie is here, let's go over and ask."

Zhang Chen stopped the car in the open space, and the two people got out of the car. Zhang Chen followed Tan Shuzhen and walked over. Lao Tie also saw them and shouted:

"Zhenzhen, why are you here?"

Then he kept shaking his head.

When they approached, Lao Tie sighed: "I didn't expect that this kid Xiao Wu would cause such a big disaster."

Tan Shuzhen introduced Zhang Chen to Lao Tie and told him that he also belonged to our troupe.

"I know, I know, Mr. Zhang is in Yongcheng now. He is famous, but he rarely shows up." Lao Tie said.

Zhang Chen quickly said: "My parents are both in Hangzhou and rarely come back."

"Director Tie, what's going on with Xiao Wu?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

Lao Tie said: "Anyway, it's not a secret now, and it doesn't matter if I tell you. Two of the three criminals have been arrested, and Xiao Wu is still being arrested. This case is too big, and the department has Experts were sent in to search the mountain for two days, but nothing was found.

"Experts estimate that Xiao Wu has been alarmed and is no longer nearby. In two days, you can go down to the opposite side of Fuyang, go up and swim across the Lanjiang River in the dark to Qiandao Lake, and go up to Anhui. Over there, it may reach Pujiang and Lanxi. The scope is really too large, so we need to expand the scope of inspection."

Only then did Zhang Chen understand why there was a checkpoint at the checkpoint when they left Hangzhou.

Zhang Chen was surprised. He asked. He had heard of so many criminal cases and murder cases every year, but he had never seen such a large-scale manhunt.

"Who says otherwise?" Lao Tie nodded, "It is said that the person who died was very important and an expert in national defense. The leaders above were furious and demanded that the murderer be arrested and brought to justice as soon as possible."

Zhang Chen felt a chill in his heart. He probably understood who the deceased was. No wonder Lao Tie said he would alert the higher-ups.

"Zhenzhen, what are you doing here? Are you going to Xiao Wu's house?" Lao Tie asked Tan Shuzhen.

Tan Shuzhen shook her head and said no, "Director Tie, we want to find Xiao Wu and ask him to surrender. If we can find him and bring him to you, will the crime be lighter?"

Lao Tie was startled: "You want to find him? This is too dangerous."

Then, he immediately sighed again and said:

"But, as for Xiao Wu, I don't think he is a messy person. As a public security officer, I don't encourage you to go, but as an individual, I think that if you can find him and persuade him to surrender himself, Of course it is the best. If there is a surrender, the court will definitely consider it in the final sentencing."

"Thank you, Director Tie, we will definitely find him and persuade him to surrender." Zhang Chen said to Lao Tie.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you here." Lao Tie said.

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen parked their cars here. They put on their hiking bags and waved goodbye to Lao Tie.

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