The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 928 Xiao Wu’s Ending

It has been raining heavily in Hangzhou for several days, and newspapers said that floods have begun to rise in Anhui and other places.

When Zhang Chen and the others were young, there were almost no outsiders in the whole town. Only during the flood season every year, a large group of Anhui people would escape from the floods, stay in the town for half a month, and then go back, like Zhang Chen's mother and the others. , there are many people in the town who every year sort out the old clothes that they cannot wear at home and give them to them at this time.

Even these people are roughly fixed every year, and those who come to their town are basically familiar faces.

At this time, the water in Lanjiang, Xinanjiang and Fuchunjiang must be muddy, and the water level has risen a lot. Zhang Chen thought of the Fuchunjiang they saw from the top of the mountain. It was like a river. He didn't know. Now if we look at it from there, is it Bai Lian or Huang Lian? If it is still Bai Lian, then it would be strange. Why is the muddy yellow water in a river still white when viewed from a height?

Zhang Chen stood at the window and looked outside. The water level of the Jiangnan Canal has also risen a lot. Towers A and B of "Splendid Jiangnan" have been capped, and construction of interior and exterior wall finishes has begun. The main structure of Tower C is also halfway through construction. If there are two months, it can also be capped.

In such weather, outdoor construction has stopped, but indoors, interior wall painting and water and electricity installation must still be in full swing.

Zhang Chen looked at the three buildings standing in the rain, and when he thought of the old spring factory, he felt like he was in another world. Fortunately, they still retained some relics of the past at the bottom of the building. Otherwise, this world would No one knows it ever existed.

All history, as long as it is not recorded in writing, will disappear completely. If errors are recorded, history will exist as errors. No one knows what is hidden behind it.

When Zhang Chen was drawing Lu Xun and Einstein for them at the Yongcheng County Library, he would go to their library to look around when he had nothing to do. Once, he saw a set of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" on the shelf. This book is very famous and has been mentioned repeatedly in history textbooks. It has always been regarded as a trustworthy historical text with rich historical materials, detailed narratives and the same as "Historical Records".

Zhang Chen accidentally turned to a page. That page said that Yang Guang, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, liked to look in the mirror. He admired his neck in front of the bronze mirror and said, "Such a good neck, I don't know who will chop it off in the future." it?

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing at that time. Isn't this nonsense? Some people like to look at their necks when looking in the mirror, and they will praise their necks, and they will think that someone is going to chop them, and they will be heard talking to themselves. ? Where did Sima Guang know this? Or did he suddenly have an idea when he was smashing the vat?

Zhang Chen immediately lost confidence in the so-called historical records. He thought that there would probably be a lot of such nonsense and conjecture in "Historical Records", and our history is based on these nonsense. Is it still worth believing?

Just like this spring factory and that big house, the people who live in it and make up the history of this house are all living people. Everyone has their own thoughts and experiences, and every family has its joys and sorrows. Who are these people? Would you know?

They exist as if they don’t exist. If they disappear, they will disappear forever. No one will know the real them. Just like the newspapers in the past two days have published Xiao Wu’s case. Wu Zhaoqiang is Wu XX, and Wu XX is here In the newspaper, there is a heinous villain and murderer. Who knows the real Wu XX behind this? Who knows he will be missed by many people too.

Is it a heinous crime to miss Wu XX, a murderer?

Zhang Chen saw Liu Ligan's hottie driving in. The security guards below all recognized Liu Ligan's car and knew that he was a friend of the boss. They quickly ran over and guided him to an internal parking space that they had designated. , stopped and parked next to Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao's car.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen got out of the car, opened their umbrellas with a bang, and walked towards the stairs upstairs.

Tan Shuzhen is already working for Liu Ligan. Her position is the general manager of Zhejiang Jinxiu Dadi Real Estate Co., Ltd., and the original Mr. Liu is now Director Liu. Chairman Liu is actually a piece of shit. He is the only shareholder of his company. There is no board of directors between the two of him and his father, Lao Liu.

Even Lao Liu didn't know that it was Liu Ligan who took his ID card and registered it directly. He wanted to prevent the company from becoming a one-person unlimited liability company. If Lao Liu was added, it would become a limited liability company, and even the shareholders would All the signatures on the meeting resolutions were signed by Liu Ligan himself pretending to be Lao Liu.

If Old Liu knew that he was still a shareholder of this company, he would have taken his shareholder status and exchanged it for wine. No matter how much wine Liu Ligan gave him, Old Liu felt that it was not as good as the wine he exchanged. What he got in exchange was what he earned. As for how Liu Ligan would wipe his ass later, that was Liu Ligan's business.

Tan Shuzhen works as the general manager there, but whenever she has time, she still goes to the Ban Mu Tian store on Yan'an Road to help Xiaojuan, mainly those VIP customers, all of whom are arrogant ladies. They didn't think much of Xiaojuan. Tan Shuzhen had appeared on TV, had a photo taken with Miss Gong, and looked so down-to-earth, so she was suitable to serve them.

Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen said that in the future, every celebrity Wenwen brings, regardless of whether she accepts her business, will ask her to take them around the store, take a photo with Xiaojuan, and post it in the VIP room. , Sure enough, as there are more and more photos of Xiaojuan and celebrities on the wall, those P's are becoming more and more accepting of her.

Zhang Chen turned around in front of the window and saw Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen coming up one after another. Liu Ligan walked directly into Zhang Chen's office, and Tan Shuzhen went to Xiao Zhao's place next door. After a while, she and Xiao Zhao Zhao came over and told the two of them, let's go.

The four people went downstairs, got into Liu Ligan's car and set off. They were going to Hangzhou City Intermediate People's Court. Today was the day for the verdict of Xiao Wu's case.

They arrived at the trial hall of the Hangcheng Intermediate People's Court. Although this case has attracted widespread public attention in recent days, the control over who can enter and observe is very strict. It is said that the identity of the deceased is sensitive.

Liu Ligan got four tickets through his connections, representing Xiao Wu's relatives and friends. When they got inside, they found that apart from the relatives of the deceased, there were only four of them on the side of the three murderers.

The trial has been held in the smallest hall of the middle court, with only twenty or thirty auditoriums, but the two groups of people sitting there were still empty.

Even for the media, only CCTV and Shanghai's "Democracy and Legal System" magazine were allowed to enter, as well as the local "Qianjiang Evening News", "Hangcheng Daily" and provincial and municipal TV stations.

Liu Ligan was acquainted with the political and legal reporter of "Hangcheng Daily". When he saw Liu Ligan, he came over. Liu Ligan quietly asked him, how is it? Do you have any inside information?

The other party only said one word: "Hanging."

The four people suddenly became nervous.

When Xiao Wu came in, he saw Zhang Chen and the others and smiled at them.

Liu Ligan said anxiously: "You idiot, don't laugh. The judge is watching. You must show a heavy-hearted and repentant expression. Why are you laughing?"

The other three also felt that Xiao Wu's smile was too inappropriate. They didn't even dare to reply to him and pretended not to see it.

To their left, the strong wife and daughter were still crying, which was pitiful. Who knew that if a person endured it alone, he would become successful and famous, and the family would be able to live happily together from now on. Unexpectedly There is such a sudden misfortune.

Liu Ligan said, if this primitive beast had evolved into a beast with clothes earlier, this kind of thing would not have happened. It is not a big deal. Why argue and argue? Only the primitive beasts can really do that. They all know that if they do this, they will take up legal weapons to defend their rights.

They sat there and listened to the judge's words, which were extremely cruel. The crime was particularly egregious. The impact is particularly significant. The consequences are particularly serious.

The four people felt that every special nail was a nail, ding ding ding ding, that was going to nail Xiao Wu to the gallows, and their hearts grew colder and colder.

As a result, Wang Chao was the main culprit and was sentenced to death and executed immediately.

The driver was an accessory. After being arrested, he actively confessed his crime. He was punished for several crimes and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Xiao Wu is also an accessory, because Lao Tie testified for him, and the circumstances of Xiao Wu’s surrender were accepted by the judge. Furthermore, the lawyer discovered in the driver’s confession that the driver said that the reason why he held down Da Zhuang was because he saw Da Zhuang was about to get up and resist.

The lawyer said that this can prove that the blow Xiao Wu rushed in to pick up the ashtray and gave Da Zhuang was not enough to cause Da Zhuang's death.

Xiao Wu, as a security guard (not to mention bodyguard), saw the situation at that time, and considering the difference between his height of 1.6 meters and Da Zhuang's height of over 1.80 meters, he took an ashtray and hit Da Zhuang to stop him. His further beating of Wang Chao was justified to a certain extent.

The most important thing is that Xiaowu's relatives and friends actively provided financial compensation to the family of the deceased after the incident and gained their understanding.

To sum up, the judge finally pronounced the verdict and decided to punish the criminal Wu Zhaoqiang for several crimes and execute a fixed-term prison sentence of twenty years.

The four of them, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan, let out a long sigh.

When Xiao Wu was taken away from the court, when he walked in front of his family members, he bent down and bowed to them.

Zhang Chen returned to the office. He picked up the phone and called Feng Laogui to tell him the news. Feng Laogui also breathed a long sigh of relief on the phone. He said it was okay, okay, this was the best. The result is, Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen nodded and said yes, Lao Gui, please tell me the address of Xiao Wu's home and his father's name.

Feng Laogui told him.

Zhang Chen wrote the address and name on a piece of paper, and then wrote the words "Wu Zhaoqiang" underneath.

Zhang Chen called Zhao Jingjing over. He pointed to "Wu Zhaoqiang" and said to her, starting from this month, when you make the salary schedule, add this person in, and his salary will be sent to this place every month.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, what is his salary standard?" Zhao Jingjing asked.

"It's the same as me. I pay him as much as I want. When I raise my salary, he also raises my salary."

Zhang Chen and Zhao Jingjing said that he knew that Xiao Wu's mother was still paralyzed in bed, and his younger brother and sister were still studying.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you Kundera, V|P, Wooden Man, Book Friends 20180722131714214, Chef Hu, Bustling Farce, fsgrfdgtergh, Book Friends 161123104026624 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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