The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 959 In an instant, a strong wind blew (Thank you, Lao Chentang)

After the land expropriation for Liu Ligan and his "City in the Sky" was completed, more than 120 farmers were expropriated and needed their company to arrange work.

Tan Shuzhen let them choose. If they want to work now, they can be arranged to go to Lao Wan's construction company or the Mishihe project department. If they find it too far and don't want to work, each person will be given 120 yuan per month. The living allowance will be provided at home, and will be arranged in batches after the Sky City is completed.

Most people have chosen to receive living allowances and wait at home.

The land was expropriated, a compensation was received from the town government, the work was arranged, and I changed from a farmer to a worker. Although my household registration was not transferred, it didn't matter. Anyway, now I don't need food stamps to buy rice. I have money. That’s it.

Now you can earn more money by playing at home every day than you earn from farming. Who wouldn’t be happy about this? The families nearby whose land had not been expropriated were so envious that they died of envy.

After the land acquisition was completed, it was necessary to start leveling the land. Tan Shuzhen simply contracted out the land leveling in each village, the burial of pipelines, and the earthwork work of digging such a large lake to three local villages, so that their villages could The collective also increased a large amount of income, which of course made those villages very happy.

Anyway, for Tan Shuzhen and others, they always have to find someone to do this work. It is better to look for people from outside to do it. It is better to work with the local villagers. These tasks have no technical content. They only need Lao Wan to send a few people to guide them there. Just do whatever you want.

Tan Shuzhen always believes that as long as everyone has a stake in one thing, there will be no conflicts. Even if there are, it will be a small conflict based on the amount of interest, and it is not that difficult to resolve.

This is also the reason why Tan Shuzhen has always had objections to the later land acquisition and storage center. Why before there was no land acquisition and storage, there seemed to be no such big conflicts in the demolition of each of our projects. It was because between enterprises and farmers, we were Conditions can be negotiated, and there are benefits to be given away.

Your land collection and storage center takes away people's land, and wants all the benefits in one pot. You don't even leave any soup for people, and you don't give people a way out. How is that possible? Although you have a government background, you are better than ordinary people. Companies are all strong, but they can't just eat up enough people just because of that.

Later, the contradictions in demolition that occurred in a concentrated and large-scale manner basically occurred after the land acquisition and storage system was implemented. This is probably the main reason.

After the bulldozers rumbled in, the construction of "City in the Sky" officially began. In the center of Hangzhou, the telecommunications building has been demolished and the huge pit has begun to be dug. The first phase of "Peach Blossom Spring" has been completely sold. has been sold out, and construction of the second phase has begun.

Everything looked great, and the time came to July 1997. This month, the biggest event for the Chinese people was the return of Hong Kong on July 1. The handover of Hong Kong power was broadcast on TV. The ceremony was filled with articles in newspapers, including reports on Hong Kong's return and articles about "Farewell, Chris Patten".

Few people noticed what happened at the same time. Even Xinwen Network only broadcast a short message with a few sentences in the back section of international news. In newspapers, only a short article from Xinhua News Agency could be seen. Short international press releases.

At 4:30 a.m. on July 2, 1997, the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Thailand announced an emergency decision to abandon the fixed exchange rate system and implement a free floating baht. The Thai baht has been pegged to the U.S. dollar for 14 years. On that day, the exchange rate of the Thai baht against the U.S. dollar fell by 17%, and the foreign exchange and other financial markets were in chaos.

It was such a piece of news that followed the return of Hong Kong. Few people in China paid attention to it, but little did they know that this was the beginning of the Asian financial crisis that would shock the entire world. It was also the first time the "Asian Miracle" woke up. sky.

The long-term rapid economic growth of Asian countries, the expansion of non-performing assets, improper foreign exchange policies, overly open financial markets, large amounts of foreign debt, and incompetent capital market control capabilities are all caused by Soros Fund and Tiger Fund. Under the attack of international financial giants and international hot money, it collapsed in one blow.

Soon, the crisis began to spread from Thailand to other Southeast Asian countries, and from the foreign exchange market to the stock market.

The Thai government surrendered to international speculators, who began to expand their gains. They then targeted the Philippine peso, Indonesian rupiah, and Malaysian ringgit.

