The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 924 What a good thing you did

Zhang Chen drove the car. Along the way, both of them were silent and didn't know what to say. Zhang Chen thought to himself, it turns out that not everything you do will make you happy when you finish it and achieve your goal. They know it in their hearts. , regardless of whether Xiao Wu's life can be saved or not, this brother is no longer with them. Even if he is spared death, it will be a very long sentence.

Both of them were thinking about everything about Xiao Wu, but they just didn't want to mention it again. As long as anyone mentioned the word Xiao Wu, they knew that sadness would come out like a flood.

After Xiao Wu was taken away, they went to see Lao Tie again and told Lao Tie about the matter. Lao Tie reassured them and told them that I would testify for Xiao Wu and prove that you had indeed gone in to find him and persuade him. He surrendered, he came out with you, he really surrendered.

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen felt a little comforted after hearing Lao Tie's words.

It started to rain again. Neither of them were dry yet. They just felt tired and sleepy. Especially when Xiao Wu found it, the energy he had been holding in his heart suddenly released. He was indescribably tired. They opened two rooms in Yongcheng, took a good bath, fell on the bed and fell asleep.

Zhang Chen was woken up by Tan Shuzhen's knock on the door. He looked at the time and saw that it was almost five o'clock. Zhang Chen opened the door and saw that Tan Shuzhen had already changed into a new set of clothes. She bought them on the street and brought them to Zhang Chen. He turned around.

Zhang Chen quickly changed his clothes, picked up the mobile phone and took a look. After charging for several hours, the mobile phone still had no response. It was probably soaked in water and was broken.

Zhang Chen picked up the phone on the bedside table and dialed Xiao Zhao's cell phone to ask how his grandma's condition was. When he didn't get through, Zhang Chen thought, forget it, call again when he returns to Hangzhou.

The two people immediately checked out and left, returning from the mountains to the real world. They would have so many things in the real world that required them to start immediately.

They had a quick dinner under the big camphor tree and continued on their way. Fortunately, after Xiao Wu surrendered, all the checkpoints along the way were removed and the road was smooth.

Only the rain kept falling continuously, as if their mood was so continuously sad.

At around nine o'clock, they drove downstairs to the dynamic zone. Tan Shuzhen told Zhang Chen that she went back to the room, put her things away and went to the store.

Zhang Chen said, you can rest for one night before talking.

Tan Shuzhen shook her head. She saw Zhang Chen also going upstairs. She was surprised and asked, why don't you go home?

"Brother is really upset. I'll go upstairs and call Xiao Zhao. She must be anxious if we haven't contacted her for several days."

"Didn't you tell Xiao Zhao when you left?" Tan Shuzhen was surprised.

"Then the police didn't let anyone tell me. I didn't even tell Miss Lin why I didn't show up in those few days and why I couldn't send her off. She thought I was hiding from her. Here at Xiaozhao, I originally thought of Yongcheng. I told her what the situation was before I told her, but I didn’t bring the spare power board, so we ran out of power when we arrived at the dock, and we couldn’t find a place to charge it.”

Tan Shuzhen nodded and said, "Then you should hit her quickly."

They arrived at the garden upstairs. Tan Shuzhen walked to her room. Zhang Chen walked towards the office. He saw the light in the office was on and thought that Ge Ling was probably still in his office. When he left, he handed over the key. Got her.

Zhang Chen opened the door and was startled. He saw Xiao Zhao sitting at his desk. Zhang Chen asked curiously: "Why are you back?"

Xiao Zhao raised his head, with tears in his eyes, and asked, "Do you hope that I never come back?"

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment and asked, "Okay, why are you crying?"

"Okay, what do you mean by okay?" Xiao Zhao looked at him and said, "You can do such a thing and I can't even cry? If you want to break up, you can tell me why you are doing this? "

Zhang Chen was surprised and said with a smile: "What have I done?"

"Don't you know what you are doing? You and Tan Shuzhen disappeared just after I left. Everyone in the company is looking for you. No one knows where you have gone. Xiaojuan really has no choice this morning. She is worried If something happened, you would call me and we would rush back right away.

"I'm still wondering why you couldn't get through on the phone a few days ago. When I asked people in the company, everyone was hesitant. It turns out that you have done such a shameless thing, and people are too embarrassed to say it."

Zhang Chen was a little annoyed and cursed: "What a shameless thing, we are going back to Yongcheng."

"Zhang Chen, don't think that I don't know who Tan Shuzhen is. Don't think that I don't know your relationship with Tan Shuzhen. Tan Shuzhen turned out to be Zhuangzi's girlfriend. She can abandon Zangzi and marry his brother Feng Laogui. , including you and her, we didn’t know each other clearly when we were in the troupe.

"Tan Shuzhen went to the bank. The president's wife regarded her as a sister. As a result, she and the president were messing around and were caught by the police in Hangzhou. She couldn't stay in Yongcheng any longer, so she came to Hangzhou to find her. You old lover, don’t think that I don’t know. Since last year, people have been calling me constantly to tell me about Tan Shuzhen.

"I never told you. I just told myself that it was in the past. You have promised me now that we will be together forever. I believe in you. I believe in you. I didn't expect that the result of believing would be like this. As soon as I wasn't in Hangcheng, you and her ran out. You could ignore anything in the factory, company or store, and no one would be able to find you..."


