The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 984 Start doing it

When the creditors went to Hangcheng Sentai Real Estate Co., Ltd. the next day, they were a little surprised that the company was still open. Originally, they just came to take a look with the mentality of giving it a try. Well, this company was probably closed today, but when I came up, I was surprised to see that the door was still open.

The door of Hangcheng Sentai Real Estate Company was not only open, but there were several people sitting inside. They were not from the company. They claimed to be Song Chunming’s friends and said that Boss Song was raising funds outside. Here, they were entrusted to make a debt. Registration, after the funds are raised, those who registered first will be repaid first.

The creditors quickly registered the IOUs, which made several old colleagues and relatives of Song Chunming anxious. They said that when their money was given to Song Chunming, they did not even write an IOU. Such a good relationship , how could you write an IOU? Besides, Song Chunming has always acknowledged this account, and there has never been any doubt.

The person in charge of registration said, "It doesn't matter. You can also register. As long as Boss Song recognizes it, it will be fine."

"Also, anyone who took anything from here yesterday will take it back today." The person in charge of registration said to the creditors, "We all have surveillance. A calculator and a box of staples were taken from here. We also know who took it, and if you don’t get it back, triple the price will be deducted from your debt.”

After the creditors registered, they left their contact information. The person in charge of the registration said that those who have registered can go back first. By the way, if there are boss Song around you who owe him money, ask him to come over quickly. Register.

Creditors asked, when will this matter be resolved?

The person in charge of registration said that because all problems need to be solved at once, it depends on the speed of credit registration. Once all registrations are completed, we will work out a solution immediately and notify you then.

"Isn't it going to disappear after today?" someone shouted.

"No, no, you can call me."

The person in charge of registration told everyone his mobile phone number and said to them:

"But let me tell you something ugly earlier. After you called me, I told you to call me again in a few days. You just call me again in a few days. Otherwise, so many people call me every day. I don't have to do anything. I just answer the phone. If you call me, I will be upset and curse you."

Everyone nodded, feeling that what he said was true.

No one could be seen yesterday, but today at least a few people showed up to deal with this matter, which gave everyone a glimmer of hope again.

Many of the creditors have met here many times and are in contact with each other, especially those old colleagues of Song Chunming, who were originally from the same unit. People who have been here said that in the afternoon, there were even more people. coming.

One after another, some people brought back the things they took away yesterday. Only the guy who took the fax machine back did not show up. He was originally a debt of several thousand dollars, and he took away a fax machine, so he was probably already settled. Forget it.

At about three o'clock, the office director came. When he looked out, he saw that there were all unknown people in the company. He thought they were all debtors. He turned around and wanted to leave, but unexpectedly someone knew him and grabbed him. He grabbed him, dragged him back, and dragged him back in front of a big black man. The man had a burly build and a square mahjong face with a scar. The sight of him made the director shudder.

"Mr. Fan, this is the office director of this company. You handle it. This guy is very dishonest. When we came yesterday, he ran away first." said Fan Jianguo with a mahjong face and who was registering claims.

Fan Jianguo glanced sideways at the director and cursed: "If something happens, you abandon your boss and run away. This kind of person should be slapped."

Someone actually slapped the director. The director covered his face and said aggrievedly: "I don't know what you are doing or who you are. What if I don't leave?"

"You don't know what it is, so you need to find out what it is. Otherwise, what are you getting paid for?" Fan Jianguo scolded, "It's your boss who owes money, not you. No matter how much you ask for money, , will it be blamed on you? Why are you running away? Just keep it and see what happens to the boss. Is this what you, an office director, should do?"

The director was left speechless by the question, and cursed with a mahjong face: "I didn't tell you, this kind of person is a traitor. Go and clean the paint off the door."

The director obediently took the rag and knife and wiped off the red paint on the door glass and wall.

When Song Chunming woke up, it was already past ten o'clock. He felt a little strange. He hadn't had such a solid sleep for a long time, and there was not a single phone call.

Originally, this was the time when the most calls came in from creditors, but today his big brother was actually quiet.

Song Chunming himself found it funny. He hadn't had a good night's sleep in such a long time. The first good night's sleep he had was when he was taken away by a loan shark and someone was watching over him.

Probably because he decided in his heart that he couldn't do anything he wanted to do anyway, so he might as well just not think about anything and resign himself to fate.

Song Chunming opened his eyes and felt nauseous. He saw a pair of red shorts hanging on the vent of the indoor unit of the air conditioner, fluttering in the wind of the air conditioner. These were Xiao Lin's shorts. It seemed that this year was his birth year. , he must be twenty-four years old.

Warm wind blew from there, and Song Chunming felt the smell of crotch. He quickly turned his head away, not looking at the red shorts that were fluttering like a red flag.

Song Chunming remembered that Xiao Lin had asked for his opinion last night. He came in with shorts covered by a clothes hanger, pointed at the air outlet of the air conditioner, and said to Song Chunming, Mr. Song, there are all hanging clothes outside. Can I hang this with you?

Song Chunming agreed with him.