On July 9, the Malaysian stock market index fell to its lowest point in 18 months. The central banks of the Philippines, Malaysia and other countries directly intervened in the foreign exchange market to support their currencies.

On July 11, the central banks of Indonesia and the Philippines announced to expand the floating range of their currencies.

By August, Malaysia gave up its efforts to defend the ringgit, and the Singapore dollar, which had always been strong, also took a hit.

Although Indonesia was the last country to be affected by the "contagion", it was the most severely affected. On August 13, the Indonesian Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Indonesia jointly announced that they would abandon the pegged exchange rate policy to the US dollar and implement the free floating of the Indonesian rupiah. The Indonesian rupiah fell sharply by 55%.

On September 1, the Philippine stock market continued to fall, with the Philippine Composite Index breaking through the 2,000-point defense line and finally closing at 1,975.20 points, the lowest in four years.

On September 4, the exchange rate of the Korean won against the US dollar fell to the lowest point since South Korea implemented the market average exchange rate in March 1990. The closing price was 906 won per US dollar.

On October 7, the Philippine peso fell to a new historical low, and the average trading price throughout the day fell below the 35 peso mark for the first time to 1 U.S. dollar, reaching 35.573 pesos for 1 U.S. dollar.

In late October 1997, international speculators moved to Hong Kong, the international financial center, targeting Hong Kong's linked exchange rate system.

At the same time, the Taiwan authorities suddenly abandoned the exchange rate of the New Taiwan dollar, which depreciated by 3.46% in one day, increasing pressure on the Hong Kong dollar and the Hong Kong stock market.

On October 23, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index plummeted 1,211.47 points.

October 28 was the darkest day for the world stock market that year. The U.S. and Hong Kong stock markets both fell below historical records. Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index fell 1,438 points and closed at 9,059 points. This was the lowest level for the Hang Seng Index since 1996. It fell below 10,000 points for the first time.

Faced with the fierce attack by international financial speculators, the Hong Kong SAR government reiterated that it would not change the current linked exchange rate system pegged to the US dollar. The Hang Seng Index rose to reach the 10,000-point mark again.

In mid-November 1997, a financial crisis also broke out in South Korea in East Asia. On the 17th, the exchange rate of the Korean won against the US dollar fell to a record high of 1008:1.

On the 21st, the South Korean government had to seek help from the International Monetary Fund and temporarily controlled the crisis.

But on December 13, the exchange rate of the Korean won against the U.S. dollar dropped to 1,737.60:1. During the Asian financial crisis, the Korean banking industry suffered a record loss of 14.48 trillion won, and the economic growth rate reached 1998. , became -5.8%, the largest economic recession in the past 45 years.

The entire country of South Korea is on the verge of bankruptcy. Korean people have donated their gold jewelry to help the country tide over the difficulties.

The Korean won crisis also impacted the Japanese financial industry, which had large investments in South Korea. In the second half of 1997, a series of Japanese banks and securities companies went bankrupt one after another, and the Southeast Asian financial turmoil evolved into the Asian financial crisis.

After the initial turmoil, the international community, led by the International Monetary Fund, began to provide a large amount of assistance to countries in crisis. China became the mainstay in insisting that the RMB not depreciate throughout the Asian financial crisis, and the financial markets of some countries began to stabilize. , governments in most crisis countries have stepped up efforts to reform their economic and financial systems.

But in Indonesia, the economic crisis turned into a social and political crisis that ultimately led to Suharto's ouster and a change of government.

In early 1998, Indonesia's financial crisis recurred. Facing the worst economic recession in history, the countermeasures formulated by the International Monetary Fund for Indonesia failed to achieve the expected results.

On February 11, the Indonesian government announced that it would implement a linked exchange rate system that maintains a fixed exchange rate between the Indonesian rupiah and the US dollar to stabilize the Indonesian rupiah. This move was unanimously opposed by the International Monetary Fund, the United States, and Western Europe. The International Monetary Fund threatened to Aid to Indonesia was withdrawn, and Indonesia fell into a major political and economic crisis.

