The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 962 Deathly Silence

The center of Hangzhou stopped. Liu Ligan rarely even went to Zhang Chen's place. It wasn't because he didn't want to go to Zhang Chen's place to brag, but because he didn't want to pass by the center of Hangzhou.

As long as he goes to Zhang Chen, he will definitely see the center of Hangzhou. Even if he does not go from the direction of Wulin Square from Stadium Road or Huancheng North Road, but goes around to the other side, he will still see Hangzhou. In the center of the city, he parked his car and walked on the stairs to Zhang Chen's upstairs. Through the windows on the side, he could see the center of Hangzhou.

As soon as you come out of Zhang Chen's office, you are still in the garden on the second floor. Before you reach the stairs, you can see the center of Hangzhou again.

On one side of the center of Hangzhou is the dynamic zone. There is no wall between them. What kind of wall is needed between my own project and Zhang Chen's site?

Walls were built on the other three sides, and outside the wall was a circle of tall billboards. On the billboards, there were advertisements for Head \u0026 Shoulders, Olay, Youth Treasure, Nike, Apple Jeans, Shanshan Suits and Wahaha.

Indispensable on every side, and also the largest in area, is the rendering of the center of Hangzhou.

In the past, whenever Liu Ligan saw these billboards from a distance during the day, he would get excited, just like a person who traveled far away and saw his relatives when he came back. At night, he saw these billboards from a distance. A ray of light will also make you excited and make you feel like you are home.

Really, when he saw the center of Hangzhou, he felt more at home than when he saw his own company. It seemed that this was his destination.

As the car approached, the sounds of mixers, winches, and dump trucks could be heard one after another behind the billboard. At night, workers could still be heard in the pit and outside the pit. They were shouting the conversation, but the distance was so far that it was impossible for them to hear what the other party was saying without shouting.

As soon as Liu Ligan heard these sounds, he sat in the driver's seat and straightened his back subconsciously. When he parked the car and opened the door, the sounds suddenly became louder and came towards him. When Liu Ligan got out of the car, Unconsciously, my chest puffed up.

Now, it is quiet behind the billboard. When Liu Lipole approaches, he no longer feels like going home, but like walking into a cemetery.

Only Death would stay in such a quiet place.

When Liu Ligan was in Haicheng, during that period of time, Liu Ligan would go to the construction site of Jinghai Center alone at night, climb up, and sit on the beam beside which even the scaffolding had been removed, with his feet hanging outside. What he heard was this deathly silence, and he felt that the God of Death stayed in such a place of deathly silence.

Come out, if you feel like it, come out and push me down! Liu Ligan would scream into the surrounding darkness.

You stand in an empty playground, or sit in a valley, and there is silence all around. That silence is not deathly silence, because it should be so silent.

It's different here. It's 24 hours a day here. Every minute and every second is filled with all kinds of noises. There's almost a loud bang here. Even if there's no loud noise, there's a loud bang here. , bang bang bang bang, okay, okay, up up up, down down down...

There are eight winches, twelve mixers, and more than two hundred workers working in two shifts. Where can there be a minute of silence here?

But now everything is silent, and all sounds have disappeared. When the bustle and noise have died, this kind of silence is deathly silence. The God of Death likes to stay in such a place.

The God of Death did not kill Liu Ligan, but he killed his dream of building the tallest building in Haicheng. Now, is he going to kill his dream of building the tallest building in Hangzhou?

Liu Ligan didn't know.

Liu Ligan was afraid of this kind of silence.

Therefore, Liu Ligan rarely came to Zhang Chen's place.

More often than not, they met at the "Riverside Oil Painting Gallery" in Genshan Power Plant, or at the place of Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, or at night, they made an appointment to have dinner somewhere and went directly there.

Zhang Chen seemed to know why Liu Ligan was not in his office now, but he didn't ask anything. The two of them were like this. They knew many things without asking, and there was no need to say too much.

Zhang Chen didn't even ask why Hangcheng Center stopped. Liu Ligan knew that Tan Shuzhen must have called and told Zhang Chen why Hangcheng Center stopped. Tan Shuzhen would definitely tell her.

Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen seemed to have something to say. Even when they were in the troupe and she was still in love with Liu Ligan, if something happened, the first thing she thought of was to ask Zhang Chen.

Sometimes Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen were talking about something in the room. As they were talking, Tan Shuzhen would suddenly stand up and say, "I'll ask Zhang Chen," and then walk out. Liu Ligan had to stand up and follow.

Tan Shuzhen must have told Zhang Chen about Hangcheng Center, so Zhang Chen did not ask him. Zhang Chen must also support Hangcheng Center to stop. Otherwise, he would directly tell Tan Shuzhen that Hangcheng Center cannot stop, Liu Ligan said As long as Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen talk about things that don't make sense, they can make sense. That's how they are.

Zhang Chen did not tell Liu Ligan about the Hangcheng Center, and Tan Shuzhen did not tell him about resuming work at the Hangcheng Center. This shows that Zhang Chen supports the suspension of work, and Lao Tan also supports it. They all support the suspension of Hangcheng Center, and Liu Ligan He knew they were right, but there was nothing he could do, and he felt sad.

Even if it is the right decision, Liu Ligan will still feel sad about this decision.

Liu Chengcheng called Liu Ligan and asked him why Hangcheng Center stopped. Is there a problem with the capital chain?

