“”Who?” Bronya suddenly raised her head and looked at the desk.

In front of her was a polygon made of liquid metal.

Its shell was constantly changing regularly, reflecting the dim light in the Great Guardian’s office.

Bronya was slightly stunned. The polygon in front of her looked very much like the sociological array of the Scourge Empire, except that the center of this one was a quadrilateral with a light blue glow.

【”We are the collective consciousness of all the physicists in the Scourge Empire.”】

【”You can call us the Physics Array”】

“Physics Array……”

Bronya was slightly stunned. Unlike the sociological array, Bronya really didn’t think that Yalilo-VI had any physical phenomena worth studying.

【”We are here for a secondary energy entity unique to this universe.”】

【”Hopefully, this entity can be acquired through friendly, peaceful, and merciful means.”】

Bronya looked a little strange when she heard the words of the Physics Array.

She didn’t know what the so-called secondary energy entity was, but she was relieved that the other party seemed to intend to obtain the item in a peaceful way. This made Bronya a little enthusiastic.

Maybe she could exchange some valuable technology from the Physics Array.

Even the most marginal technology of the Scourge Empire was extremely advanced technology for Beloberg.

【”Allow me to give you an extra reminder.”】

【”The social array rewards your files with value, which can effectively solve your social problems.”】

【”A stable, harmonious and efficient society is the best environment for the development of science and technology”】

【”This is the earnest instruction of His Majesty the Emperor, and should be remembered by all living beings.”】

The physics array seemed to see through Bronya’s thoughts and said in a flat mechanical voice:

“……I know.”Bronya nodded bitterly.

She was not an incompetent ruler. At least she was able to judge the value of the documents given by the sociological array.

She also knew that according to the plan in the sociological array, the hidden dangers of Beloberg society could be solved extremely efficiently.

But Bronya couldn’t do it.

“I cannot use the Silvermanes who defend Beloberg to slaughter Beloberg’s people.”

“Nor can I use a brutal purge to concentrate power in my hands and become a dictator…….”

Bronya paused, and tried not to offend anyone by saying:

“The people of Beloberg might be more accepting of a more democratic rule.”

【”This is a common fallacy among young people.”】

【”If the dictator represents the will of the people, then dictatorship is democratic.”】

【”If democratic representatives only represent the will of some people, then democracy is a dictatorship.”】

The Physics Array calmly corrected Bronya:

【”His Majesty’s eternal reign has long proved the benefits of having power in the hands of a sacred and majestic monarch.”】

【”Of course, I am not a sociological group, I am just making some logical comments.”】

【”Now, let’s get back to the point.”】

“…..Okay.” Bronya was silent for a moment, then nodded and said,”What is the secondary energy entity you are talking about?”

【”In your records, this entity is referred to as…..「Star Core」”】

“Star core?”Bronya’s heart tightened suddenly, and she stood up from behind her desk.

【”do not worry”】

The Physics Array said without any emotion:

【”The entity called”Star Core” is currently dormant, but it may become active again.”】

【”The research environment on your planet is relatively backward, so…..”】

【”The Empire will take the”Star Core”, which is good for you”】

“Take away the star core? But this is even……”Bronya was stunned and couldn’t help but say.

Then she shook her head in self-mockery and said,”I actually doubted your skills. I am so stupid.”

【””Except for the noble Emperor, who can avoid making mistakes?”

The physics array swayed slightly and said.

Bronya hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath and said:

“Belloberg is also conducting research on star cores. Let’s discard the star cores now…….”

【”We know you want to gain more benefits for your civilization.”】

【”We applaud this, but the Physics Array has no interest in wasting time on diplomatic wrangling.”】

【”We’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse.”】

As the sound of the physics array sounded, a paper document appeared out of thin air on Bronya’s desk.

Bronya swallowed slightly, knowing that she had almost no power to refuse the other party’s offer.

That was why she felt nervous and wanted to know what kind of rewards her civilization could get…..


Bronya looked at the words on the document and read them softly……

“Urban Planet: The entire planet is covered with cities and industrial clusters. The natural form of its crust is no longer recognizable from space.”

“Terrestrial planets: rocky worlds with nitrogen and oxygen atmospheres, stable water sources, continents separated by oceans, and different seasonal temperatures depending on longitude and latitude”

“Grassland Planet: A rocky world with a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere and large plains. There is little water and only a short rainy season. Apart from a few common weeds, other vegetation mainly exists near oases.”

“……these are……”

Bronya looked down and saw a long list of planet types and their descriptions written on the paper.

【”Ecological transformation options you can choose”】

【”The Empire is an excellent planet shaper”】

【”We can completely transform a planet’s ecosystem through careful carving and modification.”】

【”For the Empire, this is no more difficult than an artist molding pottery from soft clay.”】

The Physics Array calmly spoke of the technology that seemed like a miracle to Bronya, as if it was the most ordinary thing in the eyes of the Empire:

【”Of course if you don’t like the natural world, but prefer the man-made Garden of Eden”】

【”Then I recommend the ideal city plan. The empire will integrate the world into one city and build a city for the world.”】

The words of the physics array made Bronya’s heart pound.

Her mind was instantly filled with great happiness.

Bronya pinched her thigh to keep herself calm and looked carefully at the different planets on the file.

Then, Bronya showed some confusion:

“Toxic Planet: A rocky world with a toxic atmosphere. No advanced life can survive except those baptized by the Poison Saint……”

“…..Is this also an option?”

【”Oh, and if you choose this, the Poison Paladin will be happy to welcome a group of new baptized colleagues.”】

The Physics Array said calmly.

Bronya was about to continue asking questions, but she saw the light curtain in the corner of her eyes become dazzling again.

【The Eighth Crime of the Scourge Empire: Taming/Slaughtering/Resurrecting Star Beasts! 】

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