On February 16, the price of the Indonesian rupiah to the U.S. dollar fell below 10,000:1. Affected by this, the Southeast Asian foreign exchange market was in trouble again. The Singapore dollar, Malaysian ringgit, Thai baht, Philippine peso, etc. fell one after another. Until April 8, Indonesia and the International Monetary Fund The Southeast Asian currency market was temporarily calm after the organization reached an agreement on a new economic reform plan.

The Southeast Asian financial crisis, which started in Thailand, put the Japanese economy, which is closely related to it, into trouble.

The Japanese yen exchange rate fell from 115 yen to 1 U.S. dollar at the end of June 1997 to 133 yen to 1 U.S. dollar in early April 1998. In May and June, the yen exchange rate continued to fall, once approaching 150 yen. The yen/dollar mark.

With the sharp depreciation of the Japanese yen, the international financial situation has become more uncertain, and the Asian financial crisis continues to deepen.

Taking advantage of the turmoil in the U.S. stock market and the continued decline of the Japanese yen exchange rate, international speculators, who had failed in the first battle, launched a new round of attack on Hong Kong. They took simultaneous actions in the foreign exchange market, stock market and futures market, using financial futures means to spend three months. Or buying Hong Kong dollars in six-month Hong Kong dollar futures contracts and then quickly selling them short, causing Hong Kong dollar interest rates to rise sharply and causing the Hang Seng Index to fall to more than 6,600 points.

Faced with the rampant attack of international financial speculators, with the support of the central government, the Hong Kong SAR government decided to fight back and launch a financial defense war for Hong Kong. According to many later memoirs, during the entire Hong Kong financial defense war, Premier Zhu sat in Shenzhen and commanded. .

In August 1998, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority used the Exchange Fund to invest huge amounts of money in the stock and futures markets in preparation for a showdown. The 28th was the settlement day for the Hang Seng Futures Index in the Hong Kong stock market in August. The SAR Government A decisive battle broke out with the speculators.

The SAR government withstood the unprecedented selling pressure from international financial speculators, resolutely bought all the stocks, and independently supported the pallet, ultimately saving the stock market, effectively safeguarding the linked exchange rate system between the Hong Kong dollar and the US dollar, and ensuring Hong Kong's economic security and stability.

A month later, international speculators suffered heavy losses and were unable to realize their attempt to use Hong Kong as a "super cash machine" again.

While international speculators failed in Hong Kong, they also suffered a disastrous defeat in Russia.

The entire Asian financial crisis lasted until 1999 before it officially ended. In this crisis, China and Taiwan were less affected.

These are all things for later.

Liu Ligan was sitting in his office. There were more and more reports about the Asian financial crisis in the newspapers. Liu Ligan had the mentality of watching the fire from the other side and sighed in his heart. It seems that the scenery here is the best.

The phone on the table rang, and Liu Ligan answered it. It was Mr. Qiao from Shenzhen Anxin Trust. Mr. Qiao's voice sounded tired. Liu Ligan smiled and said, "Why, Mr. Qiao, did you have too much homework last night?"

"Mr. Liu, I'm calling to inform you that the mortgage loan we are currently negotiating and that has not yet been disbursed must be stopped immediately. It cannot be done." Mr. Qiao said on the phone.

Liu Ligan was shocked. The mortgage loan was stopped, which meant that many buyers of the Mishihe project had no way to buy it. It also meant that the future of his Hangcheng Center project was uncertain, not uncertain, but simply dangerous. , Liu Ligan suddenly became nervous, wondering whether the scene in Haicheng would happen again.

"Why, Mr. Qiao?" Liu Ligan asked anxiously.

"We have no money, Mr. Liu. You also know our source of funds. It's hard to say whether Mr. Yang and others will go bankrupt." Mr. Qiao sighed.

"Where is Miss Cai? Do you want me to call her?" Liu Ligan asked.

Mr. Qiao was silent on the phone for a while and said, "You'd better not hit her. She's already in a state of panic."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Ligan sat there blankly. Just now, he thought he was just watching the fire from the other side. Why did this phone call bring the fire to him?

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you for your monthly votes from Humor Tribe, Yaojiu, Buyi, Li Yingjun, and Book Friends 20200725185530536! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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