Xiao Lin hooked the hook of the clothes hanger on the plastic piece of the air outlet, and the water on his shorts dripped down in strings. Xiao Lin turned around and saw Song Chunming's shorts hanging on the back of the chair, and said to him, Mr. Song, there is no place to dry them here. I can do it, or I can help you hang it there?

Song Chunming quickly said, "No, no, no."

When the shorts were wet, I saw them hanging heavily and dripping with water. I didn't feel anything yet, but now I see them floating and floating, and the wind blows on my face. Why is it so disgusting?

Song Chunming quickly took the remote control of the air conditioner and turned the air conditioner's fan down. Only when the crotch wind didn't blow directly on his face did Song Chunming feel better.

None of the three of them brought underwear. After taking a shower, they washed their shorts and hung them to dry. They all got into bed with their buttocks bare and fell asleep.

An embarrassing thing happened in the middle of the night, that is, when Song Chunming got up and went to the bathroom, Dalin happened to come over to go to the bathroom. The two naked buttocks were facing each other. There was no place to hide, but Dalin said you should go first. First, Song Chunming quickly got into the bathroom.

When he came out, Dalin was still standing at the door. Song Chunming slipped into the room and got under the quilt without raising his head.

The three of them drank a lot last night. After sitting down and drinking for more than ten minutes, Song Chunming found that there was no more cigarettes. He said, "I'm going to buy cigarettes." He stood up and walked out the door. As expected, Dalin and Xiaolin did not stop him. .

Xiao Lin followed Song Chunming without saying a word. The two of them went downstairs and walked to the small shop next door. Song Chunming bought three packs of cigarettes, saw Erguotou on the counter, and bought another bottle of wine. A few bags of peanuts and orchid beans before going back.

He gave a pack of cigarettes to Dalin and Xiao Lin, and they quickly said thank you.

Putting peanuts and orchid beans on the coffee table, the three of them sat down and continued drinking. While drinking and chatting, Song Chunming asked them, how many people like you are there in your company?

"There are many," Xiao Lin said. "Depending on the need, there are usually a few hundred, but the ones that are commonly used are about twenty."

"A few hundred? So many? A group fight?"

"Spanking can't happen if there are too many people, because it scares the other party." Dalin said, "It's possible to fight if there are few people."

Song Chunming became interested and asked: "So your company usually supports so many people?"

"No, no company can afford to support so many people. We only call them when needed." Xiao Lin said, "Except for the more than 20 of us, who are considered formal employees of the company and receive a basic salary, the others are called on a temporary basis. It’s on a piece-rate basis anyway.”

“How is this piece-rate?”

"If you don't do it, it's eighty at a time, that is, you stand still and scare people. Or it's like this. If you follow someone, it's one hundred and fifty to two hundred." Dalin said.

Song Chunming asked: "Then if you do this, you will be eighty a day?"

"Not that high, fifty." Xiao Lin said.

"Why are you only fifty?" Song Chunming was surprised.

"We have a basic salary, six hundred a month." Xiao Lin said, "Fifty is a subsidy."

Song Chunming understood and said with a smile: "Then you two have high incomes, and the salary of a university professor is not as high as yours."

"High wages are useless, it's different." Xiao Lin said.

"What's different?"

"They are respected by others, but we are hated by others every day. Just like us now, Mr. Song, although you drink together, you actually hate us in your heart and wish us to get out of here right away. Am I right?" Xiao Lin asked .

Song Chunming thought about it and realized that this was really the case. He said:

"Okay, I admit that what you said is right. However, my dislike is not personal. We have no grievances against each other, right. It is impossible for me to dislike you personally. I just hate this thing, which means I have no freedom. No matter if it’s you, Chen, Xiaochen, Zhang or Zhang who are here today, I will always hate them.”

Xiao Lin nodded: "Mr. Song, what you said makes sense."

"You said you don't have freedom. That's not right, Mr. Song. We don't care where you go, so why don't you have freedom?" Dalin asked.

Song Chunming thought for a while and said:

"Yes, you did not interfere with my actions, but this is not freedom. This freedom must be bracketed. As long as someone is watching, no matter whether they interfere with your actions or not, you will not relax, just like you If you walk around naked in a room, but you are not allowed to close the curtains, would you feel awkward no matter if there is no one outside watching?"

Dalin and Xiaolin both nodded.

"But if you draw the curtains, you will feel relaxed immediately, because no matter whether there is anyone outside, you know they can't see it, right? Only in this way will you feel free. Freedom is from the inside out. When you relax outside, as long as someone is watching, you don't feel free." Song Chunming said.

"No wonder." Xiao Lin said, "I followed a man before. We followed him for more than ten days and we did nothing. But that man said he was going crazy."

Song Chunming nodded, thinking to himself that if he was followed like this for more than ten days, he would go crazy. This is cold violence without seeing the punches and kicks. Cold violence deprives you of your dignity and relaxed mentality. Time is more torturous than violence.

"Come on, let's drink. This matter is getting more and more confusing the more we talk about it." Dalin raised his glass and they clinked it.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you Jacky for your monthly pass to learn singing and bustling farce! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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