Zhang Chen roared loudly. Xiao Zhao was startled and froze there. From the moment they met to the present, Zhang Chen didn't even say a harsh word in front of her. She didn't expect that he would be so cruel to her today. It looked like , that person is right, Tan Shuzhen is the vixen, Zhang Chen is fascinated by the vixen, what should we do?

Xiao Zhao felt so confused that he couldn't help lying on the table and crying.

Zhang Chen walked over and sat down opposite Xiao Zhao. He stretched out his hand and held Xiao Zhao's hand. Xiao Zhao threw his hand away and Zhang Chen said, "I'm sorry."

Xiao Zhao whimpered and lay there shaking his head: "I don't want you to say sorry, I want you to go home, and I want you not to destroy our family."

Zhang Chen sighed and said, "Do you know what you are talking about? What you just said not only insulted me, but also insulted Tan Shuzhen. Do you know? I have nothing to do with her, and there can be no such thing. "

What else did Zhang Chen want to say? Liu Ligan's voice came from outside the open door: "Zhang Chen, you finally showed up? Where have you been? I can't get through even if I call you. It's a shame for me." I have to rush back from Beijing."

Liu Ligan followed the words and walked in, followed by Fan Jianguo. When Liu Ligan saw the scene in the office, he immediately knew something was wrong. He turned around and said to Fan Jianguo, you go first.

Fan Jianguo said ok, he gave the keys to the Mercedes-Benz to Liu Ligan, turned around and left.

Liu Ligang closed the door and cursed: "You two, are you a traitor? Do you really think of the company as your home? You don't even close the door when you quarrel. Do you think it's pretty when the boss's wife and the boss quarrel?"

Zhang Chen looked at Liu Ligan and said to him, "Something happened to Xiao Wu."

Liu Ligan was stunned for a moment and asked, "What did you say?"

"Something happened to Xiao Wu. He, his bastard boss, and the driver killed the other one who memorized the dictionary."

"Ah!" Liu Ligan and Xiao Zhao were both shocked. Xiao Zhao raised his head and looked at Zhang Chen blankly. Liu Ligan smiled and said:

"Zhang Chen, are you kidding me?"

"No kidding, you will know soon. All three of them were arrested. Xiao Wu had already escaped and was hiding in the mountains near their home. The police searched for several days. Tan Shuzhen and I went to the mountains to find them. , persuade him to surrender, so that he may be able to save his life." Zhang Chen said.

Liu Ligan fell down on the sofa, stared at Zhang Chen, and asked blankly: "Zhang Chen, are you saying that the Nanda professor, Wang Chao's partner, was killed by them?"

"Yes, the body is hidden in the house in Cuiyuan. The case is very big. You also know the identity of the guy from Nanda. The whole place is shocked. This is a case supervised by the ministry."

"You mean, Xiao Wu was also involved?"

Zhang Chen nodded: "He started to fight."

"Holy shit! Then isn't this bastard doomed!?"

Zhang Chen nodded again.

"Is there nothing you can do?"

"Now we are surrendering. Chief Chang Tie of Yongcheng Police Station is also willing to prove that we are looking for Xiao Wu to persuade him to surrender. Xiao Wu came out with us and indeed surrendered. He is willing to prove this. Perhaps this can save him. Take his life, originally, he was absconding out of fear of crime, so we gave orders to kill him on the spot."

Liu Ligan slapped his face with both hands and shouted loudly: "Fuck Zhang Chen, are we two dead people? We know that the man named Wang is unreliable, so even if we tie him up, we should still Bring Xiao Wu back!"

Zhang Chen told Liu Ligan and Xiao Zhao the whole story. Xiao Wu called them, they went to have supper together, and they searched for three days and nights in the mountains. That night, Xiao Wu listened in the mountains. They came down the mountain to hear Tan Shuzhen's singing, but when they reached the foot of the mountain, Xiao Wu didn't see them because they hid in the bridge hole to avoid the rain.

It wasn't until the early morning of the next day that he hid in the nearby woods and heard Tan Shuzhen's singing and Zhang Chen's shouting again, and then he ran out.

Zhang Chen convinced him, and he followed them out to surrender. After crossing the river, he was taken away by the Hangzhou police waiting at the dock.

Liu Ligan and Xiao Zhao listened blankly, and Xiao Zhao started crying again. She said, what should we do now?

Liu Ligan also looked at Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen said, there is no other way. Now we can only hire the best lawyer for him, find a way to save his life, and then let him be rehabilitated in prison. We can also find connections. , strive to commute his sentence.

Liu Ligan nodded and said yes, I will ask Sun Hou to find a lawyer from Beijing.

The phone on Zhang Chen's desk rang. Xiao Zhao pressed the speakerphone. On the phone, Zhang Chen's mother shouted anxiously:

"Chenchen, what happened to Zhenzhen? She picked up Nannan when she came here and left. She didn't say anything when I asked her. Nannan was crying and refused to leave, and she didn't care."

Zhang Chen's heart skipped a beat and he shouted, "It's over, something happened again!"

He quickly ran out and ran to Tan Shuzhen's room. He found that the door was open. He quickly went in and turned on the light. There was no one in the room. When he looked in the cabinet, he saw that all the clothes were gone.

Liu Ligan and Xiao Zhao also ran in.

Thank you for the tip from the third one from top to bottom, 131 on the shore! Thank you to Yiwang Fangbing and Wonderful on the Road for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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