Liu Ligan quickly said no.

Xiao Liu, if we have anything to say, we can talk directly. If there is a problem with the capital chain, I will help you coordinate with the bank.

It's not a matter of funds. Leader, really, I still have funds in my account. It's the situation that makes me afraid to move. Now the sales of the Mishihe project are not even half of the original ones.

I understand, we also have a headache with this problem. The situation is really not optimistic. It’s okay if it’s not a problem with the capital chain. Many of them are due to insufficient capital turnover.

There is no problem with my funds. Thank you for your concern.

Well, Xiao Liu, as you know, the province and city are paying attention to this project. If it stays for too long, it won’t look good.

Okay, I understand, leader.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Ligan wanted to scold, "Am I still responsible for your good looks?" If the house is built and left empty, will you be responsible for me?

Liu Ligan wanted to scold, but the other party was Liu Chengcheng, so Liu Ligan felt that he could not curse.

Liu Ligan still admires Liu Chengcheng. He seems to just want to do things and do good things. Whether he is helping Liu Ligan or Zhang Chen, sometimes he will help without any principles. For example, I will help you coordinate with the bank. For a while, he would say something that was not in line with his status, and he would actually do it.

But he has a principle that he holds firmly, that is, he will never eat a meal from them, charge them a cigarette, let alone a penny from them. At most, when they are together, you will hand him a cigarette. He can smoke cigarettes.

Liu Ligan admired this very much. Liu Ligan knew how Meng Ping ran the company, both in Haicheng and now, including the few times he did it himself. He felt that there were really not many cadres like Liu Chengcheng. , he had to admire.

Liu Chengcheng may be like this, he has an open heart. Sometimes he helps people or companies, but even if he helps a little too much, he himself feels that he has a clear conscience.

Tan Shuzhen walked into Liu Ligan's office and saw Liu Ligan slumped on the sofa with a listless look. She felt funny in her heart. This childish ghost was naive when he was in his twenties, but now he is in his thirties. Still so childish, all the unhappiness is written on his face.

After stopping in the center of Hangzhou, everyone in the company felt that Liu Lizhan seemed to be depressed, as if he had lost his soul all day long.

Lao Tan came to ask Tan Shuzhen, and Tan Shuzhen said it was fine. As long as the mixer in the center of Hangzhou rang, his energy immediately came back.

Lao Tan understood and laughed.

There's nothing going on now, it's better to be still than to move, so just let him be. Tan Shuzhen and Lao Tan said.

Lao Tan nodded and said yes, no matter what you do now, it's just a fool's errand. No matter how tough you are, you can't defeat the general trend.

When he reached the door, Lao Tan turned around and said to Tan Shuzhen, "Zhenzhen, it's lucky that you are here at this time, otherwise, no one can pull this cow."

Tan Shuzhen quickly said thank you, brother!

Tan Shuzhen came over, but Liu Ligan was still slumped there, without moving, looking at Tan Shuzhen. Tan Shuzhen kicked his straight legs and cursed, "Sit down, sit down!"

Liu Li moved his body and sat upright. Tan Shuzhen said, "Your current mental state is not right."

"What's wrong with me?" Liu Ligan said, "I have nothing to do all day now, and I can't even sit on the sofa?"

"That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that your mental state is not right. Can't you understand?" Tan Shuzhen scolded, "You are the boss, and your behavior will affect morale. The more this time comes, the more we need someone to encourage everyone's morale."

"Didn't you encourage morale?" Liu Ligan laughed playfully, "I remembered that there used to be a general like this when he was commanding the battle. He was lying there when someone came in and reported that the enemy was attacking. He He lazily said, if the attack comes, then fight it down. The people below also said that every time when the battle is the most tense, seeing the general like this makes him feel relieved."

"Are you imitating that general? What kind of Warring States story is this?"

"No, it was during the fight against the Kuomintang reactionaries."

Tan Shuzhen kicked him again and said to him: "Okay, okay, General, I think you should find a place to relax. If you are like this, you will actually feel uncomfortable, and everyone will feel even more uncomfortable when they see it. Do you understand?"

"Is it true that when I leave, you will lose sight of me?" Liu Ligan asked.

Tan Shuzhen nodded: "Yes, that's right, there is nothing big going on in the company now anyway."

Liu Ligan remembered it and said, OK, then I will go to Nanjing to see how Lao Meng is doing.

"Don't call Zhang Chen, I'll ask the driver to take you there."

"Why, I mean, why not call him Zhang Chen?"

"Zhang Chen is annoying enough, but you think it's just us." Tan Shuzhen said.

Liu Ligan shouted: "What happened to him? This guy didn't tell me."

"Zhang Chen is the kind of person who cries and goes to his mother when something happens?" Tan Shuzhen scolded, "I also heard from Xiao Zhao that their business is worse than in previous years, the inventory is huge, and the operators in the dynamic zone below are... They are clamoring for a rent reduction.”

"Fuck, there is such a thing."

"You can't help. If Zhang Chen doesn't say anything, just pretend you don't know. Do you hear me?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Okay, I understand." Liu Lipole stood up, "I'd better go see Lao Meng who is suffering."

"Let my driver take you there."

"No, no, no." Liu Lipole waved his hand and walked out.

"Drive slower and be careful on the road."

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you Yuan Xi and Zhou Xuehua, why can’t you change your name? Your monthly pass is so frivolous! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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